Von OutKast23

13.1K 548 38

In which she helps a transfer student coming from the Dominican Republic "Promise you'll be here for me." "I... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

331 13 0
Von OutKast23

February 18th 2023



"Jahzara, despierta!" Her mother said loudly

(Wake up!)

"You going back to school." Jahzara's mother said as she opened the girl's bedroom door

"I'm up already Mami." The girl said as her mother came in the room

"Oh someone's excited." Her mother said as she went to go give her a hug as she saw her picking out her clothes

"Mmtch, I'm not. I just dont wanna be trapped in the house all day." Jahzara said, giving an excuse

She really just wanted to see Carmén again. And her friends. Yeah her friends and Carmén.

"No you just wanna see yo lil girlfriend." Her mother said walking out of the room before she could protest

"I don't have a girlfriend." Jahzara mumbled to herself before she stepped in the bathroom

Jahzara was finished getting ready and left the house at 6:40. She walked to school in the morning.


Jahzara walked into school with a smile on her face.

She walked through and people were still mumbling about her fight that was two weeks ago.

"That's the shorty that beat up that rasict girl two weeks ago."

"She finally back. I ain't finna cross her path."

"Damn, these niggas need to get off my dick. That shit was two weeks ago." Jahzara thought to herself as she rolled her eyes

"Zara!" Avana shouted as she ran up to Jahzara walked into her first period

"Yeah I'm back. I know yall missed me." Jahzara said as she hugged the girl

"Yeah, bitch been gone for two weeks. Shit was mad boring." Yamara said as she hugged Jahzara after she approached her

"Hey Coby. They bother you a lot?" Jahzara asked her cousin while giving him a quick hug

"Yeah, well mostly Mara." Jacoby responded

"I'on like you either nigga." Yamara said with a mug on her face

The two always acted like they hated each other but they were really like siblings.

"So where you been at? Ain't come see us or nothing." Avana asked Jahzara

"I told yall I was on punishment." Jahzara said

"Yeah but I know Auntie Isa didn't let go on punishment for that long." Jacoby said

"You right. She didn't. She let me go somewhere." Jahzara said

"Where you went?" Yamara asked

"Carmén's house for Valentines Day." Jahzara said

"Aww you got her something?" Avana said

"Yeah." Jahzara said

"Ok Zara. I see you. Getting gifts for yo girl." Yamara teased

"She's not my girl." Jahzara said rolling her eyes

"Seems like it to me. Always wit her." Jacoby said

"Yeah like all the time. It's ok, Zara. We know you like her. It's painfully obvious." Yamara said

"I think it's cute." Avana said

"I don't like her. Not like that." Jahzara said trying to convince herself and her friends

"Alright keep telling yourself that. The teacher finna come in. Don't get in trouble again." Jacoby said before he faced forward

"No promises." Jahzara said before the teacher started the lesson

Once the period ended, Jahzara and her friend parted ways and went to their next period.

Jahzara was walking down the hall and saw Carmén and two boys.

"Niggas already trying me. I just got back." Jahzara thought to herself as she approached them

"Come on shorty gimme your number." A boy who was pestering Carmén

"Nigga she friends with the girl who beat someone up real bad. She said no already, let's go." The boy's friends said

"I think you should listen to your friend. I beat her up pretty bad. I don't think you want that happening to you. She already said no. So go on." Jahzara said as she stood behind Carmén

Carmén blew out a breath of relief now that Jahzara was here. She just hoped the boys would leave so it would result into another fight.

"Aight. We leaving." The boy said before him and his friend left

"Bye. Don't bother her again." Jahzara said as she waved pettily

"Te echabe de menos." Jahzara said as she pulled Carmén into a hug

(I missed you.)

"Me acabas de ver el sábado." Carmén said as she hugged back

(You just saw me Saturday.)

"No me importa. Eso fue hace desmasisdo tiempo." Jahzara said

(I don't care. That was too long ago.)

"Vamos, vamos a clase." Carmén said after she let go of the girl and grabbed her hand

(Come on let's go to class.)

"Entonces, ¿cómo has estado sin mí? He sido terrible si ti." Jahzara said

(So how you been without me? I been terrible without you.)

"No fue tan malo. Tenía Ms. Gonzalez para ayudarme. Pero sabes que eres mi único amiga, así que fui. Nadie con quien hablar." Carmén explained

(It wasn't too bad. I had Mrs. Gonzalez to help me. But you know you're my only friend, so I was bored most of the time. Nobody to talk to.)

"Bueno, estoy de vuelta ahora. Trataré de no vovler a meterme en problemas, viendo lo miserable que eras." Jahzara said

(Well, I'm back now. I'll try not to get in trouble again, seeing how miserable you were.)

"Suena como si fueras tú el que era más miserable." Carmén said as she lightly chuckled

(Sounds like you were the one who was more miserable.)

