The Dragon Master

By EfronAllard

20.5K 378 244

[HTTYD Fanfiction] Hiccup Haddock never knew why he was born, especially among a tribe of dragon-hating Vikin... More

Chapter 1 - Life in Berk
Chapter 2 - A Boy Who Harbors Pain
Chapter 3 - The Night Fury
Chapter 4 - New Heir
Chapter 5 - Guilty Feelings
Chapter 7 - Banishment
Chapter 8 - 10 years in Exile
Chapter 9 - 10 years later at Berk
Chapter 10 - Karalyn and Celare
Chapter 11 - Council Convocation
Chapter 12 - Introspection and Diplomacy
Chapter 13 - Peace Plan

Chapter 6 - Flight, Nest, and Caught

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By EfronAllard

Hiccup walked briskly toward the cove. He's finished. With the title of heir lost, the villagers and teenagers would happily spend their time beating him black and blue. Hiccup is really angry, annoyed and frustrated. He should be mad at his 'father' and Astrid. They cost him the only thing that had kept him going this long. But he also gave up, because after all no one ever liked him especially when he became chief.

Hiccup must meet Toothless. He is his best friend, despite the fact that Toothless is a dragon, Berk's worst enemy. Not without reason, Toothless is very loyal to Hiccup. Even though he is a dragon, Toothless understands and cares for Hiccup. It is undeniable that Berkian's enemy is much better than Berkian their self, in treating Hiccup.

Walking towards the cove, Hiccup can see Toothless lying relaxed on the scorched ground, where he shoots hot flames to comfort himself. Seeing Hiccup's arrival, the Night Fury immediately got excited and approached Hiccup.

"Hey bud," Hiccup said while stroking Toothless head, where suddenly Toothless licked Hiccup's face excitedly. "Ouhhh Toothless, this won't go away!"

Hiccup nudged Toothless' head while pouting playfully. The Night Fury backed away and let out a rhythmic roar. Hiccup just smiled at him. Toothless is the only one who cares about him, including Gobber the blacksmith and village elder Gothi. They are all the reasons Hiccup can continue to survive in this situation. He couldn't imagine what would have happened without them. The warmth of their attention made him feel better.

Hiccup sat down on a tree trunk and sighed heavily. His mind was filled with guesses about his future self. After Astrid, his former best friend and crush, becomes the heiress, Hiccup can imagine the torment and ridicule from the villagers getting worse. He had to think of a way to deal with all of this.

Should he run away? If he ran away nobody would care. Hiccup bets that his father and the villagers won't even notice he's missing.

Hiccup sighed again. Being in Raven Point Cove, with the sound of the birds singing and the wind, is much more comfortable than being in the village where people must be celebrating their new heir.

Toothless came up to Hiccup while nudging his head.

"What's wrong bud?" asked Hiccup while stroking the side of the Night Fury's head.

Toothless only sent a requesting glance at Hiccup while directing his gaze towards his scaly back. Hiccup is initially confused by what Toothless means, then he jerks to his senses.

"You mean you asked me to get on your back?" asked Hiccup nervously. "A-and fly?"

Toothless let out a gummy smile while nodding his head, it was clear this Night Fury understood his human companion's words. Hiccup is very nervous at his best friend's request. Remembering the incident this morning, where Hiccup was on top of Toothless and flying really fast made him a little traumatized. But anyway, if he didn't try again, he wouldn't know what it was like to fly on a dragon, ever again.

Hiccup, who was initially afraid and refused, was overpowered by his curiosity and high adrenaline rush. Sighing, Hiccup headed for Toothless.

The dragon lowered its body close to the ground so that Hiccup could climb up easily. Hiccup climbs onto Toothless's back and feels the rough, warm scales on his butt. He had to get used to this.

Hiccup positioned his body on top of Toothless for safety and comfort. With a sigh, he regulated his increased heartbeat. He will fly, above the dragon, again.

A small rustling sound in the bushes made Hiccup and Toothless turn their heads. Convinced it was just animal noises, Hiccup orders Toothless to prepare for takeoff. Toothless's bat's wings spread wide and the dragon's legs took off. Immediately with incredible speed, the Night Fury carried his human companion into the evening sky.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

After escaping from the crowd of residents who congratulated her, Astrid Hofferson ran after Hiccup to apologize for what had happened. She felt very bad about what her former friend had experienced.

