MinLix <> ~Coffee Shop~


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"Who is she?" "You look so happy with her." "Do you like her?" More

Authors note
Chapter 1 {Who are you?}
Chapter 2 {Run Away}
Chapter 3 {Smile}
Chapter 4 {You and Her}
Chapter 5 {Crush}
Chapter 6 {Untold Secrets}
Chapter 7 {Dreaming}
Chapter 8 {Before You Go}
Chapter 9 {Stay}

|End| Chapter 10 {Déjà Vu}

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Minho's POV

And that was the last time i saw him.

We did facetime and call for like two months but then he ghosted me like i was nothing to him.

He kept ignoring my calls and he never answered. I hated him. I hated how he made me believe that he loved me. I hate how i still loved him after all this time. And he promised that he would be back in two years and i dont even know why i even believed him because he left me in hell for these past fifteen years now.

But everyday i would go to that same coffee shop we used to go to together, and id break down in tears everytime i remembered the memories held here. The woman named Ryujin, who had been the cashier helping me and Felix ever since we started coming to the shop, told me that they had built something in the back of the shop that i especially might like before leaving on her last day working there. But i didn't feel like it, i always went inside in the shop, ordered what i needed, and always sat at the table me and Felix had sat at. Everything changed and i didn't like it.

I was at the coffee shop today, then suddenly my phone began ringing, as i was drinking a cup of coffee.

It was a random number. Maybe it was Felix. Maybe he came back. I know it was bumb but.. i picked up.


"Uhm Hi, is this Minho?" It was a female voice.

"Yeah, how can I help you."

"Its Olivia Lee. Felix's sister."

My heart dropped.

Tears filled my eyes and before i knew it i was crying again. With a broken voice i answered.

"H-Hey, is Felix there?"

"Im sorry but he isn't..Um i would like to meet up with you to tell you some things."

"Oh- Of course- Yes, Uh. just meet me by S.K.Z High School."

"Thanks, ill be there in a couple of minutes."

I hung up the phone and thoughts rushed into my head.

Did he come back? Is he gonna be with Olivia?

My coffee had gone cold and i didn't have the appetite to finish it anymore. I threw it out in the trash can on my way out and headed towards our old high school.

It was weird and lots of things were new. The tree i always used to sit by when Felix had left was now gone. I remember eighteen year old me sitting underneath it, reading a book and dreaming of the day that i thought would come. Now im thirty-three and that day hasn't come. But I still have a little hope with me.

I saw a white mini van pull up in the parking lot of the school and a young lady existed the vehicle. I had a feeling that she was Olivia, as she walked towards me, i noticed she had little freckles splattered on her face like little stars, just like Felix.



"Wow, i finally got to meet you." She said as she smiled and shook my hand.

"Oh? Has Felix mentioned me to you before..?" I asked and let go of her hand.

"Of course he has. And that's why i wanted to come see you, i wanted to tell you what happened because i know you've been waiting."

"Mm i have. Is he.. here in Korea with you or still back in Australia?"

"Uhm no. He isn't in Korea. Well, he isn't here at all." She told me as she lowered her head.

"Huh- what do you mean?"

"He passed away three months after we left for Australia in a car accident. And im sorry that you didn't get notified earlier becau-"

"H-he what-"

I broke down into tears once again but i never cried this hard in my life.

"Im sorry Minho." She said and hugged me as she also started to cry.

She continued explaining everything to me with her voice broken.

"He told me everything about you- and he loved you a lot Minho. I never saw him that happy in my life when he talked about you. Ever since our parents died he hasn't laughed or smiled much until he met you. And he had been telling me about you ever since he started liking you. Mi-Minho he really loved you.."

"B-but he's gone. Olivia how did it happen!? How-" i asked while sobbing

She also sobbed and hugged me even tighter as she fell down on her knees with me.

After a couple minutes of silence she broke the hug and looked up at me.

"He hsed to tell me that when he comes back here he was gonna surprise you with something else."

