Corpse Groom

By Bee_Vomit_Queen

35.8K 1K 437


Before we start
Chapter 2 - Meeting Victoria
Chapter 3 - The Rehearsal Disaster!
Chapter 4 - I do
Chapter 5 - Remains Of The Day
Chapter 6 - Such Bad News
Chapter 7 - Getting To Know Each Other
Chapter 8 - Going Up Top
Chapter 9 - Exposed And Misunderstanding
Chapter 10 - Tears To Shed
Chapter 11 - Crazy Things Happen On The Surface
Chapter 12 - Reconciliation
Chapter 13 - A Dead Wedding
Chapter 14 - The Dead Walk The Earth!
Chapter 15 - A Romance Novel Ending

Chapter 1 - It's A...Day, I Guess

3.5K 66 53
By Bee_Vomit_Queen

It was a dreary day. A classic case with grey clouds, grey people; it seemed the whole world was grey. But it didn't seem to bother Victor nor his younger sister, (Y/N). 

Victor was a thin and pale young man, with black hair that seemed to contrast against him. Then there was his sister. She was a (S/C) young thing, with (H/L) (H/C) hair and lovely (E/C) eyes.

Both were distracted by the butterfly they had placed in a glass display, in front of Victor's desk. He immediately got to sketching the insect, making sure to swirl the antennae and get all the markings of its wings in perfect detail.

(Y/N) took a different approach and simply watched the creature flutter about. She could somewhat relate to the poor thing. She too felt trapped within her own home. 

Her parents, though not extremely wealthy, had ambitions and dreams to fit in with such society. Which meant they were extra strict when it came to their children and what they could do. Both her and Victor had to learn piano to impress guests. Both had to always talk and stand properly, no matter the situation. And, though they loved it, even their art was a way to gain favour and compliments from the more well-off. Heck, even them adopting her was to gain attention from others.

Today was no exception to this need to fit in with the upper class as it was the day Victor would meet the fiancée he was arranged to, for the first time ever. This Victoria Everglot was the daughter of a very prestigious and wealthy family and their mother had somehow convinced her parents to join the families and marry her off to Victor. And (Y/N) was certain a similar fate awaited her.

In the end, she was just as trapped as this butterfly, yearning for more. For freedom, for excitement and, most importantly, for true love.

"All done." Victor commented in his soft-spoken voice, lifting his head to smile over at his sister. "Would you do the honours?"

She smiled back at him as she lifted the glass lid, allowing the butterfly to fly around her before gliding out the window.

But their mood soured as the town messenger loudly rang his bell and shouted all over town, "Here ye! Here ye! Ten minutes to go 'til Van Dort's wedding rehearsal!"

Both siblings frowned at the announcement and turned their sullen gazes to one another.

The butterfly was free but they were still trapped.


The gloomy, grey day didn't seem to get down the rest of the Van Dort family either as Victor and (Y/N)'s mother and father exited the home just as one of their carriages, covered in their fish business posters and a giant fish on top, pulled up.

Their mother, Nell Van Dort, was a plump woman and her hair done up to look sophisticated, with a hat on top. She was dressed in a tight Victorian-style dress and batted a fan in her face as she took giddy steps out of the house.

Their father, William Van Dort, was a terribly thin man with a white moustache, a cane, and a top hat practically as long as him. He was dressed in a brown suit and he hurried to drape a fox fur across his wife's shoulders as she happily started to sing.

🎵Nell: "It's a beautiful day!"

🎵William: "It's a rather nice day."

🎵Nell: "A day for a glorious wedding!"

🎵William: "A rehearsal, my dear, to be perfectly clear."

🎵Nell: "A rehearsal for a glorious wedding!"

Just then the siblings stepped out, Victor straightening the tie of his somewhat stuffy suit and (Y/N) staring down at her (F/C) dress to make sure it didn't look messy or wrinkled, just so that she didn't have to hear any of her mother's complaints or nitpicking.

Victor gave her a nervous glance and she tried to ease his concerns with a crooked smile.

🎵(Y/N): "It's an...interesting day."

🎵Victor: "I guess, you could say."

🎵(Y/N): "An interesting day for wedding."

Victor chuckled and rolled his eyes, nudging his sister's shoulder playfully.

🎵Victor: "It's a rehearsal, remember? Sister, dear."

She grinned as she nudged him back.

🎵(Y/N): "A rehearsal for an interesting wedding."

Their parents began to walk down the steps towards the carriage and the siblings were quick to follow them. There was a puddle in their mother's way and she glared over at the carriage driver, Mayhew. His eyes widened and he immediately took off his apron and threw it on the puddle for her to walk over.

🎵William: "Assuming nothing happens that we don't really know."