"Shh." Jahzara said as the two walked into class, making Carmén chuckle

"Oh, Mamí quiere que vengas. ¿Puedes venir hoy?" Carmén asked as they sat down

(Oh, Mami wants you to come over. Can you come today?)

"Sí. Si querías que viniera, tenías que preguntar." Jahzara said

(Yeah. If you wanted me to come over, you just had to ask Carmén.)

"Ok. Parece que querías venir a mí." Carmén said smugly

(Ok. Seems like you wanted to come over to me.)

"Mmtch. Sí. Estaba esperando que me invitaras." Jahzara said

(Yeah I did. I was waiting for you to invite me over.)

"Eres tan sappy sobre mí." Carmén said while smiling

(You so sappy over me.)

"No." Jahzara said

(No I'm not.)

"¿Realmente?, estás sosteniendo mi mano en este momento." Carmén said

(Really, you're holding my hand right now.)

"Eso es porque te encanta tomar mi mano y no ibas a preguntar. Así, que lo hice por ti." Jahzara said

(That's cause you love holding my hand and you weren't gonna ask. So I did it for you.)

"Tienes razón. Pero, ¿sequro que puedes venir?" Carmén asked

(You're right. But you sure you can come over?)

"Sí. Caminaré contigo." Jahzara answered

(Yeah. I'll walk with you.)

"Alright." Carmén said

"Entonces, ¿cuánto inglés puedes entender ahora?" Jahzara asked

(So how much English can you understand now?)

"Mucho más ahora. Sabra que esos chicos estaban pidiendo número. Pero no sé qué estaba pasando cuando llegaste." Carmén responded

(A lot more now. I knew those boys were asking for my number. But I don't know what was going on when you came.)

"Está bien. Pero ¿pensé que dijiste que nadie se estaba metiendo contigo?" Jahzara asked

(That's good. But I thought you said no one was messing with you?)

"No lo han hecho. Esa fue la primera vez." Carmén said

(They haven't. That was the first time today.)

"Ok. En mi día de regress también. Están tratando de meterme en problemas

(Ok. On my day back too. They tryna get me in trouble.)

"No te metas en problemas. Te echaba de menos. Y sé que tus otros amigos también lo hicieron." Carmén said

(Don't get in trouble. I missed you. And I know your other friends did too.)

"Sí, lo intentaré. Así, ¿que lo que trajiste para el almuerzo hoy?" Jahzara asked

(Yeah. I'll try. So what you brought for lunch today?)

"¿Ya estás pensando en almorzar?" Carmén asked

(You already thinking about lunch?)

"Me connces. ¿Me vas a dar un poco?" Jahzara asked

(You know me. You gonna give me some?)

"¿Ahora?" Carmén asked, confused


"No, en el almuerzo." Jahzara said

(No at lunch.)

"Jahzara, se suone que debes sentarte con tus otros amigos en el almuerzo de hoy." Carmén said

(Jahzara you're supposed to sit with your other friends at lunch today.)

"¿Por qué? Quiero sentarme contigo." Jahzara said

(Why? I wanna sit with you.)

"No has estado con ellos por un tiempo. Con los amigos." Carmén

(You haven't been with them for a while. Hang out.)

"Vamos a." Jahzara said

(We will.)

"Jahzara, te vas. Te quedaste conmigo para mi suspension y el día de San Valentín." Carmén said, trying to reason with the girl

(Jahzara you're going. You hung out with me for my suspension and Valentines Day.)

"Multa. Si quieres que lo haga. No eres justo." Jahzara said as she put her head on the desk

(Fine. If you want me to. You're no fair.)

"Estarás bien. Hoy te vas a casa conmigo." Carmén said as she put her hand in Jahzara hair

(You'll be ok. You're going home with me today.)

"De acuerdo. Creo que sí." Jahzara said

(Ok. I guess.)

"Te encanta pasar tiempo conmigo, ¿no?" Carmén asked as she smiled

(You love spending time with me, don't you?)

"Sí. Pensé que ya lo sabías." Jahzara said as if she was pointing out the obvious, which she was

(Yeah. I thought you knew already.)

"Me encanta pasar tiempo contigo también. Pero también tienes que pasar con tus otros amigos. No quiero sentir que te estoy robando lejos de ellos." Carmén said

(I love spending time with you too. But you have to spend time with your other friends too. I don't wanna feel like I'm stealing you away from them.)

"No lo eres. Quiero pasar el rato contigo. Y lo entiendo. Vamos a colgar mañana." Jahzara said, finally agreeing

(You're not. I wanna hang out with you. And I get it. We're gonna hang out tomorrow.)

"Ok." Carmén said

"¿Has estado prestando atención?" Carmén asked Jahzara after she looked at the board, which had notes all over it

(You been paying attention?)

