Adorabella: A new life awaits

By ARandomCasualPerson

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Today is the day Rainbow Dash meets a pony faster than her. She was expecting them to be an existing member o... More

Meeting Her Match
Small Steps
Learning To Trust
The Incident
Slowly Branching Out
Helping Out
Venturing Out
Returning To Fillydelphia
Back Home Safe
Down To The Post Office
After A Week Of Work
A Birthday To Remember
Adorable Rocks
A Shaky Afternoon
Quiet Solid Friendship
Going On A Date
A month and a bit later (Summary)
Lead Up To A Birthday
Putting It Behind
The New Home
Nightmare Night
Another Month And A Bit Later (Summary)
The Best Hearth's Warming Ever

Overcoming A Massive Barrier

37 4 2
By ARandomCasualPerson

6 days later...

During the week, all pegasuses were off work to prepare themselves in order to safely bring the reservoir water up to Cloudsdale together. The first day didn't go well for Adorabella, she tried having her hood down in front of everypony else, but she quickly pulled it back up. She felt far too uncomfortable to keep the hood down for long. On the plus side though, she did get to meet up with ponies she doesn't always get meet, like Ralph and Fluttershy. Derpy was also taking part in tornado duty. So, during the week of prep and training, Adorabella hung out with either those 3 during the training preparing for the big day.

On the 1st day, at the end when everypony was measuring their wing power, Adorabella scored 14.5. Rainbow Dash scored 17.5 wing power. But when everypony Adorabella didn't know left and wasn't afraid to show off a little bit then, she went again and scored close to 25 wing power, and even then, that still isn't her max wing power, not even a fraction close to her true max wing power. For comparison, the next highest behind Adorabella and Rainbow Dash, was Vapor Trail, who scored 15. She came down from Cloudsdale itself to help in tornado duty because it looked fun to her.

Behind Vapor Trail's score was Ralph's score, which was 12. Then Thunderlane with 10, and most other ponies barely got around 8 to 9.5. Fluttershy managed to get a score of 7 wing power, 2 more than her last personal record.

At the end of the 5th day, the top 3 pegasuses, Adorabella, Rainbow Dash, Vapor Trail, those 3 all broke past 20 wing power. Rainbow Dash scored 22.5 wing power. Vapor Trail scored 21 wing power, purely thanks to Rainbow Dash helping her out. Adorabella meanwhile scored 20 (she then went and scored 33 when everypony else other than her friends left, still not her max wing power). Those 3 alone have 60 to 70 total wing power alone. The next highest score belongs to Ralph, who scored 15.6, far below the top mares, but ahead of everybody else. The highest score below Ralph belonged to Thunderlane, who scored 14 wing power. Then everypony else including Fluttershy are at least managing around 8 to 13 wing power.

Then on the 6th day...
Twilight had set up the anemometer next to the track to measure all pegasus' wing power. With her is Spike, with a pencil as well as a notepad with everypony's name on there. Rainbow Dash notices everything is set up, and blows a whistle, getting everypony's attention. All pegasuses line up to fly down the track flapping their wings as fast as they can. Rainbow Dash went first, and scored 24.8 wing power. Then almost every pegasus went, scoring almost the same as they all did yesterday. The only pegasuses left to go is Vapor Trail and Adorabella left. Vapor Trail went before Adorabella, and scored 22.3, ever so slightly more than her score yesterday. Now it's Adorabella's turn.

"Come on Adorabella! Come on!" Rainbow Dash cheered on for her. Adorabella looks left as she extends her wings, looking at Rainbow Dash. She then looks back to her right, where Ralph and Derpy happen to be. Ralph nods while Derpy is frantically waving. Adorabella then goes back to looking ahead of her, down the track, where Twilight and Spike are with the contraption, ready to write down her score. Adorabella's wings are flapping so fast they look just like a blur, much like a fly's as she prepares to go down the track. Adorabella shyly looks side to side with anxiety. It's bad enough the others that are there who she doesn't know, knows she has one of the highest wing power scores, even with her appearance concealed.

