
By Avb8929

703 37 17

-The Adventures of Andie and Indy- In which two souls go from strangers to friends; friends to lovers; and st... More

Act One


116 5 4
By Avb8929


There was only one thought running through Andie's mind: This dress is so uncomfortable.
Maybe it was the material, maybe it was the length, but Andie would rather be wearing anything else but this. The fabric of the shirt red dress clung tightly to her frame, showing off everything.

When she had first tried it on, Andie thought it was cute. She hadn't a single doubt that she loved it. But after wearing it for almost an hour, the complaints were coming rather rapidly.

Trying to occupy herself, she reached for the glass of bourbon before her, bringing it to her lips as her gaze flickered to the performance before her. The great Willie Scott was doing wonderful, from the hour she'd spent here at the Club Obi Wan, Andie understood her popularity.

But she didn't keep her attention on the performance for long, that wasn't the reason she was here. Her eyes swept the room, searching for a particular someone. A man who had requested her presence here tonight. She'd never met him, but she'd received a letter about a week ago from someone by the name of Doctor Jones. He'd explained that he studied archeology and was a sort of explorer who discovered rare artifacts in his spare time.

He'd also explained that the only reason he was contacting her was because his friend, Marcus Brody, had recommended her. Hearing about Dr. Brody did not come as much of a shock considering Andie had studied under the historian for years before she decided to begin her solo travels around the world.

Doctor Jones had explained that he was making a risky trade with a notorious gangster by the name of Lao Che. Andie, who had been in Shanghai for about two weeks now, had heard rumors, but she'd never come across the man or any of his gang.

He had told her it would be nice to have some backup, and he promised a good payment once whatever Lao Che was giving him was secured and safe. Andie was uncertain at first, but her gut told her to go along with the man.

They were to meet at the club around eight, survey the area, and the trade would go down at nine o'clock sharp. Andie reached for her silver clutch, retrieving a small pocket watch from inside. It was a quarter to nine. He should've been here by now.

A sigh slipped past her lips as she glanced back at the entrance of the club, her dark eyes settling on a figure who had just walked in.

He was the most handsome man she'd ever laid her eyes on. Dark hair combed nicely, a kind smile upon his lips, hazel eyes. Clad in a black tuxedo and white suit jacket, it showed off his nicely built frame.

He was so attractive, good Lord.

The man's eyes surveyed the room slowly before they settled upon her. A flash of recognition washed over his face as he swiftly moved toward her.

This was him.

Doctor Jones.

"Andrea Briggs?"

The woman nodded, "Yes, call me Andie." She replied, the man extended a hand to her, "Pleasure to meet you, Andie, I'm Indiana Jones." She grasped his large hand, giving it a firm shake. He then retracted his hand, reaching for the chair beside her. Andie took her clutch, set it upon the table as he pulled out the seat and sat beside her.

"I'm glad you could be here tonight."

"I'm happy to be here, Doctor Jones."

The brunet waved her off, "Please, Indiana's fine." Andie nodded. It was an interesting name, but she found herself fond of it in seconds.

'Pull yourself together Andie. You can't be fawning over him the whole night. You've got a job to do!'

"So, who's this Lao Che?" she questioned. Indiana pointed at a round table near the middle of the room where four men in suits sat, "Right over there."

"And what exactly is it that you are trading with him?" Her curiosity was getting the best of her now. "That is for me to know and you to find out." He said with a wink. Andie's face grew hot in response. "Oh, and here." With his hand hidden under the white tablecloth, he passed her an object. Andie felt it and quickly realized it was a small handgun. "Be careful, that's loaded."


"Where am I supposed to keep this?" She questioned in a hushed tone. She wasn't expecting dressed in the best attire to conceal a weapon. She could try and shove it anywhere, but in that skintight dress, it would be very noticeable. "Put it in your clutch."
Andie didn't know if it would be very concealed considering the size of her clutch but placed it inside anyway. The man then reached for the almost empty glass before her, downing the contents.

"Uh, that was mine."

"I'll buy you another one, sweetheart, but right now we've gotta move." He stated, setting the glass down before rising from his seat. Andie did the same, and as Indiana turned to go, she stopped him, "Hey, wait."


Her nimble fingers reached for the red lapel flower that had become crooked. She took a moment to fix it before patting his chest lightly,
"Alright, you're good now."

Indiana sent her a smile, "Uh, thank you." He replied before turning and heading across the room toward the table, Andie trailing close behind, clutch in hand. She couldn't lie that she had suddenly begun to feel very nervous. If this man was as dangerous as Indiana had said in the email, who knows what could go down tonight.

As they neared the table, Indiana slowed his pace, glancing over his shoulder, "Don't sit. Stand behind me, keep that clutch close."

She nodded. Indiana moved toward the table, being stopped by a cigarette girl, who gave him a light for the cigarette he'd seemed to have pulled out of thin air. He blew a puff bridge taking a seat before the four men, who stared at him in distain. Andie took her spot, standing near him, her hand resting on the top of the chair, her now weaponized clutch in her other hand.

"Doctor Jones."

"Lao Che."

The gangster began speaking in his native language, something that Andie did not understand in the slightest. Indiana replied in the same tongue, surprising the woman.

"You never told me you spoke my language, Doctor Jones." Lao Che drawled, Indiana shrugged, "I don't like to show off."

