F.I.S.T. Foreign Intelligence...

By devoncruz23

2.5K 497 90

The world is seemingly at peace on the surface, beneath that are the operations committed by militaries acros... More

1: Burning Sword
2: Big Ben & London bridge
3: F.I.S.T.
4: First Day Of Training
5: Getting Information
6: Extraction
7: Meet the Dr
8: France I
9: France II
10: France III
11: Aftermath of France
12: French Operators
13: Intel
14: Crashing The Party
15: Ambush
16: The Past
17: Old Friend
18: Assault on Transport
19: Tel Aviv Aftermath
20: Operation Desert Arrow
21: Operation Ocean Spear
22: Back Home
23: Heart and Minds
24: Information for Free
25: Dead end
26: Summer Blade
27: Bonds
28: Just a Conversation
29: Punch for a Favor
30: Prepping for Mexico
31: The Devil You Know
32: Welcome To Mexico
33: Motorcyclist
34: The Next Step
35: Reynosa
36: Answers
37: Getting Mendoza
38: A Night In Puebla
39: What We Want
40: Diablo Muerto
41: Back On Track
42: Northern Trident
43: First Come, First served
44: Operation Rapid Thunder
45: Quick Violence
46: A Loss
47: Hades
48: A Gift
49: Evac gone Hot
50: Stealth, Attack, Survive
51: Plan Of Retaliation
52: Canada's Finest
54: Wolf's Complications
55: A Normal Day
56: Back In Action
57: Trident's Fang
58: Interception
59: Operation Winter Shield
60: Operation Burning Hammer
61: A Well Earned Victory
62: A break
63: Stake Out
64: The General's Son
65: Parabellum & Epilogue

53: Operation Bitter Venom

15 6 0
By devoncruz23

Near an Ottawa train yard is some Black Dogs and their hirings loading in the chemicals into the trains. On a rooftop, Louis and an ERT sniper take up positions with their rifles.

Louis: "This is Hawk 2-1, sniper team 1 is in position with eyes on the train yard, they're packing up the chemicals now."

Keith meanwhile is in the back of the vehicle with his gasmask on.

Keith: "Affirm Hawk 2-1, all teams status?"

Dustin and his JTF2 team with Hideo and Wolf are outside a chain length fence.

Dustin: "This is 1-1 we're ready to go."

Claire: "3-1 copies all." She replies as she's seated with Laura, Ren, Ebenezer."

Keith then asks for sniper team 2 to report in. A sniper dressed in all black multicam aims their rifle towards the convoy holding Keith and his team. Suddenly they are blasted in the back of the head by Ivelisse and her SR-25.

Ivelisse: "Team two copies, just took out a Black Dog patrol." She says kneeling down with the JTF2 snipers.

Keith acknowledges this as his vehicle comes to a stop.

Keith: "Let's get this show on the road." He says hopping out of the vehicle with his M1014 raised up getting behind one of the old train cars.

Hideo finishes torching open a hole in the fence allowing 1-1 to enter as they have their gasmasks on as their faces are sweating profusely. Dustin aims his C8-SFW from side to side keeping his eyes on every possible angle.

Dustin: "This is 1-1, we're in the far left courtyard." He states in his com and gets behind some old machinery with Wolf next to him. "You good Wolf?"

Wolf: "I'm fine sir." He quickly replies looking through his holographic seeing more Black Dogs loading up the chemicals still.

Claire meanwhile is entering the train yard from the opposite side with Ebenezer being the one taking point as he actually volunteered.

Ebenezer: "Contacts 20 meters ahead." He states getting behind a solid barricade. "Sniper teams, you got eyes on?"

Louis: "Affirmative Attias, they're headed right for you... Three clean targets."

Ebenezer: "Got it, take the one in the middle... I got left, Miyata has right." He says lining up his shot with Ren doing the same with his MP5.

Louis places his cross hairs on the middle target at chest level as it's easier to hit on a moving target.

Louis: "Executing in three... Two... One." He says pulling the trigger as do Ebenezer and Ren dropping their intended targets at the same time.

Ebenezer: "Beautiful." He says moving up and shoots the three tangos making they're dead.

Laura follows the team checking her surroundings but feels her helmet get shot as she instinctively dives into the nearest. The gunshot sets everyone off as Ebenezer fires his APC9 Pro towards where the shot came and is next to Laura.

Ebenezer: "You good?"

Laura: "I'm not dead!" She retorts as Ebenezer thinks that's good enough for him.

Keith meanwhile is firing his sidearm with a tight angle on the Black Dogs and their hirings. Ivelisse and the JTF2 snipers having lines of sight on the targets take their shots getting some of them.

Keith switches to his M1014 boldy moving up blasting a Black Dog's head clean off and blasts another in the leg and soon the head. A Black Dog comes out of nowhere trying to wrestle the shotgun out of his grasp.

