
By a_dimond_lol

5.4K 221 75

Lee Minho, the son of the king, is a luna, a blood luna. Bang Chan, is the son of a very feared mafia gang... More


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361 20 0
By a_dimond_lol

The following morning, Changbin successfully ensured that everyone was ready and in his car to avoid being late for their initial class. Upon arrival, all four individuals disembarked, and the three omegas eagerly embraced their alphas. However, Minho and Chan appeared displeased with the presence of each other. Seungmin spoke up, his arm wrapped protectively around Felix, acknowledging that they will be spending a lot of time together now that everyone is content with their respective partners. However, Chan made it clear that they will tolerate each other, provided that Minho doesn't behave like a brat. Which caused Minho to scoff and respond with a sassy remark about Chan's supposed superiority. 

"It's unfortunate how there's tension between you guys over something so trivial," Changbin remarked, leaning against Jeongin. "It's not trivial, Binnie," Minho countered, giving the other a pointed look. "Yeah, it's not. This brat decided to be difficult and uncooperative," Chan retorted, glaring at Minho. "But let's not forget, I'm not the one strutting around with an air of superiority like Mr. Blood Alpha here," Minho sniped back. "I find you quite annoying," Chan sighed, as he ran his hand through his hair. "But your mate," replied Minho in a neutral tone, as he walked away with the sound of the bell ringing in the background. Chan got up and followed Minho to their class, with Hyunjin and Jisung following closely behind.

When Chan, Hyunjin, and Jisung arrived, Minho was already seated. Hyunjin bid farewell to Jisung before sitting next to Minho and unpacking his math materials. Despite Mr. Meridian starting the lesson, Hyunjin and Minho chatted throughout the class and didn't seem interested in paying attention to any of their classes.

As the day ended, Minho and Chan had given each other their unnecessary remarks the whole day. The four omegas made their way back home, falling onto the sofa. "Chan is so annoying." Minho groaned rubbing his hands over his face as he continued to complain, his friends finding it quite funny. However, Minho was not the only one complaining. 

"He's a brat!" Chan stated, falling back onto the sheets of his bed as his friends all snickered around him quietly. "you two should try and get along Chan hyung." Jisung prodded his side, still laughing. Chan's door creaked open, making the three stop laughing as all four looked at the door which showed Chan's Father. "I have a job for you boys, a couple people are in the basement, get information and get rid of them." Chan's father ordered the four alpha's nodded, getting up from Chan's bed and heading downstairs. 

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