Devil's Possession (Vincent s...

By taishum_alvi

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"plzz Eric don't do this to him. He is innocent." I begged. "So..." He asked annoyed. "Didn't I tell you to s... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
New Story-Silent Falmes

Chapter 65

545 25 3
By taishum_alvi

Elena's POV.

"Ohh...I'll cook something for you." I said turning towards the stove.

"I'm not hungry for the food but for you." He said in my ears and my breathing fastened.

My chest was rising and falling as i gulped down listening his words.

He snaked his hands around me and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Why are you scared...i love you, I won't hurt you." He said and immense relief settled inside me.

I can feel his breath on my neck as he was inhaling my smell. I kept my hand on his tightening our grip.

I smiled at the thought that he's so much sane when his mind is not in his control.

I turned towards him and he smiled at me. I hugged him feeling his every strong muscle flushed against me.

He tightened his grip on my waist inhaling me smell,"i love you. I never want to lose you." He confessed and i rubbed his back roaming my hand in his smooth locks.

We broke the hug when we listened to the door bell rang.

A smile appeared on my lips. Maybe brother Samuel had buried the locket and he's all fine now.

I saw Eric going towards the door when my phone rang.

I saw a text message from mom,"The wicked women from Eric's dream can come home just don't open the door."

I panicked. I saw Eric opening the door.

"Eric don't..." But before i can say anything else he opened the door and there stood a lady i was shocked to see her here.

I took some steps and saw a smile on Eric's face.

What's happening?

I realised she was the women who I've met when i went shopping with Ava. I gulped down. Sweat started forming on my forehead and my heart was pounding in my chest cavity.

I've to keep Eric away from her. I'm not sure if she's the same women Eric saw in his nightmares.

I opened my mouth to say but his next move made me halter in my steps.

"Mother!" He said with utmost happiness and i saw him bowing down on his knees before her and his head lower pinned on the floor.

My stomach twisted seeing him like this. I realised she's the one behind my husband's nightmares. She's the sole reason for his misdeeds and misery.

I fisted my palm and walked towards him,"Eric what are you doing?"

He looked at me and then at her,"Rise..." She said like he's her pet and he stood up.

My eyes burning with rage and tears collected.

"Elena she's my should bow down too." He said and i shook him,"She's not your mother... your mother is Hellen Vincent. Don't listen to her..." He looked upset of my words and then looked at the women again.

"My apologies... she's my wife Elena. She loves me a lot, plzz forgive her for her words. She never disrespect anyone she just doesn't know who you are." He said and i felt huge amount of rage at her.

She's still playing with his mind. He was bowing down infront of her like she owns him. I wanted to murder her right now. She destroyed my husband's innocence.

"Son. Don't worry about her." She said smiling at me wickedly.

She patted his cheeks and i heard her muttering something under her breath.

She's again messing up with his mind.

He closed his eyes welcoming her words.

I pulled him away from her,"Eric don't listen to her. She's not your mother." I said and this time his eyes looked dead with no emotions.

"Son tell me again...who is she?" She smiled evilly and he looked at me with a smirk.

He pulled me towards him and my body hit his hard chest,"She's my whore." He said and tears started falling from my eyes.

"She's good on bed. She's has got fuckable body, I'd love to fuck every night." He continued and i looked at the evil lady as his words changed immediately.

"Perfect..." She said and my tears didn't stop.

"How does it feels?" She asked and i was still caged in his arms.

She continues,"How does it feels when you love someone and someone else snatches him away from you. Just like I did." She stopped and looked at Eric who was busy caressing my cheeks and i feel disgusted with the looks he was giving me and his words already pierced my heart.

But i know she did something to him. He will never call me that word.

She further said,"Hellen snatched him away from me just imagine what grief I've been through all these years away from my son." She said and i clenched my teeth.

"Shut up...just shut up. Eric is biologically a Vincent." I yelled at her.

" your tone..." he warned and she smirked.