Keith draws his side arm filling the Black Dog's leg with 9mm making him kneel. Keith finishes the Merc off with a headshot from his shotgun obliterating it.

Keith gets behind one of the trains loading four slugs into his shotgun. He peaks seeing some shooters on the roof of the main building of the train yard.

Ivelisse has a clear sight on the shooters eliminating them with ease giving CJIRU the all clear.

Dustin meanwhile is in-between multiple train cars with his team clearing each train car they come across. Wolf is laser focused which is noticable by Hideo as they check the train car.

Wolf: "Gun!" He shouts gunning down the man with multiple shots to the upper chest area. He stares at the corpse with anger almost wanting to dump the entire mag into him.

He regains his focus feeling Hideo squeeze his shoulder as they exit the train car finding Dustin gun down a hostile. He peaks around the corner seeing the main building finding orangish smoke coming from it.

Dustin: "Ah shit, all teams the chemicals are spewing from the main building, me and I are moving in now." He says into his com.

Keith: "Affirmative." He says blasting a hostile in the foot and finishes him off with his side arm still moving forward like a machine.

Claire fires her MP7 in short bursts as the toxic has spread to a point where it's affecting the vision of everyone.

Claire: "Easy does it everyone, make sure your targets are clean." She states hardly able to see five feet in front of her.

Ren breaths normally but he feels uneasy at not being able to see much of anything. Ebenezer notices this and hits Ren on the shoulder.

Ebenezer: "Relax Miyata." He says calmly but they hear a vehicle getting close as Ebenezer tackles Ren out of the way as a SUV speeds past. "Shit, some of Black Dogs are making a run for it! Miyata and I will intercept!"

Ren and Ebenezer run back to their transport vehicle with Ren taking the wheel and Eben the passenger as they begin giving chase.

Louis sees the speeding SUV as he takes a shot for one of the front tires. It lands but the driver manages to maintain control.

Louis: "Crazy bastard, rest of you stay here. Eben I'm gonna chase and try to cut them off."

Ebenezer: "Got it." He replies as Ren makes a drastic turn while drifting. "Jesus Christ." He says in Hebrew.

They eventually catch up with the SUV as one of the Black Dogs fires upon their vehicle.

Ren: "Wait should we be worried if they have chemicals in the vehicle?" He asks just now realizing it.

Ebenezer recognizes the possibility and grabs his com.

Ebenezer: "Change of plans Bernard, we're gonna lead out of the city if possible, there might be chemicals in the car itself."

Louis: "Understood."

Back at the train yard, Keith is before the front door cautiously entering feeling as though he just entered a toxic hell zone.

Keith: "All teams, entering the building now... Make use of your flash lights to identify each other." He says in his com cautiously waving his M1014 around as anyone on the receiving end of it is a dead man.

He can see the outline of an armed man as he signals his team to get into cover.

Keith: "Sea!" He yells out as the man shoots in the direction of his voice.

Before Keith could blast him away, the Black Dog is shoot dead by Dustin who flickers his light towards Keith who nods though he notices Claire entering and flickers the light.

Keith: "Okay, 1-1 you and your team clear this floor, we'll clear the top floor."

Dustin nods signaling Wolf to take point which he does entering a wall with two doorways.

Wolf: "Two doorways, I'll take the first."

Dustin: "Hideo, Collins, go with him. Rest of you on me." He says moving to the second.

Wolf stacks up on the first with Hideo and Collins as he creaks the door open. Hideo motions to him that it's clear of traps.

Wolf nods prepping a flashbang tossing it into the room and the three enter once it goes off. seeing a man with a rifle but covering his eyes.

Wolf: "Drop it! Show me your hands now!" He yells out as the three ops aim their weapons at the man who's vision clears back in up. "Drop the gun now! I won't ask again!"

The man eventually complies dropping the man as Collins goes to restrain him which he does. Hideo can see the anger in Wolf's body language.

Hideo: "Wolf come on." He says getting him back on track.

Dustin enters the room with his team finding some masked train workers.

Dustin: "I need you guys to stay right here okay?" He asks earning nods from them.

The team groups up finding two opposite hallways. Wolf and Dustin each watch the hallways opposite to them.

The team splits off into two groups so that can clear both hallways efficiently. Keith meanwhile is moving up the stairs cautiously with Claire's team taking the opposite stairs.

Both teams cautiously move up but Claire signals Keith's team to hold their position. Claire holds her MP7 closely seeing two hostiles moving towards the stairs as they can't seem to see her.

Claire kneels down so that Laura has clear shot on one of them. They both shoot their target and signal Keith to move up. Keith does so both teams move into a large hallway with plenty of rooms to clear.

