Hogwarts, a Mystery.

By LesbianInNeverland

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Jenlisa Hogwarts Au with a side of Chaesoo. Quidditch, Prophecies, Friends, Family and Revelations. All aboa... More

First Years: Letters and the Hogwarts Express
First Years: Sortings and Tryouts
First Years: Quidditch
First Years: Quidditch... and Prophecies
First Years: Family
FIrst Years: Friends
ShiraiK's Pensieve
First Years: Classes and Broken Glasses
ShiraiK's Pensieve
First Years: Sort of Detention and Midnight Matches
ShiraiK's Pensieve
First Years: Daughters, Aurors, Bets, and Sons of Witches
First Years: Letters. Matches. Prophecies?
First Years: Prefect Bathrooms, Presents, and Pygmy's
First Years: Curses
First Years: Unforgivable Curses
ShiraiK's Pensieve
First Years: Lineage
First Years: Break-Ups
First Years: Avada Kedavra
First Years: Afterlife and Flutterbys
First Years: To All the Girls Draco Has Loved Before
First Years: Genius and Intuition
First Years: The Room of Requirement
First Years: The Girl Who Lived
ShiraiK's Pensieve
First Years: Potions and Vows, Mistresses, Wow.
First Years: Apart, but Together
First Years: Weres and Duels
Lineage Scroll
First Years: Guilt Trips, Death Trips
The Pain and Insecurity of a Chosen One, or Ones?
ShiraiK's Pensieve
First Years: Failed Plans, Awful Plans, Tentative Plans
Lineage Scroll
First Years: Gossip, Bets, and the Cold Hard Truth.

First Years: Blood of my Blood

558 39 79
By LesbianInNeverland

A/N First of all I just want to say I try to stick to Harry Potter lore as much as possible, but I did take some creative license in this chapter at the end, but I tried to keep it as realistic to the magic in the wizarding world as possible. So be gentle with me, kind of had to invent my own ritual lol.


"Well, since we can't drink, how about some chess?" Ron asked Harry once Hermione had left.

"Absolutely not. I'll just lose. Besides, I've got to try and reach Ginny to come back."

"Fine, I'll just play myself then." Ron said pouting, pulling his prized set of wizard chess out that Hermione had gifted him.

Jisoo had been walking around the room in awe, looking at all the titles to the books her headmistress owned. She had to force herself not to steal a few, only because she knew she couldn't put them back and she figured Hermione would immediately miss the fact that her book—A Study Into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter – by Bertrand de Pensées-Profundes.—was suddenly missing.

She was thinking about conning Lisa into taking it for her. Lisa never backed down from a challenge. She figured they could make a bet that Lisa couldn't take it and put it back once Jisoo finished reading it without getting caught.

She knew Lisa would absolutely fall for it and do it. She'd probably succeed too. Jisoo figured Lisa would recruit Ryujin and they would form some half baked plan to make it happen and somehow actually get it done.

Jisoo smirked deviously. Better to get someone else to do the work for her. Jisoo figured she'd probably find a way to do it too but she felt lazy, besides, getting her friend to do the work just gave her even more satisfaction so she she turned around to do just that, to convince Lisa to do it but she stopped short when she noticed the chess set and how a knight had just drawn its sword and destroyed a bishop, spearing it and making the bishop pieces clatter everywhere.

"That's so cool." Jisoo said in awe as she sat across from Ron.

"You play?" Ron asked excitedly.

"Yeah, my mom taught me. I have a really beautiful all black and gold chess set at home but this, wow."

"You've never seen wizard chess?"

Jisoo shook her head no.

"I don't even know why I was shocked that the pieces can move and destroy each other like that when wizard and witch portraits can move." Jisoo admitted.

"You're a muggle born then?" Ron said, finding her awe of the chess set endearing.

"Nah. Dad's a wizard actually. He just thought my mom would divorce him over it so he hid it for years."

Ron laughed, "Reminds me of my old mate, Seamus. Except it was his mom that hid she was a witch." Ron narrowed his eyes at Jisoo. "You don't also have a tendency to randomly blow things up do you? He was notorious for that, singeing his hair on accident and ours along with it all the time."

