What The Heart Wants (BWWM)

By ElleSpeares

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Justin and Skylar are two confused young people, too afraid to let love happen. They have big dreams and lots... More

Author's Note
One: New beginnings
Two: Hidden attraction
Three: Denial
Four: The gatecrashers
Five: The house party
Six: The loser
Seven: Rich boys and their emotions
Eight: Broke girls and their wishes
Nine: Nothing's as it seems
Ten: This thing called coincidence
Eleven: The closed book
Twelve: "Yeah, walk away. Save yourself"
Thirteen: Damaged hearts and childish therapy
Fourteen: Friends?
Fifteen: Cupid's mess
Sixteen: Friends
Seventeen: "You're a bad ass bitch and deserve better"
Eighteen: The art gallery
Nineteen: What the heart wants
Twenty: Trying to be good enough
Twenty One: First dates
Twenty Two: Romeo
Twenty Three: The (overprotective, inquisitive) "cool" mom
Twenty Four: When the temperature rises
Twenty Five: Picture perfect moments
Twenty Six: Messed up perfection
Twenty Eight: Bad boy, Bieber
Twenty Nine: Because words cut the deepest
Thirty: The broken bad boy
Thirty One: Tattoos
Thirty Two: What happiness is
Thirty Three: Stitching things up
Thirty Four: Sweet revenge
Thirty Five: The get together
Thirty Six: Two half hearts make one
Thirty Seven: Guilt
Thirty Eight: Family
Thirty Nine: Rebellion
Forty: Decisions and the problem with love
Forty One: Boyfriend
Forty Two: "Don't overthink it"
Forty Three: Beautiful simplicity
Forty Four: Play no games
Forty Five: In the '50s
Forty Six: Under the night sky
Forty Seven: Mustang
Forty Eight: Conflict
Forty Nine: Out of work
Fifty: In his arms
Fifty One: PYD
Fifty Two: Awkward
Fifty Three: The song book
Fifty Four: Close call
Fifty Five: "I want to help you"
Fifty Six: Bicycles
Fifty Seven: Fun and games
Fifty Eight: What nobody gets
Fifty Nine: Dinner
Sixty: Negotiation
Sixty One: Shopping
Sixty Two: Happy birthday
Sixty three: Dear Skylar...
Sixty four: This is the end
Sixty Five: "I hate my life"
Sixty Six: "What choice do I have?"
Sixty Seven: Fixing what's broken
Sixty Eight: "I'm your fairy godmother, that's who I am"
Sixty Nine: Damage control
Seventy: "This is for us"
Seventy One: Emptiness
Seventy Two: Pain
10 Facts about me
Seventy Three: Clubbing
Seventy Four: Surprise
Seventy Five: 'Do what you love/ follow your heart'
Seventy Six: The last hangout
Seventy Seven: Confrontation
Seventy Eight: 'A burnt child is afraid of fire'
Seventy Nine: Departure

Twenty Seven: Happy memories to heal troubled souls

5.1K 309 133
By ElleSpeares

×× Skylar ××

Skylar walked into her class with a big smile on her face. She was humming when she took her place next to Romeo. It would've been annoying to Romeo if Skylar wasn't her friend but all that smiling and humming only made Romeo burn to know how her date with Justin went.

"You got laid on your first date, huh?" Romeo nudged Skylar.

Skylar scoffed, "No. Please, Justin has a lot of work to do if he wants to get that far."

"Then what happened?"

"I don't kiss and tell." Skylar smiled and flipped her hair which she'd decided to wear straight that day.

Romeo squealed and clapped her hands in excitement.

"Oh my gosh! Finally! How was it?"

"Shhh!" Someone behind us said.

Romeo was quick to turn around and look the girl up and down.

"Girl, don't 'shhh' me. Class hasn't even started yet. With your unevenly drawn brows. Looking like my little sister drew them--"

"Romeo, don't be mean." Skylar poked her friend in the arm.

"The hell she getting excited for this class for? The lecturer aint even here."

"Just... calm down."

Romeo smacked her lips and muttered, "She didn't have to start with me. You can't be rude and have ugly eyebrows. You gotta pick a struggle..."

As Romeo tried to talk herself out of being upset, the lecturer walked into the room and class began.

Skylar chuckled to herself at how crazy Romeo was. She and Xavier would suit each other, she thought as she got her glasses and books out. She couldn't even imagine how their arguments would be, especially if they argued in public. Memories of Xavier's littler performance at the art exhibition came to Skylar's mind and she cleared her throat to stop herself from giggling. Romeo and Xavier would be deserving of a reality show.

When class ended, Romeo didn't even waste time.

"Alright, I want details." She smiled.

Skylar took her glasses off and put them in their case.

"Do I have to tell you everything?" Skylar asked.

"Yes! Come on, I've shipped y'all from day one."

"That doesn't mean you need to know everything. I deserve to have secrets."

"Oh it's like this now, Miller? I see--"

"Gosh, you're so grumpy today."

"It's Monday and I'm getting an assignment back from my next class. Sue me."

"You don't think you did well on it?"

"We're not discussing my grades, Sky."

Skylar raised her hands in defence and packed up her books as she skimmed through some of the details of Saturday for Romeo.

"I get the feeling you're not telling me everything but it's aight." Romeo tried not to smile. "I wanna see pics."

And that reminded Skylar that she needed to give Justin some of the photo booth pics they'd taken together. She'd tucked them neatly into her small sketch book that she carried around in her backpack.

"You'll see them. In time." Skylar said.

"In time? Sky--"

"What time's your next class?" She cocked her head to the side.

