Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~...

By Miz_Angel18

166K 4.7K 1.6K

Even with skin as smooth and brown like chocolate Melody is not seen as appetizing by those who drink blood... More

Character Info
Character names
4 ~ Newborn Battle
18 ~ πŸ’¨
19 ~ 🌲
20 ~ πŸ”₯
21 ~ 🌊
25 ~ Battle pt1
27 ~ πŸ‹
28 ~πŸ‹
29 ~ πŸ‹
30 ~ πŸ‹
40 ~ Battle Again
41 ~
Not a chapter
42 ~
43 ~
45 ~
46 ~

26 ~ Battle pt2

1.4K 55 25
By Miz_Angel18

Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs

I was worried when I heard the sound of cracking, but I was relieved when I saw that Aro was okay. But that's didn't last as a fireball was thrown at my mate, I was able to act quick enough to save him but the damage was done. But I will heal my mate.

Now ~
Melody's PoV ~

I ran over to Aro who was on the floor groaning in pain, it hurt me to see him like that. I took a deep breath and healed him then I gave my brother the child and lifted them into the air, I then spoke to each advisor and gave a simple command "protect my brother and all the children"

Each nodded and moved following my command, this then let the Cullens and their witnesses run towards the Volturi and I. Well all except for Irina, Laurent, Emmett and Rosalie, I could see that Irina was trying to stop everyone and Rosalie was turning the other way and looked like she wanted to sit down. This may have seemed like a stupid idea but my brother is mortal and I will not let him nor any child be caught and harmed in this fight.

While both sides were running towards each other Yavanna sent another fireball in my direction but as the elements hardly hurt me I didn't react to it, I changed into my elemental form again and I saw the surprise in her face.

(Just in case you forgot)

"No" she screamed at me "you ruin everything just like your bitch of a mother" okay now I'm getting angry, I don't know who she thinks she's talking to but it better not be me. I flew towards her so fast that I saw fear take over her features, but I didn't care. However, as much as I was more powerful due to my title and the elements, Yavanna had more battle experience than me making her a strong opponent.

But I wouldn't let this stop me, I needed to protect my people and my family from this woman. I felt like I was doing well again her until I heard a shout behind me "sister no" that sounded like Alec.

Spinning around to look I see a lot going on but my eye's finally find who I was looking for, Jane my sweet child was using her powers on Edward. But this meant that she didn't realize that Isabella was coming up behind her.

I saw her rip my child apart, I choke on a sob seeing my child like that, as I forgot about the fight that I was in causing my aunt to get the upper hand.

(Okay I think I'm gonna end it here can't think of where I want to go see you next week)

(Just kidding)

Caius PoV ~

Hearing a sob I look over to my mate, I follow her eyes to see her looking at Jane's headless body, oh this isn't gonna end well. Melody was in a fight with another elemental but had seemed to forget all about the fight.

Though this didn't last long as I watched as my mate became a different woman fuelled by anger, her body changed into a blood red color, her hair like flames the snow around her began to melt and then started to sizzle at the heat.

Those that were close to her had to step back, Melody was releasing so much heat you thought she was actually on fire. "You think I'm scared Melruthiia you hold no claim to the elemental throne" Melody didn't move.

Instead, she let out a breath, then without making any movements the earth around Melody opened and vines rose then went towards the woman. The said woman tried to stop them but to no avail, I was so focused on my mate but then I saw something in the corner of my eyes it was Marcus who almost didn't react in time to the Romanians running towards him.

He was able to jump into the air and dodge their attack, though his freedom was short-lived as he was then grabbed by vines at first he struggled like I did but when we made eye contact I looked at Melody and then he stopped. Looking around I see that the whole battlefield had been snared except for Isaiah (remember is the queen's guard) who had hidden himself in the shadows.

Third Person's POV ~

Everyone was confused as no one knew who was controlling the flora those on the Cullens looked at the vampire named Benjamin, but even he was caught in the vines. The Volturi looked at Bree as they knew she didn't have the greatest control over her vines but she was also struggling.

The male from the queens guard used his shadow and transported Jane's head and body back to Volturi, where she would be safe but as soon as he got back to the battlefield he was then snared in the vines as he wasn't able to react fast enough to the speed of the vines.