"Only when necessary." Jisoo shrugged. "I would do it on purpose if I needed to. But no, the one that blows things up on accident is the idiot over there on that couch that can't take her eyes off of her crush." Jisoo answered, pointing towards Lisa who was looking at Jennie in concern and trying to get her to talk to her.

Ron laughed at her answer. "Well, since you don't accidentally blow things up, and you seem to have no ill will towards me yet, I think its safe to ask because I won't find my hair singed any time soon just by being near you. Want to play me?" Ron smirked, motioning towards the chess board.

"You're on." Jisoo smirked. "I'm pretty good though, so don't get your feelings hurt when a twelve year old beats you."

Ron laughed hard. He was a grandmaster after all so her sass was laughable to him.

"You must not follow chess." He said as he set the board up, shifting it once he was done. "Don't worry though, I'll take it easy on you. I'll even give you white, so you can make the first move."

Jisoo rolled her eyes and swapped the chessboard again so she could be black.

"I don't take handouts." She said snarkily, smirking, and it only made Ron laugh harder.

Jisoo watched him make his first move. She was about to continue the game, but she thought better of it. She got a better idea.

"Can you give house points, considering you're the headmistress' husband and all?"

"I can't, only she can." Ron replied.

"Damn it." Jisoo said under her breath. Ron smirked, hearing her curse. He found it funny.

"How much influence do you have on Professor Granger then?" Jisoo continued.

"Not much. Headstrong that one. That's why I married her."

Jisoo huffed in annoyance. "Wizards." Jisoo rolled her eyes, making her first move, giving up on her plan. She should have known he couldn't convince Hermione to do anything.

She started setting her trap on him, using her knight as a pawn.

She watched as Ron shook his head at her choice of move.

Jisoo smirked, witches were much smarter in her opinion. It made sense to her, considering Ron couldn't convince his wife to take a bet and she could tell he was already falling into her trap while he studied the board.

"Why do you ask?"

"I just thought we'd make a wager." Jisoo said as Ron made his move. The move she expected him to make.

"What kind of wager?"

"I was going to ask you that if I win this game, you give me as many house points to tie our house with Slytherin. I'll be fair and not completely over take them, just to give them a chance to think they might actually beat us." Jisoo smirked. "If I lose to you, you can take away just as many."

Ron leaned back, crossing his arms and appraising her. "Deal."

"I thought you said you couldn't convince her."

"Not her. But my sister, I could. She's all for anything that might embarrass me, so even when I win, she'll be delighted I actually made a bet with an eleven year old when I couldn't pay up personally. I doubt she'll take away your points when I win anyway so there's no risk for you."

"I'm twelve now." Jisoo pointed out. "Told you earlier remember?"

"Right. Okay, because I made a bet with a twelve year old then. She still won't find it any less funny."

Rosie sat next to Jisoo, noticing they were about to play. Rosie had been giving Jennie her space, noticing the guilt on her face anytime she was close so she figured she should just let her process the fact it wasn't her fault she almost stabbed her.

"Can I watch?"

"Of course Rosie Posie." Ron said.

"Good luck." Rosie told Jisoo, smiling brightly at her.

"I don't need it." Jisoo said, smirking at her and Rosie giggled at her usual confidence, she loved that about Jisoo.

"Hey, you're not wishing me luck?" Ron asked his granddaughter, looking offended.

"Sorry Papa Ronnie. No amount of luck will help you here."

"I've never lost a game, in my life, its literally my best achievement besides you and my kids. Honestly, that wasn't even me really, Hermione and your mom were the ones going through the pain of birthing you."

Rosie giggled and went around the table, kissing him on the cheek.

"You did plenty, and definitely made up for it. You're a great dad and a great grandpa so I think you can claim that achievement too."

"I hate to break the affection going on over there, but can we play?" Jisoo asked.

Rosie giggled and went back to sit next to Jisoo, watching as Jisoo made her move on the board.

Ron and Jisoo went back and forth several times. Ron smirked and made another move, knowing he was close to winning.

Jisoo kept baiting him. Making a move for his queen with her knight.