The gangster's eyes moved from the man to Andie, his gaze lingering, "And who is this gorgeous specimen?" He questioned, smirking. Andie felt the urge to gag. She definitely should've chosen a different dress.

Indiana glanced up at the woman for a moment before looking back at the man, "She's a colleague. A close one at that." Lae Che's gaze did not leave her as he gestured to the plate in front of him, "For this special occasion, I ordered champagne and caviar."

Indiana looked down at the pile of the caviar on the plate, and proceeded to stub his cigarette out in it. Andie tried to hide her surprise. This showed her that Indiana Jones did not come to mess around tonight.

A loud applause erupted throughout the room, signaling that Willie Scott had finished her performance. Lao Che ignored the sound, staring at Indiana with a strange intensity.

"So.. is it true, Doctor Jones? You found Nurhaci?"

Andie recognized the name immediately. Nurhaci, also known as Emperor Taizu of Qing, the Jurchen chieftain who rose to prominence in the late 16th century. But what did Lao Che mean by 'You found Nurhaci'?

"Sure I found him. Then last night I had a little trouble. Someone tried to slit my throat."

Slit his throat! How important was this damn thing?

Indiana's gaze fell upon one of the men seated by Lae Che, he resembled a bulldog and was snarling like one now. Andie wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"It was dark, but I think one of your sons tried to get Nurhachi without paying for him." The bandage on the man's hand caught everyone's attention as he stood rapidly from his chair, but Lao Che barked a command, he sat down once again.

"You have insulted my son."

"Next time I'll cut off more than his finger." Andie was beginning to realize the severity of the situation, and precisely who she was dealing with. "Doctor Jones, I want Nurhaci."

Before anyone could speak, a manicured hand made its way to Lao Che's shoulder. It belonged to Willie Scott, who was unaware of the intensity of this meeting. The man took her hand, pressing a kiss to it. She then glanced over at Indiana, sending him a flirty smile.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?"

"This is Willie Scott," Lao Che gestured to the man, "This is Indiana Jones, the famous archeologist and his close colleague." Willie then took it upon herself to snatch up the seat beside Indiana, as if Andie was trying to steal it from her, and she took out a small mirror to check her makeup.

Lao continued on, "Doctor Jones found Nurhaci for me and is about to deliver him-now." He then nodded at another man at the table, who opened his coat and revealed a silver-plated pistol. Andie's eyes widened in surprise. Was she supposed to take out her gun now? What the fuck was happening?

She glanced down at Indiana, and was relieved to see he was somewhat worried too, thank God it wasn't just her. But somehow, Willie didn't seem to notice and continued her flirting, "Well -- I thought archaeologists were always funny little men searching for their mummies-" A yelp escaped Willie's lips because Indiana was now holding a knife to her ribs.

God this was escalating so quickly.

"I was only joking! Can't you take a joke!" Willie exclaimed nervously. She glanced up at Andie, "Can't you make him stop?"

"Can't you shut up?"

Willie whimpered in response, and everyone at the table seemed surprised to hear her finally speak, "Ah, so little mouse has a voice." Lao commented.

"Yeah I do, and I'm telling you now, tell your guard dog to put the gun away."

And surprisingly: he listened. Lao nodded at his son who then put the pistol away. Indiana was surprised at how she had handled the situation, but nonetheless took advantage of it, "Now I suggest you pay me what you promised -- or your girlfriend here is going to be squealing a new tune."

The blonde eyed the knife and whimpered before glancing at Lao, desperation in her eyes. Hesitating, he reached into his pocket, retrieving ten gold coins and placing them upon the table, along with a small stack of cash.

Indiana leaned forward to analyze the coins, Andie glanced at them too, but that's not what caught her attention. One of Lao's sons was currently in the process of slipping some powder into Indiana's champagne glass.

That couldn't be anything good.

Andie moved her hand to Indiana's shoulder, tapping it lightly in an attempt to get his attention, but stopped at the sound of someone clearing their throat. She glanced up at the table, seeing the bulldog-looking man staring directly at her.

He nodded to his left, her gaze following, panic settling in as she took note of a man seated at a nearby table, a small pistol in hand, aimed directly at her.


How was she supposed to warn him now? She doubted Willie has seen anything. This was going downhill way too quickly.

Andie tuned back into the conversation, now on the table was also a bright ruby and a rather large diamond. Indiana seemed satisfied. He removed the knife from near Willie's side, jabbing it into the middle of the table before reaching for his glass of champagne.

The brunette wanted nothing more then to knock the glass out of his hands. But anytime she made even the slightest move, the gunman followed her. And this worried her, considering how close she to Indiana, she'd be putting them both at risk were she to try anything.

He lifted the glass to his lips, but before he could take a sip, Willie stood up angrily, jostling Indiana's arm, "Look at this! He put a hole in my dress from Paris!"

Get over it.

Lao Che seemed just about as annoyed as she was because he snapped, "Sit down!" And she obeyed. Lao then lifted his drink, "To your health, Doctor Jones." He sipped his drink, Andie watched in terror as Indiana picked up his glass, drinking his champagne.

Downing the glass, Indiana set down the empty one, reaching for the cash-but stopped when one of Lao's sons revealed a small silver bottle, he then tipped the bottle over with a dramatic flare, white powder spilling over the cash and jewels.

Indiana arched his brows, "What's that?"

Lao smiled, letting out a evil laugh, "A bonus, Dr. Jones. That is poison. You just drank the rest of it."

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