ONE PIECE : Lighthouse Empire...

By DCLGalloway

453 232 126

Hello, my friends, and welcome to my ONE PIECE fanfiction! The Lighthouse Empire Arc takes place after the F... More

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 11
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 11

Lighthouse Empire, Episode 5

17 13 5
By DCLGalloway

A Terrifying Truth is Unmasked! Family and Friends to the Rescue! 

After a long night of loneliness had passed, morning comes once again to Plum Island. Unlike most days, this day is cast in gray clouds, which look to bring rain or tropical storms. Little raindrops begin to form on the windows of Dani's small home, as he sits at the kitchen table finishing a late breakfast. 

Faye walks into the room and places a long jacket over her thin frame, then makes her way to the front door. "Alright, Dani, I'm off to get Aiku. I'm not sure why the doctors haven't called yet, but I'm sure she's ready by now." 

Dani turns to her, a piece of bacon hanging from his mouth. "Okay, mom. I'll be here."

She smiles to him and walks out the door.

After a brief stroll down the forested path to the medical facility, she makes her way inside and comes to the front desk.

"Hello, may I help you?" One of the nurses greets.

Faye smiles at her, brushing rain from her jacket. "Yes, I am here to pick up Aiku. Is she ready yet?"

"Oh, you're Faye--her mother, correct?" 

"Yes, that's right."

"I'm sorry, we haven't had a chance to call you yet. You're daughter isn't at this facility currently."

A spike of sudden shock runs through Faye. "What? I don't understand. Where is she?"

"We were told that the doctors had recommended a transfer."

Faye steps closer to the desk, her anger rising. "They moved my daughter to another facility without my permission--or informing me? Do you have any idea how unacceptable that is?"

The nurse sighs. "Ma'am, I understand. I really do, but you must consider--"

"I don't think you do understand." Faye interrupts, her eyes welling. "How could they do such a thing? How dare you take my child without my knowledge!"

"Ma'am, I know you're upset right now. But please be assured, this is not as uncommon as you may think."

"You better explain yourself clearly." Faye's voice grows severe and threatening. 

The nurse feels her tension and settles herself. "Please understand, we did this for your child's safety. If she had a severe condition or problem, we will often move patients to another facility on the neighboring island of Orotot."

"Is that where she is now?"

"Yes, she's fine, I assure you."

"Don't tell me everything is fine." Faye snaps. "I pray that when you have children, you never find yourself in this position. Your policy is absurd, and as soon as I can file a report, rest assured, I will. Now tell me exactly where she is."

The startled nurse lifts a peice of paper from her desk and examines the details. "It says here she is on a medical boat. It's docked in Orotot harbor, the south end. It will be docked there until tomorrow morning."

"Fine. Call them now, and tell them to hold the ship until I get there."

"Ma'am, I can't--"

Faye slams her hand on the desk. "Do it!" 

The nurse relents and instinctively backs away from her rage. "...Y-y-yes, right away."

Faye storms out of the facility and into the falling rain, stomping through puddles as she makes her way back up the forested path.

When she enters her home once again, she steadies her heavy breathing and wipes away her tears, hoping the wet streaks of rain will hide them. She knows this is not the time to concern her son. As she comes into the kitchen, she removes her coat, hangs it, then begins to put the leftover food away.

Dani walks in and immediately notices Aiku is not with her. "...Mom? Is everything okay?"

Faye turns to him and forces a smile. "Yes, sweetheart."

Dani's confusion grows. "Where is Aiku?"

"Oh, they...they took her to another facility."

He comes beside his mother. "But...I don't understand. I thought she would be back today?"

Faye remains focused on wrapping the food. "We just have to wait one more day, okay? I'm going to pick her up tomorrow." 

Dani can see the concern and pain dwelling beneath her calm expression. Her eyes are red and her hand is trembling. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

Faye turns to him with another forced smile. "Yes. Now, go to Chong's and make sure he's made arrangements to see the doctor, please." She turns away and reaches for the house transponder snail. "I have to make arrangements for some time off so I can pick her up."

Dani nods. "Okay..." He voice trails as he studies his mother's face. He can tell she is hiding something, but he is unclear of what it could be. An uneasiness runs through him.

Later that day, Dani and Chong walk down the forested path toward the medical facility again, shielded from the steady rainfall by their thick raincoats. 

"Why aren't your parents taking you to see the doctor?" Dani asks.

Chong scoffs. "Are you kidding? I'm not going to tell them. You know how they freak out about the smallest things. Imagine how they would react to this!"

Dani laughs. "Yeah, you're right. I just hope you're okay. Have you noticed anything yet?"

Chong shakes his head and holds his hands up. "No, not really. My hands are a little tingly, but that's about it."

