๐๐‹๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ๐˜ ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐˜; ๐ฆ๐š๐ค...

By functionalism

48.6K 1.4K 1.3K

Just a regular girl in the Jujutsu world. maki zenin x reader. More

before you start
The Beach
Ryomen Sukuna
A Privilege Not Earned
United in Grief
Blood on the Walls
The Girl who Lived, Cried and Fought


1.6K 55 38
By functionalism

"Satoru, you let a cursed human carrying a special grade curse set foot into Jujutsu High?"

Gojo chuckled as he stood in the middle of a dark room, surrounded by doors. "Yep! And we're lucky that I caught her right after she'd got it, who knows what might've happened?" Gojo chirped with a toothy grin. "Satoru! This isn't the time to be playing around! You let special grade cursed spirit Ryo in Jujutsu High with a recent civilian who has no idea what she's getting into!"

"Granted, she lacks the knowledge of what exactly the Jujutsu world is. But that girl has more brains than any of you old geezers behind those doors."

"Intelligence or not, that girl is to be executed at once!"

"Why? Because you're scared she might be useful in the Jujutsu world? In just the few hour time span between when she got that curse and when I visited her, the rate of disappearances changed drastically."

"Jujutsu regulations demand that she be executed as a cursed spirit!"

"And if it does come to that, just remember, I'm not siding with you old geezers." Gojo warned before stepping out of the room, wrapping the bandages back over his eyes.






"Everybodyyy, get excitedddd!"

Gojo chirped as you, Toge, Panda and Maki all sat in silence at the 4 desks. You huffed before resting your chin on your hand.

"What are we getting excited for again?" You mumbled into your hand. "Apparently there's a new student coming here. He's cursed, just like you are." Maki roughly said in response. You huffed before you looked over at the door.


You rolled your eyes at him. "...I heard he's quite a sour person. I'm not gonna create the mood for those kinda people." Maki commented while crossing her legs. You nodded in agreement.

You looked back over at the door once you heard the knob begin to turn. You shifted your gaze over to it before it opened and an average sized black haired boy walked in with a mortified look on his face. The first step he took, you felt a massive cursed energy presence and you felt your head begin to pound.

You felt a cold liquid run down your arm; it was purple and you automatically assumed it was Ryo.

Ryo, what the hell are you doing?!

" Relax. I'm just gonna take over your right arm for a bit. " It said before you huffed.

"I'm Okkotsu Yut-"

Maki took her spear and stuck it into the chalkboard right next to him. "Hey. Is this some kinda test? Don't you know you're cursed?" She questioned, all four of you standing in his face. He looked around with a nervous expression. "This is a school where you learn about curses. Not for the people who are cursed," She glanced over at you with a sharp look in her eye before looking back over at the black haired boy.

"The number of people that die mysterious deaths or go missing in Japan is over 10,000 a year on average. Most of those are casualties of curses. Born from negative emotions of people. Among them are also malicious cases caused by curse users. Only curses can affect other curses. This is where we learn to exorcise curses: Tokyo Jujutsu High school."

The black haired boy looked nervously at Gojo. You, Panda, Maki and Toge turned your heads towards Gojo hazily. You're just now telling him that?! You thought to yourself before turning back to the new boy.

"My bad!" Gojo held his hand up, "By the way, you might wanna step back." He added before a large gray arm came from the chalkboard and grabbed Maki's spear. The four of you backed away while the black haired boy looked around nervously once more.





You, Panda, Maki and Toge stood in the middle of the room with frowns on your face and theirs.

"....So, as you can see, this is the boy who's cursed by Rika, the girl who just looooves him...Okkotsu Yuta-kun! Be nice to him everyone! If you attack Yuta, Rika-chan's curse will activate..or not. Either way, be careful, everyone!" Gojo chirped with jazz hands.

Maki turned away, frowning even more. "Say that sooner!" She whisper yelled. You huffed before Ryo let go of your arm.

"...They're all being rebellious, so I'll introduce them quick-like," Gojo started before pointing at Maki.

"This is the cursed tool user, Zen'in Maki. She uses special tools to exorcise curses!" He explained. You glanced over at Maki before back at Yuta.

