Beating the odds - Catglass

By 97crazyfangirl

16.1K 556 367

What happens when Kitty goes back to KISS for her second semester after everything that has happened to her? ... More

Before you read
Chapter 2x01: Going back to the source of the mess
Chapter 2x02: If things were different
Chapter 2x03: Closer and further
Chapter 2x04: Coming clear or run away
Chapter 2x05: Misunderstandings
Chapter 2x06: Magnets
Chapter 2x07: Clear as water
Chapter 2x08: Facing the truth
Chapter 2x10: Closure

Chapter 2x09: Daydream

1.4K 48 25
By 97crazyfangirl

(Close-up of Kitty's sleeping face. She is lying on her side on her bed. She is wearing her red T-shirt to sleep. Morning light is coming in from behind through the window. Kitty begins to squeeze her eyes shut, starting to wake up. She tries to roll over to the other side of the bed, but finds that she can't. She frowns. She puts a hand to her face to rub her eyes. She lets her hand fall to her side, when it finds something on her waist. With her fingers, she begins to caress what is on her waist. It is a hand that squeezes her waist, sweet but strong. Kitty smiles broadly without opening her eyes. She takes the hand and intertwines the fingers with her. Then, the hug gets stronger and a body gets closer to Kitty's. The smile on Kitty's face grows bigger, if that's even possible. After a few seconds of not moving, Kitty begins to feel a breath on her neck that makes her hair stand on end. This makes her jump because of her tickling. She opens her eyes and turns to the person next to her.)

YURI: (Regretful) I'm sorry, Kitty. Didn't remember you were ticklish. 

KITTY: (Smiles) Don't be. (Turns to lie on her side on the bed, looking into Yuri's eyes) Good morning. (Caresses her face, gently) How did you sleep?

YURI: I slept amazingly. (Puts her arm around Kitty's waist and pulls her closer. Their noses touch) Your bed is really comfortable. I think I will come here to sleep some other times.

KITTY: (Raises an eyebrow) Really? You will only come here to sleep because of the bed?

YURI: (Smiles) Not only because of it. I really liked sleeping with you. (Hugs her more tightly) It's really comfortable.

KITTY: (Sighs) I really cannot believe that this is actually happening. (Caresses her arm from her shoulder to her hand) It really seems like I'm living inside my own dream.

YURI: Well, did this happen in your dream? 

(Yuri takes Kitty's chin and pulls her face closer. They close their eyes and kiss softly for a few seconds. When they pull apart, Kitty lets her forehead rest against Yuri's.)

KITTY: This didn't happen in my dream. (Opens her eyes once again) I wish we could stay like this, the two of us for the rest of our lives. (Gives Yuri a penguin kiss)

YURI: (Laughs and opens her eyes) I'd really like that as well. But we can enjoy a few more minutes of this before having to go to class. 

KITTY: Then let's enjoy this while it lasts.

(Kitty takes Yuri's cheek and pulls her closer to herself to take her lips between hers. They kiss quietly for a few moments. With all the love in the world and with all the desire of two people who have imagined this situation many times. Both consciously and unconsciously. However, a knock on the door causes them to separate. Kitty clamps her lips shut, angry at being interrupted. Yuri isn't too happy about it either.)

KITTY: (Turning and getting down of her bed) I'm going to kill the person who interrupted us.

YURI: (Realizing something) Kitty. (Kitty turns) What if it's Juliana?

KITTY: I really doubt it. (Turns to walk outside the bedroom) She was really clear on her note. She doesn't want to see me ever again.

YURI: (Opens her eyes, wide) What did she say?

(Kitty doesn't answer and goes to the door. When she reaches it, she opens it and finds Q on the other side. He doesn't wait for her to say anything and goes inside the room, leaving his shoes at the entrance and doesn't stop talking.)

Q: Where have you been? I have been texting you since last night and...

(Q stops when he sees Yuri coming out of Kitty's room wearing a KISS T-shirt, with her head in a mess and no makeup on. The expression on Q's face goes from surprise to confusion to realization.)

Q: (Exclaiming) Finally!

(Q walks over to Yuri and pulls her into his arms. Yuri has a confused look on her face, while Kitty can only laugh.)

Q: You don't know how happy it makes me to know that you finally talked and got together!

KITTY: Well, we talked, but not about that. 

(Q breaks away from Yuri and looks at Kitty with confusion on her face. Yuri looks at Kitty with a raised eyebrow.)