"I hope something doesn't happen to the doctor while we're in there."

Chong turns to him with a ghostly expression. "Like what? What could happen?"

Dani shrugs. "I don't know. You could touch a nurse and turn her into slime or something."

"Whaa--are you serious?! Don't scare me like that, man! They'll lock me up!" They laugh.

Moments later, they arrive and check Chong in at the front desk. They agree to see him immediately, leaving Dani in the waiting area. 

As Dani waits, reading a small book on devil fruits, he notices the nurses leaving the station to file some paperwork in the back room. To the side of the front desk is a hallway leading down into the patient rooms, and the first room on the left was where Aiku was staying. Dani sees that her name is still labeled on the doorway, until another doctor walks by the room and rips the name plate off the door. The abrupt action causes Dani to sit forward, as if it were a sign that something was wrong. 

With curiosity piqued, he silently makes his way over to Aiku's old room and peaks his head around the door. Inside, he sees two doctors talking; the same doctors who were examining Aiku initially. When Dani realizes they are talking about her, he pins himself against the outside wall and listens to the conversation.

"...Has Aiku been taken already?"

"Yes, very early this morning."

"I'm honestly relieved. I was getting tired of those endless tests."

"Be thankful you are able to work for such a great scientist. Vegapunk is strict about his staff."

"That's true. And we did provide him with an amazing specimen. We're sure to receive that promotion now." 

"I'm more interested in the results of our work. If what we uncovered was correct, she'll become one of the most powerful warriors the Navy could wish for."

"What do you mean? Fukitsu found her."

"Yes, but we were the ones who completed all the tests he needed. They have us to thank."

Dani's eyes grow wide with fright, trembling as he listens. 

"But there's something I don't understand. How can you force a child away from their family to become one? Surely they are met with resistance."

"Hardly. After she's been in solitary confinement for years, and fed special medication to alter her brain chemistry, the grooming process is easy. Then all that's left is the devil fruit training."

"And her parents?"

"Well, that I'm not exactly sure of. But I've heard they fake the child's death."

"Fascinating. So where is she now?"

"On Orotot Island, just a couple miles west of here. She's on the medical ship that arrived last night with Fukitsu. They depart in the morning."

Dani has heard enough. He moves away from the door and briskly walks back into the front lobby. As he comes into the sitting area, Chong is already waiting for him. 

Chong rises from his seat happily. "Oh, there you are. I was just--"

"Not now, Chong. We have to get out of here." Dani commands. 

"What's your problem? Don't you want to hear about what happened?"

"We'll discuss it later. Let's leave now. We have to find Tydal and Tiff." Dani quickly walks out the door. 

Chong follows him uneasily. "Why--what's going on?"

"Come on!" Dani stars to run down the pathway. Chong chases after.

After gathering Tydal and Tiff, the small group gathers in a run down beach shack near the coastline, half eaten by salty rust and decorated with old buoys. Inside, Dani sits quietly and gazes at the sandy floor, while his friends sit around him, concerned. The rain patters rhythmically on the tin roof. 

"...Are you sure that's what you heard?" Tiff asks, shaken from Dani's revelations.

Dani nods. "Positive. I was standing right outside the door. I heard everything."

Tydal leans forward. "So all this time they were just running tests on her? Was she even sick?"

"I'm not sure. Probably not." 

Chong thinks. "Are you saying the government was using her for some kind of experiment?"

"That's what it sounds like. They seem to have a plan in mind for her."

"A plan to use her as a warrior?" Tiff wonders.

"That's what they said."

Tydal shakes his head. "That doesn't sound right. She's only seven!"

Dani huffs. "You don't understand. They're keeping her there. They want to make her government property. They're going to lock her away and groom her for the rest of her life."

Tiff is disgusted. "That's sick!"

Chong shares her sentiment. "How could the Navy even be involved in something like that? We've trusted them all our lives."

"It's sadistic." Tydal adds. 

Dani nods slowly. "I can't believe it. I feel so helpless. How could they do this to my sister..." His eyes fill with tears as he places his face in his hand. 

Tydal comes beside him and places a firm, comforting hand on his shoulder. 

"Dani..." Tiff breaths. 

Chong stands, filling with new found anger. "Well what are we going to do?"

"Yeah, we should tell your mother right away!" Tiff suggests.

Dani lifts his head. "No. We're not going to do that."

The group looks to him in confusion. "What--why not?" Chong inquires. 

"I won't cause her any more pain. Not now." Dani rubs his tears away.

 Tydal kneels beside him. "Dani, this is hardly the time to be humble. This is serious." 