"Did..you see it yet....?"

"N-no. I haven't." I answered

"He um said something about the back of a coffee shop? He didn't tell me exactly what it was but thats all I kno-"

"The coffee shop." I looked up at her and said.

"Do you know where that is?"

I took her hand and immediately got up on my feet. We began running towards the coffee shop as it wasn't too far from the school.

I was crying and smiling as i remembered when me and Felix had ran away from Yeonjun, and that was the first time we came to that coffee shop.

We got there and we saw a woman at the cashier, i looked at her name tag and her name was Nayeon. She looked a bit old but not too old.

"Sir are you okay? Do you need help-?" She asked me as she saw my face and Olivia's face full of wet tears.

Olivia looked over to me and looked at the woman.

"My brother Felix- Lee Felix. Told me he was doing something here at the back of this coffee shop, but we never got to see it. Is there a chance that it's still there..?"

"Oh, of course it's still there. We had kept it up ever since the back of the shop was built. Felix told us to never put it down until a guy named Lee Minho would come and see it, He also gave us a picture. So for the past years we've been taking the costumers names when they went to the back of the shop."

Olivia had a look of relief and happiness on her face.

"Are you...Lee Minho..?" She then turned to me and asked as she got a picture out of the drawer and showed it to me.

I smiled as tears rolled down my face, and gave her a nod.

She looked surprised and she also started smiling.

"Well finally, come on sir!"

Olivia held my hand and we followed Nayeon to the back of the shop.

As we walked in, pictures of me and Felix from our school days were hung up on a wall with flowers and decorations. It was beautiful.

All the pictures of him made me cry even harder, i wish he was here.

"Look Minho, its you guys together." Olivia said to me as she grabbed a picture off the and showed it to me.

"Oh i remember this like it was yesterday." I said

And i do. That was when me, Felix, and the others went to the coffee shop a day after Felix had left. Chan took that picture for us.

"When was that?" Olivia asked me and wiped a tear off her face as she looked at a picture in her hand and smiled weakly.

"Stop crying, ill start crying again too." I told her and gave her a hug.

"I miss him." Olivia whispered and held the picture close to her

I should've listened to Ryujin when she told me about the back of the shop. I would've known earlier.

I shook my head.

"I cant believe i blamed him. I thought he ghosted me." I admitted.

"Its okay, but I'll just let you know that Felix wasn't the type to do that." Olivia told me and her thumb kept tracing the person we loved on the picture in her hand.

"I know, and im sorry. I just thought he stopped loving me, i never knew that this happened. But.. can you tell me how it happened?"

She took a deep breath and started.

"Well, it was about exactly three months after we got to Australia, we went to live with our grandparents and they were happy to have us there, but on the day Felix passed, before that on the same day him and our older sister Rachel went out shopping together since our grandparents wedding anniversary was the day after. I was with my grandparents at the time, which i regret... because later on, the police came knocking on our door to tell us that Felix and Rachel got into an accident on their way home. Rachel's body was practically glued onto the drivers seat and they couldn't get her out no matter how hard they tried. She was left in there and burned when the car later caught on flames....."

She stopped and sniffed as tears fell. I felt like my whole body went numb, but i held onto Olivia's hand and gave it a little squeeze to try and make her feel better. Then she continued.

"Felix was rushed to the hospital but um..didn't make it since the injuries from the crash were too severe. T-two days after that we held a funeral for them. And thats when i thought of you. Ever since that day at the airport when you came to see Felix for the last time, Felix had been always telling me about you and thankfully I listened to everything. I had been searching for you ever since he passed to tell you and let you know but i couldn't find you anywhere and all the phone numbers i searched didn't work. A couple years after my grandma passed away and me and my grandpa were left together now. Me and him were cleaning up the house a few days ago and that's when i found Felix's old phone that hadn't been used since he last left the house on the day with Rachel. I went through it hoping to find your number still there and well...here i am. Im sorry Minho."

