Scream TV Series (Male Reader)

By WeaselSnipes

12K 284 160

Y/N lived in Lakewood, Louisiana his entire life but after a cyber-bullying incident resulted in a brutal mur... More

Love Interest?
Episode 1: Pilot
Episode 2: Hello Emma
Episode 3: Wanna Play A Game?
Episode 5: Exposed
Episode 6: Betrayed
Episode 7: In The Trenches
Episode 8: Ghosts
Episode 9: The Dance
Episode 10: Revelations
Episode 11: I Know What You Did Last Summer
Episode 12: Psycho
Episode 13: Vacancy
Episode 14: Happy Birthday to Me
Episode 15: Dawn of the Dead
Episode 16: Jeeper Creepers
Episode 17: Let The Right One In
Episode 18: Village of the Damned
Episode 19: The Orphanage
Episode 20: The Vanishing
Episode 21: Heavenly Creatures
Episode 22: When a Stranger Calls
Episode 23: Halloween Special

Episode 4: Aftermath

514 13 15
By WeaselSnipes


The police arrived and luckily that stab wound was not that bad on my stomach. They did stitches on them and I was questioned by the police. Afterwards my parents arrived and we hugged. I then see Riley hugging Noah. After I was questioned by the police one last time me and my parents went home. The next morning, I was listening to Piper's podcast.

Piper: Honestly, guys, this one is a tough one to talk about. I mean, I've covered some terrible things, but last night, I felt it. The hunt for Tyler O'Neill nearly ended in tragedy when another Lakewood teen nearly lost his life trying to defend his friend. And the press will be hyping the curse of Brandon James and looking for someone to blame, but I've met these kids. What they been through is impossible to describe. So, I'm not gonna try. People are wondering who is doing this-

I turned off the podcast and got ready for school when a knock was on the front door. I went downstairs and my parents answered it and we saw Sheriff Hudson.

Sheriff Hudson: Sorry to disturb you but-

"If you're going to question me about last night. Save your breath. I answered your questions the best I could."

Sheriff Hudson: It's not that. It's your grandpa.

I was confused.

Sheriff Hudson: Your grandpa escaped prison last night.

Mom: What?

Dad: How?

Sheriff Hudson: Apparently, he knocked out a guard and stole his clothes and walked out of the prison.

"And none of you noticed him?!"

Sheriff Hudson: We're doing the best we can. But I wanted to let you know so you can keep a look out for him.'

Dad: We will. Thank you.

He left and I decided to attend the announcement Sheriff Hudson going to make.


3rd POV:

Billy Loomis knocked a person out and dragged him into an alleyway to steal his clothes to change out of the police uniform. He then went into a library to use a computer to find Y/N's address. He found it and wrote down on a piece of paper. He got up and left the library and decided to find a perfect time to go get Y/N.


I arrived at the meeting with Emma, Audrey, Noah, Riley, Brooke and the others as Brooke dad came up to the stage.

Mayor Maddox: Good morning, my friends. I know that we are still reeling over the events of the past few days. And the loss to our community is something that we will be feeling for years to come. Sheriff Hudson?

Sheriff Hudson then took the stand.

Sheriff Hudson: I know there are a lot of, uh, rumors floating around. And I'm here to tell you what we know. Last night, it appears Tyler O'Neill attacked Riley Marra and Y/N L/N outside the sheriff's station and then fled the scene. Y/N nearly died protecting his friend. Now, security footage shows that their assailant was wearing the same mask as the person who killed Nina Patterson. And that mask was found in the wreckage of Tyler's car. Our ME is running forensic tests to confirm that the body found inside that car is in fact that of Tyler O'Neill's. But I am confident we've got our man. It's over.

He then walks off as Audrey gets up angrily. I get up and I see Riley approaching me and she hugs me.

Riley: Thank you. I did not know what would have happened if you didn't show up.

"What are friends for? I need to get home."

I went home and I was relaxing when Noah called me and told me to come to his place. When I did, I saw him, Audrey, Riley, and Emma.