🎵Nell: "That nothing unexpected interferes with the show."

With that being said, Nell sent a glare over to (Y/N), who gave her an innocent smile and held up her hands to show she wouldn't do anything. She would be lying if she said that she didn't do things that was usually the cause of her mother's annoyance. Sure, Victor did get his fair share of complaints and grievances from her but (Y/N) was the main source. She liked to be defiant, she hated her mother's rules, and it was the reason she ended up in trouble most of the time.

🎵Both: "And that's why everything, every last little thing, every, single, tiny, microscopic, little thing must go~"

They both went around the carriage, making sure to roll up all the posters and make the carriage look more presentable.

🎵Nell: "According to plan!"

🎵William: "Our son will be married."

🎵Nell: "According to plan!"

🎵William: "Our family carried."

🎵Both: "Elevated to the heights of society~"

(Y/N) jumped as her parents came up next to her, her father grabbing her arm and pulling her close, while her mother grabbed and squished her face.

🎵William: "And our daughter, the poor little thing."

🎵Nell: "Might even get a man and a wedding ring!"

They let go of her and moved back to the carriage. Both Victor and (Y/N) watched as their parents danced a waltz around it before looking over at one another, both not looking forward to today.

🎵Nell: "And to the costume balls!"

🎵William: "In the hallowed halls."

🎵Nell: "Rubbing elbows with the finest."

They both stopped their dancing, Nell swinging her elbows about while William smiled and bowed to her.

🎵William: "Having crumpets with Her Highness."

🎵Both: "We'll be there, we'll be seen! Having tea with the Queen! We'll forget everything that we've ever, ever been."

Nell glared over at Mayhew one more time as she stepped onto the carriage and attempted to get in. However, she got stuck because of her curvy bottom, prompting both her husband and Mayhew to try and push her inside.

"Blimey! It's my dress is caught!" She stated as the men pushed harder against her backside.

"Beggin' your pardon, ma'am." Mayhew apologized, trying his best not to further upset her.

"Come on, dear."

"It's not me. It's my dress is caught." She insisted, much to (Y/N)'s amusement as a small smirk started to creep up her lips which she quickly tried to hide. "Why aren't the children coming? We might be late."

"We're still here, mother." (Y/N) stated loudly so that her mother could hear her.

"Then don't dawdle and help get me dress unstuck!"

Victor sighed and (Y/N) rolled her eyes as they both went to help push their mother into the carriage.


Meanwhile, in the house just across from the Van Dort's, two people spied through a pair of binoculars. They stared at the carriage as it rocked harshly back and forth from the family's attempts to get Nell inside of it.

The people who spied on them looked away, wearing loathing and regretful faces. These were the Everglots.

Maudeline Everglot was a very proper and posh woman, with her hair being her most noticeable feature as it was done up in an abnormally tall style. She also had a long, distinguished chin, a sharp nose, and was a tall, thin and proud woman.

Meanwhile, her husband, Finis Everglot was her exact opposite. He was extremely short, fat, and was dressed as proper as an English nobleman could be.

There was only one similarity these two shared and it was sour expressions as well as equally sour attitudes.

"Fish merchants." Lady Everglot sneered.

🎵Maudeline: "It's a terrible day."

🎵Finis: "Now, don't be that way."

🎵Maudeline: "It's a terrible day for a wedding."

🎵Finis: "It's a sad, sad state of affairs we're in."

🎵Maudeline: "That has led to this ominous wedding."

They moved away from the window, Maudeline dramatically placing the back of her hand to her head, in shame and regret.

🎵Finis: "How could our family have come to this?"

🎵Both: "To marry off our daughter to the nouveau riche."

"They're so common." Maudeline complained.

"So coarse." Her husband agreed.

"And that daughter of theirs is such a...daydreamer."

"And a disgrace to the term 'lady'."

"Oh, it couldn't be worse!" Maudeline cried.

"Couldn't be worse? I'm afraid I disagree." Finis interjected as he moved over to a giant safe that, when opened, had absolutely nothing inside of it aside from dust and cobwebs. "They could be land-rich, bankrupt aristocracy, without a penny to their name, just like you and me."

His wife grimaced at the state they were in, running her finger across the safe's dusty surface. "Oh, dear."

A maid came into dust off the inside of the safe as the Everglots made their way upstairs.

🎵Both: "And that's why everything, every last little thing, every, single, tiny, microscopic, little thing must go~"

The pair walked down a hall, filled with portraits of past Everglot patriarchs, many of whom looked strikingly like Finis.

🎵Maudeline: "According to plan."

🎵Finis: "Our daughter will wed!"

🎵Maudeline: "According to plan."

🎵Finis: "Our family led."