Everypony else gets a good distance back to make way. Then Adorabella shoots off, cruising with a pink trail left behind her, creating wind that blew nearby grass away. She hastily flies past past the anemometer, where Twilight and Spike is. Twilight read the results and her eyes widen in surprise.

"Thirty seven point six wing power!" Twilight exclaimed. She knew Adorabella actually had way better wing power than Rainbow Dash, but not to the extent she is seeing. Spike write it down next to Adorabella's name on the notepad, also surprised, he was expecting Adorabella to hold back until most ponies left.

"Wait what- how much?" Rainbow Dash's eyes widen. She wanted to hear that again. She is impressed, it appeared Adorabella didn't let her fear control her performance in front of others this time.

"Thirty seven point six- yeah you're definitely beating Fillydelphia's record this time. You got some pretty good flyers," Spike responded.

Meanwhile, all the pegasuses that didn't know Adorabella is gobsmacked with shock. Not only does this white pegasus have more wing power than Rainbow Dash, but also by a lot. They start looking at her in amazement. They walk over to her, wanting to ask so many questions. What's her name, and how she can outperform Rainbow Dash in wing power by a long shot. They are all allured with amazement and are very impressed.

Adorabella just realized she didn't hold back enough. She had put in far too much wing power and it's not even nearly as much as she is truly capable of. She went to try and hide her face by pulling down the her cloak's hood to hide... to find that the cloak isn't there, it must've ripped and slipped off somehow. Adorabella then felt a very cold feeling and froze. She tried hiding her face with her mane but that didn't help. She extends her wings and cries as she gets overwhelmed. The sudden feeling of eyes staring at her, she felt the urge to curl into a ball, but she is too fearfully frozen.

"Everypony please give her space!" Fluttershy tried to step in before the other pegasuses completely overwhelm Adorabella. Ralph tries to help Fluttershy with that as well, now knowing how fragile Adorabella is. But both pegasuses is unheard as the other pegasuses are talking to each other saying how awesome and the impressive wing power the white pegasus has. They all have so many questions to ask, many great compliments to give.

'Who is she? She is so darn good! Is that the pony who has a better wing power score than Rainbow? Wow she's beautiful and a great flyer. You have amazing wings!'

Meanwhile for Adorabella, everything is happening so fast. She wanted to curl into a ball. It felt as if walls were closing in... trying to crush her... as the other step over to get closer... she finds herself back at her school... she finds herself surrounded by her school students... looking at her... teasing her... flashbacks from the fillies laughing and bullying began to echo, the harassment and touching from the colts made every hair on her coat of fur flick and twitch...

'Ha ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha ha...'

Adorabella screams, making the nearby pegasuses flinch in surprise. Adorabella cries as she trots while extending her wings, then takes to the air.

"Adorabella! Wait!" Fluttershy tried to get over to Adorabella, but she was far too late. Adorabella is already high up in the air. Fluttershy knows she absolutely cannot catch up with her.
Spike was writing down Adorabella's wing power score on the notepad. But then he as well as Twilight and Rainbow Dash heard Adorabella scream. They don't know what the commotion is, but Rainbow Dash is about to go over to see.

"Somehow Adorabella's cloak came off and she scored a high wing power and got overwhelmed by all the compliments and just flew off!" Fluttershy trotted over to Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike in panic while panting. The yellow pegasus is greatly concerned, because even though Adorabella has made great improvements, to say she is fully stable is incorrect. Adorabella is still unwell.

"Oh shoot..." Rainbow Dash sighed. She notices the other pegasuses were bunched up, presumably where Adorabella also was, they all probably wanted to talk to her because she completely smashed Rainbow Dash's wing power score. It wasn't their fault, they didn't know they would petrify Adorabella.

"Where could she be going Rainbow? None of us can keep up with her!" Twilight is also worrying. She worries that Adorabella could never be seen again because she was so overwhelmed. What if Adorabella runs away again, like she did just over a decade ago, when she couldn't deal with everything?

"She went in that direction!" Vapor Trail came over, and points to the sky. Barely noticeable are dissipating pink rings behind a pink trail. The pink trail appears to be heading to Ponyville.