Keith: "Ah fuck, alright let's get this done properly, room by room." He orders.

The clearing of the rooms is tense due to their vision being affected by the toxic smoke. They clear the rooms as best as they can, finally they stack up on the last door.

However the hostiles in the room spray through the wall. One of this grazes Claire's gasmask, she keeps her mouth and nostril closed as she rushes into the room killing the hostiles in instinct.

Claire turns to Keith signaling that her mask is compromised. Keith quickly pulls out a fresh gasmask tossing the other one aside and helps Claire put on the new one.

Keith: "And done, you can breath now." He says as Claire begins taking frantic breaths but eventually calms down thanking Keith. "Of course, can't have my sister-in-law dying on me."

Ren meanwhile is still giving chase as they're getting close to exiting the city. Ebenezer is shooting out the window trying to take out one of the wheels.

Ebenezer: "Louis, target vehicle is now exiting the city, where are you!?" He asks as another suddenly come in and crash into the side from the SUV as it crashes against the highway barricade. "Crazy son of a bitch, Ren come on!" He says exiting the car same as Ren.

Louis exits his car sporting a gasmask as well aiming his 416 at the SUV as do Ren and Ebenezer taking positions.

Louis: "To everyone in the car! You're in a compromised position with no way to escape! We don't wanna kill you but if we will if we must! Step out of the car with your hands up!" He demands.

The three keep their eyes on the vehicle as Eben turns seeing a crowd beginning to form.

Ebenezer: "Everyone clear out! There's a possible chemical bomb in the SUV! Go!" He yells out scaring some of the civies away.

Louis shakes his head after getting no response.

Louis: "If you refuse to cooperate, we cannot guarantee your safety! Last chance!"

He sees a hand sticking out as the three hostiles exit the vehicle. Ren is suspicious seeing one of the hostiles keeping their hands closed.

Ren: "Why is your hands closed? Open your hands!" He demands as the hostiles look amongst themselves.

Ebenezer: "Think about this! You set off this chemical bomb and then what? You're dead with your families grieving your loss and what could've been... If you set off that bomb, you're gonna meet the devil but if you turn yourselves in? Then maybe you can redeem yourselves to God." He says as Ren is surprised as he never expected him to preach religion.

One of the hostiles tries detonating the bomb but he's pumped full of lead by all three operatives.

Ren: "Down on your knees with your hands behind your head if you don't wanna end up like your friend!" He orders as the hostiles follow their lead as Louis and Ren restrain them.

Afterwards the hostiles are being escorted into police cars while Ren and Ebenezer lean against their vehicle as Louis is busy talking with the police.

Ren: "What you said to them, did you mean it?" He asks with his hands in his pockets.

Ebenezer looks up at the night sky as it brings back certain memories, the kind he's fond of.

Ebenezer: "Partly... I've dealt with plenty of stand offs like that, lot of times preaching to religion doesn't work as there's too much bad blood between Palestinians and Israelis to have a compromise..." He says shaking his head.

Ren is surprised to see this more open side of Ebenezer.

Ebenezer: "My ex wife is actually Palestinian, high school sweetheart and when I was conscripted? I believed I could make a difference, make things better for both but..." But he shakes his head deciding to not continue the subject. "You did good out there Miyata." He says lightly hitting Ren's shoulder.

Back near the train yard, the toxic smoke has been out and is under control. Claire approaches Keith who's talking with some of his men.

Claire: "You got a minute?" Keith nods asking her what's up. "Thank you for... You know saving my life."

Keith: "Don't mention it, just doing my job... You here to pitch me joining the family you made with my brother?"

Claire: "Don't you think it's for the best? Dustin does care for you and wants that connection with you."

Keith: "We have a connection, a professional one." He retorts grabbing at his vest.

Claire places her thumbs in her pockets.

Claire: "But you have other family to embrace, give it a chance... You and Dustin need that brotherly relationship and... My daughter really wants to meet her uncle." She says with a smile.

Keith looks down hearing this.

Keith: "You're targeting my soft spot... It's working... Fine I'll give Dustin a chance but if anything? I'll be happy to establish a connection to Anne." He says with Claire hugging him while thanking him.

Wolf currently is drinking some water refreshing himself and feels Hideo hit him on the back.

Hideo: "You good Murray?"

Cole: "Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?" He asks suspiciously.

Hideo: "Just checking in." He replies putting his hands up.

Cole: "Uh-huh... I gotta take this." He says walking away with Hideo keeping his eyes on Cole.

Ivelisse notices and walks up to Hideo asking what's up.

Hideo: "Cole's angry and it's getting to him... I'm gonna talk with Blackburn and Dr Wong about it... Keep your eyes on him alright?"

Ivelisse nods as she looks at Cole in the middle of a conversation and he can something's bothering him.

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