🎵Both: "From the depths of deepest poverty~"

They both made it to a portrait of a young woman, a pretty, dainty thing, with big eyes and lovely, silken dark brown hair pulled back in neat bun. This was Victoria, their daughter and Victor's soon-to-be bride.

🎵Maudeline: "To the noble realm."

🎵Finis: "Of our ancestry."

🎵Both: "And who would have guessed in a million years, that our daughter with a face."

🎵Finis: "Of an otter in disgrace!"

🎵Both: "Would provide our ticket to our rightful place!"


Victoria sat in front of a mirror, staring at herself as if she wanted to die when the maid pulled at her corset strings. She gasped, her eyes widening at the harsh sensation.

As it subsided, she looked over at her maid in the mirror and asked her, "Oh, Hildegarde. What if Victor and I don' each other?"

A spiteful and almost amused huff came from the door, making both Victoria and Hildegarde turn to see Victoria's parents standing in the doorway.

"As if that has anything to do with marriage." Her mother stiffly commented as she gestured over to her husband. "Do you suppose your father and I like each other?"

"Surely you must, a little."

They both faced one another, before looks of disgust crossed their faces and both vehemently denied, "Of course not!"

Lady Everglot then turned back to her daughter and harshly ordered, "Get those corsets laced properly. I can hear you speak without gasping."


Once they all had managed to get Nell into the carriage, (Y/N) was the last to get inside before Mayhew snapped on the reigns and the horse took off. Mayhew coughed loudly but still continued to smoke, while Victor stared worriedly out the window, afraid of what was to transpire.

"You've certainly hooked a winner this time, Victor." His father stated with pride.

"Now all you have to do is reel her in." His mother said in a forceful manner.

"I'm already reeling, mother." Victor stated nervously, staring down at his legs. "Shouldn't Victoria Everglot marry a Lord or something?"

"Oh, nonsense! We're every bit as good as the Everglots. I always knew I deserved better than a fish merchant's life." 

The siblings shared glances, (Y/N)'s annoyed while Victor's was still worried and sorrowful. 

"Besides, this union will open up opportunities for us and maybe even your sister can be arranged to a wealthy Lord herself."

(Y/N) glared over at her mother, still leaning against her hand, with her arm rested against the window. All she could think of was how her mother was making decisions for her, without any of her input, once again.

"I don't want to be arranged to a Lord or marry any man I do not love." She stated defiantly.

Her father sighed while her mother glared. "Don't start that nonsense again, (Y/N). Not everyone is fortunate like me and your father."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at that statement, as her mother and father's marriage was far from perfect. And she knew very well her mother had only married their father because of his profitable fish business and his money.

"Besides, marrying a rich man never hurt anyone."

"Well, it will hurt me if I don't love him."

"Would you knock it off already, (Y/N)? And sit up straight, your posture is disgraceful."

She glared at her mother, only sinking lower in response, much to both her parents' disappointment. Though they were easily distracted when Victor spoke up.

"(Y/N) is right, mother. I mean, I've never even spoken to Victoria." Victor stated just as the carriage stopped outside the Everglot mansion.

"Well at least we have that in our favour."

(Y/N) was about to retort when Mayhew started to violently cough, annoying Nell to no end.

"Mayhew! Silence that blasted coughing!"


The butler of the Everglot mansion was dusting the staircase, doing his job swiftly and efficiently, as he descended the steps just as Lord and Lady Everglot stood at the top of them.

"Marriage is a partnership." Maudeline stated as she patted her husband on his head. "A little tit-for-tat. You'd think a lifetime watching us..."

🎵Maudeline: "Might have taught her that."

The grim and sour pair began to descend the steps, preparing for the meeting, growing ever closer, with the Van Dorts.

🎵Maudeline: "Might have taught her that."

🎵Finis: "Everything must be perfect."

🎵Both: "Everything must be perfect."


🎵Van Dorts: "Perfect!"

The Van Dorts strutted up the steps towards the front door, having an eager spring to their steps, while (Y/N) and Victor sort of trudged behind them.

🎵Van Dorts: "And that's why everything!"


🎵Everglots: "Every last little thing!"


Nell fixed Victor's hair, tucking it away from his face, as well as straightened his jacket. Meanwhile, William dusted of (Y/N)'s dress and even tilted her head to see if there were any dirt marks on her face.

Once both parents were satisfied, they grabbed each child by their arm and started dragging them towards the door. Victor stumbled from surprise while (Y/N) tried to pry herself out of their grips.

🎵Van Dorts: "Every single, tiny, microscopic, little thing must go~"

The Van Dorts rang the doorbell, the parents growing more excited by the minute, unaware of the shame and dread being experienced within the mansion.

🎵All: "According to plan!"

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