The Hidden Lives of Monsters

By Landiahazak

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Anyone who has played any Monster Hunter game will have probably noticed at some point that the ways these so... More

Fire in the Skies
Sounds of the Jungle
Devils in the Dunes
A Treasure in the Bog
Roar of the Volcano
Roaring Beast of the Frozen Peaks
Assassin's Shadow
The Storm Rider
Shogun of the Swamps
Erupting Battlegrounds
Monster of Many Faces
Lord of the Seas
Slicing Scales
Love and Leviathans
Guardian in the Frost
Emperor of Flames
Thunder Atop the Mountains
Feast from the Ashes
The Cloaked Butcher
The King Amongst Fallen Giants
Dragon's Plague
Serpent of the Glacial Sea
The Burnt Behemoth
Eternal Hunger
Scorching Blade
Reaching for the Heavens
Barbarian of the Forest
Desert Nursery
Sailing the Winds
The Valley of Life and Death
The Most Dangerous Prey
Cold Ruler of the Snow Lands
Rain of Destruction
Forged from Ice
Monsterous Mother
Death Comes on Blood Bathed Wings

Purple Flames

37 3 1
By Landiahazak

Shrine Ruins, Terosu Region, Old World

Rain pours down onto the mountainous landscape, the dark clouds releasing their payloads as their shifting masses block out the moon's soft glow. As the drops hit the ground, their numbers quickly mount, creating puddles within the ground's indentations and small streams that flow down the slopes, as well as raising the region's water levels.

The mountains and valleys are drenched in this downpour, their ground softened and eroded by the rain, while the falling droplets slide down the region's plant species, the leaf and needle-covered branches providing some shelter from this midnight storm. Underneath the surface of the waterlogged soil, the native vegetation's roots quickly absorb the life-giving liquid as it continues to fall from high overhead.

As waterfalls form from the relentless downpour, their ever-increasing roar resonates across the landscape. The towering cliffs amplify the noise which echoes off the rocky walls, the racket even manages to overwhelm the rain's millions of crashing droplets that explode on contact with the hard, unmoving ground. The storm has been raging for many hours now, so much of the area's wildlife has been forced to seek shelter wherever possible - vegetation, geological formations, and even the ruins of some buildings.

These lands used to be populated with shrines and villages, the fertile soil and pure water proving attractive to settlers; however, due to elder dragon activity and the subsequent monster rampage, these places were quickly demolished and reclaimed by nature, leaving only overgrown ruins behind. Although monster attacks haven't happened in a long time, the potential threat has managed to make locals very weary and prepared for the next time this could happen.

Now even though rampages cause mass panic amongst the wildlife and threaten the local settlers, some creatures have learned to benefit from the mayhem. With so many creatures involved in the chaos, there are bound to be injuries and fatalities, and that's exactly why some predators target these events, with one particular species benefiting from them more than others.

As the rain keeps pouring down upon the darkened landscape, a purple flame hovers through the dense undergrowth of a bamboo forest, its cool hue letting off a soft glow while accompanied by an eerie wailing noise. Suddenly, the whisp flies forward and hits the ground, disappearing in a small explosion. As the nearby plants tremble ever so slightly at the detonation, a long, spear-like tail rises from the earth and retracts into the darkness while Dagger, an adult male Magnamalo, moves forth, water droplets splashing against his armor.

Dagger swings his tail slightly, dissipating the last remnants of hellfire his body produced. Despite its name and initial appearance, this substance isn't actual fire, but rather an explosive gas made from the Magnamalo's unique and powerful digestive system. Unlike the majority of animals, his species is capable of eating every single part of another creature, including the bones. This is possible through a variety of adaptations, but specifically the unusually corrosive stomach acid. Because of the ever so slightly different chemicals needed to attain this very high acidity, some ingested substances, usually bone marrow, can cause the creation of methane as well as the iconic hellfire gas fanged wyverns are best known for.

When hellfire is produced, it's excreted through the mouth, and special pores in the gaps between the plates of armor. This action subsequently lets out a wailing sound and coats parts of the body in a purple aura, though sometimes if the gasses are increasingly volatile, the color will be pink instead. Once the fumes make contact with oxygen, they become much more unstable and risk exploding.

