Northern Prince Zuko

By Adisasterinthemaking

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What if Zuko was not just a fire bender but a water bender as well?He was banished earlier and was adopted by... More

The Spirits Conversation
Life at the Palace
Into the sea
Found on the ice
The Avatar and his Companions
Meeting Zuko
Sisters Approval
He's not so bad after all
The Not Date
The Not Date Pt.2
Must Be Prepared
A reunion
A Revival
What Changed?

the fight begins

716 19 2
By Adisasterinthemaking

It had been a while since Zuko decided to bring Sokka to join the warriors and Zuko was already regretting it , but Sokka would be fine he was a warrior too and Zuko knew for sure he wasn't just going to sit around while this battle happened. "Hey um Zuko shouldn't you be somewhere safer?Like the castle not here on the wall you know?" Said Sokka looking at him questioningly. "Sokka I am not hopeless I am a warrior just like you despite what you may think at the moment  and I will fight with my people to defend my home from those who threaten it" Zuko said angrily while glaring at Sokka who was shaking his head "What?Nononono I don't think you're like frail or anything!Quite the opposite actually but anyway!and it makes sense that you would like to protect this place but shouldnt you be with your father and sister or something you know since your royalty and stuff?!?" He quickly spat out. "At the moment me and Katara are the best waterbenders here and besides we need all hands on deck if we want to defeat the fire nation." Sokka was about to respond until something from the corner of his eye caught his attention he turned his head and saw a lone fire nation ship sailing towards them, the ship launched a flaming boulder into the sky and it collided with the center of the wall leaving a crater behind and shaking everyone off of the wall.But they didn't stop there boulder after boulder was launched at them and each on hit the tribe.Some hit bridges while others hit houses leaving behind a bunch of crushed snow and ice.Aang quickly jumped onto Appa and flew towards the ship as others tried to pull each other out of the snow.Sokka was frantically shouting Kataras name trying to find her until he found her bending some snow off of herself. "There you are!Are you alright?" He asked as he helped her out of the snow "I'm fine where's Aang?" "He flew off to destroy that ship....wait where's Zuko?" Said Sokka as he once again decided to look around frantically for the northern prince. "Zuko what are you doing?!?" Yelled Katara as she looked up at the wall.Sokkas head instantly snapped over to where Katara was looking and saw Zuko climbing onto the top of the wall again "Zuko get down from there what if you get hurt!!!" Yelled Sokka "you listen to me Zuko I'm going to count to three!!!One!!!Two!!!" Zuko looked down at Sokka and simply rolled his eyes at the boys childish behavior in such a serious situation. "Come down here!!!" Sokka continued to yell as Zuko seemed to get into some sort of stance as he prepared himself.Sokka suddenly saw another boulder fly over head but Zuko seemed  to bend the extinguish the fire on the boulder before it could hit anything.It didn't stop the boulder from destroying anything but it lesson the damage it was doing by preventing it from melting or burning anyone to close. "Katara I think I'm gonna faint" said Sokka as he fell backwards into the snow.While Katara just stood there jaw dropped.Suddenly Aang came flying back and landed in front of them.There's to many of them I can't stop them all" said Aang looking a crestfallen. "Uh hey guys are you ok?" Aang said concern lining his words.Suddenly Sokka got up again and yelled "YOU CAN FIREBEND?!?" Aang just looked at him as if he said the stupidest thing ever "of course I can I'm the avatar" "NO!!!NOT YOU ,HIM!!!" Sokka yelled while pointing at Zuko who was indeed firebending.Aang stared at Zuko eyes wide "I thought you were a water bender?!?" Yelled Katara.Zuko seemed to shrug "I can do both" he said as if he was commenting on the weather. Aang looked at him in shock "That's so cool!!!Ive never met someone who can bend two elements before!!!Your like a half avatar!!!" He yelled "Can we focus on the fight please!?!" Yelled Zuko a little annoyed at the moment. "Fine !!but I'm getting my answers mister!!" Said Sokka while pointing a finger at Zuko.

Soon the ships stopped fireing as soon as the sun started to set.Zuko and any other waterbenders soon relaxed out of their stances aswel and Zuko jumped down the wall and landed right I front of Sokka and the others.Aang Katara Zuko and Yue were in the palace watching the moon from a balcony. "You know the ledgends say that the moon was the first waterbender.Our ancestors saw the way they pushed and pulled the tides and learned how to do it themselves." Katara looked at Yue "You know I always noticed that my bending was stronger at night" Zuko nodded and said "Our strength comes from the spirit of moon and our life comes from the spirit of the ocean, they work together to bring balance." Aang suddenly seemed to get a great idea at that moment "The spirits!!!Maybe I can talk to them and get their help!!!" Yue raised her eye brow and looked at him sceptically " how are you going to do that?" Katara stood next to Aang and placed a hand on his shoulder "The avatars the bridge between the spirit world and ours he can talk to them" "Yeah then I can talk to them and get them to launch a super awesome attack at the fire nation ships!!!" Everyone gave him unimpressed lookes as he said that "or you know, knowledge" he added after. "But how are you going to get to the spirit world last time you got there by accident" Yue and Zuko shared a look at that "We have an idea".Katara And Aang followed Zuko and Yue as they led them outside and towards a small circular door.Katara gasped  as she recognized the small door as the one Zuko had once led her through.Aang looked at the door and crouched down to look at it. " is this the door to the spirit world or something?" He asked poking it with his staff. "No, but it is the door to the most spiritual place in the whole Northern Water tribe" Zuko said as he opened the door.Aang instantly walked in and gasped.He ran towards the patch of grass all over this place "I never thought I would miss grass this much in my life!" He said as he collapsed on to the ground. "its so warm here how is that possible?" Katara asked as she took of her thick coat. "Its the center of all spiritual energy" Yue explained.Katara Zuko and Yue glared at Momo who was trying to fish out one of the koi fish swimming in the pond in the center of the placemAang walked over to the edge of the pond  and sat down cross legged "Your right Yue it's so tranquil" he said as he closed his eyes.Zuko looked at Aang "whys he meditating now?" He asked "He's doing it because trying to cross over to the spirit world takes all his concentration" Zuko nods "makes sense" Yue looked at Aang aswel " is their anyway we can help?" Aang stook his hands up in frustion " How about some quiet ?!?I can here every word your saying!!!" Before meditating again.Suddenly Aangs arrows and eyes started to glow a bright white startling Yue and Zuko "Is he ok?" Zuko asked looking at Aang with uncertainty in his eyes "He's crossing into the spirit world he should be fine as long as we don't move his physical body that's his way back" Yue started to walk of "Maybe we should get some help?" She said.Katara shook her head "No. Hes my friend I'm perfectly capable of protecting him." Yue ran of anyway to get help anyway.Almost as soon as she did the sun started to rise and just as it did ships.  started to attack again.Then Sokka and Yue arrived on Appa. "How's it going over here?" Sokka asked "Fine I guess" Sokka looked at Aang so we just have to protect Aang now?" Katara nodded "that's basicly it" "wait why are you here Sokka?I thought you were going to fight with the others?" Zuko said walking over to where they were talking "Ah well about that, I have a new mission now and it's to protect you and Princess Yue!" He said Zuko looked at him and shrugged "well you can try.Also protecting Aang won't be that easy." The others looked at Zuko with a confused expression "Just like how waterbending is stronger during the night firebenders are stronger during the day" he explained "Well who cares we got a little bald monk to protect!"

I'm sorry for not updating this in a while I wasn't really feeling very motivated to write so I'm sorry for the wait

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