The Leftovers

By 5girls1collab101

309 8 8

Destiny, Miracle, Ebony, America, and Hope are all connected. Not by blood, and not by relatives. But by some... More

Destiny Burns
Miracle Malley
Ebony Bonavia
Hope Harmoni
America Samoun
We Were Featured on Miss Literati!!
NEW CHAPTER Miracle Malley

The Leftovers

145 2 2
By 5girls1collab101

 Destiny, Miracle, Hope, America, and Ebony. These were not the names of what we all believe will come to us, but the name of five girls, that we dedicate our lives to.

  Because of them, the world is whole again, and not just a big ball of ruin. They saved the earth. And nobody would've thought that they would. In most peoples eyes, they were failures.

   Hope, as she walked through the halls of her new highschool. People looking at her, snickering. "Phsyco Emo." People would say behind her back. She wasnt even emo! She just wore makeup! She struggled to not use her powers to blast them into next year, but she kept her cool. As long as she kept her cool, nobody would hurt her. Nobody even talked to her, but that is exactly how she like it. Being a loner.

    Destiny, she was always pressured by her parents to 'stay fit' and to 'never gain weight!'

I mean, she was only 16 years old! Why would she possibly need to weight watch? So, to mess with her parents, she spent almost all of her allowance on different flavors of ice cream she could find, and sat in her room pigging out. But when she started, she couldnt stop, and soon passed out.

    Miracle, all she wanted to do was earn more money for her family. They were poor, and could barely pay the rent. She saw herself as a failure for not providing for the family. She got a job as a babysitter, and landed a job as babysitting 8 year old Johnny. 

On the first night, she was on the stairs in their house, and she waved the couple away. But as she walked down the stairs, she heard a loud bang. She peered back up, to see Johnny, eyes glowing red, with a baseball bat in his hands. It thenn crashed into the wall. He had tried to hit her.

 Ebony, the girl who live's, breaths and eats sport. She love's anything considered a sport. But being born into a family of geniuses has its problems.

Her whole family are genius, the only problem is that Ebony isn't, she's an outcast at school and in her own family, to make herself happier and to forget her problem she pushes harder in sport than anything else.

 She run's faster and when she runs she is in her own world.

But too much of everything has it's tolls and maybe being in love with sports isn't the best thing that could of happened.

America, a nature girl, sometimes sits in the woods behind her house and picks the apples.

They call her a freak of nature, her mom and brother are embaressed by her. Sometimes, the wind brings her to the top of the trees.

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