"Spike, stay here, you're in charge. Me Twi and Shy will go and check on her. Vapor, you help Spike," Rainbow Dash ordered as she takes off her sports cap and puts it on Spike's head. They all just hope Adorabella is okay.
Adorabella made it back to the Cloudominium. After getting inside, she immediately went to Rainbow Dash's bedroom and hid under the blankets, sobbing into the pillow. Every pegasus there bunching up and getting too close to her just triggered a terrible, terrible flashback. The flashback felt so real it felt like she was sucked back through time, back to when she was a filly, all surrounded by those fillies and colts, it was just terrible. They all now know who she is, what if those groups of pegasuses know a mare or stallion that went to her school, what if they send them after her? She can't even go and find her cloak, it somehow came off, most likely due to wear as it was so old, and even if it wasn't, it's still useless now because not just every pegasus, but everypony is going to know who she is.

Adorabella then hears the door open, making her flinch. She slowly takes her face out of the pillows. She turns her head as far as it would to her left to see who it is. Seeing Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, Adorabella turns her head back and drops back into the pillow burying her face.

"Sorry..." Adorabella murmured, her murmur sounding muffled through the pillow.

"Are you alright? What happened there?" Rainbow Dash asked as she sat on the bed next to Adorabella.

"The cloak somehow came off and the others all surrounded me..." Adorabella whimpered as she got out from the blankets and sits next to Rainbow Dash, left side. The light blue pegasus nods.

"But they could see who I was- they know who I am now... they all know I have better wings than Rainbow... now I'll get stalked and... and... and they'll wanna do things to me... I'm scared of that happening... I cannot hide from anypony anymore! There are ponies like Rock and Catch out there still and- ahhhhh! " Adorabella feebly whimpers and cries in fear. Rainbow Dash does her best to comfort the white pegasus. Rainbow Dash pulls Adorabella to her for a hug. Adorabella doesn't resist, she wants the offered hug. The white pegasus feels the immediate safety when Rainbow Dash hugs her, no matter what the situation. Even though Rock and Catch are in prison now, Adorabella still panics that there are others like those 2 still out there, waiting to pounce, and she won't be able to see it coming.

"You can't always believe the absolute worst will happen. Yes, hiding may keep you 'safe', but if you choose that route, life will be so painful and miserable. There will be no light, no joy. You have to sometimes come out of your comfort zone, no matter how scary it is. I'm not saying it is easy, and sometimes everything involves risks that may scare us, I know that myself, but it's well worth it. It's much better than hiding and living in so much pain," Twilight spoke gently. Her eyes swell up. Seeing somepony in distress is one thing, but knowing somepony's struggles on top as we makes it more heartwrenching.

"I know how scary it is to leave your comfort zone..." Fluttershy softly spoke as she walks over to Adorabella, catching her attention. Fluttershy sits down on the floor. Both her's and Adorabella's eyes meet.

"Doing something amazing in front of others is overwhelming. I understand that feeling all too well. I really do..." Fluttershy continued in the same tone. The yellow pegasus thought of a situation she found herself in that's on a similar level to Adorabella. Fluttershy remembers an experience that is very similar that she overcome. By sharing that hurdle, Fluttershy hopes it can help Adorabella overcome her hurdle.

"A while ago now... a few years back, I was singing to myself with the animals, then my friends heard me. I felt so scared because I didn't know what I think. Rarity particularly loved it and wanted me to sing with the Pony Tones. However I had stage fright, but then another pony lost their voice so I sang from behind the curtains while they were on stage. But then at one of the shows... I knocked the curtains down by accident and everypony could see me singing. I was so scared of the attention that I ran out the door. I know exactly how you felt when everypony saw you. But back to me... after the encouragement by my friends to go back, I went back to sing, on stage... and it wasn't so bad, and in the end, it wasn't so bad. It was really difficult... but it felt... liberating..." Fluttershy explained and shared the events that day, because it relates to Adorabella's predicament.