Melody was losing her mind, her child had been taken out in a cowardly manner and wasn't given a fair chance. In her anger, she sent her vines towards the woman who had taken out her child and pulled her close.

"I should kill you for what you did to my child" Melody gritted out, even though Melody knew her child would be fine as the fire hadn't touched Jane it didn't change the fact that her child had been hurt "you are scum and the Volturi's bitch"

Before Melody could act a boulder was thrown at her.

Melody then turned to the woman who was once her aunt, the all powerful woman who was struggling to burn her way through the vines.

"How" Melody started this made Yavanna stop "how am I meant to understand if you're mumbling" this made our main woman mad "how did you kill my parents" and instantly after saying that, the twisted woman began laughing a truly insane laugh.

The Volturi kings (and yes I'm including Jasper in that title) had been trying to escape to no avail they wanted to help their mate, but in the same breath, they didn't enjoy being tied up. "That's easy to answer you hadn't come into your powers fully so I had injured you until you was basically dead" Melody paused having a feeling she knew where this was going.

"Your father was a water and air elemental and my sister had earth, fire and air making her more powerful than me just for having an extra element, but she was too kind always giving back to the people made her weak so as she was giving you her energy I stabbed her in the back with a blade made from the elements"

Melody had begun to hyperventilate feeling all her emotions swell in her body, as well as each element itching to be let free and cause havoc "and I can't forget about your father without his queen he became weak so I slit his throat. They used their last breaths to save you and send you away" there was a glow in the battlefield.

The glow was where Melody had been standing, but unlike usually this glow didn't feel welcoming inside it was filled with pure rage and hate. Then everyone was thrown back, well all apart from the elementals who were barely hanging on. That was until Yavanna went to speak again.

Though another attempted to shut her down "mother stop talking" said Cordelia who was able to tell that Melody's anger was almost at her breaking point, but all that did was make Yavanna lash out "don't tell me to stop talking you forget that you became queen because I killed my sister and her unborn children"

Then there was silence throughout the field.

Melody's PoV ~

I know I didn't hear her right I was hoping I heard her wrong, the silence was way too loud "what did you say" I said almost breathlessly. But that woman no that monster scoffed "why do you think my sister was so weak all her elements went to her unborn children killing them and you made her easier to kill. But you didn't stay dead"

I was taken over in grief it was as if I could feel their deaths all over again, I could feel a part of my soul ripped from my body. I wanted to kill her, make her feel my pain, fuck being nice they can all die.

Moving as fast as the wind, I was in front of the woman who was once known as my aunt, and had grabbed her neck "this will be where you die" I said with venom putting all the vampires to shame "Yavanna former queen of the elementals due to your crimes and the acts of treason to the royal family I strip you of your elements" she screamed at me.

I didn't actually know what I was doing but it felt right, placing my hand on her chest I felt for her elements. Once I was able to find them I did what I never planned to do I forcibly took her elements, she began to beg for mercy but they fell on deaf ears "did you grant my mother and father mercy, what about my unborn siblings. You. Don't. Deserve. Mercy"

Throwing her to the floor I saw Cordelia throw a fireball at me, did she forget I'm at the queen I just wave my hand watching her fly away from me. I then flew into the sky and let out a scream which made it start raining "I am the daughter of Riona and Dasheil Storm former king and queen of the elemental kingdoms and I am the rightful heir to the throne"

Once I had finished speaking I saw Alice and Isabella trying to run, but I remembered Jane's body and felt the thunder coming off my skin. I went for them but I felt something pierce my arm I looked to see Yavanna moving making me confused until I saw her draining the 2 unknown teenagers from before.

Realizing what she was trying to do, I flew towards her, ignoring the pain in my arm, and punched her with all my strength and elements, watching as my arm went through her body. I couldn't find it in me to feel any regrets, especially after what she told me "your reign of terror ends here I would've let you live but your greed killed you"

Setting my arm on fire burning her from the inside, then setting her whole body on fire, I then got rid of my vines and watched as those on the Volturi side bowed at me. While those on the Cullens side looked at me with fear, deciding that what had happened was enough I turned to leave with my family.