"This is the cursed speech user, Inumaki Toge. He only speaks in rice ball ingredients, so good luck conversing!"



"I'm Panda. Nice to meet you." Panda smiled.

"And this is fellow cursed human, Y/n L/n! If you need help with any classwork just go to her cuz she's pretty smart!"

"Hi." You said before Gojo rested his chin between his index finger and his thumb, "Well, there you have it. Ok, now there are 5 first years!" Gojo chirped. Yuta walked over to the four of you and stood nervously next to you.

Four humans and one animal...

"The afternoon practice was gonna be in pairs, but I guess it can't be helped. Panda, you go with Toge. Yuta, you go with Maki and Y/n!"

Maki scoffed and frowned once again. Yuta looked at her with a mortified look on his face. You chuckled and looked at him. "Don't mind her. She's always this sour." You said before patting his shoulder and began to walk out with the rest of the first years.

"Giving advice to the new boy after it's only been your first week? How interesting you are, Y/n." Ryo commented as you walked through the hallway next to Panda. You hummed to yourself. I just wanna get him on my good side. I don't wanna have you and Panda as my only friends here. That's a little embarrassing. You mentally replied before you heard a grunt from Ryo in response.

"Uhm..I hope we can work together." Yuta broke the silence between the five of you. You all kept on walking for a moment before Maki turned her head towards Yuta and spoke.

"You were bullied, weren't you?" She asked out of the blue, earning a chuckle from you. The question made Yuta stop in his tracks, along with the rest of you. His silence gave her an answer.

"Bulls-eye, huh?" She continued. "I totally get it. Even I would bully you." She stated once again. You chuckled to yourself. Yuta huffed, "Maybe it's because of your curse?" Maki continued. "It's written all over your face that you're branding yourself as a good person, like someone else in here," She took a pause to turn to face you. Glancing back at Yuta, she continued. "It's sickening." Yuta stopped slouching and stood up straight with an even more mortified look on his face.

"Why are you acting like the victim when you're the one being protected? You've been passive your whole life, I bet." Yuta's breath hitched. You frowned to yourself. "Jujutsu High isn't so easy that you can get by without any goal." She finished. "Maki. That's enough." Panda grumbled while putting his paw over Yuta's shoulder. You put your hand on his other shoulder, "Yeah. Give him a break, it's only his first day and not everybody's gonna just brush off your attitude like I did just last week. I bet these guys had a problem with you on your first day here, too. Matter of fact you haven't even been here a month and you go around talking shit to other people's faces like you run the place. You've probably been picked on your whole life, too. And now that you've found someone who's sensitive, you just take advantage of it. Hate to break it to you, pal, but not everybody's as tough as you are." You said grumpily. An irk appeared on her face before she took her spear and unzipped it out of its case before she swiftly spun it in your face.

"Don't talk shit too, smartass. You're still a newbie along with him, and you're both in the same boat. Wonder how you didn't get bullied either." She grumbled. You jerked up your eyebrows before gripping her spear to push it out of your face. "That's because they know they'd look crazy if they said meaningless things over and over." You frowned at her. She huffed before pushing your hand off the spear and put it back in its case.

"Ok, ok, fine. Get off my dick." She scoffed before she kept walking. Panda huffed behind you and Yuta. "Sorry about her. She has a habit where she acts like she understands others." He explained before the rest of your four kept walking. "No, it's fine...she's right."

You frowned before resting your arms behind your back. "Personally, I wouldn't let her talk to me like that." You said, glancing over at him. He looked at you before sinking his shoulders. "Well, there's nothing I really can do about it. She's right, so I have no reason to talk back." He admitted shyly. You perked up your eyebrows and smiled at him.

"It's ok. Like I said, not everybody's as tough as she is. She just doesn't seem to realize that there are other people in this world who are more sensitive than others. She probably gets that from family trauma, but I wouldn't know anything about that, so who am I to guess?" You continued before turning a corner. Yuta huffed next to you.