"Amateur." Ron said. "I'll teach you this afterwards." He said as he moved again, taking Jisoo's knight.

The knight that Jisoo had sacrificed.

He didn't see the backdoor. He didn't see that the move Jisoo had just made allowed Jisoo's Queen to be able to take his King.

"Check." Jisoo said smirking.

Ron's jaw dropped.

"How, wait. How did you? Wait! That was only five moves you just did! How did you do that in five moves?!"

Ron looked at the board desperately, trying to figure out a way out but the only thing he could do was move his pawn to block her for one more move, but she would inevitably win when she took that too.

"I think you know you've lost, but I really want to watch my Queen take out your King. So make your move." Jisoo said, smirking.

"Pawn to G3" Ron said defeatedly and he watched his little pawn move.

Jisoo watched giddily as she made her Queen move to take it.

"Checkmate. Grandmaster." Jisoo taunted him. "I think that makes me an unofficial grandmaster at wizard chess doesn't it Rosie?"

"I'll make you a trophy." Rosie giggled giddily, hugging her friend. "You did so good. He's never lost in his life until you."

"All in a days work." Jisoo grinned as she made her final move after Ron took his turn again, unnecessarily because they all knew what would happen.

They all watched Jisoo's Queen punch the living daylights out of Ron's King after she made her final move, destroying the little figurine completely.

Ron was impressed at how her queen reduced his king to dust. His new wizard chessboard that Hermione had gifted him for their anniversary was intuitive and the little figurines took the personality of the players, so the fact Jisoo's queen had completely wrecked him showed she was a little more powerful than most twelve year olds.

Ron made her play him again and again and she kept beating him.

"How are you doing this!" He said when he lost for the sixth straight time.

"I watch you, not the board." Jisoo shrugged.

"What does that even mean?"

Jisoo sighed and shook her head at him in disappointment, looking like the answer should be obvious.

"You're too focused on the game and not the person you're playing against. Obviously that's why you're losing to me."

Ron was about to protest and Jisoo rolled her eyes, holding her hand up and he promptly shut up.

"Look, you lost our first game because you underestimated me so you weren't paying close enough attention, you were too cocky because you've never lost and you couldn't imagine a twelve year old finally being the one to beat you so you obviously missed the fact I was just setting up a trap for you based on your misconceptions.

In the second game, you overcompensated for losing your first ever match to said twelve year old so you tried doing complicated moves to confuse me and literally missed that I was about to check you with a pawn. You went too complicated so I went simple. I figured you'd think I was playing the long game and you'd make a mistake, and I was right.

Then in the third game you finally caught on that I'm better than you think, but you focused on historical games instead of the fact that I'm manipulating you so I started playing a game I was sure you would know, then tricked you again by going off script. Shall I go on?" Jisoo finished with her signature smirk.

"But the last three games?" Ron sputtered.

"Oh, those I just won because I'm better than you." Jisoo shrugged. "And because you were so flustered it was kind of easy to get into your head."

Ron looked at her in awe.

Harry tried not to laugh at her answer. He'd spent the entire time trying to contact Ginny but he had caught snippets of their games and he found it hilarious that Ron had finally gotten a taste of his own medicine by a first year.

He laughed to himself as he saw the look of adoration on his best friend's face, finally accepting defeat and asking Jisoo how she was so good.

Harry kept walking to the lounge area. He had finally made contact with his wife. They had different ways of contacting each other but considering Ginny was currently in the literal Amazon rainforest it had been hard to make contact.

He couldn't use the floo network and apparate out of the ministry because he had no clue where they were in that forest. An owl would take too long to get to her. He sent her one anyway but by the time it flew to her they probably wouldn't need her anymore.

They had the two way mirror, Aberforth had willed him back the mirrors when he passed. Harry had given them to him because of their sentimental value to him but Aberforth had vowed to give it back considering Harry had sentimental value with it too because of Sirius.

Ginny and Harry usually used that to communicate when they were on sensitive auror missions but for them to communicate it would require for Ginny to actually look at her side and while they had a standing deal that they'd look in the mirror every few hours when they were apart just in case, they probably kept missing each other so it took too long.