Dani looks to him. "It's not about that. If you could see how much she's hurting right now, you would understand." The group listens. "Right now, she's pissed--that's for sure. But she also thinks she's going to pick up her daughter tomorrow. Now we know that's not going to happen. Unless we assure it."

Tiff gasps softly. "Dani what are you saying?"

Chong steps forward. "Dani, you can't seriously be thinking..."

Dani looks to them with resolve in his eyes. "Yes. I am." He rises to his feet and adopts a steely expression. "We rescue her."

"No way!" Tydal exclaims. "We're talking about a Navy ship here, man. The government. Do you understand? It's not possible."

Dani stares at the ground. "I don't care. I just don't. Not anymore. I say drastic times call for drastic measures." He looks to his friends.

The group remains silent for some time, unsure of what to say next.

Tiff breaks the silence. "...Dani, we can't. We can't do this. Please understand."

Chong reluctantly agrees. "It's not that we don't want to support you. But we'll be jailed for this. Don't think the government's punishment doesn't fall to children. Obviously that's not the case."

"We could even be killed if something goes wrong." Tydal adds. 

Dani raises his head again and nods solemnly. "I understand. This isn't your problem, I get that. And you're right." A moment of brief relief comes over the group, as they hope he has given up on the idea. But then Dani rises and walks out of the shack. "I'm on my own this time."

The group follows him out the door, calling after him.

"Dani, stop! This is insane!" Tydal orders. 

Dani turns back to him, his face filled with rage. "The only insanity here is what the Navy is doing right now! And I'm going to stop it." The rain begins to fall harder, matching his extreme emotion. He breaths erratically and stares at his friends. "I don't care what happens to me. I don't care if I die. I won't cause my mother and my sister any more pain." 

As he turns and walks away for the final time, his friends look on in shock, unable to process the events they have just witnessed. The rain soaks them as Dani walks into the mist and disappears beyond the border of the beach.  

Moments later, Dani arrives at the front door of his home. Instead of going inside, he pins a hastily written note next to the door knob, then pulls a hood over his head and returns to the showing skies. He walks down a separate forested path and eventually makes his way to another section of the beach where several small boats are docked.  

When he arrives, he begins to survey the boats, deciding which one to take, careful to keep an eye out for any wandering fishermen.

"What are you going to do, steal a boat?" A voice calls to him from behind.

Dani spins around anxiously to see Tydal, with Tiff and Chong behind him. "What are you doing here?" Dani inquires. 

Tiff comes beside Tydal. "We...Had a change of heart."

"Funny how you can have that affect on people." Chong comments with a thin smile. 

Dani walks forward and confronts them, examining their faces. "None of you have to do this. This is not--"

"We know, Dani." Tydal stops him, stepping forward and placing a strong hand on his chest. "We already discussed it. You and Aiku are more important than what happens to us." He smiles.

Tiff agrees. "We're friends. And family."

Chong steps forward and holds his hand out. "What happens to one of us, happens to all of us. Like always."

Dani's anger washes away with the rain. His expression turns to pride. He grabs Chong's hand firmly. Tydal places his hand on top, then Tiff places her hand on his. They each share a warm, determined smile, then break hands. 

Dani looks each of his friends directly in the eyes, assuring they are all ready. He gives an affirmative nod. "Alright. Let's do this."

Tydal pumps his fist, then runs forward onto the docks with Tiff and Chong behind him. Dani follows. When they come to the end of the dock, Tydal stops when he arrives in front of an oblong green boat, which is half submerged in the water.

"Here it is!" Tydal states, pointing at the vessel. 

Tiff steps beside him. "We're taking your father's fishing sub?"

"You have a better idea? How else are we going to sneak in?"

Chong agrees. "That's true. It's not like we can just row up to the ship and say hello."

Dani stares at the sub in delight. "Perfect!"

Tydal grins. "Alright then--hop in!"

Dani and Tiff hop in first. As Chong is about to board, he trips on a rope line and starts to fall. Tydal reaches out to grab him, but is shocked when his arms pass straight through his body. Chong lands on the deck with a hard thump.

Chong rolls over and rubs his head. "What the hell, man?!"

Tydal stands in disbelief. "It...It wasn't me!"

Chong jumps to his feet. "What do you mean? Why didn't you catch me?"

"I did! I'm not sure what..." Tydal slowly reaches his hands out again, as Dani and Tiff pop their heads out of the sub to look. When his hands touch Chong's body, once again, they pass through him as if he was not there. "What the..." Tydal breaths.

Chong feels his body frantically. "What the heck is going on?!" Tydal continues to wave his hands through his body. "Stop it, man!"

Tiff climbs halfway out of the sub. "What's going on?"

"Look! My hands are going through him!"