Fluttershy used poison joke to make her voice sound as deep as Big Mac to sound like him when he lost his voice. She sang for him behind a curtain while the rest of the Pony Tones were out on stage. Then at one of the performances, the curtain got knocked down and Fluttershy could be seen. So Fluttershy had freaked out and got overwhelmed.

For Adorabella's case, she showed impressive wing power under the concealment of a cloak. Then Adorabella's cloak came off and got attention for beating Rainbow Dash's wing power score. With her identity not being concealed, she will get recognition and everypony will soon know who she is. So Adorabella had freaked out and got overwhelmed.

Both the white and yellow pegasus were reserved in showing their talents in front of everypony. They both performed what they were doing behind some kind of cover. Fluttershy had got better with dealing with stage fright, and is less reserved on showing her talents. But Adorabella still is afraid of getting recognition for her flying capabilities. Fluttershy can see the very similar parallels between the 2 different situations. She relates to Adorabella. She feels Adorabella's pain.

"What Fluttershy is trying to say is, is to not be afraid. Be you, do you, and not be scared or put off by others," Twilight added onto what Fluttershy said.

"And this isn't the first time you faced your fears. You weren't afraid to show you can outperform me in the Wonderbolt open day last week. You also made friends by yourself, like Ralph and Derpy. You also went back to Fillydelphia to watch the Wonderbolt show! Anyway... you got a very unique and awesome pair of wings Adorabella, and I want you to be confident with them. You're allowed to show off every now and then," Rainbow Dash lightly smiled as she pats Adorabella on the back. Twilight and Fluttershy also smile. Adorabella gives a weak smile.

Twilight and Fluttershy said their farewells and left the bedroom to head downstairs. Rainbow Dash and Adorabella hear the door in the foyer downstairs go. The 2 have now left.

Rainbow Dash thought it would be better if she stayed back with Adorabella for the rest of the day. The 2 just hung out, playing board games and so on. Also during the remainder of the day, Rainbow Dash got Adorabella to read some Daring Do books. When it got to night time and after having dinner, Adorabella said she'll sleep on the sofa because she wanted Rainbow Dash to have the bed. The 2 plan on what days who will have the bed or sofa. But right now, Adorabella decided she'll sleep on the sofa while Rainbow Dash sleeps in the bed.
Next day...

Adorabella is already up, and has been for the past few hours. She is sitting on the floor at the glass table that's in the middle of the living room, patiently waiting. She had just got 2 bowls of milk and Hoofabix, one for herself and the other for Rainbow Dash when she comes down. The bowls are on the glass table that's in the middle of the living room.

"Oh- I see breakfast is already set up. Thanks- oh uh, also, good morning." Rainbow Dash has come downstairs, and walks over to the table, sitting down on the opposite side to where Adorabella is.

"I- I just wanted t- to- to do something, in return... in return for doing it for me all the time," Adorabella stammered slightly.

"If you come and help out with the jumbo... that'll mean a lot to me as well," Rainbow Dash lightly smiled.

"B- but the cloak..." Adorabella looks down, staring blankly at her bowl of Hoofabix. Without the cloak, others will see her, and will know who she is. The concealment the cloak offered protected her from that, but it's gone now. She could be targeted, stalked upon. Anything could happen as ponies know what she looks like.

"Flutters did have a look for it, but uh- anyway, you don't need that cloak. That cloak is so... intertwined with your pain. I want you to let go of that, today," Said Rainbow Dash.

"Plus, you still have that necklace thingy, so... you should be alright. And to be honest, you don't need that necklace," Rainbow Dash added. The 2 pegasuses eat their breakfast. Then, Adorabella walks to the table that's next to the sofa that's near the window, which is where her backpack is. She opens it and amongst the other 8 green shards as well as 85 bits is the necklace with the shard attached, which she puts on.

"If only I can convince her to not wear the necklace as well..." Rainbow Dash hopes she can eventually to get Adorabella to not wear the necklace as well, but full well knows that's still a long way away.

"So, are you going to come or not? We do need to get going right after breakfast if you are," Said Rainbow Dash. Adorabella weakly nods.