"You're lucky I'm tied down to this campus all day today. Imma catch you tomorrow and you better have those pictures and more details." Romeo slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"I will. Imma go grab some coffee and cookies quick and then imma snapchat them to you to rub it in your face."

Romeo snorted, "I hate you. See you later." She waved and raced to her next lecture.

Skylar smiled to herself and walked to the coffee shop to get something to eat before her next-- and last-- lecture later in the day.

She sat near a window after getting herself some coffee and cookies and she got her sketch book out to have a look at those pictures from Saturday.

She and Justin looked really happy. They had a lot of fun that day and she'd never forget it. Looking at the pictures made her want to relive that day, especially the moment when she and Justin kissed for the first time.

When she got home that evening and was safe in the privacy of her bedroom, Skylar had hit lots of dance moves. Some might have even been tribal rain dances or something. She went to bed with a genuine smile on her face that night and just thinking about it made her giggle to herself.

"You're enjoying this boring Monday."

Skylar looked up and found Justin smiling at her.

He'd gotten himself a bottle of water.

"It's not so boring." Skylar smiled.

Justin sat opposite her at the table and opened his drink.

"How are you doing today?" He asked.

"I'm doing good. How are you?"

"Good. Did you enjoy your weekend?" He grinned.

"Very much, thanks. I hope you did too."

"I did."

Skylar placed the photos on the table in front of herself and Justin.

"We need to share these. I totally forgot to let you pick your favourites on Saturday or to get us to make copies. I was... I forgot." She blushed.

Justin had also forgotten about them. He'd forgotten a lot after that kiss.

He took a look at the pictures and smiled fondly at each frame.

"You can pick first." He said.

"No, go ahead. I wouldn't know which to keep. They're all cute." Skylar tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Okay..." Justin smiled and took another look at the pictures.

He liked the ones where he and Skylar were making funny faces. In that lot was a picture of him looking lovingly at Skylar as she laughed hysterically, her hands over her mouth.

"I like this one." He took that strip of pictures. "You were all giggles here. I like it."

"I looked ridiculous." Skylar chuckled. "Look at me laughing. Crazy."

"Beautiful." Justin corrected.

Skylar blushed and decided to avoid Justin's gaze by looking for a strip of photos to pick.

She went with a set of pictures where she and Justin were posing with Biggie-- her kissing his teddy bear cheeks and Justin biting his teddy bear ears.

"I like this one too." She pointed a picture of Justin with his arms wrapped around her tightly as she smiled at the camera.

Justin smiled and tore off that picture for her and he kept the last one, one where Skylar had snatched his beanie off and both of them pulled thug faces as they embraced their fluffy hairs.

"Thanks." Skylar said.

"No problem."

Skylar put her photos back in her sketch book and then sipped her coffee.

"You look lovely today. It's different seeing you with straight hair." Justin smiled.

"Do you like it?" She blushed.

"Yeah. I like everything you do with your hair. It's beautiful."

"You have a way with words, I hope you know that."

"I do now."

"It's not right that you make me blush so much. My cheeks hurt."

"I can kiss em better?" Justin smiled.

Skylar was certain she had a smart comeback a second ago but it was gone. Her lips parted for a second and she smiled.

"You can kiss my lips instead." She said ever so innocently.

It hadn't quite sunk in yet that she and Justin had something going on. She didn't really think she was worthy of him because he was so fine but he liked her-- really liked her-- and that was still surreal to her.

Justin leaned forward to kiss Skylar. He kissed her sweetly and stroked her cheek as he did.

People turned to look at them and that bothered Skylar a little. She pulled away and cleared her throat as her face flushed. It was probably an unusual sight seeing Justin Bieber with a girl-- a shocking sight to see him with a black girl.

Justin smiled at Skylar's innocence. It never got old and he liked it because she was so easy to please and making her blush and smile was something Justin could do in his sleep.

"Do you wanna come keep me company at my place for the afternoon? Alfredo's working on a project all day." Justin said.

"I'd love to but I have a class to prep for still. I should actually be in the library now to return a book and finish an essay." Skylar fiddled with her fingers.

Justin pouted.

"What time does it end?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm just over today." Skylar shrugged.

"I could take you home after your class?"

"I'll take the bus. It's really okay, Justin. I'm a big girl."

"I just wanna be around you for a little bit longer."

"So it is true what they say." Skylar smiled.


"Once you go black..."

Justin smiled, "That's not it. Just... being around you helps keep me from over thinking and stuff. You're a good distraction."

"You make it sound like..." her voice trailed off, "Justin, don't talk like that. You'll be fine. We're gonna be able to hang tomorrow and many other times after that."

"Sorry." He spoke softly.

Skylar took his hand and rubbed it gently.

"You're much stronger than you think, Justin."

"You make me feel that way."

"You shouldn't have to depend on me for such freedom, Jay."

He smiled slightly at the nickname he'd gotten.

"I can't help it." He said. "I don't mean to put all this pressure on you."

"I know. You just need somebody to talk to. That's okay."

Justin's phone went off in his pocket. Skylar let go of his hand and he reached into his pocket to get his phone out.

Reading the text message from his dad made Justin's face harden. He clenched his jaw and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Is everything okay?" Skylar asked.

Justin simply nodded.

"Dad." He said simply. "I've gotta go, babe. I'll talk to you soon." He got up and pecked Skylar's lips.

"O-Okay. Drive safe." She said.

He smiled sadly, not wanting to leave Skylar or see his dad, and he left.

Skylar started feeling quite sad for Justin even though she had no idea what had just happened. She'd call or text him later, she decided.

She cleared the table, putting her cookies and sketch book in her backpack, then she made her way to the library to let time fly while she prepared for her next class.

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