King of Hatred - RWBY

By BeastSix

39.6K 801 133

A child, abandoned by everything.....? Except an old God's blessing.... or curse? More

BIO + Info
Ch. 1 [Bloody Vanta]
Ch.2 [Homey Vanta]
Ch.3 [Hunting Vanta]
Ch.4 [Hunting Vanta 2]
Ch.5 [Adventurous Vanta 1]
Ch.6 [Adventurous Vanta 2]
Birthday Special
Ch.7 [Adventurous Vanta 3]
Ch.8 [Adventurous Vanta 4]
Ch.9 [Adventurous Vanta 5]
Ch.10 [Bandit's Gaze 1 ]
Ch.11 [Bandit's Gaze 2]
Ch.12 [ Family ]
Ch.13 [Sands of Menagerie]
Ch.14 [Truths, and feathers]
Side story 2
Ch.15 [ Feathers of Spring ]
Ch.16 [ Spring and Summer ]
Ch.17 [ Spring and Summer 2 ]
Ch. 18 [ Spring and Summer 3 ]
Ch. 19 [ Trial of Choice ]
Ch.20 [ Trial of Choice 2 ]
Ch.21 [ no idea for title? ]
Ch.22 [ Trial of Knowledge ]
Ch.23 [Trial of Knowledge 2]
Ch.24 [ Alive ]
Ch.25 [ Exams ]
Ch.27 [ Beacon ]
Ch.28 [ Beacon... ]
Ch.29 [ Nightmare ]
Ch.30 [ Nightmare, Dream ]
Ch.31 [ Nightmare, Dream 2 ]
Ch.32 [ Hellish Nightmare ]
Ch.33 [ Hellish Nightmare 2 ]
Ch.34 [ Just a Day ]
BIO 2 [Spoilers]
Ch.35 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet ]
Ch.36 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet 2 ]
Ch.37 [ Old Truth ]
Ch.38 [ Gluttony of Darkness ]
Ch.39 [ Sliver of Hope ]
Ch.40 [ Creation ]
Ch.41 [ Creation Zwei(2) ]
Ch.42 [ Creation Drei(3) ]
Ch.43 [Creation Vier(4)]
Ch.44 [ True Answers ]
Ch.45 [ Heavy Wounds, Healing Scars]
Ch.46 [ Alive ]
Ch.48 [Tests]
Ch.49 [Just your unaverage day]
Ch.50 [ Lost Memory ]
Ch.51 [ Tears and Quest! ]
Ch.52 [ Hey... ]
Ch.53(A/B) [ Point of Time-Singularity ]
Ch.54(B) [ True Negativity ]
Ch.54(A) [ Scores ]
Ch.55(B) [Prep]
Ch.55(A) [School]
Ch.56(A) [Prologue to a massacre]
Ch.57(A) [Training session]
Ch.58(A) [Once Again]

Ch.26 [Exams 2]

444 10 1
By BeastSix


'What's the status on the experiment?' Asked a female domineering voice...

'It's perfect. It is accomplished and theres no rejections, I already implemented in few of our members...' said voice of a man...

The woman could be seen with a light smile....

'Sight... tell me, did you find what I need?' Asked the female voice once again...

'Yes Mistress.... all of them.' Said voice of a young man....

'Where?' Asked female voice.

'Spring, Summer and Fall are at Vale... while Winter is at Atlas.' Said voice of young man... called Sight.

'Then, grant more resources towards our sweet little Cinder.' Said female voice...

As she ends her sentence, Sight could be seen... panting...?

Until a moment he grabbed his head in pain..

'Ugh! NO! Spring is a man! A horrible.... *bleurgh!*' He suddenly shouts and vomits as his orifices start bleeding....

'WHAT?!' Shouts the Woman/Female... as whole surrounding area shakes...

'He's.... he's.... dangerous... Mistress..... that man... devours all!...' Said the man, as suddenly his body bursted.... apart, leaving only mess.

'.... focus on the experiment.... I want as many, as possible... understood? Watts?' Says  female voice.. as her black veins could be seen pulsing...

'Yes. Mistress Salem.' Says the man now known as Watts....