Although these explosions can be a problem, Magnamalos can also use them to their advantage. They will swing their tail to send the gasses out as projectiles, or use the coated parts to enhance their physical attacks. They're even capable of propelling themselves in different directions while in midair via the blasts. Even when not erupting, hellfire can still be useful. It's commonly deployed by the fanged wyverns to scare other monsters off kills. However, there's still the danger of the fumes detonating at point-blank range, and although their powerful armor can protect them from the smaller eruptions, the larger ones still risk causing damage, something these animals simply can't afford. To counteract this problem, Magnamalos periodically need to move parts of their body quickly to disperse the fumes, causing them to erupt at a safe distance.

Although this problem could simply be negated by not eating bone marrow, for these fanged wyverns, especially males like Dagger, it is notan option. A male Magnamalo's status amongst other members of its species is determined by the state of its armor which, although it naturally grows over time, needs a lot of nutrients to become very durable. Bone marrow is especially important to this process because of its high nutritional value. The males with the most intact plating and ornate growths are much more likely to succeed in reproducing.

Only males with the largest, most ornate, and undamaged horns will be able to mate, as the presence and immaculate upkeep of these almost completely useless appendages indicate that these animals are strong and capable, everything a female is looking for. However, if the rack is ever damaged, even if it's little more than a broken tip, these individuals will never be able to mate again, as this will be seen as a sign of weakness; even if the individual has had domination over a harem for years, this one thing will immediately end its ability to breed, with all females rejecting it.

Since the horns and armor of these animals can't grow back, severe damage to these parts effectively ends any chance males have to pass on their genome, yet this doesn't mean that these individuals will just lay down and die. While the disappearance of mating privileges is devastating, male Magnamalos will continue to expand their territories and become more violent as they're no longer held back by the state of their defenses, and if they manage to survive long enough, they may become a Scorned Magnamalo.

Luckily for Dagger, his horns and armor are still undamaged, meaning he still has a decent chance at finding some mates. But at this moment, he has other things on his mind, primarily food. As the rain keeps pouring down onto him, the Magnamalo sniffs his surroundings, trying to pick up the scent of anything that could be a meal. Stepping silently through the undergrowth, the fanged wyvern continues to sniff everything that could have been used recently as a scent post. The rain may make it harder for him to track a potential meal, but Dagger's sense of smell still makes it possible for him to trail the stronger odors despite this.

After some time, Dagger manages to pick up something and quickly starts following the aroma, his rapid footfall splattering against the moist dirt. Rushing through the undergrowth, the fanged wyvern soon finds himself clambering up a rocky slope until he reaches the top and looks around, spotting an Arzuros standing over something. Making sure that his body isn't emitting hellfire, Dagger silently begins descending the slopes, the rain masking the sound of his footsteps and his appearance. As he gets closer, the Magnamalo gets more and more cautious; despite his superior weaponry and defenses, the fanged wyvern knows that the claws of this fanged beast could still do some nasty damage, especially to his unprotected underside.

Finally, once he's in striking range, Dagger can see that the fanged beast has managed to catch a Gajau from a nearby overflowing pond. The fanged wyvern could just scare off the smaller animal and steal its meal, a tactic he usually adopts in these situations; however, with the Arzuros completely oblivious to his presence, the opportunity for fresh meat is too good to pass up. Launching himself at the smaller animal, Dagger slams his entire body onto the surprised Arzuros and grabs onto the back of its neck. Thanks to his powerful jaw muscles and shorter, robust skull, the fanged beast's struggling is useless against the Magnamalo's devastating bite force. As the fanged wyvern continues to increase the pressure, he crushes his prey's windpipe and dislocates its neck, only letting go when he's sure that the mammal is dead.

As the Arzuros's blood mixes with water and mud, the Magnamalo extends the retractable pseudo fangs that usually stay sheathed against his cheeks, and digs them into the body of his victim, their serrated edges slicing through fur, skin, and flesh, and peeling them off in large chunks for him to swallow. Since these sabers are generally the weakest part of his armor, Dagger is very careful to avoid the bones while feeding and makes sure to only bite vertically and never horizontally, as the design of these false canines can't handle sideway stresses very well, and could easily snap otherwise.