"I'm here. What's the problem?"

Emma shows us a yearbook with multiple faces cut out.

"Were these Brandon's victims?"

Riley: He stole their faces.

Emma: And scratched out my dad's. The only survivor.

Noah: I guess Tyler could have sent this, but it seems a little analog for a killer who's been using social media and cell cloning.

"He is taking Emma to the past while he is just messing with me about my past."

Audrey: Is this the message?

Riley: What does it say?

Emma: "The truth lies where the mask was made."

Noah: You know, the mask Brandon James wore was actually a surgical mask. Some say it was all that held his face together...

Riley: Noah.

Noah: Okay. Okay. Just... It was to protect his sutures from infection, post-op.

"So, who made it?"

Noah: I don't know. Brandon's surgeries were done at Lakewood General, out on the turnpike, but it closed down, like, six or seven years ago.

We all looked at each other and I shake my head.

"No. I've seen horror movies. THAT is how you die!"

Emma: We're not going there.

Noah: But it's a great lead!

"NOAH! You either choose life or death... I choose life."

Emma: It probably a trap.

"Exactly. If you're going there. Count me out. I already survived one encounter with him I don't wanna push my luck."

I walked out and went back home and I was in my room when I heard people talking.

Dad: Get out of our house!

I walked downstairs and I stopped as I see my grandpa and he was pointing a pistol at my parents.

Billy: Y/N.

Mom: Y/N, go back upstairs.

Billy: You sure about that, kiddo?

Mom: I ain't your daughter!

Billy: The killer is still out there.

Y/N: What do you want, grandpa.

Billy: I want you to come with me, so I can protect you.

Y/N: My family and the police are protecting me.

Billy: Yeah, and Sheriff Hudson is really doing a bang-up job. You're not safe, Y/N. Not in this house. So please, come with me.

Mom: We're not letting you walk out, Y/N.

Y/N: Do you have a better idea?

Billy: I won't hurt him. You have my word.

Dad: Your word's not worth shit.

Y/N: He won't dad. Trust me.

Dad: Trust you?

Y/N: Grandpa, won't lie about something like this.

Billy: Give me your car keys.

Dad does so and me and Billy walk out of the house and we drive off toward a forest.

3rd POV:

With the others Audrey, and Emma are walking through the abandon hospital when they find the lab and hear someone coming. The two hide ready to ambush the person. When he came close Audrey attacked but she missed as Emma tased him and he falls to the ground.

Audrey: Noah?

Riley: Noah!

They look and see Riley and she helps him up.

Audrey: What the hell!

Noah: Did you just try to tase my man-parts?

Emma: What are you two doing here?

Riley: We wanted to find out what's here and make him pay for killing those people.

Noah: Holy Christmas. Oh, I knew it.

They walk around the lab.

Noah: It's a genuine killer's lair.

Emma: That's a thing?

Audrey: Oh, please don't get him started.

Noah: A lair is an extension of the killer's psychosis. The root cellar of Psycho, Kevin Spacey's apartment in Sven, Hannibal Lecter's kitchen. I mean, every fictional killer has one.

Riley: Wait, so he's been living here?

Noah: I highly doubt it. No, this looks staged. I mean, you see lairs on TV, not in real life. Take Pretty Little Liars. They're always chock-full of bloody clues and creepy unrealistic icons. I mean, seriously, how would A get her hands on four Victorian dolls that look just like the main characters? Where do you shop for that?

Audrey: Evil American Girl Doll store?

Noah: I can't believe you two came here without us.

Emma: Yeah, you're right. After you.

They then enter another part of the room and see two items on a tray.

Audrey: This is Rachel's.

Emma: Nina's necklace.

Riley: He took souvenirs.

Emma: Jesus.

Audrey: Emma.

They look and see the missing yearbook pictures.

Noah: The missing yearbook pictures.

They then see a picture of Emma and Y/N.

Noah: It's you and Y/N.

Audrey: And you two are the stars of the show. I think we should go.

Riley: I agree.

Emma starts to walk towards a shelf.