Harry hoped once Ginny was back he could convince Hermione to let him help too. Hermione always listened to her more than him and she knew Hermione would feel more relieved if Ginny and Harry went together considering he wasn't as reckless and impulsive when his wife was around. She always talked sense into him.

Harry went to go check on the boy, Jay Park, to make sure the sleeping charm was still intact.

He was restless. He wanted to move around the room but instead he sat down by the two other first years. There was a very familiar look on the smaller one's face. A look he had sported many years and it concerned him. He felt like maybe he could help.

"Hey." Harry told them as he sat down in a love seat across from them.

Lisa looked away from Jennie, who she had been trying to console. She'd been trying to get her to see none of this had been her fault, all to no avail.

"What's on your mind Miss Kim?" Harry asked gently.

Jennie shrugged noncommittally.

"She thinks she's bad because of the Rosie thing." Lisa said, wishing she could hug her but she knew Jennie would just close herself off more so she had opted to sit across from her instead in the other sofa and try to talk to her.

"I don't think, I know I am." Jennie retorted.

"You're not Nini! You're the best person I know." Lisa said in frustration, trying to get her to understand. She hated the way she had reacted earlier. It had been reflex, she hadn't truly doubted Jennie, she just didn't know what the hell was going on so she defaulted and now she regretted it because Jennie wouldn't believe her. She wouldn't believe that everyone thought she was good.

"If I'm really such a good person, how is it that I could fight the imperius curse, an unforgivable curse but not a simple potion?" Jennie reasoned. "I'm dangerous. You were right, all bad witches and wizards come from Slytherin. I should have known I would be one of them." Jennie said to Lisa for the umpteenth time that night.

Harry shook his head at her answer.

"Miss Kim, at the risk of humiliating myself and sounding really pretentious right now, do you know who I am? My history?"

Jennie shrugged and nodded. "I guess, at least what's in the history books and the biographies anyway. They're not always right though. You can't believe everything you read. People make lies." Jennie whispered, barely loud enough for them to hear.

Harry smiled.

"You're a clever one. If more people thought like you did when I was growing up, maybe I wouldn't have had it so hard." Harry said honestly.

Jennie chose not to reply. She didn't really think she was clever for that, she just knew what it was like when people believed all of Jay's made up rumors. Of the rumors the bullies at the orphanage made that made her lose control and she ended up almost burning it down with her accidental magic because she was so angry.

"Miss Kim. I'm assuming you know I had a literal piece of Voldemort inside of me?" Harry asked, knowing he was losing Jennie's attention and he really needed her to listen because he could tell the guilt was eating at her.

"That sounds really wrong." Lisa muttered to herself.

Harry raised an eyebrow at her, trying not to laugh because she was literally too young to make comments like that, especially because he could tell the way she meant it was very unwholesome.

Lisa noticed he heard her and panicked.

"Sorry Mr. Harry. I have an older cousin and he dared me to go into my shitty uncle's room and steal the magazines he hides under his bed during my even shittier aunt's birthday party. I'm pretty sure he's cheating on her. Not the point. Um, the point is they were like um, revealing magazines. I don't know if you know what Playwizard is—"

Harry put his hand up to stop her rambling, before it got too out of hand because the direction that story was going sounded like he was going to end up blushing in front of two first years.

"Yes, I know what that is Miss Manoban."

"That sounds wrong too." Lisa said before she could stop herself. "Sorry." She said sheepishly. "You're a grown wizard after all." Lisa said, hoping she didn't offend him. She just meant because he had a wife, but he was a teenager once upon a time so of course he would probably know about it.

Harry blushed hard in front of the two first years anyway.

"Not like that Miss Manoban. I don't own them, I'm just familiar with what the magazine is. I have a book worm best friend after all, and the magazine is very popular. It's not rare to see them in bookstores when I get her gifts."

"Right. Right. Cool. Anyway, I guess this muggle born wizard used his dad's idea from the muggle version of the magazine and did the witch version of it and so my cousin kind of gave me the talk when I asked what he had me steal and anyway. I kind of know stuff now so my mind kind of went there. Sorry."