By walking through the quiet forest, in contrast to the bustling village, she felt relaxed. But one thing is for sure, she lost Hiccup! Seriously, that boy walks really fast. With his small and thin body, he must easily pass through various things in this forest. Astrid decided to take a walk while looking for traces of Hiccup. According to her hunch, he must not be far from here.

With a sigh, she walked lightly into the depths of the forest. It had been a long time since she had explored the forest, because usually she was just on the outskirts of the forest close to the village to practice with her battle axe. Only Hiccup is the most often to the forest. She had no idea why he often went to the forest. The guess he was most certain of was certain because he avoided everyone in the village.

Hiccup should be working in Gobber's garage instead of going to the woods, leading her to assume he's been skipping classes. When Astrid asks Gobber, the old blacksmith says he's giving Hiccup a vacation to rest. Of course the boy should rest. When he just picks up a weapon, he needs extra energy, and even then just polishing it, especially if he's making weapons.

Astrid noticed that she started walking towards the forest that led to a beach far away from the village. Just as she decided to return to the other side of the forest, she suddenly heard something in the distance. Walking towards the source of the sound, she pushed aside the bushes and stared at something extraordinary. A cove.

This cove is very beautiful, surrounded by shady trees and clear pools, perfect for spending time relaxing and resting. Her awe stopped instantly and was replaced by a look of horror and shock. She saw the person she was looking for. But she wasn't alone, that person was with a dragon. Night Fury.

Astrid was so surprised and her heart skipped a beat. Wanting to shout a warning to Hiccup, Astrid immediately realized that Hiccup was not being threatened, but was talking to the dragon, as if it were his imaginary friend.

She gasped in surprise when Hiccup climbed onto the Night Fury's body. Hiccup riding a dragon?

One thing that immediately comes to mind is that Hiccup is a traitor.

With a quick movement, she turned and ran back to the village not caring that she made a sound that made Hiccup and the dragon turn their heads in the direction of where she had been.

Astrid ran at a fast pace, her heart unsteady and her mind racing after seeing all that. She had to tell Stoick about this. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. At first she was only going to find Hiccup and talk to him, but the next thing she saw was something she didn't expect.

Now Astrid is on the outskirts of a village bustling with residents. The villagers who were doing their activities, turned towards Astrid who emerged from the forest. The villagers gave the new heir a wide and warm smile, something different from the one they gave the old heir.

The other villagers called Astrid and asked her to join them. Ignoring them all, Astrid sprinted towards the Great Hall. At the front door she accidentally bumped into a stocky man. The blonde girl looked up and saw Gobber the blacksmith.

"Calm down lass," said Gobber calming Astrid who was tired of running. He could see the panicked look on Astrid's face. "What's happening?"

"Chief, Stoick," Astrid stammered as she caught her breath. "I have to talk to chief about something important!"

Gobber was confused for a moment by Astrid's words, but suddenly came to his senses and chuckled.

"Ah, I know," said Gobber cheerfully. "Must be nervous being a heir right? Don't worry, you know, Hiccup was very nervous when he was made heir, all you need to do is-"

"It's not about that Gobber!" Astrid shouted interrupting Gobber's rambling. "It's about Hiccup and... dragon."

Hearing that, the old blacksmith's face changed instantly. He became worried when Astrid told him about Hiccup. And dragon?

"What happened Astrid?" asked Gobber worriedly. "What's wrong with Hiccup, was he attacked by a dragon?"

"I'll tell to the chief," Astrid replied, sprinting into the Great Hall. "Come along."

Astrid reached the Hall where Stoick was chatting with Spitelout and Phlegma. While drinking a sip of his beer, he was about to continue his conversation, but his eyes glanced at Astrid who was running towards him. When he saw Astrid's shocked and panicked face, he realized something was wrong. After all, Astrid Hofferson was a warrior girl who rarely showed any excess of expression other than seriousness and anger.

"What's wrong Astrid?" Stoick asked, rising from his chair. His face asked for an answer towards the girl who was stabilizing her breathing. Behind Astrid, he saw his friend Gobber limping because of his artificial leg. He also saw the blacksmith's confused and worried face while looking at Astrid.

"Aye Stoick," said Gobber anxiously. "Astrid said she wanted to talk to you and she said about Hiccup and the dragon."

