The Lost Royalty || Sana x Da...

By Ai_Kiminatozaki

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After being announced to marry the heir of the Choi Dynasty, Dahyun, the princess of the Kim Royalties flees... More

The Lost Royalty
Chapter 1 - "The Forbidden Forest"
Chapter 3 - "Warming up"
Chapter 4 - "Just who you really are?"
Chapter 5 - "Cruelty of the Royalty"
Chapter 6 - "Kim Dahyun"
Chapter 7 - "Home"

Chapter 2 - "The beginning of serving the forest"

167 20 4
By Ai_Kiminatozaki

Dahyun's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself still inside Sora's cabin.

And here I was thinking that everything that happened last night was simply a bad nightmare.

But at the very least, I wasn't being kept hostage by a man. This makes the situation a little more manageable.

I'm curious, what time is it? Sora isn't particularly fond of clocks. Perhaps she doesn't need one because she appears to have kept herself occupied as a forest guardian.

The sound of racing hooves piqued my interest, so I stepped outside to see for myself.

"Why are you awake yet? Did my horse wake you up?"

When I rubbed my eyes, I saw Sora sitting atop a jet black horse.

"Not really, but it did catch my attention; however, I was already awake when I heard the horse's gallops."

Sora then dismounted her horse and approached me, a chanerie bag slung over her shoulders.

She handed me the bag and added, "Here. I figured you needed a change of attire after getting your clothes and yourself drenched in water."

She had purchased new clothes for me? That was, in fact... That was very thoughtful of her.

"However, I wasn't sure if you'd like this clothing; it's basically what a peasant would wear, and as royalty, you might not want to be associated with peasants."

"It's still more comfortable than wearing a torn-apart gown that's been soaked in water; I really appreciate it."

I could tell by the astonished look on her face that my statements had taken her by surprise.

"It's the first time I've heard a princess say she's fine wearing peasant attire, and it really surprised me," Sora said, her eyes half-lidded and a soft expression on her face. I wasn't sure about my prediction, but I had a feeling she was smiling under that mask.

"So, where can I change my clothes now?" I inquired.

"You can change your clothes inside my cabin; although I don't have any windows, I have blinds, which should keep you covered from being seen... undressed; and I shall also leave if you feel uncomfortable with having company around," Sora replied, making me sigh.

I'm sure I needed to adapt to my new life situation, but I can't shake the feeling that things would be so much easier if I were in the castle.

"I can tell you're not used to this, princess, but I'll do my best to help you. Just tell me and I'll be there," the forest guardian stated, bowing in front of me as if she were a noble knight.

It may be difficult, but as long as I have Sora by my side, I think I can adjust. She knows how to survive alone in this forest. She might be able to assist me with that as well.

"I intend to switch my clothes now, Sora; I'll see you soon in front of the fire pit."

"I understand, princess; I'll go make you something to eat for breakfast."

Before entering the cabin, I nodded in response to Sora's statement. I looked over the clothes Sora had given me after locking the door and putting on the blinds.

"At least I know she is capable of chosing a dressing suitable even for a peasant," I muttered to myself, smiling.

Sora bought me a white chemise, which is an undertunic, and a blue kirtle, which is a women's ankle-length tunic.

It's a pity to pair this outfit with an expensive royal light blue glass slipper. It's as if a peasant is hiding a regal title beneath their skin. That is true, with the distinction that I am not a peasant.

I walked outside to check on the lady and opened the curtains of Sora's cabin, only to find her feeding her horse an apple.

I can't get the concept that someone like her may have an expressionless face out of my head. She looks just the opposite right now as she feeds the horse. She appears to be a child who enjoys playing with her pet.

Sora rose up and moved over to me once she fixed her sight on my direction.

"I can't believe this is peasant clothing; you make it look like it was woven by expert and personal weavers in a kingdom using the finest silk mankind could find."

I'm not sure why, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling at her words. Such flattery.

"Oh, to be praised by the forest guardian; you may be a woman, but even you cannot withstand my beauty," I boasted.

"You may have been beautiful, but you cannot put on clothes of a peasant appropriately."

"How dare you to just-"

When I felt her arms around my waist, I was taken aback. I assumed she was giving me a warm embrace, but that was quickly dispelled when I realized she was merely reattaching the belt on my dress that I had forgotten to put on.

"There. All better now, princess." My face flushed as I realized I'd misinterpreted her movements as a hug when she was actually simply adjusting my attire.

"T-thank you..."

"That's fine; just sit on that log while I finish cooking our breakfast."

Sora quickly turned back and resumed preparing our breakfast.

"What are you making?" I questioned.

"A barley porridge, a filling and nutritious breakfast that would provide you with plenty of energy, is exactly what you need for the things we needed to do for the forest."

"Can't say I've never had this dish before," I admitted, eliciting a chuckle from Sora.

"I expected that kind of response; royal breakfasts must have included expensive and prestigious meals containing meat and wheat."

"In what ways had you come to know?"

