Overcoming Our Obstacles Shot...

By LisaLove765

9.2K 373 745

Sequel to Your Left Eye, My Right Arm, please read that first! So 5 long weeks after Momo was transferred is... More

Ch 1. Shocking Warmth
Ch 2. But Your Words And Actions Dont Line Up...
Ch 3. Timing Couldn't Be Worse
A/N Apologies From My Drunk Editor
Ch 4. Lies.
Sorta Just Spamming Ya
Ch 5. Surprises, Surprises...
Im sorry
Face Reveal
Ch 6. Yeah, But Why?
Ch 7. Give A Big Welcome To 'Family'
...well.. hi.
Ch.8 I Dunno (draft)
A Big Ol' Thank You
About 9 or so Months
At a loss for words
A Formal Apology
Ch. 9 Surprise Gift Shopping
Ch. 10 Rei Todoroki
Ch. 11 Crying before Christmas (idfk)
Ch. 12 Christmas Morning
Ch. 13 Every Quirk Has Its Drawbacks
Ch. 14 So This Is The True Pain Of A Soulmate
Ch. 15 Processing False Hopes
Ch. 16 Worry
Ch. 17 Awake
Ch.18 Explosive
Ch.19 A Brief Peace
Ch. 20 Dabi's Fuck Up
Ch.21 Late Night Anime
Ch. 22 Plethora Of Events
Ch. 23 Swap
Ch. 24 Selfish Envy
My Shoto Art(+ Redraw of the Cover!)
Ch. 26 Beauty And The...Demon? Pt1
Ch. 27 Beauty And The... Demon? Pt2
A/N Few Questions
Ch. 28 Beauty And The... Demon? Pt3
Ch. 29 Beauty And The... Demon? Pt4

Ch. 25 One Final Practice

41 2 0
By LisaLove765

Shoto's POV 

"Midoriya!" As he stopped what he was doing and started turning my way, I closed my eyes. If she's so sure she got it fixed- My fist collided with his cheek, a gust of wind pulling us apart. The sting in my cheek relieved me, and I opened my eyes cautiously.

"Todoroki?" Looking at the fluff of green hair, my heart leapt.

"Midoriya." I confirmed.

"I'm back!? I'm me!" As he started crying and running off to who I could only assume was Uraraka, I just stood in place. I'm really back.. in my own body…

"Shoto!!" Only catching the (h/c) girl as she collided into my chest, I listened to her tearful voice as she held me. "You're back." Her whisper left me speechless, and I held her closer.

"You… You're actually happy?" I mumbled, blushing as I felt her nose brush against my neck.

"Of course! I haven't been able to hug you all week." Hearing past her sarcastic reply, my eyes watered as she started nuzzling into my neck. "Are you okay?" Nodding silently, I just held her as classmates stared at us in confusion.

"Okay, class, if you couldn't notice the oddities this week involving Midoriya and Todoroki, they had been body swapped, and until we knew just how, we weren't going to tell anyone."

"That explains it-"

"Awe, no fair, I owe Sero money."

"And me-"

"You guys really suck at being each other." The comments and laughing, paired with a couple confused glances had a laugh trembling in my chest. I didn't know why, but I wanted to laugh, cry, and yell for them to all go to hell at the same time. Peering at (Y/n) as she patted my back, I grimaced.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Nodding, she let go, and we left, Aizawa scolding the class for their antics. I missed her touch as we slowly made our way to the dorms, yet was relieved with the lack of touching. "You feeling any better? You seemed so overwhelmed." Slowly turning my attention from the grass to her as she walked with me in pace, I felt peace run over me. There's a word for that feeling? Instead of asking aloud in fear of her teasing me, I opted for a teary smile.

"Thank you." She smiled back, and my face flushed, dropping my gaze back at the grass. Running my hand over the opposing shoulder, I tried in vain to make the pink in my cheeks vanish. "So, uh… Would you like to get breakfast with me tomorrow? A-at that one place?" I had felt confident the first time I ever asked her there, but this time, I just felt dumb.

"Didn't I say you could only take me to breakfast that one time?" Faltering, I stopped walking as I recalled she did, in fact, say that. "Hey, hey, I'm just teasing. We can do whatever you'd like tomorrow." Glancing her way, I gulped back the anxiety that cascaded over me and nodded. "So, do you still want to watch a movie? Or maybe you'd just like to be back in your room." She humored out loud, washing the negative emotions away. It was like I was floating, the endless stars over us, just us. Reaching out, I paused as my fingers curved around her wrist. "Yes, Shoto?" Her eyes locked with mine, taking the air from my lungs.

"Maybe instead of a movie… You'd like company tonight?" The words didn't sound like mine, but I wasn't going to retract them. I wanted to hold her for the night, to let my body melt into her comforting touch. Watching her face take on a flushed look in the moonlight had my heart racing. Wanting this image in my brain forever, I traced her features with my eyes. Slowly lifting my other hand to her face, she had been faster, covering her face from me.

"Such a weird way to ask to cuddle. Come on, dummy." My trance was broken as she dragged me by the hand on her wrist to her dorm.