"DRAGON!?" Stoick shouted in surprise. "Did that brat attempt the impossible by hunting a Night Fury? Oh Gods, what a crazy child that, I have to-"

"No chief!" Astrid exclaimed. "And even worse, I saw him befriend a dragon and it was a Night Fury I believe."

After hearing Astrid's statement, the four adult vikings immediately fell silent. Slowly anger and malice emerged from Stoick and Spitelout. Phlegma the General of Defense wore a shocked and horrified face. Gobber who heard that was also shocked but immediately turned worried and proud. Proud because his student actually dropped Night Fury and didn't lie.

"Are you sure Astrid?" asked Phlegma in surprise. She couldn't believe it at all. He wasn't everyone's favorite, but she really respected Hiccup because of his genius. Even though he is considered useless and always creates destruction, betraying by befriending a dragon is something beyond expectations.

"I'm pretty sure," Astrid replied. "I was going to find Hiccup to talk to him, but when I reached the cove at Raven Point, I saw him hanging out with the Night Fury."

"Stoick that kid is a traitor!" Spitelout shouted hatefully. "We have to catch him."

Stoick, who had been silent because he was processing everything Astrid said, finally turned to his brother. The look on his face was clearly filled with anger and disappointment.

"Show me the way to the cove Astrid," Stoick said coldly as he held back all his anger. "Spitelout, take the troops to Raven Point, it's clear the Night Fury will be difficult to catch. Gobber and Phlegma come with me."

Astrid said nothing. She just nodded her head motioning for Stoick, Gobber and Phlegma to come along. They walked past the confused villagers to see the seriousness and anger on their chief's face. They were also confused when Spitelout prepared his 10 best soldiers.

Walking into the forest, Astrid led them into the Raven Point cove area. Not much is known about this place, because the residents are rarely alone. It was quiet in the cove and no sign of Hiccup and the Night Fury. This made Phlegma and Gobber hesitate.

"There is nothing here." Phlegma said while looking around the cove. Her eyes traveled all over the cove while remaining alert.

"Everything was so quiet, I could even hear a wild boar fart in the distance." Gobber joked, overcoming his anxiety.

Astrid is upset that Gobber and Phlegma don't trust her.

"I swear I saw it myself and it-"

"No sign of Hiccup here," said Stoick, standing on a slightly scorched ground. "But there are Night Fury scales and scorched earth, at least they were here before."

Astrid ran over to where Stoick was standing, followed by Gobber and Phlegma. They saw some black scales that clearly belonged to a Night Fury. The scales lay on the scorched and hot ground. They figured that the dragon had been spewing plasma on the ground.

"They seem to have made this place their meeting place," Stoick said quietly as he looked around. "Most likely they'll be back soon,"

Just then 10 soldiers brought by Spitelout appeared from the forest. They have prepared their best armor and weapons. Spitelout brings along a netball to trap the Night Fury.

"So what are we going to do Stoick?" Gobber asked.

Staring at Gobber, Stoick said slowly, "We hide around here, then when they get there we catch them."

Gobber just gave Stoick a horrified look. Was this man serious about capturing his son? Only child?

Spitelout with several soldiers have set a trap. Stoick, Gobber, Phlegma and the others start hiding in the bushes until Hiccup and the dragon reappear. Astrid often wondered if she was doing the right thing. True to the tribe and Hiccup? She finally shook off the thought and focused on what was to come.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Hiccup and Toothless are now above the sky. Toothless flies slowly so Hiccup can relax while enjoying the scenery. The dragon was glad his human friend wasn't sad. That kid really had a rough life.

Hiccup slowly raised his hand to touch the cloud. Clouds are like a collection of air that looks like cotton. Humans cannot touch them, but the clouds feel like moist air. Hiccup really does fly. He did something that was impossible for any viking to do. No viking in history has ever touched the clouds.

"This is great, thanks bud." Hiccup said softly while stroking the side of the Night Fury's head. Toothless let out a soft purr in response. He is happy when his rider is happy.

Hiccup closed his eyes and felt the air touch his face. This is the point of view of the dragons. If the vikings are trapped on an island or sailing on rough seas, the dragons are truly very graceful when flying in the sky. There is no burden and nothing to worry about. He feels free.

Hiccup and Toothless realized too late when they flew close to the Helheim Gate area. Now the night sky covers all views. Hiccup has trouble seeing clearly.

Suddenly Toothless ears perked up and his pupils constricted. The Night Fury's movement became unstable.