Audrey: Emma, what are you doing?

Emma: Oh, my god, that's Nina's laptop.

Audrey: What?

Emma puts on gloves and opens it.

Emma: The police have been looking for this.

Audrey: I bet.

She turns it on and sees folders.

Riley: Why are there folders with all her friends?

Emma: Maybe photos?

Noah: Was she friends with the mayor? Principal Showalter?

Audrey: The Sheriff.

Riley: What was Nina doing?

They then notice two files.

'Y/N L/N

Emma Duval'

She clicks on them but cannot open them.

Noah: They're encrypted. I could get 'em open... But I'd need some time.

Audrey: I got it.

Emma: Wait, hold on.

Audrey: Emma we gotta take this.

Emma: This is evidence. We should let the police deal with this.

Riley: Yeah, since they handled Tyler so well.

Audrey: Emma there's files with yours and Y/N names on it. Aren't you the least bit curious?

Emma: I just feel like this is all a test. And when I fail, people die.

Audrey: You didn't come here to do nothing.

Thats when they hear someone.

Riley: Someone's coming.

Emma: Wait, does your camera have an SD card?

Audrey: Yeah, hang on.

She takes out the SD card and gives it to Emma and she puts it in the computer and starts to copy hers and Y/N's files.

Audrey: How much longer?

Emma: Ten seconds.

Audrey: We don't have ten seconds.

It finishes downloading and they take the SD card and they see the killer's mask.

Emma: There might be DNA on it.

She grabs it and Tyler's decapitated head falls on the ground as the four screams and they all ran.

Riley: That's Tyler's head!

Audrey: There's no way he killed anybody.

Emma: Come on. He's coming.

They ran out when they ran into Sheriff Hudson and they were taken to the police station.

Maggie: What were you thinking?

Sheriff Hudson: Yeah, what were you thinking? Every piece of evidence in that hospital is potentially inadmissible because of you!

Emma: How did you know we were there?

Sheriff Hudson: Anonymous tip. Someone saw you guys' breaking in. We swept that place a week ago, looking for Tyler. There was nothing. So why were you there?

Emma: A package came to the house. The 1994 Lancers yearbook. He cut out people's faces, he wrote things.

Maggie: Oh my God, Emma.

Sheriff Hudson: Why didn't you come straight here?

Emma: Because last time I came here it didn't end that well.

Maggie: Hey, that's not fair.

Emma: Mom, none of this is fair.

Maggie: Why didn't you tell me about this?

Emma: To try and stop more people from dying. I said I didn't think it was Tyler. No one believed me.

Audrey: But you believe us now, right?

Sheriff Hudson: Well, considering his head is in that hospital and his body is in the car, yeah.

Noah: Glad we cleared that up.

Noah was going to get up but was stopped.

Sheriff Hudson: Sit down. Don't move. I'm gonna need your camera, Audrey.

She hands it over.

Sheriff Hudson: Now, all of you, get out of here. Go home. Do me a favor. Any further contact, you call me immediately.

That's when Hudson's radio went off.

Police: Sheriff Hudson.

Sheriff Hudson: What is it?

Police: We found Billy Loomis.

Sheriff Hudson: Where?

Police: In the woods, with Y/N L/N.

Emma: What?


Y/N was with Billy with a fire going and Y/N sees a pistol.

Y/N: Still don't trust me?

Billy: No, I trust you. It's everyone else I don't trust.

Y/N: I mean it, grandpa. You're gonna end up back in jail, or worse.

Billy: You still don't understand, do you?

Y/N: Understand what?

Billy: I'd rather die than lose you. Why do you hate me... Beside me killing your grandma.

Y/N: To be honest. I hated the Loomis name. Every time someone hears that name, they think I will kill... Every time. But now I'm on the run from a serial killer with another serial killer. So...

Billy: Well. When you put it that way...

Y/N: Why did you kill them, Grandpa? Please, just tell me the truth. No more lies, no more half-truths. The full truth.