"It'll be fine, nopony will mess with you, because of anypony does, they'll also be messing with me," Rainbow Dash smiled and pats Adorabella on the back. Adorabella very weakly smiles back. Sure, she is scared to go especially without the cloak, but she also trusts Rainbow Dash to protect her. Plus, Ralph will be there too, and Fluttershy, and Derpy, and Twilight, and maybe some of the others she trusts.

"Now let's finish our cereal, then we'll get our goggles and we can make our way over to the reservoir to set everything up," Rainbow Dash said as she starts eating her Hoofabix, as did Adorabella went to start eating her's.

After finishing, Rainbow Dash got 2 goggles, one for herself, and the other for Adorabella. Rainbow Dash puts her goggles on ready. Adorabella went to put her goggles on too, but struggles to because the straps were too strong, so Rainbow Dash helped her put them on.
At Ponyville's highland reservoir...

Spitfire had just finished setting up the massive anemometer next to the reservoir. Twilight and Spike are also present. Spike brought with him a massive horn on wheels to signal when to start and stop, while Twilight is there to oversee things.

"If Adorabella is coming to participate as a helper and puts in her all, I'm expecting Ponyville to absolutely smash Fillydelphia's record score of nine hundred and ten," Spitfire stated.

"If she keeps up with the reserved attitude, she probably won't," Spike stated.

"Spike..." Twilight gasped, frowning at the small purple dragon. Spike can be very blunt with his words, a bit too blunt.

"Regardless, Adorabella does possess truly impressive wings. I hope she gives her all today. That's if she is even coming though," Spitfire responded. Ever since seeing Adorabella making Rainbow Dash look like a sloth in that race during the Wonderbolt open day, she left Spitfire very impressed. Spitfire is very disappointed that Adorabella doesn't like to show that unique talent of her's because of fear and anxiety of the past, as well as only thinking about the absolute worst-case scenarios from getting recognition that are to the point of being seemingly unrealistic. Spitfire hopes to see Adorabella will let go of that fear today, if she shows up that is.

"Ah, speaking of..." Spike looks up at the sky and sees a rainbow and pink trail high up in the sky, above the clouds. The 2 trails appear to be coming down to the ground. Then almost instantly, Rainbow Dash and Adorabella appears.

"Hey Rainbow and Adorabella," Twilight smiled, waving at the two pegasuses that just arrived.

"Hey Crash- oh and I'm pleased to see you Adorabella too- and without the cloak?" Spitfire walks over to Rainbow Dash and Adorabella.

"Yeah! And Adorabella is gonna do awesome, won't you?" Rainbow Dash spoke while smiling as she looks at Adorabella. The white pegasus weakly nods. She then sees another few pegasuses arriving, with their pair of goggles. She trembles and hides behind Rainbow Dash.

"Everything will be okay Adorabella," Twilight spoke soothingly, easing Adorabella slightly, who leans on Rainbow Dash slightly.

Then one by one, other pegasuses start to arrive. Soon, all of the pegasuses are here, waiting in a line. Spike goes over to them all with a notepad and pen, to tick down who is here and who isn't.

"You will be okay, you've got this," Twilight reassured.

"And you don't need to hide with a cloak. Let go of that fear that's keeping you from spreading those awesome wings of yours," Rainbow Dash smiled, patting Adorabella on the back.

"You have an amazing talent Adorabella. It is something you do deserve recognition for. Yes, getting noticed for something can be very overwhelming, but it's also so rewarding, and fulfilling. You should be proud of yourself. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there," Twilight gently said with a light smile.

"And now- come on. What harm will getting a little bit of recognition of your skills do? You may not be a Wonderbolt Adorabella, but what your wings can do really impresses me. Now, I wanna see you put those wings to good use today," Spitfire spoke firmly.

A few minutes later, Spike comes back. He has ticked in everypony who is here, and who isn't.

"This isn't good, about twelve of the pegasi aren't here. I don't know what's up with them all," Spike reported.