YURI: Oh really? After everything I told you, was it necessary to clarify that small detail?

KITTY: (Thinks about it) Okay, you're right. That was not necessary. We are dating. And I am an idiot.

Q: Yes. An idiot who has been crushing hard on someone for months and is finally dating her. (Walks over to Kitty and hugs her) I'm so happy for you. (Takes a step back) I no longer have to put up with you crying over Yuri over and over again. 

YURI: (Smiling sweetly) Have you cried for me?

KITTY: Not literally, but I have talked about you a lot. I thought I would never have the chance to be your girlfriend.

(Yuri is touched by Kitty's words and goes to her to hug her.)

YURI: Oh, Kitty. (Takes a step back) Don't think about that ever again, okay? We are together now. And I'm your girlfriend.

(Kitty smiles at her and pulls Yuri into a sweet kiss. Q is looking at them, with an excited face on.)

Q: (When they separate from each other) Oh my good. You two are the cutest.

(Embarrassed and blushing, Kitty hides her face on Yuri's neck while Yuri smiles and caresses her hair.)

Q: I'm really happy for you two. (Remembers something) But, I need to be the bad guy in this scenario.

(Kitty leaves her spot on Yuri's neck and looks at Q with a confused look.)

KITTY: What do you mean?

Q: (Sigh) Have any of you thought about Juliana and how she will act when she finds out you two are together?

(Kitty and Yuri look at each other for a few seconds.)

YURI: We did not. Not too much. 

(They look back at Q.)

Q: Of course you didn't, because you have just started. But you should think about what you're going to do about this. Maybe not right now, because it's specially early, but sometime soon.

KITTY: I really don't know what to say about it. (Turns to look at Yuri) But I will do whatever you decide to do. It was your girlfriend, so you should decide.

YURI: (Sighs, looking at Kitty) I don't want to put you in this position. It's not fair to you.

KITTY: Hey. (Takes her hands and holds them, tight) I know that it is a complicated situation for you and I will understand the decision you make. I'm not going to judge you at all. I'm already with you and I don't need more. Not even for the rest of the world to know. (Stops her words for a second and thinks about them) Well, I would like to tell my family, but...

YURI: (Stopping Kitty) You can tell your family. I'd be down if you want us to make a video call so we can get to know each other. (They both laugh. Q looks at them, with a big smile on his face) And I'm also going to talk to my mother. (Changes her tone to a more serious one) But I do think that we should keep the relationship a bit more private from the rest of the school. I don't think it's appropriate to go kissing or holding hands around campus with my breakup with Juliana so recent. I don't want to keep hurting her.

KITTY: And I won't ask you to make us public. (Smiling) It could be fun to hide in any corner to kiss without being seen. (Bits her lower lip and takes a quick look to Yuri's lips)

YURI: (Smiles playfully, raising an eyebrow) Oh, you think? (Takes Kitty's waist to pull her closer, looking into her eyes with desire) I think it could me more than just fun.

(Yuri closes the distance between their mouths and kisses Kitty's lips, not caring that they are not alone. Kitty also does not pay attention to the presence of her best friend and pulls Yuri's neck towards herself.)

Q: Okay, I guess I don't think I'm needed here anymore. (Gets up and walks out the door, leaving the girls kissing in the middle of the room) They didn't even listen to me.

(Montage of the following days. Background music: "Back to the city" by Kep1er.) 

(Kitty and Yuri leave class, one after the other, and go to the bathroom to kiss. They try to make as little noise as possible so their classmates don't hear them. But, sometimes, they can't hold their laughter between kisses.) 

(Kitty and Yuri spend their tutoring sessions in the library holding hands under the table. Yuri takes every moment she can to get too close to Kitty to explain something to her and Kitty has to restrain herself from biting her lip to avoid attacking her neck.) 

(Kitty and Yuri walk down the corridor of the dorms with some distance. But, by the time they enter Kitty's room and the door closes, Yuri is pushed against the wall and Kitty lustily kisses her neck. Yuri moans and lets her do it.) 

(Kitty wakes up in the morning with Yuri asleep next to her, hugging her by the waist and with a smile from ear to ear. Kitty looks at her like it's the first time and doesn't believe it can be possible.)

(Kitty visits the Han's house, with a bouquet of flowers for Jina, who smiles at her. Lee looks at her curiously, but finally nods in agreement. Alex hugs her enthusiastically. Yuri puts an arm around her waist and pulls her close, with a big smile of happiness.)