She told me that she always knew that I've changed the locket with a fake one. And she came here so that she can destroy Eric completely.

She was a truly a wicked soul. I can't believe she claims to be her mother.

"I saw it when you changed the locket..." Although i was so lost in my misery i asked her,"How?"

"I performed a witchcraft and by looking at this purple stone i can say this is not the locket i replaced." She smiled loudly causing my ears shrink. I cringed at her.

She looks so innocent. By looking at her face no one can believe she performs witchcraft.

"Just wait and watch how I'll destroy your husband infront of you." She looked at me and then to Eric. He still held me tight against him and i tightened my hold around him when she said she's gonna hurt him.

"Darling...I won't hurt him i know he loves you more than anything. Shouldn't i just kill you." She said and my heart sank. Knots started forming inside my stomach as i held Eric closed to me.

"You can't touch me. Eric will kill you before you kill me!" I said without any doubt. I looked at him and his face was blank. I saw the wicked women looking at Eric in his eyes.

"Don't look at her!" I said to Eric but he was standing there like a statue.

"Son won't you teach her a good lesson for disrespecting me infront of you." She said and he stood there silently,"I want you to show her hell on earth. Break her until morning, torture her mentally and physically and then just kill her. I want you to give her the most brutal death." She says and i can't believe my ears. She smiled at me and i shook my head.

"Such a cruel women you are asking him to..." She intruppted complete the sentence i couldn't say,"yes...fuck you." She chuckled.

"You've always been an obstacle in my path. Whenever I've tried to push Eric in darkness you've always stopped him by doing some or the other thing. But tonight you'll witness how devil your husband is...when he'll rip you off under him." She said and making my hairs stand on the end. I gulped down imagining the scene and my heart clenched.

My tears were continuously falling from my cheeks,"Just kill her when you're done." She said looking at Eric and his face was blank.

"He won't do anything to me. I know he loves me. He won't force me ever." I said hugging his frame. I can't believe she calls herself a women. And asking a husband to force his own wife.

"Eric didn't you listen!" She yelled at Eric when he kept standing on his place.

He looked at me and break the hug. A tear escaped my eyes and to be honest i was scared.

I felt his grip around my wrist as he starts dragging me.

"Well i would have love to see the show but I've to stop Hellen from burying the locket."

I saw her going out locking the door from out side.

I realised her only motive was to come here and compel Eric to do this.

He was dragging me mercilessly.

"Eric..." I tried to remove his hand.

He kept dragging me to the first floor.

"Don't listen to her she's not your mother..." I said struggling in his grip. His grip was so tight around my wrist.

"Leave me..." I said and turned my heels downstairs. I immediately hide in Ava's room wiping my tears.

My heart was pounding. My forehead was forming so much sweat. I shivered when i heard him yelling.

"Elena come out..." His voice echoed in the whole mansion and i closed my mouth to prevent my breathing sound. My hairs were all scattered on my face and i did'nt bother to pull them away from my face.

"Don't test my patience..." He said trying to find me. I saw his foot going towards the wardrobe. He opened it and then checked the bathroom.

Tears were continuously rolling on my cheeks seeing him like this...I hid under the bed and saw his legs roaming in the room dangerously.

I pressed my palm on my mouth more tightly.

I don't know how much time it will take for them to bury the locket.

I hate that women for turning Eric into this.

"Gotcha..." I heard his voice and jumped. My head hit the bed as i come out. He gripped my hand again and i bited his hand due to this sudden act his grip loosened and i ran inside the kitchen.

"This is of no use Elena... I'll fuck you hard when i found you" he said frustrated and i sat down scared behind the kitchen counter.

I wiped my tears and tucked my hairs behind my ear.

I dialled his no. as fast as i can and waited for them to pick up the call,"Hello Elena..."

"Brother Samuel..." I tried so hard not to sound pathetic or weak. I don't want him to get distracted from his goal when we are this close.

"How much time it will take..." I asked as slowly as i can.