"Twelve!? Twelve pegasi... are not here!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"We still have others like... Ralph and Vapor and Thunderlane though. Luckily none of the top dogs are out," Spike added. Adorabella's face lit up at hearing Ralph is here as well.

"We may still have the top five pegasi with the best wing power, but we are still down twelve other pegasi. It's a big hit to our total available wing power, but it's your call Rainbow. Do we go ahead or what?" Spike asked.

"We'll do it," Rainbow Dash instantly replied, with no delay, just instantly after Spike had asked.

"First off... are you ready?" Rainbow Dash asked Adorabella. She weakly and shakily nods. Rainbow Dash then gives the go ahead to Spike, who starts walking back to his horn, and blows into it, the loud sound startling Adorabella.

"Alright everypony! Give it everything you got!" Rainbow Dash yelled aloud as she instantly took off as did the other pegasuses. Meanwhile, Spitfire and Spike went to stand close to Twilight, who uses her magic to raise a shield to protect them and herself from the powerful winds made by the jumbo tornado. For a few dozen seconds, the wing power indicator on the anemometer steadily rises. Within about 3 3 minutes, the indicator is showing 700.

"They have reached seven hundred total wing power!" Twilight exclaimed, looking at the readings on the anemometer. For another few dozen seconds, the indicator continues to rise, up to 750, but remains there.

"We need to call it off! They don't have much left in them!" Spike is greatly concerned about the pegasuses. Usually when a group of pegasuses don't end up creating a jumbo tornado that's powerful enough, it leads to accidents. Even with the best pegasuses, the impact of 12 pegasuses missing is definitely noticeable.
Meanwhile in the actual tornado, Rainbow Dash and Adorabella are flying alongside each other. Rainbow Dash notices something isn't right, the water isn't properly funneling through.

"Adorabella! You gotta put in your all! I know you're not using nearly as much as you can!" Rainbow Dash yelled. She had to yell so she can be heard amongst the strong winds. But the light blue pegasus can still see the unease in Adorabella's eyes. She is scared to be seen as a better flyer than Rainbow Dash.

"We need more of your wing power! Please! Do it for me!"

Adorabella is grateful to Rainbow Dash, for everything she has done. She wants to repay her, but she thinks she cannot. In this situation, she's scared of others knowing that she has yet even more wing power than she showed yesterday. She is already going to get recognition for that. But this is for Rainbow Dash, Adorabella will use more wing power... for Rainbow Dash.

Adorabella leaves a fuzzy pink trail behind her as she shoots off. Rainbow Dash smiles at that she got Adorabella to push herself even further in the right direction. Adorabella then hears loud voice from the other pegasuses. She can also hear Fluttershy's, Derpy's and Ralph's voices among the voices of the other participants. She tries to block all the other voices out and soley focus on getting the job done.

On the ground, Twilight Spitfire and Spike, within the safety of the shield, can see the indicator on the anemometer starting to go up. It goes from 750 to 775, then to 810. It still continues going up. It goes from 810, to 850, then to 925. The rise of total wing power output occurs in quick succession. The jumbo tornado also starts changing colour to pink slightly. But most importantly, the water quickly funnels up and shoots out from the top of the jumbo tornado.

Twilight lowers her magical shield, so Spike can get over to his horn, which he does. He blows into it, signalling to all the pegasuses to stop. They quickly disperse and they all land on the ground and take their goggles off.
Adorabella stays in the air, slowly flying around, trying to see Rainbow Dash. However, she finds Fluttershy first. Adorabella flies down and lands in front of her, quickly putting her forehooves around Fluttershy, all in quick succession. This made the yellow pegasus greatly flinch.

"Oh- it's nice to see you too. I am so proud of you, and I'm sure Rainbow is too," Fluttershy smiled.

"Uh- can you uh- please take my goggles off... I cannot do it myself I'm too weak to do so... please," Adorabella requested. Fluttershy takes the goggles off for her.

"Thanks, Fluttershy."

"You're welcome Adorabella," Fluttershy nodded.

A few minutes later, Ralph appears. Fluttershy took a few steps back, startled by Ralph's size and physique. Adorabella though, immediately goes to hug Ralph.