"I had a way of knowing, princess. Just sit down there. Food's ready," Sora remarked, and I sat quietly on this log, waiting for her to offer me a bowl of that so-called porridge.

She brought me the bowl after filling the coconut shell bowl with porridge and topping it with various fruits, berries, and nuts.

"Here you are. If you wish, there's also bread and cheese. I've also heated up earlier fresh cow's milk so you have nothing to worry about bacteria and such. I'm hoping that's sufficient for you, princess."

"You've already done adequately, Sora. Are you going to refrain from eating anything in particular? Why don't you share the porridge with me?" I noticed that Sora just made one bowl of porridge that might have been plenty for both of us, but she handed it all to me.

"I'm used to eating just one apple for breakfast, and I can't take my mask off right in front of you yet," the guardian replied that made me raise an eyebrow.

"You can't even show me your identity or what you appeared like behind that mask yet?"

"I'm afraid not, princess, and it's also strictly forbidden for me to show my facial features to anyone."

"That's absurd; just say you have horrible physical characteristics and I'll leave you alone," I teased her, causing her to roll her eyes.

"As much as I don't want to talk about my appearance, I can assure you that they aren't as unpleasant as you claim."

"Then simply reveal to me exactly what is beneath that mask."

"For the last time, princess, I cannot."

"Whatever. Just consume whatever's left behind my bowl so your stomach can be filled up as well; if you object, I'll insist on taking off your mask," I replied, hearing her sigh. I couldn't help but act like my regal title even in the woods.

"If that's your wish."

Hearing her response, I internally rejoiced. Maybe I'll be able to take a peek beneath her mask.

"But you can't watch me eat," I groaned, frustrated by her additional remark. And here I was thinking about attempting anything to view half of her face.

"Alright, fine. Keep your little secrets."

Sora subsequently gave me a spoon made of wood and said, "You'll require to use this for eating that."

I said, "Where did you acquire this?"

"I traveled out to a village to trade crops and vegetables for ingredients to make your morning meal, as well as some of the plants for utensils."

"Trading? You aren't purchasing them?"

"Trading is my way of repaying people for their goods and services."

Did she really go to all that trouble of travelling out to a village to make me a meal and acquire me some utensils?

"You've truly done a lot, Sora..."

"I figured you'd need it to survive this forest," she shrugged, "So eat up now before it becomes cold."

I began eating quietly while Sora continued to feed her horse. I offered the rest of my dish to this lady as soon as it was halfway empty.

"Thank you. Onyx, ensure that you keep an eye on the princess." I arched an eyebrow at her remarks, only to learn she was speaking to her horse.

"Wait," I said, "where are you going?"

"I'm hiding beneath the leaves of a tree so you don't see me taking off my mask as I eat," Sora explained, her chilly look returning.

"Don't you trust me yet?"

"No. It's evident that you had intended to glance underneath my mask earlier, giving me further reasons not to trust you. If you truly desire to get out of this forest safely, you ought to make me trust you even with simple matters like this."

Her response made me groan. It appears that I will be trapped inside the forest for days, weeks, or possibly months.

"Fine, I'm willing to remain here until you return to prove to you that I am to be trustworthy."

"Good, gradual phases, princess; in a few days, I'll see if you are to be trusted." Sora then approached the nearest tree and clambered up, carrying the bowl of porridge.

I simply took a deep breath and grabbed the cheese and bread container. Sora provided a high-quality cheese for the bread, I must say.

I'm curious... If she claims she cannot expose her name and identity to strangers, how can she sell goods and services with individuals in the village?

I'd have to check with her later on about that.



Third Person's POV

"Let us begin with something simple for your benefit first: do you have the ability to grow crops?" Sora inquired of the princess in front of her, who simply turned away.

Dahyun, embarrassed to react, said, "I have no idea how to grow crops; I could not even manage a small bonsai tree, but I am fascinated by the flowers in our garden."

Sora had facepalm herself at the princess's comments, leaving the latter wondering if she had said anything incorrectly.

"I'm afraid, princess, we're not growing flowers; we're here in order to plant additional vegetables and fruits so that I can trade to the people in the village for their goods," Sora explained to the princess.

The guardian then told the princess , "Wait here." before entering her cabin.

When Sora returned, she brought three large baskets and a watering bucket, which she gave to the princess.

"Because you are unfamiliar with how to grow crops, I'll have you pick fruits and vegetables from a garden in the middle of this forest."

The princess was shocked to learn that there had been a garden within a forest, and she wonders whether there is a flower garden, and how gorgeous it would be in comparison with theirs.

Sora turned around to face her horse and talked to it after Dahyun grabbed the watering can and one of the baskets from her hands.

"You may run free for now, Onyx, as we go to the garden; I'll see you back before sunrise." Sora hugged and petted her horse before walking off with Dahyun to the woodland where the garden is located.

"It's kind of lovely to walk around here when the light from the sun is still up," Dahyun said, looking up at the sunshine shining through a clump of trees blocking both sides.

Sora simply answered, "It is."

They walked silently together while Dahyun's gaze wandered throughout the woodland. She couldn't believe this was the same dark and frightening forest she had entered.