(Some other time, Kitty and Yuri are in front of the computer screen, smiling. The screen is divided into three. Dan is on the left, Margot is on the right and Lara Jean is below. Yuri looks at her phone screen and says goodbye to the Song Covey family. She stands up and gives Kitty a little peck on the lips. Kitty's eyes follow her as she leaves the room, smiling brightly. When the door closes, the conversation starts once again.)

DAN: I thought this was a crush, but you're really like her.

MARGOT: (Rolls her eyes) Dad, please. Speak properly. Kitty doesn't like Yuri. Kitty is madly in love with Yuri.

(Kitty blushes, hard.)

KITTY: (Shyly) Please don't say that. I...

DAN: Honey, it's not bad at all. In fact, we are very happy for you. You look really excited with Yuri and I can't help but be happy for you.

MARGOT: I totally agree with Dad. I don't know why you asked me to look for Juliana if you were going to be with her girl.

KITTY: (Offended) Margot! When I asked you, I didn't understand how I felt about Yuri. (Sighs) Either way, she deserved to be with the person she loved, and that person was Juliana. So I couldn't not do it.

LARA JEAN: (Smiling) We are all happy for you. Hopefully, your relationship can last for a long time.

KITTY: (Remembers something) I'd love to keep talking to everyone, but I have to ask Lara Jean one thing. Do you mind if we talk another time?

MARGOT: (Offended) Hey! Why Lara Jean? Why can't I help you?

DAN: If she needed you, she would ask. Bye, sweetie. Talk to you later.

MARGOT: But...

(Kitty cuts Dan and Margot out of the conversation. Lara Jean smiles, but is confused.)

LARA JEAN: And, well. What is this so important that you want to tell me that neither Dad nor Margot can find out?

KITTY: Well, I have to admit that, since we started dating, everything has been great with Yuri. (Rethinks her words) Well, I think it's evident that everything is going very well. (Lara Jean smiles) But it is true that we have not had what would be called a date with all the letters. And you know that I like grand gestures, so I'd like to make a great first date that Yuri will always remember. So I wanted to ask you for advice. Do you have any ideas that could work for me?

LARA JEAN: (Thinks about it for a second) Is there something you know that Yuri loves?

KITTY: Apart from expensive clothes? 

LARA JEAN: I think a date that involves going to look at expensive clothes is not an example of a grand romantic gesture. She may like it, but, I don't know what to tell you. (Laughs)

KITTY: (Nodding) Okay. (Thinks about it) Yuri likes Korean culture a lot. Can that work?

LARA JEAN: That could be a good idea. Let's see how that can make a good match for you two.

(A few days later, Kitty is waiting outside Yuri's house. She is wearing white pants, a blue top, and a white jacket. In her hand, there is a red flower. Kitty looks visibly nervous. She tries several times to knock on the door, but she backs off. She tries to take a deep breath to calm down, and when she goes to knock on the door, it opens. Yuri is on the other side of the door. She is wearing a simple short black dress. It is attached to her waist with a white belt. Kitty can't help but open her eyes and mouth when she sees her.)

KITTY: (Amazed, looking at her from head to toe) You look beautiful. (Shakes her head) I mean, you are always really beautiful, but you look amazing tonight. 

YURI: (Smiling) Thank you, Kitty. You also look beautiful. Don't think I haven't noticed the color scheme. (Looks down and focuses on her hand) You even brought a 목근화 (mokkeunhwa). You really are the best.

KITTY: (Nods and raises hand) It's for you. (Reaches out to give the flower to Yuri) I hope you like it.

YURI: (Takes the flower and smells it) It's perfect. (Raises her eyes and they meet Kitty's) Just like you.

(Kitty blushes, which makes Yuri smile. Yuri leans in and kisses her on the lips, briefly. The kiss ends when a throat clearing from behind Yuri makes them separate and turn. Kitty is surprised to see Lee and Jina inside the house. She gets nervous and has to swallow hard.)

KITTY: Good evening, Professor Lee. Good evening, Principal Lim.

LEE: (Serious) Good evening, Kitty. Where are you taking Yuri?

(Kitty gets nervous and starts to stutter. Just as she is about to speak, someone saves her.)

JINA: (Looking at him) Let them go whatever they want. (Turns her eyes to the girls) Have fun.

LEE: And come back...