But of course, Isabella and Alice wanted to attack me with my back turned I felt 2 bodies run pass me, when I looked it was Jasper and Caius who were holding Alice and Isabella on the ground by their throats. "Il mio amore posso ucciderla."

This made those who spoke Italian flinch and I was in all minds to say yes, that was until I looked at the sky and saw a child looking scared. "Isabella may live she has a daughter to look after but make it hurt and leave a scar so she will remember today" I stopped them and looked at Jasper.

"Alice can die my warrior she's a threat and I don't trust her" this made Esme scream for forgiveness and mercy making me stop and look at her "enough. I warned you, Esme. The only thing saving Isabella is her daughter and while I can understand a mother's love this is madness"

I turn as Caius still held Isabella down and Jasper and other members of the elite guard ripped Alice apart. I began a fire on the floor next to me and watched as my family brought Alice's pieces and threw them into the fire. I then walk over to Aro.

"My love I'm sorry I didn't heal you fully, but hopefully this will help" and the man chuckles at me "it's okay mi amore" I heal him so more even giving him some of my life force secretly. Smiling as I looked at all of my mates and then the next plan of action that I didn't tell anyone about.

Marcus' PoV ~

I watched as Melody snapped her fingers and watched as her elemental guards brought out the previous queens, Sulplicia and Athenodora. At first, I was confused since I knew she couldn't stand one of them yet her guards still treated them with respect, I knew this was due to Melody taking into consideration that they were once queens themselves. Not that any of us really care.

Though Sulplicia didn't learn and tried to attack her and imagine everyone's shock when it was Athenodora that stopped her. Walking over to my mate who I saw raise her eyebrow at the action and I could tell she was tired and confused "I have put up with you for centuries as you were my superior and my sister I said nothing and I lost my way" Athenodora said annoyed.

"You knew we weren't always going to be the queens and you was alright with it but due to years of being in power you grew entitled and you were horrible to our coven mates" Athenodora carried on saying, "you say it like you was any better, you was just as bad to them"

Sulplicia snarled back but this angered Athenodora who then threw Sulplicia towards the tree line "yeah cause you used powers against me you think I'm stupid just because I don't speak but whatever you tired to do broke and I saw all mistakes" I look to Aro who looked confused.

I wanted to step forward but Melody stopped me leaving me now confused "you even went as far as hurting my mate and trying to feed from him after I told you" she continued and can I say I wasn't expecting that.

As I don't remember seeing a mate bond from her. Melody stepped forward "Athenodora who is your mate" causing Athenodora to look up at my mate then she looked up at her brother. Who was still in the clouds being protected by one of Melody's advisors I think her name is Aurora.

I then again watched as just by a simple wave of her hand my mate commanded the elements and brought her brother and the children down from the clouds,  the child that had started all this ran back to the Cullens while the other 2 stayed by Melody, I saw her confusion at their actions. Then they ran and hugged her legs, now I was confused as I could see the family bond between the 2 children identical to Jane and Alec's letting me know that they are twins.

though the twin on the Cullen side looked a lot older, deciding to deal with that at a later date I turned my head to the forest and Sulplicia ran towards Melody who looked like she was completely drained from today. I look at her "may I my queen" she looked at me and smiled "do whatever you wish my king" Melody then kissed my cheek and turned to begin walking away and towards where Aro was standing.

I intercepted Sulplicia and she looked surprised "Marcus you dare touch me" I rolled my eyes and when I looked behind her I saw the blonde who was a part of the Cullen's running towards us, there was anger on her face. I pushed Sulplicia back and then watched as Sulplicia was kicked in her back.

I used her momentum against her and ripped her head off there were cheers going through the Volturi. I smiled as it had been so long since I had done something like that, oh how I missed this part of me and while I still mourn Diyme who I had grown to love and her death was hard I now have my feisty mate.

"Alright everyone let this be a warning while I am kind I'm not afraid to kill if I have to, now go home" some left simply and others hung around, and those that stayed were not only the ones who were good friends with my queen. There were a few who didn't like the fact that a human knew of vampires but still lived, one of them being the blood singer though they were shut down quickly.

And that was the end of the battle.


Il mio amore posso ucciderla ~ My love can I kill her.

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