Harry shook his head at her in amusement.

"How old are you?"

"Just turned twelve in March."

"Don't grow up too fast," is all Harry could manage to say. He couldn't even fathom kissing a girl at that age, let alone knowing about nudey magazines. He was glad that her little rant at least had one good outcome, He noticed that Jennie was trying hard not to smile at what Lisa had said. He could tell she was forcing it down but she was definitely smiling with her eyes.

Harry figured that now that she had lightened up a bit he could get through to her.

"Jennie?" Harry said gently. "Do you mind if I call you that? I feel like an old man having to call you Miss Kim. Especially since I'm not even a professor."

Jennie shrugged. "Even if you were you probably could. I'm sure I'll be expelled soon."

"Jennie. I had a piece of Voldemort's soul sharing my body, if you could call it a soul because it made me think things, awful things. I once thought I had attacked my best friend's father. I thought I tried to kill him. It felt so real. What was worse is that I liked the feeling of killing him. I woke up in a panic thinking that I had, especially when they found him almost dead."

"But you didn't. You saved his life instead." Jennie pointed out. She'd read about that story already. "I did. I actually tried to kill my friend."

"I suppose since you know that, you also know my wife almost killed students with the dead basilisk you just saw because she was slowly being possessed by Voldemort? The guilt she felt over it. She had this talk with me too, it made me feel better about the fact I literally housed one of the darkest wizards known to the world."

"That wasn't her fault either." Jennie mumbled. "He took advantage of her. She couldn't even remember what she did."

That story Jennie had found out from Ginny herself in their very first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. Ginny had told them to be wary of objects that seem to have a mind of their own. They could be very dangerous and powerful.

Harry ducked his head down, trying to catch her eye again. "Neither was this. This wasn't your fault either Jennie."

Jennie huffed. Why couldn't the stupid adults understand that it must have been her, not the damn potion.

"You don't understand! I heard them. I'm not stupid. I heard Professor Jessi tell Professor Granger that the potion is like Veritaserum and it makes you have a compulsion to do things. But for that compulsion to work, I'm sure— no, I know you have to have a predisposed predilection.

I've read about it. Veritaserum makes you tell the truth, but it could be fought, and the drinker only tells the truth they believe. Like with Jisoo, if they had given it to her after she saw Lisa jinxed me she would have said it was Lisa's fault and that I was innocent because its what she saw. She would have blamed Lisa and not me for almost killing Rosie!

Why wouldn't the compulsion with this new potion be the same if its base is Veritaserum? It doesn't even matter whoever gave it to me. Maybe it's not even suggestive, maybe I just wanted to kill and I did it on my own. The person who made it was probably just trying to test it, and if they did ask me to kill Rosie, I didn't fight it! How come I can be strong enough to fight the imperius curse but not this?!"

"You fought the imperius curse?" Harry asked, confused.

"Professor Granger put me under it to test if I had been imperioused, she asked me to hug Rosie and I didn't do it. I could fight hugging Rosie but not killing her? What does that say about me?" Jennie said, raising her voice the more she went on and getting the attention of the whole room once she finished her rant.

Harry was impressed that a first year could fight that curse. He was even more impressed Jennie knew that much about veritaserum and the theory behind how it worked. He reminded him of Hermione when she was young, but much feistier.

He tried to think of a logical argument to fight her insecurities, but Jennie was probably even harder to debate with than Hermione. He would probably lose. She was way too clever.

He decided he couldn't really argue with her logic. He would probably never win. That was Hermione territory. So he figured maybe telling her about Severus Snape, about how he was a death eater, how he had willingly done awful things and bullied him all through school but in the end his love for his mother Lily won out.

That no one was truly bad or evil. People made choices and those choices could break or redeem a person and while Snape had been awful before his mother died, he spent his life devoted to her. And despite his questionable disdain for Harry because Lily had chosen his father, he had still protected him for her sake.

Harry was about to speak, but Ron interrupted him.

"Harry! Behind you!" Ron shouted as he tackled Jisoo and Rosie to the ground. He had been too late to warn him.