I sat there with a blank expression on my face and just nodded. There were no more tears left, i cried them all out. I felt like the world had just stopped and all that was left for me was this coffee shop and the girl in front of me.

"Olivia, Thank you."

I looked up to her and said.

She gave a nod and a weak smile. I put my head back down and we sat there in silence.

Until Olivia spoke again.

"You know, when the police came knocking on our door, they also gave us something they had found on Felix's neck."

My head shot up and i saw Olivia smiling at me, no tears, no sadness.

She handed me the necklace i had given Felix at the airport.

"Oh my god- Olivia I-"

I was out of words.

She laughed and hugged me again.

"Thank you."

"Of course Min."

"And even if he's gone now, i know he's not gone from your heart. We're both gonna see him again some day. And Rachel's gonna be there too. Same with my grandma. So dont worry Minho."

I nodded and smiled at the thought.

She patted my shoulder.

My phone then rang.

It was Hyunjin calling me.

"Hey Hyun."

"Hey Min, is everything alright? You seem upset."

"No im fine, Felix's sister came to meet me."


"Its a long story but I'll tell you everything when you and Seungmin come over this weekend."

"Wait Hyun one sec."

"Olivia, me and Felix's friends from school are meeting up this weekend. Are you able to come with me?" I asked her

"Oh sure, I'd like to meet them." She answered and nodded.

I gave her a smile and went back to talking with Hyunjin.

"Okay so Hyun, Olivia is gonna be there with me, is that okay?"

"No duh, she can come whenever she wants, Seungmin wants to meet her And we wanna know what the fuck happened so you better have something Min, or your gonna get jumped by me and Jisung."

"Damn chill, okay. We'll see you guys on Saturday then."

"Okay byeeeee."

I hung up and looked at Olivia.

"Okay so, ill see you again on Saturday?

"Alright then. It was nice meeting you Minho. Make sure to keep Felix in mind. He loves you a lot."

"It was nice meeting you too Oli, and dont worry, I'll keep Felix with me wherever i go, you know I'll even make a promise to never get married or date anyone ever again."

"Felix used to call me Oli too, and id always get annoyed because it would remind me of that guy Oli London." Olivia said and laughed

I also started laughing and found it funny.

"I'll get going now, ill see you on Saturday Minho." She said and hugged me one last time.

"Bye Olivia, ill see you around then." I said and hugged her back.

As she left, i stood up and admired all the pictures hung up of me and Felix.

His smile, his freckles, his beauty. I guess ill miss him forever now.

One specific photo of him caught my eyes, i picked it up off the wall and held it in my hand.

He was beautiful.

I noticed something written on the back of the photo, and i smiled once i read it.

Hey Min! I hope you liked all these pictures of us that i sent to aunt Nayeon to put up in the back. She promised me that the back of the coffee shop was made for everyone but mostly for us, because i came up with this surprise for you. Do you miss me? I miss you too. A lot. Its my third month in Australia but i dont care, i really miss you. I can't wait to see you again, i told my little sister Olivia all about you. Shes fourteen years old. She said she hopes to meet you. I hope so too since she really means it. Its so fun here in Australia! We went to the zoo a week ago and Rachel took this picture of me when we were feeding the animals inside, so i thought of sending it in the mail to aunt Nayeon to put up with the other pictures. I hope you like it. Me, Rachel and Olivia are going to surprise our grandparents for their fifty-sixth anniversary tomorrow. Me and Rachel need to get the gifts and decorations and Olivia's job is to keep them distracted while we get the supplies. Im really excited! I hope to see you soon Minho, I love you lots!

Sincerely Felix Lee
To Lee Minho, the love of my life.

March 25th, 1995

I wiped the tear that rolled down my face but i smiled. I love you too Felix Lee, you are also the love of my life.

I put the picture in my pocket and grabbed another one off the wall and flipped it to the back to find more things written by Felix.