Dani climbs up next to her and watches it happen. "It's the devil fruit!"

Chong looks to him in desperation. "This is the fruit? It made me invisible?!"

"No, look!" Tiff exclaims as she points to him.

Just then, Chong's body transforms into a thick cloud of smoke, swirling and churning with fluid motion, leaving behind only a mouth and two eyes. 

Tydal jumps backwards, alarmed. "Are you joking?! What is this?!"

"I'm a ghost!" Chong exclaims, feeling his missing face.  

"No, not a ghost! It looks like smoke!" Dani comments in amazement. 

Tiff turns to him. "A smoke fruit?"

"Looks like it. Or something like that, anyway."

Chong sweats steadily, examining his new body with panic. "Oh man, what did I do to myself."

"Relax, Chongy! Don't panic. We'll figure this out." Dani assures. 

Tiff agrees. "Yeah, he's right. Come on, get in the sub!"

Chong turns to them with wide, worried eyes. "And how am I suppose to walk?! I have no legs!"

"I don't know. Try to float!"

Chong wafts his way toward the sub. "If that was a joke, it's not funny."

Tydal pulls away from him as he passes. "Keep your distance, man! Don't touch me with that white crap!" 

"Shut up!" He barks, billowing into the top of the sub. 

Tydal hovers over the opening. "Make sure there's enough room for me so I don't have to sit near him!"

"Get in!" Tiff yells, pulling him head first into the sub and closing the hatch.

With evening approaching and the sun beginning to set, Faye opens the front door of her home and looks out over the horizon. She soon notices Dani's letter on the ground beside her, dampened from the rain, and picks it up. She unfolds it and reads the short, simple writing, which states: Sleeping over at Tydal's, be back in the morning. Love you. Under normal circumstances she would not fid this strange, but leaving a note randomly was something Dani had never done before. A feeling of grave concern washes over her. Her mother's instinct can sense something is not right. She glances out to sea once more, then returns inside.

As twilight falls across the bay of Plum Island, the small green submarine glides swiftly through the sea, just underneath the waves, heading for another small island not far in the distance. Tydal drives the machine, as Tiff sits beside him looking out the porthole windows. Dani and Chong sit behind them. 

Chong, who is still nothing more than a cloud with two eyes and a mouth, squirms uneasily in his seat. "This is so weird. Why couldn't I get something nice like flying or strength." He shutters.

Dani turns to him. "I think it's pretty cool."

"Cool?! Look at me--I'm a cloud!" He shouts. 

"You just have to figure out how to use it, that's all. Right now it's new."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this..."

Dani smiles and turns to Tiff. "Hey Tiff, how far now?"

Tiff checks a small map in front of her. "About half a mile now."

Dani nods. "Okay, we're getting close. Everyone get ready."

Tydal looks back at him. "Ready for what? What exactly are we doing? It's not like we hatched a plan."

Tiff agrees. "True. We really should have taken some time to develop a strategy."

"We didn't have any time!" Dani protests. "We need the cover of night to sneak in, that's all I know. And the boat leaves tomorrow morning, I don't know how early."

Tydal sighs. "Why do I have a feeling this is not going to end well..."

Then, as the sub's lights shine through the dark water, Tiff notices something directly in front of them. "Look! Right there! Stop the sub!" Tydal pulls a lever and halts the engines. 

Dani leans forward. "What is it?"

"I can see the bottom of a large ship." She points out the window. The group crowds the window. They can see the underside of a what appears to be a white Navy ship and the outline of a dock. "That's got to be it. No other ships at this island would be that large."

Tydal turns to Dani. "Alright--so now what?"

Dani unexpectedly turns to Chong. "Well, I do have one idea."

Chong looks to him nervously. "What? What is it?"

"You're new power gave me an idea."

Chong fills with dread. "Oh no..."

Dani motions to Tydal. "Tydal--surface the sub just a bit."

Tydal shakes his head. "No way, I don't think that's a good idea. They probably have guards posted all over the ship."

Dani thinks for a moment. "Is there anything else we could use to break the surface, beside the periscope?"

"Hm. Well, there's an emergency air pipe."

"That will be perfect! Raise it up, but not too far. And put up the periscope too."

Tydal nods and flips two switches beside him. At the top of the sub, a small thin pipe rises up, protruding only a couple inches from the waterline. Beside it, the periscope breaches with a small splash.    

Tydal turns to Dani again. "Okay, they're up. Now what?"

Dani looks through the periscope and searches the aft section of the ship. It's not long before he spots a small hatch located next to the ship's rudder. He smiles, then leans toward Chong. "Ready to try out that new power?"

"...No." Chong's voice trembles with distress. 

End of Act I

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