Harry tried turning around, bringing his wand out immediately because of Ron's panicked state. Harry was quick, but he had no chance. Ron had warned him too late.


Harry dropped to the ground. He didn't even have a chance to see his attacker before he was stunned. His back had been to the door and Ron hadn't warned him as soon as he saw her because he recognized the woman that came into the office.

She was a woman he knew. A woman they all trusted. How was he supposed to know Hermione hadn't had all of the staff try to protect the students like she always did. He just figured she was there for added protection for the girls instead of in the corridors like the rest of the staff was probably doing right now.

He was sure of it.

Until he saw her evil grimace, and she pulled out a mask and put it on. A mask that looked eerily like a death eater's mask.

Ron barely had time to dive and cover the girls, hoping Harry would be quick enough to disarm her.

Lisa watched Harry drop and did the same with Jennie, diving above her.

"Fuck, my wand." Lisa said, scrambling to look for it inside her robes.

Jennie could do nothing. She didn't even have her wand anymore. She was too ashamed of what she had done to Rosie that once Professor Granger took over levitating Jay, she had unceremoniously thrown it down a corridor.

She was too afraid of what she might do and she figured since she was getting expelled anyway she might as well part with it now before they asked her for it. She'd rather do it on her own terms and not watch them snap it in half.

Not to mention the fact she didn't trust herself to try and get away with taking it home despite not being allowed to practice magic. She was sure that would be the start to her villain origin story so she chucked it.

"I'll deal with you two later." The strange woman said to them.

"Your wand Nini!" Lisa said frantically as she dug into her robes. "Use your wand."

"I don't have it. Hide Lisa! Now." Jennie said, shoving her back behind one of the chairs.

"No! I have to protect you." Lisa answered. She looked up and saw Harry's wand next to him and scrambled for it.

By then, Ron had shoved the other girls into the room behind the Chudley Cannons flag. No one but Hermione, Harry, Ginny and him could get into that room. It was like the room of requirement so it would seal and not open for anyone without permission.

Rosie kept screaming for Jennie and Lisa.

Jisoo pulled her back.

"Do not under any circumstances, leave this room. Hermione or Ginny will find you." Ron said as he ran back out, his own wand ready.

He immediately started trying to stun her too aiming spells at her but she was quick. She didn't even bat an eyelash as she deflected it and Ron realized she was even quicker than Harry was at dueling. He could barely dodge her own spells.

"Expelliar—" Lisa started.

"Avada Kedavra!" The woman shouted, aiming the curse at Lisa, just barely missing because Jennie had panicked that Lisa had exposed herself and had grabbed the back of her uniform collar right before then, using all of her strength to pull her back and they both stumbled to the ground.

"You idiot! You stupid idiot Lili! You'll get yourself killed!" Jennie frantically said, wrapping herself behind Lisa and trying to hold her in place but Lisa was too strong.

She ripped herself away.

"Lili I swear if you do this I'll hate you forever. You won't be my best friend."

That made Lisa pause, she ducked down, dodging the spells ricocheting that were coming from Ron and that woman. Ron didn't want to hurt them, so he kept getting pushed back by her. He was too afraid to use anything but a stunning spell in case he hit the girls. The killing curse ricocheting across the room was bad enough. He was glad so far the curses were only exploding all the books around him.

"We have to help him." Lisa said. "She's winning. She'll kill him."

"You have to save yourself." Jennie said adamantly.

The curly haired woman cackled when she hit Ron with a disarming spell and caught his wand.

"Now, to take care of the little girls, but first. I'll take care of you. Avada—"

"Wait, Wait." Ron said, putting his hands up in surrender as he tried to signal for the other girls to get away. He breathed a sigh of relief when Jennie caught his eye and started dragging Lisa out of the door even though Lisa kept fighting her.

"Lili lets go!" Jennie said in frustration.

"We can't leave him."

"You're twelve Lisa, what are you even going to do?" Jennie hissed.

Lisa looked distraught, so Jennie huffed, ripped Harry's wand from Lisa's grip and threw it towards Ron. Hoping he could get to it as she finally managed to shove Lisa out of the room.