(Lee can't finish the sentence when Jina closes the door. Yuri starts laughing. Kitty is still feeling the pressure.)

YURI: He's taking his father's role really seriously. (Starts walking towards the elevator holding Kitty's hand) Don't worry. He doesn't know that I've slept almost every night in your room.

KITTY: And I hope you don't find out. Because he will want to kill me.

(A few minutes later, Kitty gets out of the car and reaches out to help Yuri out. She then closes the door behind Yuri.)

KITTY: 김 선생님 감사합니다 (Kim Seonsengnim Kamsabnida) 

(Mr. Kim nods and starts the car. Kitty turns to Yuri, who is looking up at the building ahead.)

KITTY: You shouldn't have convinced me to use your car. We could have... (When Kitty focuses on Yuri, she smiles) Do you like this as a first date?

(Kitty and Yuri are in front of a theater. The sign is in Korean. There are a couple of pictures showing women wearing hanbok and carrying fans.)

YURI: (Surprised and excited) Is this the newest 부채춤(buchaechum) show?

KITTY: (Nods and smiles) Since our dance last semester went pretty regular because of me, I thought I should make it up to you somehow. I was looking for 부채춤(buchaechum) shows and I saw that they were opening a new one. So I figured you wouldn't have come to see it (Both laugh at the last comment).

YURI: (Smiling, happily) It has been a wonderful idea. Thank you, Kitty.

(Yuri comes closer to kiss her briefly and Kitty lets her. However, when they separate, Kitty realizes that there are people watching them.)

KITTY: Yuri, don't take this the wrong way. (Yuri frowns) I don't mind if you kiss me in public. Not at all. But I don't know if that can negatively affect you. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me.

YURI: (Smiles at her, sweetly) Kitty, don't worry. When I came out of the closet with my parents, I really don't care about anything else. My father does not accept me, but I care very little what he thinks. And what the rest of the world thinks, I care even less. So if I want to kiss you, I'm going to kiss you. Even if we don't do it at school, it doesn't have to do with me being embarrassed or not wanting to do it. They are completely different things. And Korean society must learn that the love between two women is as valid as the one between a man and a woman. And that displays of affection in public, such as a chaste kiss, do not have to be a crime or a public scandal (Grabs Kitty's hand) So forget about the world and let's just focus on each other tonight. Okay?

(Kitty smiles brightly and nods.)

KITTY: Okay. Let's get inside, then.

(They walk inside the building, hand on hand.)

(During the show, Kitty can't help but look at Yuri from time to time. Yuri is happy and excited watching the show. Kitty smiles at herself.)

KITTY (Off): She's so beautiful when she's happy. I want to see her happy, always. I'll do whatever it takes to get it. (Realizes something, which makes the expression on her face change) Even if we don't have that much time left.

(Yuri notices Kitty looking at her and turns her face towards Kitty. She smiles at her for a second and Kitty tries to smile back at her. When Yuri returns her eyes to the stage, Kitty shows her sad face again.)

(Some time later, Kitty and Yuri walk out of the theater hand in hand. Yuri is happy, but Kitty is still somewhat sad. Yuri is talking about how wonderful the show has been, but Kitty isn't listening. Yuri notices.)

YURI: Hey. (Kitty raises her head) Is something wrong?

KITTY: (Pretends to smile) Not at all. Let's go to our next stop.

YURI: (Pretending to believe her) Okay.

(Later, Kitty leads Yuri, who is blindfolded.)

YURI: Aren't we there, yet?

KITTY: Just a few more steps.

(Yuri takes a few more steps, until Kitty stops her.)

KITTY: We're here. Now you can take off the blindfold.

(Yuri does what she told her. After blinking a few times to get used to the light, she opens her eyes and mouth in surprise. They are on the hill they came to on the first hiking with Q's club. Kitty has prepared a small picnic with a blanket on the ground and a basket of food. The blanket is surrounded by a structure with lights. Next to the blanket, Q, Minho, and Dae stand, smiling at her.)

YURI: (Walking towards them, a bit confused) Guys, what are you doing here?

Q: (Shrugging) We've basically been hired to watch all of this until you got here. And we also brought the food, so no animal could eat it.

DAE: But it was Kitty who organized all this this afternoon.

MINHO: Except the food. Because, after messing all the Korean recipes that I gave her, I ended up cooking all of this myself.