"No. Hemos estado hablando. Ha comenzado la clase. Solo prgúntale a alguien más y tomaremos notes cuando estemos en tu casa." Jahzara said as she began to close her eyes

(No. We been talking. He been started the class. I'll just ask someone else and we'll do notes when we're over your house.)

"De acuerdo. ¿Te vas a dormir?" Carmén asked as she noticed the girl not opening her eyes

(Alright. You going to sleep?)

"Sí. Estoy cansado. Estás jugando en mi pelo. Me da sueño." Jahzara said before Carmén removed her hand

(Yeah. I'm tired. You're playing in my hair. It makes me sleepy.)

"No dije basta. Me gusta." Jahzara said, grumbling

(I didn't say to stop. I like it.)

"Tienes prestar atención." Carmén said

(You need to pay attention.)

"Estaremos bien. Creo que solo está revisando para un cuestionario de todos modos." Jahzara said while putting her head back down

(Well be fine. I think he's just reviewing for a quiz anyway.)

"Exactamente. No has estado aquí." Carmén said

(Exactly. You haven't been here.)

"Carmén, relajar. Estaré bien. Signed jugando en mi cabello." Jahzara said

(Carmén relax. I'll be fine. Keep playing with my hair.)

"Eres una estudiante terrible." Carmén said after she sighed

(You're a terrible student.)

"Estarás bien. Todavía te gustará." Jahzara said

(You'll be ok. You'll still like me.)

"Entonces, ¿no te importa fallar?" Carmén asked

(So you don't care about failing?)

"No. Tengo un A." Jahzara said before she yawned

(No. I have an A.)

"De acuerdo, Jahzara." Carmén said as she shook her head

(Ok Jahzara.)

"Déjame dormir, Carmén." Jahzara said

(Let me sleep me, Carmén.)

"No hay nadie que te detenga." Carmén said as she saw the girl cover her face with her arms

(No one's stopping you.)

"No estás en mi cabello." Jahzara said

(You're not in my hair.)

"Eres tan pegajosa." Carmén said with a smile as she put her hand in the girl's hair

(You're so clingy.)

"Te gusta." Jahzara said

(You like it.)

Carmén smiled to herself as she played with the girl's hair. She had her natural hair out, so Jahzara didn't mind.

She did like how clingy, affectionate, and vocal Jahzara was with her feelings. She could tell Jahzara loved her. She just didn't know what type of love it was.

She hadn't ever been in love like that, so she didn't want to jump to conclusions, but that's what it felt like. She didn't think too much on it though. Well, she tried not to. It was kinda hard not to gain any feeling for her when she acted like this around her.

She hoped she could keep her feelings under control.

But it might have already been too late.

Carmén woke the girl up when they had to go to their next period.

When it was time to go to lunch, Jahzara tried to Carmén to sit with her.

"Carmén, por favor. Déjame sentarme contigo." Jahzara said

(Please. Let me sit with you.)

"No. Necesito estudiar en la biblioteca de todos modos." Carmén said

(No. I need to study in the library anyway.)

"Puedes hacerlo más trade. Siéntate conmigo y con mis amigos." Jahzara said, trying to convince her

(You can do that later. Sit with me and my friends.)

"No Jahzara. No los conozco. Y necesito estudiar." Carmén said

(No Jahzara. I don't know them. And I need to study.)

"Ugh, fine. No me amas más." Jahzara said

(You don't love me no more.)

"Eres tan dramático. Nos vemos después del almuerzo." Carmén said while chuckling and giving her a quick hug

(You're so dramatic. I'll see you after lunch.)

"Bye." Jahzara said once she saw Carmén going to walk to the library

Jahzara walked to the cafeteria and found her friends.

"Hey guys." Jahzara said as she sat down

"What's wrong with you?" Yamara asked

"Whatchu mean?" Jahzara asked

"You sound sad." Avana said

"Oh, Carmén wouldn't let me go with her for lunch." Jahzara said

"Really that's what you butt hurt over? You in love with that girl." Yamara said with a laugh

"No I'm not. She came up with some sorry ass excuse. Talkin bout she need to study. Like I can't help her." Jahzara said as she rolled her eyes

"You're delusional." Jacoby said while he was laughing with Yamara

"Stop laughing at her. It's ok to be in love." Avana said

"Of course you would say that." Yamara said as she peeped Avana all up on Jacoby

"So yall wanna hang out tomorrow?" Jahzara asked, wanting to get off the topic of love

"Yeah where?" Jacoby asked

"We can go bowling. Yall did me bogus last time." Yamara said

"Girl you was just ass." Avana said

"Yall was cheating." Yamara said

Jahzara laughed at her friend's bickering. Maybe Carmén was right. She did need to hang out with them.

But she still wanted hang out with Carmén.

To be continued...

Hope yall enjoyed!!


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