Secrets Between Us

بواسطة Nobody864330

215 12 29

A new girl moves into a small town her past a secret. First day of school how will she get through it all eye... المزيد

Food for Thought?
Into the Woods
Caro Pov
Unknown Number
Silence is Deafening
The Bonfire
"X" Strikes Again

To Fresh Starts

53 4 0
بواسطة Nobody864330

Songs for this chapter:
1. The Life by Fifth Harmony
2. Stand Up by One Direction
3. Champion by Carrie Underwood
Elizabeth's POV:

Beep! beep! beep! (the alarm goes off) All right I need to get out of bed. I don't want to but it's the first day at my new school.

As I roll out of bed I look around my room, bare walls and empty dresser. I need to start unpacking, it's been 2 days. Oh well, I'll do it later.
Its already 6:30 am mom said she was going to take me to go get coffee.

The floor boards creak as I walk down the hall to my moms room, who's surprisingly on the phone, so I listen "I know honey, its just- I think it's a good opportunity for her to make new friends considering the incident."

Wow, can't believe she's talking about that this early in the morning. Then again, she hasn't stopped since it happened.
Let's just say High school, is nothing like High school Musical. One can wish though.

After the incident, like we call  it, mom got a new job. She thought it would be a "fresh start". I see it as running away.

We all know it was my fault but no one says it out loud.

As I wander back to my room pondering what to wear I hear a noise. Squeak. I look to my feet and I see a rat. Wait....

"Rat!" I screech. Frozen.
I.HATE.Rats. And this one was HUGE! ( it was about the size of a crayon) but still. I knew the house was old and dingy but rats, really?!

As it runs across my feet I yell, "mom get the broom we have a rat problem!" It scurry's away out of sight.

Just then I hear her call back  "Honey, not right now I'm busy."

Great, it's 6:40 in the morning I have to be at the school at 7:30 and she's busy! Oh well, it's not my fault then. And I definitely am not taking the bus, I need my coffee.

I can't wait to get my license so I can drive myself. I hate depending on other people.

Mom eventually came out of her room. She looks different today.

Her hair is all done up, I've always admired her soft, pin-straight and dark like the night hair. I wish I got her hair. I mean, I did but I didn't. Where hers is straight my hair is wavy but not "wavy enough" to be wavy wavy. Damn beauty standards.Thanks dad I think to myself. But that's not all, she's dressed extremely professional it's not like her. I'm used to her in a smock hair up with a paint brush through it.
Now she's in a button up blouse with her name Julie Ann pinned, A knee length skirt and high heels. How is she going to walk in those? I chuckle. "Mom you look beautiful." She glances up at me and furrows her brows,
"Alright are you ready? Or are you going in pjs to school? That outta make an impression." She joked,with a warm smile.
I love seeing her smile it reminds me of when I was little.

I look down forgetting I was in pjs, "Yeahh this won't do. Yesterday was Adam Sandler. Today, I'm gonna do Y2K"

Turning around running to my room to get ready I yell, "I love you, give me five!" I go to my duffel bag and rummage for my crop top and high waisted cargo pants. I look at my phone. I'm really running behind.
I throw my clothes on and put my high top Reebok kicks on, as I put my hair in a tight knot and look for my glasses.

I forgot I put them downstairs on the table. Swinging my book bag from the corner of my room on to my back. I rush downstairs. I can't find my glasses! How am I going to see in school if I'm blind? Oh, it's too late it's 7:07 and I need to get in the car now or no coffee. And I NEED MY COFFEE!

I rush out side just in time to crash into someone. I fall back like I hit a brick wall and yell,
"What the hell dude."

The person I ran into leans over and reaches out his hand to help me up . I shrug it off and get up dusting off my hurting butt.
I tell him, "Nope I'm good. What are you doing on my porch?"
He shrugs and said "I'm your neighbour from next door. I was going to introduce myself. But you seem to have already fallen for me."