Insanity is doing the same thing, over and
over again, but expecting different results.




*Akira's Pov*


As I land down from that fall, I dust off the dust of myself. (Non-combat dust)

I simply start going towards random direction...

(Few minutes later)


Surprisingly I found no Grimm, but a trail of blood... someone hasn't been so lucky, and probably hit the tree...

As I walk, I collect the blood of course for my use... and soon find a katana? And signs of battle... piece of ripped cloth... normally I wouldn't care.
But if I want to pass, I need a partner.



As I continue walking... I finally find the 'wounded person'...

'Who...' I hear her mutter, as I walk up to her... she's got a big piece of wood in her stomach, a slash mark from a Grimm on arm... and waning fiery Aura, about to break.

'Turn off your Aura, and don't move. I'll try patching you as best as I can.' I say and quickly kneel next to her, placing my hands on her stomach... her red Aura turns off, as I slowly move her blood and add the one I collected....

I slowly take out the piece of wood, and spread my Aura into her body seeking for any oth-... there's lots of small pieces...

'It's... bad?' She asks, as I simply nod.

'Shush it. I need to concentrate. Glyph.' I say, as behind me appears Hypostasis from a white glyph, ice-blue one.

I turn towards it.
'Defend.' As I say, I go back and start fully focusing on patching her up...

---(*No Pov*)---

'That is... certainly unexpected...' Said a man in greenish tuxedo? (Ozpin)

'Certainly... but what should makes us uneasy, is the Nightmares in vicinity.' Said a man in purple, with white complexion and silver hair.

'True... but did you ever witness someone using more than a single Semblance. Shion?' Ozpin turned towards Shion, as he smiled.

(Using Male Pronouns for Shion,
as RWBY: Ice Queendom originates from Japan and Shion is seen as a Man. Unlike on Roostertooth where Shion is nonbinary.)

'Ozpin, old friend. Tell me, which of these had tragic past? That way, we can rule out faster who is and who is not infected by Nightmares.' Said Shion, while twirling his weapon. "Dream Catcher".

'Maybe... this child. Out of all, he had it THE worst.' Says Ozpin with clear tone, as he changes the screen on Akira.

'His Aura... its...' Mutters Shion under his nose...

'Hmm?' Turns Oz to Shion, as he just goes 'nevermind.'

Ozpin starts checking through other screens.... showing a total of... 10 formed pairs.

'I think that's all students for this exam, Headmaster.' Said a Blonde woman, as she came into the room.

'Maybe we will have one or two more. Also, is there any answer from Qrow? Glynda?' Asked Ozpin, as she moved her head sideways.

--(*Akira's Pov*)--

hehh... huff... ahf...
This is.. was so fucking exhausting...

'Hey... you awake?' I say, as I observe her slowly breathing... but alas no answer.

I cancel the summon, pick her katana and sheathe it into her sheath.

'Guess, I'll carry you for now. And I'm all out of blood...' I say calmly, as I pick her katanas and put them on my right. And pick her in a princess carry.

'I'll need to use more than usual...' I mutter to myself, and check if I can blink from Overactive Imagination... nope. I can't.

I don't have much to use with my hands occupied.
Azkorth, Ichor, Glyphs and counting fuse, then also Kin.
Using Maiden powers anywhere in plain sight is a bad idea. Especially with those drones...

Okay... think positive.. I'll spend some time later with Blake. That's a positive thought.

(Few minutes later)

Calm walk, I met few Jackalopes.
But thankfully, my already strong physique allows me to stomp these little rats. Or kick.

As I continue walking, I hear... someone running? No. Being chased. On my left.

'Deathstalker...' I mutter, and instantly rush into a sprint towards some sort of... building I can assume is the temple.

Rushing towards it, I see about 13 people there? Most of them somewhat exhausted.
As I jump out from between the trees towards them. So does a red haired girl with a Deathstalker on her back.

'Great. The gangs all here! Now we can die together!' I hear Yang saying, and as I land in front of her. Red haired girl stumbles and falls over towards us...

'Akira?' I hear three female voices. And ignoring them, I turn towards the Deathstalker and immediately go to thoughts of... Cinder. And it instantly turns towards me.

