Us against the world

By Luvlybxtch3

45.8K 1.6K 104

What if lan wangji and wei wuxian left the cultivation world because everyone started to believe jin guangyao... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

2.6K 98 3
By Luvlybxtch3

2 days ago ( the next after Wei Wuxian banishment) in cultivation world 

Ouyang sect of baling 

"Zizhen how dare you support yilling patriarch are you crazy or what? Support your clan be like your father we have to fucking get our sect to top ones , we need the yin hufu Jin guangyao saying he will share it with small sect leaders see how nice he is,Wei wuxian is not a role model for you to look after him he was fucking going to kill us without even getting a minute he hurted his beloved's how can someone be so cruel " said sect leader ouyang


Zizhen got slapped from his father and his father kicked him out 

Nie sect 

" hello sect leader nei this is zizhen ,you are the only one who doesn't cultivate much and you are fun , would you make me a disciple? I was senior wei disciple back then "

" OH WAIT WHAT- your Wei Wuxian disciple if so then yes I saw my best friend suffer so I could do this it would make him happy if he's alive I really want him to be but mo xuanyu body won't last long before he dies,but zizhen aren't you from ouyang sect?"

" I am but my father kicked me out of clan for believing senior wei anyway how do you know mo xuanyu body won't last long "

" well it's a secret I believe in him since I made a plan to kill meng Yao using him but he oversmarted me , but I hate getting blood in my hands anyway I will adopt you since I need someone to continue our sect legacy"

" WHAT? Your so smart a hidden mastermind,and yes I would like to be your son"

" ahh yes stop flattering me ,anyways corpses are attacking our sect and more sect, how you came here easily,I will be taking help from a friend his sect is hidden I helped his family once so  he willing to help me he said his elders,young master,even sect leader are really kind and they all treat each other like family we will be going 2 days later"

" hehehe,I learned from senior wei what to do when corpses attack you,ok I will accompany you on your journey "

" it will take time let's head out this night " sect leader nei said 

Yunmeng jiang sect 

" jiujiu how can you ? He sacrificed his core for you,you won't believe that, I can't believe is this how brothers are with each other if so I would rather don't have any sworn brothers"

" how can you- he killed your parents, and the fucking ghost general was lying don't believe everyone so easily, we aren't brothers anymore and will never be"

" uncle a Niang and a die didn't died by uncle xian hands you only want me to hate him you just want to blame him for everything,and about believing easily YOU ARE THE ONE? Who believed easily every fuckin rumour about him from now on I am not talking to you nor uncle meng Yao (Says in disgust since he knows what happened ) Jin ling said

The present 

Yuandao hong sect 

" your story tell it fast I need to make preparations for sect leader nei "

Xingchen started speaking well I committed suicide and you and Lan Wangji killed xue yang but when I died I became a ghost I saw how xue Yang cried as if it was his first Time he confessed to me he cried all day and night I was upset seeing him in this state he looked like a abandoned puppy as I was a ghost I saw how he died he was holding the candies i gave him when he died after some time your grandmother summoned me I was back to bieng a human i then asked your grandmother to summon xue yang too and when he came back he was crying seeing me and then confessed to me again I gave him a chance to prove himself and he did and year later he became way to possessive and did get jealous easily and cared a lot for me"

The day when xue yang and xingchen got together 

" xingchen,my dear didi"cangse sanren said,tho they weren't blood siblings and only sect siblings but they loved each other whole heartedly to address each other as blood siblings after all baoshan grew them up as her real children,cangse teased him a lot when he was a child 

" a niang ,jiejie ,Jiěfu " xingchen said as tears filled his eyes and he went up to hug them

" how am i alive?" He asked still in disbelief 

" cangse wanted to bring you to life?"his mother asked with a concern and love in her eyes

"jie can we  bring one more person alive even tho he not good I want to be his husband "xingchen desperately asked,they all looked in confusion 

" xingchen how did you become that bold my xingxing became so bold,xingxing became so bold"said cangse teasingly 

" stop teasing me jie,Jiěfu take care of her"xingchen said complaining and Wei Changze giggled

" who do you want to to bring back even tho he isn't good "

" xue yang he is a murder but listening his childhood story made me tear up and xue Yang cried for first time when I died I saw it all I was a ghost until I saw his death ,made me very upset I love him a niang I love him even tho all he ever did was lie but I believe he can turn over a new leaf "

Xue Yang appears 

" here you go a bad boy as your husband "

" d-daozhang ,daozhang sorry, sorry I didn't mean to Kill you but this guilt is overflowing am i alive? How I was dead last thing I remember was happy memories with you 

" yes I got you to come to life I know ,stop blaming yourself I committed suicide,be my husband "

" xingchen aren't you bieng to bold " baoshan sanren said

" a niang but I want to marry him even if he says no "

" I will marry you ,I love you daozhang i truly do I will change for good "

" ok then change yourself and you and I will be sect leaders until a ying comes here and let me introduce my family to you"

" this is my a niang baoshan sanren, my jie cangse sanren,my brother in law wei Changze, this is my neice wei linqing "

" WHAT? Aren't wie wuxian parents dead?"

" from now that will be a ying to you and a lin "

" okay xingchen"

Xue yang bowed to everyone 

The present

" woah you are bold uncle "

" you are bold too a ying you melted the Lan Wangji coldness  and he mourned you for years "

"Hehe ,but uncle xue yang how will you face nei huaisang tomorrow?"

" I will apologise and maybe we could make a plan to bring back dead and clear your name "

" uncle smart of you"

" thanks a ying!"

" ahh I am not used to it"

At night

" wow this place is so beautiful even more beautiful than gusu or yunmeng or qinghe "

" I know a die this place is  even more richer than lan ling "

" well  lan ling is just a cruel greedy place " nei huaisang said

" i agree"

" hello sect leader nei i will accompany to your room and your sons too our sect leader is ready to meet to you tomorrow "

" ok thanks! "

 The next day

" let's go and introduce ourselves "

" ok a die "

......... after reaching to the palace

" hello I am nie huaisang from nei clan and this is my son zizhen we ask help from you since corpses our attacking us"

" I sect leader of yuandao apologise to sect leader nei " xue yang said opening his mask

" WHAT? Xue yang you're the sect leader , but why did you apologise when did you become kind enough to say that"

" after falling in love"

" stop saying that in front of children " xingchen said

" I am xingchen sect leader of yuandao I am also sorry on my husband behalf,I also am happy that sect leader nei it's you not those crooked sect leaders and thanks for trusting my nephew we will help you since it's requested from him , also let's make  a plan to kill meng Yao "

" really , it's okay I guess meng yao was the one who ordered you to kill my da ge  your nephew who?"

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