Episode 17: Let The Right One In

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The next morning, Noah let Audrey stay the night.

Audrey: Hey, thanks for letting me crash. There's no way I could've been by myself last night.

Noah: Me either, actually. Hey... you know you need to tell Emma and Y/N everything you told me last night, right?

Audrey: No, there's no way I'm ever telling them any of that.

Noah: But with everything that's happened...

Audrey: I destroyed their lives!

Noah: Piper destroyed their lives.

Audrey: I brought Piper here!

Noah: I get that you're scared, but... I understood. Emma and Y/N will too. But you just have to give them a chance.

Audrey: Emma and Y/N's not you, Noah.

She rips off her picture from the prime suspect board.

Audrey: I'm starving.


Me and Brooke went to Emma's workplace to meet up with Audrey.

Brooke: Hey! Hey, have you seen Emma? Wasn't she supposed to be working this morning?

Audrey: She was supposed to, but I haven't. Are you okay?

"We fucked up."

Audrey: That's ominous.

Brooke: You're dark. Like, in a good way. We feel like maybe you would understand.

Audrey: That's even more ominous.

Brooke: So, last night, Y/N and I handcuffed Branson to a bed, threatened to castrate him with scissors, and then left him trapped in a hotel room.

Audrey: You went full Hard Candy on Branson and left him chained to a bed?

"Yeah. Pretty much."

Brooke: We were just trying to scare him. We thought he knew something about Jake.

Audrey: Is he still there?

Brooke pulls out the key to the handcuffs.

Audrey: What the hell is that?

"Don't freak out."

Brooke: It's the key to the handcuffs.

Audrey: Oh, wow.

Brooke: We're serious. Don't judge us.

Audrey: No, no, no. Trust me, I'm in no position to judge, but... we definitely need to do something about this.


Me, Brooke, and Audrey went to the hotel as Audrey tried to call Noah but she failed to do so and so she left a message for her.

Audrey: Hey, Foster, if anything happens to me, it probably has something to do with Seth Branson. I'll explain later.

Brooke: Audrey, you did not have to come with us, really. He's gonna be weak and exhausted.

She raises an eyebrow at us.


Brooke: Don't judge us. The point is, we can take him together. Right?

Audrey: Just open the door.

Brooke opens the door, and the bed is empty, and Seth is gone. The only thing there was his watch, and the blindfold.

Brooke: Wha...? No... way.

Audrey: Okay, this is bad. I'm not gonna lie. But Branson was bound to escape eventually.

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