Your Future - Prince Eric

By zazabee_xo

10.2K 124 15

Prince Eric, is working on the docks, as his aid to his kingdom, when he unexpectedly bumps into Felicity Cal... More



1.2K 15 0
By zazabee_xo

The city was bustling with people. Working people. Including me and my brother, Alastor. He runs a milkmaid business and we were awaiting delivery!

All that was coming in was piled of fish, my nose turned up at the smell and my heart ached for them.

"Felicity, this is us. You lift one side and I'll lift the other." Alastor said. I nodded and we lifted the box all the way back to the shop.

"Quick! Quick! I've got to get this milk out before seven!" He ordered. I looked at the clock, it was 6:45.

"Also, you're on the village run today, Fel." Alastor said, filling up my crate.

"Alright. I'll see you soon." I said, grabbing the crate and heading to the houses. Many little boys tried to bargain for two extra bottles, but I didn't give in.

As I walked, I felt a wave of guilt hit me as I thought of Mama. We left her at home early today, due to the delivery.

I knocked on each door, leaving a bottle or two, depending on the house, and taking the empty bottle back with me. I had finished my rounds by half eleven.

"Right, you are off the hook here, thank you Fel." Alastor said.

I headed home to our little beach cottage and saw my rabbits munching away. There was Mama, hanging out washing.

"Good morning, Mama!" I called out, careful not to drop our milk.

"Oh good you're back! Did you get me bread?"

"No? I didn't know you needed some, I'm terribly sorry, Mama I-"

"Hush, hush, it's fine. How were you to know when I didn't tell you? I told your brother."

I hummed in response.

"My silly head is mixing you two up! Now, come and get some water, you must be starving!" Mama rushed me in, taking the bottles and placing them in the cupboard. She then sat some bread and butter and an apple in front of me. I began eating and she giggled a little behind me.

"What is it?" I asked. Mama then brought me a basket of strawberries.

"They've grown! Now go on, taste one!" Mama cheered. I clasped my handa together and chose one. It was sweet and a little bit sour.

"Oh, they are lovely, Mama. Well done!" I said, standing up to give her a hug.

"Now, are you done? Right well the animals need to be fed now. And when your brother gets back, you might even go horse riding on the beach!"

As I threw the seeds out for the clumsy chickens to eat, I yawned. I do love my life at this cottage, it's all I've ever known, but I do wish for a new life sometimes.

My thoughts were interupted by the door opening. Alastor! I sprinted inside, dropping the seeds everyhwhere, the chickens clucked happily.

Alastor was eating his food at the table.

"There you are! I've been asking for you but Mama told me you were busy!" He said, rolling his eyes.

"I was just feeding the chickens, that's all." I muttered.

"I see. Well, I have a job for you." My ears pricked up. Alastor was giving me a job?

"Go on." I said.

"I want you to do this carefully and respectfully. I want you to do my pub rounds." I was a little disheartened but didn't dare show it on my face. Us women and girls weren't allowed in the pub, so I guess it was a good job.

I don't know if it will be most enjoyable, though.

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