I almost threw up in my mouth. Who is this guy. Who does he think he is. Gross!

I brush it off and tell him, "Well. This has been fun but I'm in a bit of a rush, nice meeting you, bye."

I walk past him as he stands there stunned. It's as if he had just been rejected by the Queen of France.

Too bad I didn't get a better look at him, I get to the Honda and throw my book bag in the back. I get in the car and mom starts driving.

I turn but before I could ask mom hands me my glasses.

"Oh my gosh thank you! I was looking for them", I tell her.

"I thought you would end up forgetting them. Do you want Dunkin' or Starbucks?" she asks as she pulls down the street.

"Dunkin' obviously, Starbucks is for blonds!"
We laugh out loud. It's funny because, I have black hair with red underneath. The polar opposite.
Just then she asks,
"Liza, honey, who was on our porch?"
"Oh just our neighbour he's so weird."
She looks at me, "is he cute?"

"Mooooom..." I shake my head laughing. "Ugh i don't know I couldn't see remembered. I didn't have my glasses on, and even if I did I don't really care." I tell her honestly.

I had just got out of a 6 month long relationship and right now I didn't want to even think of men.
Mom looks at me as if full of sorrow. "Okay well what do you want?" She asks as we pull into dunkin.
"Chocolate cold foam with cinnamon sugar on top. My usual.", I tell her smiling from ear to ear.

10 minutes later.
We pull up to school it looks smaller than my last one. I still have 3 minutes to get to the office for my schedule. Where is the office? I think to myself.

I get out the car and start heading to the front entrance. Wow as I walked closer the building got huge.
My perspective is off today.

"Hi!" a girl said in an all to peppy voice. I look at my phone, and back at her It was 7:30 in the morning who has that much energy.
I muster up all my energy just to wave.
"You must be new here."
Wow...Do I look that out of place? Nahhh. I'm worrying too much just be nice and it will be fine I tell myself.
Finally i spoke " yea actually I just transferred schools my name is Elizabeth and you are?"
"Oh my gosh I love that name!
Haha, I forget to introduce myself sometimes and just get to chatting I'm Clarity..."
She began talking but I was just watching around us.
I laugh as she cracked a joke. she's not too bad she reminds me of my one childhood friends.
"... so yeah im your go to girl I know the school like the back of my hand"
Great so she can show me to the office!
" can you take me to the office then?" I asked.
She nodded and skipped away "follow me!"
I look around to see if anyone noticed she was skipping and no one payed any attention. Like it was just another day. So I followed silently.

In about 2 minutes we were in the front office.
I opened the door and it smelled like vanilla and cinnamon mixed with the smell of old folks probably coming from the lady at the front desk. She looked rather ancient. Silver hair glasses that were circular. And a cute little blouse with puppies on it. Cute. She looked up and her face was bright.
"Ah, dear you must be the new student I was told about you this morning. Gosh, are you pretty darling. It's Elana ? No Libby ahh gosh I'm sorry I'm rather terrible with names."
I smile and chuckle "it's Elizabeth, you were close,but most people call me Liza. And you are ...?"
"Silly me im Mis Darla. Im usually the Math teacher but I'm filling in for the lovely office lady's." ...
We chatted for quite a bit of time before I realized Clarity had left I hope she didn't think I was being rude.
Just then I remembered why I needed to go to the office
"So sorry to cut our conversation short, but I came to get a schedule?"
"Oh yes dear here you go" as she hands me it from right in front of her I notice I have her 2nd block.
"Thank you so much I guess I will be seeing you later then."

I look at My schedule and goes as follows, Art 3, Math AP, Lunch,Gym ,English12. I look up clearly confusion was written on my face. She smiles and points
"100s-200 is this floor 300-400s is the top. But here is  a map I think you still might need it. I will talk to you later Elizabeth."
I smile and walk to my first class... Art 3,
Shoot! I'm already 30 minutes late. And all eyes are on me.
Till next time,Xoxo
~Author ت

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