Smiling as I shut the door to her room, I glanced back at the girl I kept fighting my feelings for. Worried that our relationship was as fragile as glass and would break if I dropped my guard. She hopped on her bed, stretching. "I'm so glad… You really need to let me know when you're upset." She sat up abruptly, glaring at me. "You cried at lunch, been radio silent all week. It's exhausting when I don't know what's wrong." Gingerly stepping over to her bed, I sat down and pulled her to me.

"I just missed you." I mumbled into her hair quietly.

"Huh?" She moved her head back and raised a brow, my face flushing.

"Ahem- I said I missed being me."

"Oh-" Laughing out in relief, she hugged me. "I suppose it's not the same when you're not in your own body." Laughing with her, I nodded. If I tell her… Our everything would collapse…

~Next Day~

Glancing at (Y/n) as she stretched, I leaned into her side. "So, how do you feel?" Mumbling quietly, I avoided her gaze.

"Stuffed. That place is really nice, Sho. What was the occasion, anyway?" Shrugging, I pulled her to me closer.

"Just wanting to help you relax." Feeling her nuzzle into my shoulder relaxed me.

"How sweet, thank you, Sho." Blushing, I nodded.

"Anything for you." My answer came before I could think it out, and I flushed harder as she removed her face from my shoulder, trying to catch my gaze. She huffed and grabbed my face. "Yes?" I asked, finally looking into her eyes.

"Thank you, I mean it." Her smile made it all worth it, as she finally stood up. "Okay. So, I'm thinking we should practice, we almost have dancing in front of others done. Why don't we gather the class?" Scratching my head, I shook it.

"(Y/n), we haven't practiced since last week. We're going to be a mess."

"Yeah, well. We have 2 weeks! The entire play is depending on us getting the dance done, seeing as 75% of everything else has been done." I couldn't argue with her, and just sat up, watching her with timid eyes as she typed furiously on her phone. My phone went off, and I assumed she had texted the class chat. Reaching for my phone, I opened the chat just long enough to mute it. "Let's go. We can practice a bit while they gather."

Walking through the high rise of the sun, I welcomed the shade of trees even though the day was still chilled with a reminiscence of winter. I sat the decent sized speaker down by the tree, facing outward, watching (Y/n) put on music. Getting into position as classical music played, I smiled at her bashfully. "Lead the way." Doing as she instructed, I started our motions, hesitantly guiding her in the circular motions of the waltz. Soon, our classmates started surrounding us, and small cheers on occasion threatened to falter my motions, but a small squeeze to my bicep would bring my attention back to her (e/c) gaze.

My heart hammered in my chest the longer I held her to me, fluidly swinging her in the speckled sunlight. I wasn't sure how long we had been dancing, never stopping as the music kept changing. The familiar tune of Until I Found You played, it was a song that appeared in our practices often, and one I always looked forward to because she would hum it as we danced. I don't know what you've done to me.. But you really are the one I want. You brightened up my world. I really was lost in the darkness till I found you. Our dancing slowed to a stop as the last cords of the song played, and we panted in sync quietly, my eyes searching hers. It felt so right, the sun casting a glow to her face through the trees, how she still held me even though we had stopped dancing. Slowly, I leaned in, stopping as she hugged me instead.

"We did it, Shoto! We successfully danced longer than we will need to on stage!" She let go, our classmates telling us we did well.

"We won't need to come to anymore practices, will we? It's disgusting watching you two." Glaring at Bakugo, I rolled my eyes.

"Nope! Thank you guys so much for helping us with the stage fright, guys!!" I frowned, listening to (Y/n) ramble, taking in the loss I just had. Dumbass, of course she wasn't going to kiss you. The thought hurt, though, maybe I wasn't attractive enough. She's always been defensive and apprehensive when kissing is mentioned. Especially kissing me. Flashes of previous times it had been mentioned, and how fast she was to dismiss it, played in my mind.

"Hey!!! I have a proposition before we all split up for the day!!" Pausing, I turned towards Mina as Hagakure asked what I wanted to.

"Proposition for what?"

"Well, the last dance of the play! Initially, we're all just going to dance while Jiro sings Tale As Old As Time, but what if we extend it to two songs? We all have worked so hard on it! And it draws out the play for a couple minutes." I frowned, the thought unappealing. When it comes time for the play, I specifically don't want to be there much longer than what I've practiced for.

"That might actually be fun! We can all exchange dance partners between songs and get a laugh out of it?" At Uraraka's input, I turned on my heel, opting to just leave. My goal of helping (Y/n) had been fulfilled, so I didn't need to be there any longer.


Mina's POV

Watching Todoroki leave, I grinned as (Y/n) followed him. "Okay! Okay, guys!!!" Motioning them closer, I grabbed Bakugo before he could leave. "Guys, we need to incorporate that one song they danced to."

"Why?" Bakugo pinched me before dusting himself off.

"Did you guys not see how his hold on her tightened? That has to be their song!! And if we play it at the end of the play- They're bound to fall harder for each other! And we can all just not dance, and it will be their moment!" I bounced in place excitedly.

"I'm all for team them.. but why are you so insistent on them being the center of attention?" Wrapping my arm around Hagakure, I replied.

"Simple! It's their fanfic."


"What?" Tilting my head, I shook it quickly. "Anyway!! Come on! Don't you guys agree? It's just too much to see them obviously into each other!" After finally getting agreements, I jumped once. "Yes!! Plan "Get Them To Confess" is a go!!"

1822 words!

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