"Anyways, I hope you and I can get along." You turned to him with a smile. He smiled slightly at you. "Yep! And the good part about that is you can convince her to do your homework for you, no problems!" Panda added in with a chuckle. You chuckled back at him. "That was one time last week when Maki asked for help on one question and that was it." You replied. Yuta turned back to you. "Wait, so he's saying that you're like, really smart?"

You let out a small huff. "Ehhh...yeah. I am, but I don't like going around and bragging about it, let alone other people acknowledge it. It kinda gives people the wrong impression, that you're narcissistic and that you think you're better than everyone else. Which is absolutely not the case, for me at least." You explained, which was a silent point out to Maki, before pushing open the door.

"...So when Zen'in-san said that I was branding myself as a good person, like someone else..was she talking about you?" Yuta asked before raising his arm in front of his face to block the sun. You sighed quietly. "Honestly," You started. "I never said I was a good person. Though technically I've done nothing bad to dirty up my ledger. Good people technically don't exist. You could be a good person to someone and be a bad person to somebody else. Her saying that you're branding yourself as a good person is just some bullshit." You replied before splitting off from Panda and kept walking with Yuta. He nodded before the two of you glanced over to find Gojo standing next to a nice black car.

"Ah! Welcome, my lovely students. Hope you enjoy your first afternoon practice, you two." He said with a smirk before opening the door for you and Yuta.

Maki looked over at you two then turned her head away. You lifted a brow and smiled to yourself. "What? You look a little sour compared to earlier when you were talking shit." You joked, sliding in next to her. She rolled her eyes and scooched further away (if possible). "You really shouldn't be talking. It's only your second week here." She grumbled. You chuckled at her response before Yuta crawled in next to you.


The ride to the school was quiet, the loudest noise heard there were inhales and exhales from Yuta.

The three of you, along with Gojo, stepped out of the car and walked towards campus. Looking around, Yuta finally spoke up. "Where are we?" He asked. "It's just an elementary school." Gojo answered.

"Just an elementary school where kids have gone missing." He finished. You perked up your eyebrows and Yuta jumped with freight. "Missing?!" He repeated. You huffed before rolling up your sleeves, "It happens in places like these. Schools, hospitals, cemeteries, places that often have bad memories born from people." You explained lightly. Gojo nodded with a smile. "Or it could be from a naturally occurring curse." He corrected. You looked over at the shaking Yuta.

"So you're saying these kids got kidnapped by a curse?" He asked. Gojo nodded, "Yep. Two so far." He answered. "Given that two children were kidnapped, we're here to exorcise the curse?" You asked, looking at Gojo. He nodded in response. "And save the children. Or if dead, retrieve them." He finished, smirking at the three of you. "Huh?! Dead?!" You chuckled then pat Yuta on the shoulder.

"Relax. We'll be fine. I bet." You said, looking towards the building. Gojo held his two fingers up and set up something which he explained afterward as a 'veil.'

"It's a barrier that'll smoke out the curse and keep you all from being seen by those outside." Gojo said, beginning to walk off towards the car. "It's easy to undo from the inside!" He finished walking towards the sidewalk.

"Now, do be careful not to die!" He said before the veil finally closed up. "Die?! Sensei!"

"Transfer students, listen up. Don't get distracted." Maki said after quickly unzipping the case to her spear and whipped it out, holding it over her head. There were three curses standing some yards away, and Yuta was already about to piss himself.

"W...What do we do?!" He stuttered, beads of sweat rolling down his face. "Don't scream, idiot!" Maki yelled before running towards the curse, dodging the tentacles and jumping up to take it out in only one swipe.

"Remember this," She started, making eye contact, switching between you and Yuta.

"The weaker the curses are, the more they group up!" She yelled before taking out all the curses in one swing. "Same thing with humans, I'm guessing?" You asked, walking ahead of Yuta and Maki and headed towards the building. "Exactly. Now come on, let's get moving." Maki demanded before walking after you.

"Huh? Where to?" Yuta questioned, taking a couple steps. "Inside, genius." You answered before pushing open the door.