Billy: The reason I did it was because I wanted revenge against Maureen Prescott. My anger stems from my mother's abandonment, following my father's affair with Maureen, my girlfriend's mother. I blamed Maureen and her well-renowned promiscuity for ruining my family structure. In revenge, I killed Maureen, and successfully frames her other lover, Cotton. A year later, I was torturing your grandmother in an elaborate revenge plot, hoping to frame her father for the killing spree I commits with Stu, following our success with framing Cotton. But it backfired and Stu died and I killed Sindey and afterwards Sheriff Dewey arrested me. Before that your grandma was pregnant with your mom and give birth afterwards... I killed her. I could have changed but I didn't.


Suddenly we heard a twig snap and we looked around.

Billy: See anything?

"All I see are trees"

I look at Grandpa and blood was coming out of his mouth. I looked behind him and saw the killer. My grandpa dropped to the floor and I ran as the killer chased me. I ran and found a barn. He cornered me and before he could do anything my grandpa tackle him. I saw the gun that my grandpa got from a police officer and when I picked it up the killer killed grandpa. I shot and missed. He looked up and I fired another shot but I kept the gun steady and shot him in the chest and he goes down. He was not moving and I heard a police car and that's when I felt a sharp pain in my leg and it was the killer still alive and he slashed my leg. He got up and I tried to crawl towards the police when the killer was stopped by grandpa. He turned around and I got up and started to run off as I see the killer finish off my grandpa. I ran out of the woods where my parents, friends and the police were waiting. My parents hugged me as the police went into the woods to search for the killer. tears came out of me as I saw my grandpa die. After I got stitches for my leg, they wheeled out my grandpa's body.

3rd POV:

It was the next day and Y/N was sitting on the grass as Brooke comes over.

Brooke: Hey.

Y/N: Hey.

Brooke: How you holding up?

Y/N: To be honest. Like shit.

Brooke: Last night I left Riley alone and saves her and another person paid the price because of it.

Y/N: Yeah... I'm going to miss him.

Brooke rested her head on his shoulder.

Piper: It has happened again. Another murder has happened in our town. This time it is the famous killer, Billy Loomis. Billy was accused and sentenced to life in prison after he murdered his girlfriend and her friends. He was found dead in a barn in the middle of the woods by the killer in Lakewood. What can anyone tell us about this killer? And more importantly can anyone stop him?

Night came and Y/N was in the attic as he finds a box with a note.

'To my Grandson. - Billy Loomis.'

He opens it and sees a tape.

Y/N: There you are.

'3 Rules to Survive a Horror Movie.'

He took it downstairs and inserted it and it begin to play a video and he saw a younger Billy Loomis and he was at a party and they got on the topic of horror movies.

Randy: That's why she always lived. Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene in the end. Don't you know the rules?

???: Rules? What rules?

Y/N sees his grandmother.

Billy: You're saying you do not know the rules of horror movies Sidney?

Sindey: Going to be honest... No.

Billy and his friend Randy got up and turned to Grandma, Stu, and his friends.

Billy: You go first Randy.

Randy: Rule one: There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. For instance: 1. You can never have sex.

Everyone in the crowd except Sindey boo Randy and Billy.

Billy: It's true. The minute you get a little nookie--you're as good as gone. Sex always equals death.

Randy: Never drink or do drugs.

Billy: The sin factor. It's an extension of number one.

Randy: And 3. Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, say "I'll be right back."

Stu: Wanna another beer?

Randy: Yeah.

Billy: Sure.

Stu: I'll be right back. ~

Crowd: Ooooohh.

Billy: And there he goes. Dead.

Sindey looked towards the camera and asked,

Sindey: Hey, Billy, why are you recording this?

Billy: Don't worry, Sindey it's for the future.

Billy walked to Sindey, and they kissed. Billy then went towards the camera, and he looked at it and he turned it off. The tape comes out as tears come out of Y/N. He grabbed the tape and put it in his room and went to the bathroom. He splashed water on his face and looked in the mirror and saw someone.

Billy: Hello, Y/N.

Y/N gasped and turned around... 

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