KITTY: (Explaining herself) But I helped him by passing him the ingredients. (Turns to look at them) Everything is perfect. Thanks a lot for the help guys.

YURI: Thank you. A lot.

Q: Don't give them to us. Enjoy the night.

(The boys say goodbye to them and go where they came from.)

KITTY: (While sitting on the blanket) Do you want me to open something first? There is...

YURI: No. (Takes her hands and takes them away from the basket) I need you to explain to me why were you looking sad when we left the theater earlier.

KITTY (Off): Oh, crap. I was an awful liar. What am I going to say?

KITTY: (Nervous) What? I wasn't looking sad. This is our very proper first date and I'm enjoying this a lot. Why would I be sad while I've been planning this for the last week? 

YURI: That's why I don't understand what's going on. So, in order for us to enjoy our date, we need to talk to each other and tell the truth. Are you going to tell me the truth or I'll be the one who will be sad and angry as well?

KITTY (Off): Okay, I can't let that happen.

KITTY: (Sighs) Okay. Sorry for lying. I didn't want to ruin our date.

YURI: Just tell me what it is so we can fix it and move on from it.

KITTY: So, when we were at the show, this thought came to my mind. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this while enjoying a date that I never thought could be possible, but here I am. And I'm sorry about ruining the mood.

YURI: (Impatient) Don't be. Just tell me.

KITTY: All right. (Sighs) Well, we are very close to the end of the school year. And I have remembered that my scholarship is only for one year and that, when the school year ends, we will have to separate. And that has made me sad. (Shakes her head) But, let's put that aside for now. There are still several weeks until the end of the year. (Turns to the basket and starts looking for something) What would you like to drink?

YURI: Kitty. (Makes her turn) I think we should talk about this if it's something that's on your mind and bothers you.

KITTY: (Trying to smile at Yuri) It's really not that bad. I've already forgotten about it. Please, let's not ruin the date.

YURI: Now that you've brought the topic up, we should talk about it. If not, I'm also going to be thinking about it and I'm not going to focus on the date. So we should talk.

KITTY: I'm sorry I brought it up.

YURI: (Shakes her head) Don't worry. I have thought about it too. In fact, the day you introduced me to your family, I left thinking about it. About us not being together next year. And I went home, crying. Daniel had to comfort me. Maybe that's why he's been so protective of me with you lately.

KITTY: That makes sense. But Lee has always been tough with me.

YURI: Okay. Let's forget about him. (Grabs her hands) The thing is that I have thought about it too. And it makes me sad as well. But, I don't see it as a bad thing, though.

KITTY: (Frowns) Why? Don't you want to be with me next year?

YURI: (Opens her eyes, wide) What are you saying? How would I think of that after starting to date you and being so crazy over you?

KITTY: Okay, I'm sorry. It's just that...

YURI: I want to be with you, Kitty. I really do. But, right now, I don't know what we can do about next year. Actually, I don't know if there is a possibility that your scholarship can be extended for another year. But I promise you that, if it's in my power, I'll do everything possible so that you can stay at KISS for our senior year. Okay?

KITTY: (Smiles shyly and nods) Okay. (Caresses Yuri's cheek) Thank you, Yuri.

YURI: It's the least I could do. 

KITTY: No, really. You saved me from being expelled from KISS last semester and now you want to figure out a way for me to come back to KISS for my senior year. You have been like my guardian angel.

YURI: (Blushing) I'm not.

KITTY: (Smiling) Yes, you are. You are amazing.

KITTY (Off): And I'm really freaking in love with you.

YURI: You are amazing too. And I don't want to keep hiding our relationship from the world. So, I'll talk to Juliana and tell her that she was right. That I'm sorry but I really like an amazing woman called Kitty Song Covey and I want to date her without worrying about how I can hurt her. That she makes me smile and laugh like no one before. That she makes me really happy.

(When Yuri stops talking, Kitty takes her cheek and kisses her. They do for a few seconds, with love and showing with actions the feelings they are still holding inside.)

YURI: So, we should eat. Or Minho's food will be cold.

KITTY: Oh, crap. I forgot about it.

(They laugh and start eating. Enjoy the date and the rest of the night. Together.)

Hello everyone!

Aren't they the cutest? I'm so happy that I could make a more calm but beautiful chapter as well. It's not perfect, but I did my best. By the way, what do you think will happen in the season finale? Just two days to find out!

Thank you so much for reading. If you liked the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment. See you really soon.


Crazy Fangirl

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