Ron caught the wand, but he knew he would still lose. She was just playing with him, clearly, by the way she cackled and didn't even care he had another wand now so Ron changed tactics.

"Do you really want Hermione coming after you? She'll stop at nothing if you kill me. She'll suspect you, she's clever. She'll figure it out. You know she will.

You know the fact you broke into her office after she alerted all the staff there was something going on is just going to make her look inside the castle. Right now, she thinks you've gotten away already." Ron pleaded, hoping to buy some time for the girls to get away and for Hermione to figure out what happened.

Most of all, he was hoping she wouldn't kill him or his best friend, because the thought of Hermione and Ginny finding them both dead was hurting him more than the fear of what might happen after death.

"I always thought you were a complete idiot, but I guess you make a good point. The confundus charm I put you on the first time was easy enough, this should be easier. Honestly, this is going to make my plan even easier to execute, while she looks north, I'll be south." She cackled before performing the spell. "Obliviate!"

She set to erase part of his memories. The ones of him seeing her come into the office. He had been the only one facing the door. He was the only one who saw her before she put her mask on. She hadn't planned to attack just yet.

She wanted to assess the situation and maybe trick Harry into going with her so she could disarm him. He was impulsive, she didn't think she'd have a hard time getting him to leave his post, but since it was only Ron and Harry, she figured there was no time like the present.

She then proceeded to put Ron under another confundus charm, so his memory of what really happened changed because leaving a gap in his memory would be dangerous. Making him think something different would be advantageous.

She walked over to a stunned Harry.

"You're only not dead yet because you were his first ever Horcrux, and you're the one that defeated him. So you're crucial to my plan. Once I make the elixir from the stone again, I'll use the wand I just won from you to kill you and perform the ritual to steal the power of the blood of my blood, using the blood of my own blood."

She used her boot to nudge his face, making him turn, squishing his face to the ground.

"A stunning spell is all it took and you're lying there unconscious and helpless. I could kill you right now. I really don't get how dear old dad lost to you. You're pathetic. You're also an idiot. You really thought you'd die a natural death before someone realized how sentimental you are and knew were you must have put the Elder Wand? You thought you could hide it from me? You should have found a way to destroy it if you wanted to be all noble like your hero Dumbledore."

She did the same spells on Harry before leaving the room. She didn't bother following the two little twelve year olds. With how she tampered with Ron and Harry's memories, it was doubtful they would believe them. Even if they did, there would be so much confusion as to whether it was a man or a woman that had attacked them that it would be chaos. It would be too late for them to realize who she was by then anyway.

The dark lord's daughter calmly made her way to the tomb of the only man her father had ever feared.

"I'd steal your power too." She said as she unsealed the tomb. "Clearly you were better than him, much more powerful considering you didn't need dark magic to make him fear you, but unfortunately, you were too noble to follow through with your need for power and immortality so you didn't leave a trace upon this world for me to exploit."

The dark lord's daughter reached in, smirking as she saw the pale white elder wand, feeling satisfied that it was still there. She had just defeated its last owner, so its allegiance had shifted to her now.

She had everything she needed. All that was left was to find her daughter again once the elixir finished aging. She thought her plan would work before, but she had been too preoccupied with other things to see it through.

She couldn't get caught, and her daughter had to die by a powerful being, or a powerful thing for the power ritual to work.

Now she had the elder wand. It would suffice. She could use that instead. She was going to get it after she killed Harry, but maybe this was better. The ritual would be more powerful with the wand, and killing her daughter while she performed it would only enhance its power.

Once the blood of her blood was killed, she could use her heart for the ritual, and take Voldemort's power and she would be greater, more powerful than Grindelwald, Dumbledore, and Voldemort combined, and it was all thanks to a young woman named Chitthip, who donated her grandfather Nicolas Flamel's book collection to a library she worked at right after Hogwarts.

The dark lord's daughter, didn't know she was the dark lord's daughter back then, but she was fascinated with the books and took them for herself.

Chitthip must have not realized she had also accidentally donated Flamel's diary. Which also had letters exchanged on how to make a wizard more powerful through the use of alchemy and potions and powerful wands between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

They had written Nicolas many letters on what he thought of their theories, considering he had been the first and only wizard to make the sorcerer's stone and conquer death.