Only after Dagger has devoured the softer meat does he turn his attention to the bones and less edible portions of his victim. Retracting his pseudo fangs and gnawing on the bones and armor, the Magnamalo does have some trouble at first, but once he's punctured some holes in their surfaces, the fanged wyvern quickly manages to snap these tougher parts into more manageable pieces, subsequently crunching and swallowing them with no problem; even the pointy shards are of no concern to him, thanks to a thick, protective lining in his throat.

After he has torn through the Arzuros, the Magnamalo moves on to the Gajau carcass, not caring that it's in a half-eaten state. Although the best parts of the fish have already been consumed by the fanged beast he killed, Dagger doesn't mind feeding upon the less desirable parts, and luckily for him, the bones of this creature are much easier to break due to their thinness, making the all-important bone marrow more accessible to him.

Eventually, almost nothing is left of the Arzuros and Gajau besides a few scales, clumps of fur, tiny bone shards, and blood, barely anything that could qualify as a meal. With everything of interest now gone, Dagger stretches himself out and simply begins walking away, the rain finally starting to pass.


As daylight breaks over the horizon, the area begins to brighten with the rising of the sun despite the continuation of a cloud cover looming over the landscape. Around and between the towering mountains and dropping valleys, a layer of mist blankets the mountainous terrain, keeping the surrounding vegetation moist and covered in shimmering dew.

Inside the fog, Dagger moves through the area without too much trouble despite the drop in visibility, his silhouette dipping in and out of thick patches in the process. Climbing over some larger rocks, the Magnamalo suddenly hears something moving in the nearby bamboo, causing him to turn his head in the direction of the noise. Yet due to the mist, he can't see very much which prompts him to quickly leave.

With his body vanishing into the thick mist, the Magnamalo doesn't stick around long enough to see a Chameleos uncloak itself and crawl out from the stands of bamboo. With the fanged wyvern gone, the elder dragon slowly walks away in the opposite direction. Although not the creator of this blanket of fog, this elder dragon does produce a thin, mist-like substance from its maw which constantly envelopes it and interacts with its skin, though it can also spit it out to cover a wider range. Alone, this does nothing, but by consciously sending through its hide a weak electric current from the special luminescent organs in its horn and tail, the Chameleos can cause the scales to reflect light in such a way that, as long as it's surrounded by its mist, can give the animal the appearance of invisibility.

As the elder dragon walks through the mist-covered forest, it moves each eye independently, giving it a full view of everything that's going on around it, and this trait is very useful when it comes to hunting its preferred prey. Making its way through the undergrowth, its movements startle a Cutterfly and cause it to dart out of a bush, a trail of red dust trailing behind as a defense mechanism. Despite its distraction and fast flying speed, the Cutterfly can't escape the Chameleos as the latter lashes its long, sticky tongue out and pulls the small creature into its gaping mouth, swallowing it whole in an instant. Despite the massive size difference between it and its prey, this elder dragon, along with other members of its species, predominantly feed on invertebrates, only going after larger animals when there's nothing else around or if there's an especially good opportunity to attack.

With high intelligence, great vision, and an incredibly long prehensile tongue covered in sticky saliva, the Chameleos will not have many problems when it comes to catching enough food to feed itself. As the Cutterfly slides down the elder dragon's throat, it once again begins to walk away, disappearing deeper into the foggy woods.


As the cloud cover momentarily breaks and the sun rises higher into the sky, Dagger clambers up the steep slopes of a bamboo-covered mountain, the dirt and rocks shifting under his feet. The roar of a nearby waterfall running down the side of a nearby cliff catches his attention, and soon enough, he sees the flowing water, prompting the Magnamalo to head towards it. Moving across the uneven terrain, Dagger heads upwards until he eventually arrives at the top of the waterfall, its clear waters rushing past him. Approaching the edge of the fast-flowing river, the Magnamalo carefully bends down and begins lapping up the liquid.

With his thirst quenched, the fanged wyvern lets out a yawn and starts walking away from the water's edge. Finding a rise near the river, Dagger quickly makes himself comfortable on the embankment's soil and drifts off to sleep in this peaceful spot. While he sleeps, the noise of the crashing cascade masks the sounds of something else in the surrounding area.