Sora signaled for the princess to join her as soon as she felt they were close to the forest crops garden.

"Is the crop field inside these trees?" the princess asked.

"Yes, follow me and I'll take you there."

Sora was subsequently followed by Dahyun. Knowing that the latter knows more about the forest than she does, she had enough faith in her to know she wasn't being led somewhere else.

Dahyun found herself surrounded by various vegetables and plants from there. Everything from veggies and fruits to herbal plants and mushrooms are present.

"Whoa. I never expected a garden with patches of veggies and fruits to look as beautiful as our flower garden," Dahyun exclaimed as he inspected the garden.

"If you are struck by a vine of hanging grapes and shrubs of blueberries, I wonder if you would be drawn out by the sight of the garden beneath this forest," Sora grinned.

"So there is a garden in this forest after all..."

"Of course. A flower garden like one that you wanted to see, though I will not show you that just yet."

"You have got to be trolling me, Sora. You forbid me from viewing your face and now your garden? What do I have to do in order to make you trust me?" said the princess who frowned at the guardian's words earlier.

"Impress me."

"Impress you? How?" Dahyun was obviously taken aback by the woman's response.

"Consider about it. It's entirely up to you how you want to impress me, and if you're able to do so, I'll show you the flower garden in an instant." Sora smirked beneath her mask, eagerly attempting to think of an excuse for the princess putting forth a conscious effort.

"Wait until I find a way to impress you."

That's exactly what Sora wanted to hear.



The guardian opted to take the princess to the waterfalls for washing the plants they acquired there after harvesting a good quantity of crops, with Sora holding a basket of veggies while Dahyun holds a basket of fruits and watering can for the growing crops, that was accomplished with Dahyun's help.

"You could also take a bath right on the falls itself; there's a small cave within if you wish not to be seen," Sora said, pointing to the falls. You could see a figure of a little cave, but it was just enough to be covered by the water, so nobody would be able to see if someone bathed.

Despite the fact there was no one else in the forest except them and wild animals, Dahyun felt nervous about going nude.

"I'll turn back and let you go inside the cavern if you don't feel comfortable with me viewing you without any clothing on," Sora said flatly, seemingly unconcerned about what she was saying to the princess.

Dahyun blushed bright crimson with humiliation, but she said, "A-alright. I'll take my slippers and clothing off now."

Sora whirled back as the princess removed her glass shoes before entirely removing her garments, swiftly walking to the shallow water and entering the small cave to hide herself.

"You can turn around right now!"

Sora groaned and turned around, not even looking at the cave where the princess's voice could be heard. She couldn't understand why the princess would cover herself if both of them were female.

"Is it the fact that I look like a guy? Pfft. Whatever."

Sora began collecting water, enough to fill the third empty basket she brought, and thoroughly washed the plants until she was satisfied that they were clean and that the dirt had been removed from them. She then threw the filthy water on the area of grass.

Because the guardian had nothing better to do, she simply turned around and waited for the princess to finish her bath.

Sora lay down on the grass and gazed up. She felt her eyelids becoming heavy, and she had gone asleep in a matter of seconds.


Dahyun adjusted her clothes and slippers after bathing at the falls, she saw the guardian asleep on the patch of grass, much to her astonishment, before approaching a sleeping Sora.

"She actually looks very gentle when she's asleep."

Dahyun's lips curled into a smile as she kneeled down and gazed at the guardian's sleeping face.

"Her mask fascinates me, but I know I am unable to take it off or she will distrust me; perhaps I could just grab her fluffy hair..."

But the seemingly sleeping woman grabbed the princess's wrist before she could touch the guardian's locks.

"Exactly what do you actually think you're doing? Were you going to take off my mask?" Sora sat up and released Dahyun's grip on her wrist. She then looked the princess in the eyes.

"What? No! I was just..." Dahyun paused before continuing, embarrassed to admit she wanted to feel the guardian's hair.


"Your hair... It looks so fluffy, and I just want to- n-nevermind."

Sora was obviously caught aback by the princess's reaction. She had never expected the princess to be captivated by her short hair.

The guardian sighed and took the princess' wrist again, this time placing it on the side of her short hair.

"Just for a little while. I'll let you have a touch." Sora's comment made Dahyun's mouth fall open, but she isn't going to pass up this opportunity.

Dahyun's fingertips began to go down Sora's scalp, down to her fluffy hair. It was exactly as she had predicted. It's like running your fingers through your pet's fur.

Sora closed her eyes, feeling relaxed at the gentle touch of the princess. Until she realized that she cannot let her get attached to the princess actions.

"That's enough," Sora said, taking Dahyun's hand in hers, "Let's go back so I can roast these vegetables for lunch."

Dahyun, dissatisfied at being halted so soon by the guardian, answered, "I suppose you're right. I'm quite famished."

"Then let's go."

As the two returned to Sora's cottage, the princess remembered Sora's remarks from earlier in the crop garden.

"Sora seemed to want me to impress her, but she's the one who always seem to surprise me."


To be continued....

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