Episode 7: In The Trenches

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I was walking to school after a serious talk with my grandpa last night. I passed Emma and Kieran kissing. I walked by as the school bell rings as I met up with Brooke. Me and her discussed last night and we eventually made it inside the school.

"So, did you figure out where that bedsheet came from?"

Brooke: The guest room. Mom wanted to redecorate. Now she may never get the chance.

"Can't we just walk up to him and ask him about where your mom is?"

Brooke: I did. He swears she's in rehab, but he won't tell me which one. He went out late last night, came back all sulky. I don't know, I just... I have a feeling something really bad is going on.

Emma then walks up to us.

Emma: Hey! Um, have either of you guys seen Will?

"Last time I saw him he was heading towards a warehouse last night with Piper doing God knows what. Why?"

Emma: He texted me that he tried to fix things last night, but it failed. I don't know it was weird.

I look at Brooke.

"Didn't you say your dad went out last night?"

Brooke: Yeah.

"I might know who he was meeting last night."

Emma: What're you talking about?

Brooke: Y/N found out that Will has been blackmailing my dad. He had a video of him doing something... pretty bad.

Emma: But where is Will?

"He might have already left the warehouse."

I look and see Piper.

Piper: We need to talk.

Piper explained everything that happened and we went to the warehouse.

Brooke: Where the hell are we?

"This is the place where Will met with your dad. So, where the hell is Will?"

Piper: So, Will wanted to return the money and the phone with the video on it. He was trying to do the right thing. He wanted a witness and I wanted a story.

Brooke: So, uh, you're gonna tell us the story?

Piper: Well, that's kind of what I do, but let's just focus on finding your friend first.

"So, where the hell is he?"

Piper: The mayor left, and then that the mask freak showed up. He tried to kill me, and Will... Will saved my life. I came to, my head was pounding, will was gone, and I found this.

We see a message.


Brooke: Oh, my God.

Piper holds her head.

"Are you okay?"

Piper: Just a mild concussion, but I'm okay.

Emma: You guys take her outside. Y/N you're staying with me.

Brooke: No Emma.

Emma: We'll meet you out there. I just need to think.

They do as I look around and see a mirror. I walk towards it and my grandpa appears.

Billy: Do you see my point now?

"Now's not the time, Grandpa."

Billy: You can't run from who you are, Y/N. I'm just trying to help you make it through this.

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