"Father Perez is here. He's doing some rituals and we are digging to bury it." He said and the phone was snatched by none other than Eric.

"Samuel... how's everything going?" He asked cockily and chuckled.

He put the phone on speaker.

"Eric...!" He sounded concerned and serious.

"Seriously Samuel..." He chuckled,"you all are making me fool and You thought i wouldn't find this out." He looked at me and smirked,"I had a doubt...but got confirmed when i met mother."He said and i was so thrilled to see him talking like that with his elder brother.

Never in his life he called him by his first name. And now because of that women he's disrespecting him as well as me.

He called me names because of her.

"That bitch is not your mother!" He yelled at Eric. I can sense the hate he was feeling for that women.

"Shut up. Don't you dare talk ill about her." Eric shouted and hanged up.

He again pulled me and pressed his body against mine.

I closed my eyes in fear and felt something cold on my cheeks.

I opened my eyes and saw a sharp knife in his hand. I sucked some breath and he kept it on the side of my face.

He dragged it till my chin and i felt the cold knife under my chin.

He raised my head with the knife and came closer. He kept the edge of the knife on my neck and it was touching my neck when even i was gulping down.

"Don't move." He said and sucked my lips. I can still feel the sharp edge touching my neck.

He sucked my lips harder and i felt the sharp tip peircing my skin.

I pushed him and touched my neck. It was bleeding.

He took me towards the stairs. The grip on the knife didn't loosened a bit.

"I'm your wife Eric...plzz don't do this. That women is playing with your mind. She's not your mother. Mom Hellen is your mother." I was pulled harshly and he pushed me on the floor.

My butt hit the floor and i winced in pain.

He harshly pulled me up. He looked devastatingly angry. His eyes red and his veins popping out.

"Dare you disrespect her." He said dragging me upstairs again.

My leg twisted because of his harsh act.

I immediately ran upstairs in the gym. I was about to lock the door but i realised there was no lock.

Shit. I'm so dead.

I hide behind the door and he walked passed the gym.

I heaved a sigh of relief keeping my hand on chest.

My eyes turned red and it was aching a lot. My head was spinning. This constant chase made me so exhausted.

"Wife!" My breath stopped. He was standing infront of me smirking.

He pushed me towards the wall,"How much you'll run?" He inhaled my smell and i felt disgusted.

His smell was making me nauseous. He sucked my skin and again held my wrist in his tight grip.

He pushed me inside the room and i again fell on the floor.

He locked the door and again held my arm. He roughly threw me on bed.

"Eric this is not right. You're not in your senses." My chest was pounding inside.

I was so scared of him. I saw him removing his shirt and i closed my eyes.

I don't have any problem sleeping with him but he's not in his right state of mind. He's compelled.

He kept his knee on the bed and climbed on the bed. My eyes widened. I saw his frame. He was so big. No way i can win over him. I gulped down looking at his half naked body.

I remember her words and i shivered.

I want you to show her hell on earth. Break her until morning, torture her mentally and physically and then just kill her. I want you to give her the most brutal death.

I closed my eyes. I saw the knife in his hand.

I should remind him that he's not her son. I wiped my tears and sat on my knee. I went to him and cupped his face. He closed his eyes feeling my palm around his cheeks.

"Eric...I love you. Plzz don't do this." I pressed my forehead against his and his breath was fanning my lips.

"She's not your mother... she's manipulating you..." I said and looked at him. He calmed down and a relief settled in me.

He took my palm in his hand which was cupping his face and kisses it. He looked at me and sucked my throat making me lose my mind.

I detached his body with mine creating some distance,"Eric stop..." I said when i felt his lips on the other side of my neck.

"Eric have a grip on yourself..." I again cupped his face making him look at me but he pushed me on the bed making it bounce.

He dipped his face in my neck and sucked the spot again and again. I kept my hand on his shoulder to keep him away from me.

I can feel him marking my neck with his sharp teeth.


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