At the bottom of the dropping river in the waterfall basin, a large female Tetranadon, having just finished building its nest of moss and algae, is letting out low-frequency calls to signal to males that it's ready to mate. Hiding inside nearby bushes, the female continues to bellow. The now lower soundwaves it emits travel even further than the initial call. This broadcast doesn't go unnoticed, and in a couple of minutes, nearby males begin heading towards the location.

As the first male arrives, it begins looking for the caller, yet the female doesn't respond, nor does it reveal itself. It won't just take any Tetranadon as its breeding partner, as it only wants the most powerful and enduring individual; the better the genome, the higher the chances of the offspring survival. To ensure its future young only get the best genes, the female waits for a little longer, and soon another Tetranadon appears in the area, causing the first to immediately divert its attention to the newcomer. Usually, these amphibians are indifferent to one another's presence; however, during the mating season, males become very intolerant of each other.

Upon seeing each other, both animals bellow before plunging their heads into the water and scooping up large swaths of sediment and gravel, swallowing the materials and causing their stomachs to expand to accommodate the ingested items. Stomping the ground with enough force to break it, the amphibians stare one another down, roaring and snapping their bills in intimidation displays until they finally charge at their adversary.

Colliding with immense force, shockwaves ripple across their skin as they come to a complete stop and grab one another, their specially designed forefeet acting somewhat like hands. As the males grip, slap, and shove each other, the female watches intently from the sidelines, waiting to see which Tetranadon comes out on top.

Although the sediments the males ingested help dampen the impact, the heavy blows still hurt, their loads jostled about as they do battle. The first arrival starts using its larger bulk to push its smaller competitor towards deeper water, hoping to use the dip in the terrain to knock it down, but its rival is putting up more of a fight than expected as it tries to reposition itself away from the drop. As they continue wrestling, the larger animal bends down and slams onto its rival's stomach, causing it to regurgitate some water and lighten it. Taking advantage of this, the first male goes all out, pushing the smaller creature around before, with all the strength it has, the Tetranadon briefly lifts it off the ground and throws it to the side, making the younger amphibian fall over, ending this showdown.

Towering over its defeated opponent, the victor bellows at it while the younger Tetranadon throws up the object it swallowed and crawls away. The older amphibian may have succeeded in this bout, but if it's to win the favor of the female, it'll need to overpower a few more males to show that it is the best individual to mate with.


With the day growing long and the sun setting as the clouds block it once again, Dagger yawns and wakes up to find himself on his back and at the bottom of the rise. Despite this change of position and posture, the fanged wyvern isn't disturbed as these occurrences happen regularly. Since Magnamalos don't have control over when their hellfire gasses are expelled, they are naturally restless sleepers, their unconscious movements protecting them from unexpected detonations.

After taking a few seconds to get his bearing, the Magnamalo rolls onto his stomach and lazily gets up, letting loose another yawn as he stretches his body, his retractable dorsal spikes unintentionally springing up due to the change in his posture. Pawing his face, Dagger sits down and begins cleaning himself, using his tongue and teeth to clear up as much grime and dead skin as he can.

The intactness of his armor may be the main thing females of his species judge, but keeping it clean is also very important, as good hygiene not only ensures that he stays healthy, but it also signals that to potential mates. As he continues grooming himself, Dagger ends up contorting himself into odd positions as he tries to get to as many parts of his body as possible, though he can't reach every area, and eventually stops, proceeding to get up and move over to the rushing river for a drink.

As he laps up the rapidly flowing water, the fanged wyvern momentarily stops as the sensation of hellfire emerging from his body returns. Just as before, Dagger begins dissipating the fumes, this time dropping to the ground and rolling, his actions succeeding as the gasses soon explode a few seconds later.

Standing up, the Magnamalo lets out a snort as he goes back to drinking, the cool, gurgling water splashing against his face in the process. Once his thirst has been quenched, Dagger simply turns away from the river and enters the ever-darkening forest as the sun finally disappears beyond the horizon.

With the thick cloud cover looming overhead and repelling the possibility of any light illuminating the landscape, it'll once more be a very dark night in the shrine ruins, but for the fanged wyvern, this only increases his chances of making a potential kill if he gets the opportunity. As Dagger moves deeper into the shady undergrowth, he all but disappears into the night, the only sign of his presence a thin, purple whisp of hellfire trailing behind him before it's swatted away and dissipates in a tiny burst of light.

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