"Uhm..Zen'in-san, L/n-san, aren't you guys scared?" Yuta asked nervously while looking around the hallway you three were currently walking in. "Don't use my last name!" Maki grumbled in response. "Sorry..but it really seems like there would be ghosts here!" Yuta whined. "Though we've already seen some." He mumbled. You huffed before resting both arms behind your head. "...No, I'm not really scared. I've already got my curse here with me, so I'll be fine." You answered brightly with a grin. Yuta nodded before turning his head towards the window on his left.

There aren't many curses here, even though the veil's been drawn. No..they're here, just not attacking. Is it because they're here? Maki thought to herself as she glanced back at the two of you, showing a vast difference between the two cursed humans: one looking nervous and about to piss himself and the other seeming as calm as Maki is.

Yuta jumped in freight, "Something just moved!" He shrieked. You looked over to the left where he was looking. Maki stopped in her tracks with a grunt, "Hey!"


"What grade are the two of you?" She questioned, turning around to face you and Yuta. You tilted your head towards her and let your arms fall. "Like, in English proficiency?"

"As in reading level? College reading lev-"

"No, genius. Jujutsu sorcerers and ranked in grades from 1 to 4." Maki retorted as she very rudely cut you off while you were tooting your own horn. But I only just came to Jujutsu High yesterday? I don't think I have that." Yuta said nervously. Maki slapped her forehead in aggravation, "Ugh, forget it! Show me your school ID. You two got one from the dumb blind folded guy right?" Maki demanded, holding her hand out.

"Dumb blinded folded guy?"

"She's talking about Gojo." You said before digging in your pocket and pulled out your ID. She snatched both yours and Yuta's from your hands to scan over them. "Well then, if the two of you joined with no prior history, you two are probably grade 4..." She trailed off before taking a good look at the ID's.

Both cards said 'special' on them next to both yours and Yuta's picture. "What the..." Maki mumbled under her breath. "Special grade?! Is this some joke?!" She grumbled before you and Yuta got her attention.

"Zen'in-san! Zen'in-san!"

"Maki, look behind you!" You and Yuta warned before she turned around and saw a huge curse looking through the hallway. It took one step from outside the building and all the windows in the building shattered.


It broke through the entire wall and sent the three of you flying out the building.

"Oh shit. Looks like you've got a predicament." Ryo commented as you fell through the sky. "Shut up damn it! Help me out a little!" You demanded before Ryo groaned and took over your arms. Too late though, by the time it took over your arms, you'd already fallen into the curse's mouth.

"Shit! Shit shit! I dropped my cursed tool!" Maki yelled as she got up. "LET US OUT, DAMN IT!"

You groaned as you got up from whatever you were previously laying on. "Where are we?" Yuta asked, looking around. "We're in the curse's stomach. You two, don't pass out on me." Maki answered grumpily.


"THAT'S RIGHT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BEING PROTECTED BY THAT CURSE!" Maki yelled, pointing a finger at Yuta. "I never know when she'll come out!" He cried out. Maki turned to you with a furious look on her face. "IT DOESN'T HELP THAT THERE'S ANOTHER CURSED HUMAN WHO VERY WELL COULD'VE HELPED US OUT!" She grumbled, grabbing you by your collar. You frowned before swiping her hand off.

"I was going to, but by the time I was able to do anything we'd already been entirely inside the curse's mouth, so there was nothing I could do for the two of you without saving myself!" You yelled back in response. Her eyes narrowed before Yuta spoke up. "More importantly...how're we gonna get out?!" He cried out once again.

"We wait 'till the veil goes away, help will come for us." Maki said before gritting her teeth. "This is so embarrassing! Shit!" She yelled. You huffed before shaking your head. "You! Talk to that damn curse of yours and tell em to let us out, damn it!" She pointed her finger at you. An irk appeared on your face. "Fine, fine!" You waved your hand dismissively.

Hey, Ryo. Get your ass up.


We seriously need your help here.

"Obviously. What do you need me to do?"

I don't know, just do something!

"Alright, alright."

Yuta turned his head towards you, along with Maki, as suddenly a purple liquid, Ryo, detached itself from your body and began turning into a liquidy sphere. Ryo grabbed you, Maki and Yuta into the sphere and shut it tight.