"Hey Adorabella. Are you alright from yesterday? I just saw you... scream, and... and it wasn't nice. Are you okay now?" Ralph asked softly. He never saw Adorabella freak out like so badly until yesterday. It was hard to see a friend in distress like that.

"I... I am... f- fine, this is helping me..."Adorabella replied at ease.

"Alright friend, just hug me for as long as you need," Ralph lightly smiled.

"I got overwhelmed yesterday... that's all. I'm okay now." Adorabella feels this strange feeling throughout her body. The feeling feels like when she is comfortable, safe, feelings she only got to understand recently, just like when she hugs her other friends, but it's slightly different.

"Well how did that go for you?" A voice asked. Adorabella turns around and sees Spitfire, as well as Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike. Rainbow Dash especially is looking like she is thrilled.

"We did it, so... that is good," Adorabella shrugged her shoulders.

"Not only did you all do it. You all broke Fillydelphia's record of nine hundred and ten with nine hundred and twenty five," Spitfire responded.

"The anemometer was stuck at seven hundred and fifty, but then it skyrocketed to nine hundred and twenty five," Spike added onto Spitfire.

"The jumbo tornado also had a hint of pink to it... and I think I know who done most of the work," Twilight smiled.

"Ah ha ha heh heh heh heh huh huh huh uh..." Adorabella shyly steps back.

"Nah come on, you deserve the recognition- Without you we wouldn't of even reached eight hundred! We were stuck on seven fifty and you brought it to NINE two five!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Rainbow is right, Adorabella. You have shown to be able to use at least around two hundred something wing power on your own. Most ponies cannot utilize anywhere near that much wing power when going in circles. A little bit of recognition for that kind of skill won't hurt will it?" Said Spitfire, then looks at Rainbow Dash and nods.

"Crash, tell everypony here what a star you all have!" Spitfire ordered. Rainbow Dash nods.

"Everypony! I want all of your attention!" Rainbow Dash yelled aloud as she flaps her wings and flies up roughly a couple dozen metres, so she gets the attention of every pegasus.

"Even though we were down twelve pegasi, we still did it, and we even broke Fillydelphia's record! But... I wanna give a special thanks to somepony. Without her specifically, we would've not even reached the minimum eight hundred wing power needed. Hang on a minute, let's all give her a chance to come up..." Rainbow Dash continues on, yelling aloud so she can be heard. She waits for Adorabella to fly up to her level.

"Go on. Fly up to her so you can be seen," Ralph encouraged Adorabella.

"B- but I'm scared to..." Adorabella quivered.

"It'll be okay," Twilight gently spoke.

"You don't have to if you really don't feel comfortable to. But I think it would be good for you to step a little bit out of your comfort zone," Fluttershy softly said.

"A little bit of attention won't hurt will it? Come on. It'll be alright," Spitfire encouraged Adorabella.

"You always wanted respect from others, right? Well now is your chance," Said Spike.

With the encouragement, Adorabella looks down and takes a deep breath. She looks up, where Rainbow Dash is. She is still in the air, flapping her wings.

"Ah, here she is! Give her a cheer when she comes up," Said Rainbow Dash, still speaking at the same loud volume. Adorabella flies up and hovers next to Rainbow Dash. The crowd of pegasuses cheer for Adorabella, who shyly hides half of her face behind her mane. But Adorabella does give a nod of approval to Rainbow Dash so she can carry on talking.

"This is my newest friend Adorabella. Fun fact, she's actually faster than I am, a lot faster actually, like, to the point I look like a sloth. Not only that, she definitely has much better wing power than me. Now, without her, we wouldn't of even managed to muster seven hundred and fifty wing power. But she carried us, and mustered, herself, at least two hundred wing power alone... and that's probably not even her max wing power," Rainbow Dash shared with the whole group of pegasuses, to which they respond with loads of loud cheers and wows.