"What's wrong Toothless?" asked Hiccup confused.

The dragon didn't respond and just flew into the dense fog. Hiccup squinted to look around but found nothing. Suddenly a dragon roar was heard from a distance, making Hiccup jump. Hiccup can see that the dragons are carrying some of the livestock and fish stolen during raids to various villages.

Toothless makes an unnatural head movement, making Hiccup feel Toothless is being controlled by something. They finally arrived at a place where there was a cave hole. The dragons enter the cave and Hiccup is amazed to see what is in the cave.

The cave is a kind of forked cave in a volcano. Lots of types of dragons such as Gronckle, Nadder, Nightmare and Zippleback. The dragons dropped their loot into the big hole in the middle of the cave. Hiccup notices that the pit is thickly misted and the bottom is not visible. Toothless lands on a rock-covered cliff.

"Nice to see all their catch just thrown away," whispered Hiccup sarcastically. "They don't eat it at all."

A Gronckle appeared and opened its mouth, spitting out a small fish. As it was about to return, the Gronckle suddenly returned to the center of the hole as if it was in a trance. Hiccup is confused by the incident. Suddenly, the head of a giant dragon emerged from the hole and ate Gronckle whole, leaving nothing behind. Hiccup was very surprised to see it. His eyes widened and his heart raced. What kind of monsters are they?

After that incident, the other dragons hide in fear, as if avoiding their own apocalypse. The giant dragon's eyes looked where Toothless and Hiccup were. The dragon's mouth was wide open, about to eat Toothless and Hiccup whole. Hiccup who saw that immediately said to Toothless.

"We have to go bud," said Hiccup panicked. "Now!"

Toothless immediately jumped flying out of the cave, making the giant dragon's appetite miss. The other dragons also flew around, avoiding the giant dragon that wanted to devour them. As they reached the top of the exposed mountain, Hiccup turned and saw poor Zipppleback being eaten by that giant dragon.

Toothless quickly flew away, carrying himself and Hiccup back to Raven Point. Hiccup was silent the entire flight to Berk. His mind was completely full. Cold sweat dripped all over his body. He could even hear his heart beating very fast. Hiccup really has to admit to a chance discovery he saw while flying with Toothless. He had found the dragon's nest!

The place the vikings have been looking for for the past 300 years. The place that the tribes in the archipelago are looking for, even the one whose his 'father' is also looking for. Hiccup is very grateful that the vikings never entered the nest, because they would never have come back when they faced the giant dragon.

Hiccup gets a hidden truth all this time. The dragons are not mindless animals that always steal food and kill humans, but they are intelligent beings who have a sad fate. They were all controlled by that giant dragon. It was like a beehive where the dragons were the workers and the gigantic dragon was the queen. The dragons steal food to satisfy the dragon queen's greed. They had to steal in order to get plenty of food, otherwise the dragons would be devoured by the dragon queen. Hiccup felt very angry at the vile creature. That creature caused the war between the dragons and the vikings. It's the creature that makes Toothless and the other dragons miserable. The giant dragon got his food and the other dragons got the opposite. They suffer, suffer a lot.

Raven Point forest comes into view and Toothless snores softly to interrupt Hiccup's reverie. Hiccup, who woke up from his thoughts, shook his head and cleared his mind again. Toothless lands on the ground in the cove area. Hiccup slowly climbs down from Toothless and thinks what to do after finding the nest.

Suddenly a net wrapped around Toothless and trapped him, making the dragon roar in anger. Hiccup is shocked and sees that his best friend is caught in a dragon trap, are they caught? Suddenly a very strong hand held his body. What he saw horrified him. It's Stoick. He also saw Gobber, Phlegma, Spitelout, several soldier and Astrid? They came out of the bushes, which seemed to have been waiting for the arrival of Hiccup and the Night Fury.

Hiccup saw Gobber's worried face, Phlegma's shocked face, Spitelout's hateful face and Astrid's face whose expression he couldn't guess. Spitelout orders the viking warriors to catch the helpless Toothless in a net, thrashing about in frustration. Hiccup is panicked when Stoick catches him. Hiccup struggled helplessly. One thing that crossed his mind was that he had been caught befriending a dragon and he would be judged for what he had done.

Hiccup turned his head shaking and saw his 'father' towering over him, wearing an expression full of hatred.

"You will be judged, traitor!" he cried full of poison.

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