"Make sure you don't throw up." Ryo warned before all three of you felt like you were being tossed around in a ball. Which, in this case, you were. On the outside, spikes stuck out from the Ryo ball and it began bouncing all around in the curse's stomach.

"WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON?!" Maki screeched out as she desperately gripped onto the liquid for support. "I don't know either, but what I do know is that Ryo's getting us out of here!" You yelled in response.

"Damn. This curse is seriously strong." Ryo commented as the tossing around continued. Maki lost her grip and toppled right on top of you: her arms on either side of your head. Your eyes widened and your jaw slightly dropped. "Huh- what the hell?!" Maki grunted before half purposely half accidentally fell off.

The tossing around sped up and Yuta surely felt like he was going to throw up sometime soon. His face turned a little sour before he held his hand to his mouth. "I know damn well you're not about to throw up!" Maki grumbled at him. He shut his eyes tight. You huffed before the three of you fell out the purple ball and back onto the curse's stomach.

"I should probably stop. There are children here." Ryo said, sliding back up your arm. You lifted a brow before looking over to the side (more like Ryo pulled your head to the left) and saw two boys sitting from a distance. "OH SWEET BABY JESUS!" Maki yelled as Yuta finally threw up. "I'M SORRY! I COULDN'T HOLD IT!" Yuta cried as he held his stomach, crossing his arms over it. You frowned then looked at the two boys.

"Help us!" A voice said. The three of you looked back over there. "Please! He's about to die!"

"Damn it! Why didn't that curse grab the two boys and just blast us outta here?!" Maki grumbled, looking at you. "I didn't know they were right there, asshole." Ryo replied grumpily. "Huh?!" Maki rushed over and grabbed your collar. "Tch," You scoffed while swiping her hand off. "I'd rather not start. Arguing isn't going to help us in any way and we need to finish this and get those two boys out." You stated, looking away. Maki huffed, and as embarrassing as she felt to admit it, you're right.

"Thank goodness they're alive!" Yuta said with a warm smile. "No, it's not good." Maki deadpanned. You and Yuta turned to each other, looking confused. "The big one's obviously been affected by the curse, too. Both of them could die at any minute." She explained as the smaller boy took shallow breaths.

"...In any case, we're here to rescue them. Affected or not." You said sternly before getting up. Yuta got up with you and ran over to Maki, "Well what do we do?!"

"There's nothing we can do! We can only wait for help! Not everyone has a resistance to curses like the two of you." Maki said as her face began to look a little bit pale and collapsed. "Zen'in-san, Zen'in-san!" Yuta yelled as her body hit the mushy ground. Yuta looked down at her leg and noticed a cut that was surrounded by eyes. "Hm? What's that wound??"

"Is she going to die?" The older boy asked. You looked over at them before walking over and patting his head, "No. She's gonna be fine. Just relax, ok?" You said with a warm smile. The boy huffed and lowered his head.

"Alright. Please, save us, mister! Please, ma'am!" The boy cried out.

"....You keep asking, but I can't-"

"Okkotsu!" Maki grabbed Yuta by the collar. "Seriously, why did you come to Jujutsu High?! Okkotsu, L/n!"

"Why did I come here? I came here because I grew tired of seeing the look on my father's face after seeing a dead body caused by a curse! It was horrible! I want to help rid this world so I can see a happier place in life!"

Yuta looked at you then gulped and looked back at Maki. "I...don't want anyone to get hurt anymore! I tried to lock myself away! I was told that it's lonely being all by myself. I couldn't argue with that...Iwant to interact with someone! I want to be needed by someone! I want the confidence to say it's ok that I'm alive!"

You slowly dug in your pocket and gripped the pocket knife sitting there. You weren't even paying attention because right after the blink of your eye, you were running off campus with Maki on your back.

"Why the hell is she so damn heavy!?" You questioned as you could barely keep her on your back. "Just...keep going! We're almost there!" Yuta replied, his own legs were starting to give out too. Sweat has long since drenched your neck and collarbone after you finally reached the end of the veil, giving out as soon as it released.

"Welcome back. You did good."

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