"As a filly, Adorabella's life wasn't good at all. So many odds were stacked heavily against her. I'm not gonna say what exactly, but the stuff she went through was awful, and horrible. Her experiences as a filly made her very reserved and unwilling to share her awesomeness. But despite the trouble, despite the very unbalanced odds, despite the hardships, Adorabella is still here strong as ever! Adorabella is an example of... no matter what you go through or what sets you back, you can still achieve great things and inspire others around you! Everypony, cheer for my awesome friend here!" Rainbow Dash cheered aloud, the crowd also cheering aloud.

"Come on!? Is that the loudest you all can cheer!? Cheer louder! Cheer louder! Cheer for Adorabella!" Rainbow Dash demanded of the crowd. They all start cheering a lot louder. Rainbow Dash smiles and nods.

"Look, see? They all like you," Rainbow Dash gently spoke as she uncovers Adorabella's face, brushing the mane out the way. With both eyes, Adorabella sees the crowd. She knows they are cheering for her.

"The ponies that bullied you, they very likely have nothing going for them. You however, Adorabella, do have something going for yourself. Everypony that called you weak... well, you have proved them all wrong," Rainbow Dash smiled.

"Maybe the attention isn't so bad after all," Adorabella thought. She feels respected, not just by her friends, but by everypony around her, unlike back when she was a filly. Now fully understanding that, the attention and recognition doesn't feel so scary and terrifying, bec it's all positive. Adorabella feels she has got enough recognition, so she flies back down onto the ground. Derpy is now nearby too.

"It weren't so bad getting some fame now, was it?" Said Spitfire. She walks up to Adorabella and pats her on the back.

"Well done today. Good to see you come out of your shell a bit," Spitfire added.

"We're all proud of you, Adowrabella," Said Derpy.

"Th- thank you," Adorabella smiled while tearing up slightly.

"Thank you, everypony," Adorabella grinned and hides half her face behind her mane again. She is overwhelmed, but in a good sense, being overwhelmed by support instead of fear. She finds hiding her face behind her mane is a good coping mechanism.

"We should be thanking you Adorabella. Without you, the pegasi wouldn't of been able to bring all that water up to Cloudsdale," Twilight responded, showing a light smile.

"And I should be thanking you for everything you all have done for me... my life had been filled with just darkness... until I met all of you... I don't know if I would even be alive right now..." Adorabella wept.

"Now you have us- oh, and my muffins," Derpy smiled. Adorabella weakly chuckled.

"Thanks, Muffins."

"You still up to meeting with me at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow as usual, or you wanna relax tomorrow? I don't mind missing out a Sunday as we can still meet up on Mondays and Tuesdays. It's up to you," Ralph asked Adorabella.

"Yeah of course I do! I uh- I- I uh... I... actually enjoy meeting up with you," Adorabella stammered a bit while nodding.

"Awesome stuff," Ralph nodded, and smiles. Adorabella smiles back.

After tornado duty and most ponies left, Twilight, Spitfire and Spike took down the anemometer. Rainbow Dash also helps them take it down. Meanwhile, Adorabella says by to her friends and went to head back to the Cloudominium, accompanied by Ralph. After Adorabella went inside, the 2 parted.
(A little bit of Adorabella's POV :3)

Today felt short, but most importantly, liberating, for me. For once, I didn't feel useless... I felt... useful, in helping tornado duty. The ponies cheering for me... looking at it from a positive angle, it really made me happy. I never felt so respected in my life. I see less and less reason to hide my wing's capabilities, because all the time, I'm fighting my fears. I'll always be... shy, anxious and timid... physically weak... I have come to terms that I'll be like that forever, but my friends still always be there for me, and will always support me. Rainbow is right, the ponies that bullied me have nothing going for them, and I proved to everypony that had hurt me that I am not weak. I do not need to be physically strong, because I am already strong. I am and always will be strong... in my own way.

Really sorry for the long wait for the chapter. I've been busy a lot, but I am on holiday from college. So I am hoping to get a lot of chapters done. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

One more thing, comment what you are all thinking of Adorabella's story as a whole (her backstory included). I would like to hear what you all like about Adorabella, as well as some constructive criticism on her.

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