'Azkorth.' I say... as it comes out.

'What the...' I hear a mutter, and instantly focus as the head enlarges and bites into the Deathstalker. It starts trashing around, as I simply add another head. It bites off its tail, then pincers, and at the end kills it.

'What was that?!' I hear two shouts... Blake and Aelia.

My Semblance comes back to me, as I notice a Nevermore circling around us....

I won't reach it... and they do tend to be cunning bastards...
I'd like to use Glyphs, but Schnee here will notice it.... how do I use it without being suspicious...?


Overactive Imagination!

'SCHNEE! Place your hand on me! Now!' I shout towards her, as she puts up her hands in a protest. But Aelia instantly grabs her and forces her hand on my shoulder.

I activate Overactive Imagination and start changing myself... as I look now like her. Exactly her.

'Time to test some Glyphs.' I say with a smile and feminine voice.

'Let go!' She takes away her hand, as I create multiple gravitational glyphs around the Nevermore.

'Thanks.' I say, as I create normal Glyphs around it, and ice comes out of it piercing into it.

As I feel my Aura running low... I turn off Glyphs, and turn back to my look with red hair, red eyes, and no faunus features.

'I'm... tired.' I lightly sit down, with the girl still in my arms...

'How did you use my Semblance?!' I hear a shout from my left, as Schnee points her rapier weapon at me.

'I know... I know... it is Hereditary and all... but it drained me... not my Semblance.' I say with a light shrug.

I feel... my Aura waning... its been so long... since I felt such exhaustion....

Ugh... why is everything... so... spinning....

'Good job, Need some help?' I look to the side, and see pink haired Bunny Faunus lightly bending towards me?

'Just... a bit of rest....' I say between breaths...

'Roz. We have our piece.' I hear the grumpy bear saying, as she simply nods and waves me a goodbye.

I slowly feel my Aura regenerating.... which isn't as fast as it should be due to me keeping Overactive Imagination active.

'So. How did you?' Schnee asks me again, as Ruby came to her with a piece? I guess they are partnered up.

'If...I understand a Semblance in specific amount, I can copy it by changing myself into Said person. And you are not the only Schnee.' I say calmly, as everyone gathers around... Well those who didn't leave.

I simply take a breath, so do others. As I turn to the girl who was chased by Deathstalker.

'Hey, you okay? Little warrior.' I say with a smirk, as I look at her, brownish gold armor.

'Oh! Um! Yes, thank you for help!' She shouts with a red face... embarrassment?

I can feel few... 'negative' looks at me. And about four normal ones...
Seems like my 'bloodline' works as always.
But, if someone spends time with me, it kinda... gets weaker?

'No problem, can I ask you bring me one artifact?' I ask her, as she quickly nods and goes into the temple. Quickly bringing me one.... a small chess piece?

'Thanks.' I say simply, as she places it next to me.

I grab the piece, and place it on boobs of girl I'm carrying, stand up.

'Wanna go back together? I'm kinda... vulnerable.' I say, and tilt my head a bit.

'Sure. And what happened to her.' Asks Blake, as I see few other curious gazes.

'I think... she had a bad landing. I found her heavily wounded, with a giant piece of wood in her stomach.' I turn around with her, and show the wound to Blake. As others gasp at it.

'But, I patched it.' Saying this with a smile, I turn around and look at the temple building.... why is it a spiral one?

'Then we should take her back, as fast as possible!' I hear shout from a dude with green hair?
The only ones who didn't speak yet, are those tanned twins... they are too similar.

'Yeah. But she should be fine.' I say and enter the building... its dark. But I can see around due to my Faunus heritage...

And.... nope. Nothing. Fuck you Oz.

I walk out, and sigh...

'Lets just go' I mutter and start going towards Beacon.

(Time Skip)

'Congratulations to all students who passed this years Exams. Please wait for a moment, as I finish few formalities.' Said Ozpin, as every student sat in their chairs in Auditorium.

And I spot lots of older ones, in groups of four.

Simply sitting... some minutes pass as Ozpin comes back with a tablet and giant screen appears behind him.

'I apologise for being late.' He said, as everyone started paying attention to him.

Teams in next chap

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