Look Min! Its us! Remember when Changbin took this picture of us at his birthday party? I still have it with me and i decided to send it along with some other pictures for you to remember until i get back from Australia.
I'll be sending you more! I love youuuuu.

Sincerely Felix Lee
To Lee Minho
January 6, 1995

I do remember. I remember every moment i had with you. And i forever will. I put the picture back and grabbed another one.

Woah, this was the picture you took of me and i didn't even know that you took it at the time since i was too busy laughing at Jisung when he almost ruined his painting in the art class we had outside. It was so funny to see Jisung mess up but it was so calming to be painting outdoors. But wow you take really good pictures Min!

I took a picture of the painting i made for us too! I sent it along with the other pictures i sent to aunt Nayeon. Keep these safe if you take any, So that we both can look at them together when we turn very very old! I love you Minnie!

January 22, 1995

I laughed as i remembered Jisung that day. But i couldn't help it, Felix looked so cute and cheerful on that day and i had to take a picture. But i never thought it would become a memory I'll forever hold onto.

I need to find the picture of the painting Felix made though.

So i started looking around and found it in less than a minute.

There it was.

I turned it to the back to see a little note written for me again.

Hey :)
Im guessing you found it.
Your very talented my love. I love youuu!

January 22, 1995

I love him for doing this for me. Actually i just love him for existing in my life.

"Hey Minho, the shops about to close in twenty minutes, would you like anything to drink before you go?" Nayeon came in and told me.

"Oh sorry, uhm no thank you though, im okay. I'll be out in a minute aunt Nayeon." I answered and gave her a smile.

"Now you know my name? What has Felix been telling you on those pictures huh?" She said and laughed.

"Just some notes for me to remember forever." I replied

"Im sure you will remember them forever son. He really loved you."

"I know auntie and I love him too." I said and nodded.

She smiled at me.

"Well, ill go clean up some stuff in the kitchen and ill let you finish up your cute thing here." She told me

"Wait auntie- um is it okay if you can leave this up? I wanna come and sit here everyday as i drink my coffee." I asked her.

"Of course, a few other people still come here too, one specific guy named Chan. He comes here with his wife and little daughter. So i honestly dont mind leaving it up. And you seem to really like it too." She said

"Chan? I haven't talked to him a while."

"You guys know each other?"

"Yeah, Me, Him and Felix had been friends in high school but ever since Felix's absence me and Chan stopped talking everyday."

"Ah~ I see, I see. But no worries maybe you'll see him here again one day."

"Mm, thank you auntie. Thank you for everything actually. Im glad you accepted Felix's idea into making this for us." I thanked her and bowed.

"Oh no problem honey. That boy meant a lot to me too, he really loved this coffee shop. And believe me out of all the people that came here, you two boys are the only ones that treasure the most."

I chuckled and thanked her again.

"Take as many pictures as you want too." She said with a smile and went back inside.

I looked back at the pictures in my hand and on the wall and smiled.

I won't ever forget about him and the smile of his. Im glad that i met him in my life and im thankful for the memories he left here for me.

I thought of writing a little note on the one in my hand and placing it back for Felix.

Even though he wont read it, it'll stay as a memory between us.


Hey Felix. I miss you. It feels really empty without you, but im still smiling. Im smiling at the memories of us together, the pictures you had left for me, and that special, heartwarming smile of yours thats up in my mind. I wont ever forget you, and i promise you that you are my one and only love. I hope to see you in a better place someday and if you're watching me from above with Rachel then i hope your happy because i got to see the surprise you had for me. If your wondering, i do love it. I love it very much. And its true, we were just having fun, we didn't know that we were making memories. Me, Olivia, and the others really miss you. I still need to explain to Hyunjin and our other friends on what happened. They're gonna be upset but dont worry, ill show them the pictures and things you left for me, here at the Coffee Shop.

I love you Felix. I forever will.

Sincerely Lee Minho
To Felix Lee, my one and only.

October 10, 2010

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