Dumbledore was the more noble of the two in his letters, Grindelwald clearly didn't care what he had to do to conquer death and gain power.

The dark lord's daughter started her own research based on those theories and eventually, found she was probably going to be right.

Once she found out who her true father was, who her mother was, the dark lord's daughter perfected her theories.

She found out they had only had her because of a prophecy that didn't come true. They had her and dumped her in an orphanage and left her there to rot once Voldemort was trumped by a baby Harry. Her mother never came back for her.

When she found out her lineage, she knew just how to get that power. Blood was a powerful ingredient, especially with dark rituals like that. She was inspired by her parents, and realized if she didn't just use her own blood, but also her own child's, it was sure to work.

So she tracked down a man, a man she could seduce. A man she could manipulate into having her baby. A man she was distantly related to, though he didn't know that. A man whose original blood also coursed through her veins, which would only make their baby's blood much more powerful.

He was sweet. It was sickening. It took her months to finally seduce him. Then she disappeared on him. She only sent him a letter because he was too kind for his own good, and she knew he'd try to find her. So she made up some sob story about needing to find herself because the fact she was an orphan was messing with her identity and that she would come find him again.

She met that woman named Chitthip once more. On the day she killed her. She needed to know how to make the stone and she refused to cooperate. She had already seen her face, so she couldn't risk it. She was more careful after that, hiding her true identity. The woman somehow still remembered her from one day all of those years ago, so she had no choice but to kill her. She was the first person the dark lord's daughter had ever killed. She thought she would feel something afterwards, different, maybe some guilt. But she felt nothing.

She didn't need her after all, it took her years to figure out how to make the stone but she still succeeded.

The dark lord's daughter was patient. She knew her daughter would have to be older, she'd have to have used magic before she could take her heart for the ritual to work successfully.

She knew the time wouldn't come until she was at least eleven and had her own wand because the ritual was about power, so she had to overpower her own flesh and blood when she had the capacity to defend herself with magic.

So she waited for her at Hogwarts years before her daughter would even turn eleven. She didn't want to arouse suspicion. As soon as she succeeded in making the stone, she began working on making the Elixir, all the while working at Hogwarts.

So she waited and planned and perfected her ritual for eleven years.

She watched her daughter get sorted into her house. She hadn't seen her since she was one day old, but even without the name she gave her, she would have recognized her anywhere. She looked just like her father.

He had been very handsome, and clearly she inherited those genes. She wondered if she would inherit his charm and his sickeningly sweet persona too but she was mildly impressed that her daughter kept to herself for the most part and was very much not afraid of revenge. That Jay boy was no match for her.

She heard from professors how clever she was.

She witnessed it herself a few times.

She realized her little daughter was powerful, and it only made her giddier, because her heart would be perfect for the power ritual, she could probably feed off of her power too.

The ritual had never been done before, there were only theories and papers on it and of course she tweaked it herself. So there was no telling how much she could leech. The destroyed horcruxes they could find after the battle of Hogwarts were stupidly behind a display case in the corridor with the statues of the fallen students and professors.

She would steal those and add them to the cauldron. Maybe because they had sentimental value to the founders, she could leech from them too.


Her daughter was twelve now. She had initially planned on performing the ritual sometime in the middle of the year, but then she would have to suffer through the rest of the year anyway before resigning so as not to arouse suspicion.

So she figured she'd at least give her the gift of life for at least one full year at Hogwarts. Mostly. It's the least she could do for her sacrifice to her.

Tomorrow would be the day she died. Tomorrow would be the day she found out who her mother was.

The dark lord's daughter wondered if it was too sentimental to also tell her who her father was too, and that he was still alive. A little gift, before she died.

Before little Jennie Ruby Jane gave up her heart for the mother she never knew, so that she could be the most powerful witch in the world.



I always ask this and I always will. Favorite interaction between characters so far?

And now we've finally filled in most of the blanks on who their parents are more or less. A lot of you guys saw this coming! Too clever man. I bet you guys will guess who Jennie's parents names are before I reveal them lol.

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