Forbidden Love II Yandere HP...

By Corninnit

27.1K 841 133

Y/N Dumbledore is the one and only descendant of the greatest and strongest wizard. Albus Dumbledore. She was... More

Chapter 1 (1-1)
Chapter 3 (1-1)
Chapter 4 (1-1)
Chapter 5 (1-1)
Chapter 6 (1-1)
Chapter 7 (1-1)
Chapter 8 (1-1)
Chapter 9 (1-1)
Chapter 10 (1-1)
Chapter 11 (1-1)
Chapter 12 (1-1)
Chapter 13 (1-1)
Chapter 14 (1-1)
Chapter 15 (1-1)
Chapter 16 (1-1)
Chapter 17 (1-1)
Chapter 18 (1-1)
Chapter 19 (1-1)

Chapter 2 (1-1)

2.8K 84 20
By Corninnit


"𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒂 𝒎𝒚𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍. 𝑰𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒎𝒚𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒍"


There, you stand outside of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasion. Your feet dragged you inside of the shop, where you were greeted by Madam Malkin. "Hello dear- Oh my goodness Mrs Dumbledore, it's a pleasure to meet you." She giddily walked up to you and brought her hand out.

You took her hand in yours and shook it gently while smiling at the joyous woman. "Hello, how do you do ma'am?" Madam Malkin looked like she's a bubble ready to pop any minute by the excitement.

"I am very well! I have waited for this day for a long time, oh!" She felt like she was about to faint right there and then, feeling like she had seen a goddess.

"Well, I am honoured. Can I please get my measurements? I am also having a friend get theirs, they just had something to do for a moment."

"Well of course! Let me get the materials! Oooh!" You chuckled lightly as you watched the woman frantically look for the equipment that she needed. "I will be back momentarily! Please have a seat first!" You did as you were told and longingly waited for her to come back.

After fidgeting with your fingers for a few seconds, you get bored, knowing that it only has been a minute or so and not an hour. Somehow, you remembered a gift that would help you. It was gifted by your dearest grandfather, thinking that it will be useful at times.

A time-turner

The said necklace was brought out from your pockets. Ever since your grandfather gave it to you, it will always be in a safe place, and when you mean a safe place, your pockets. You never placed it around your neck as your grandfather had said; that it is better to keep for yourself as it will get the attention of the many.

After observing the magical object, you decided to turn it so you won't have to wait any longer. But, as you were about to do so, you were stopped by a voice. A voice that you recognize. A voice that you have not heard of since last year's summer at his birthday celebration at their manor.

"Y/N? It's been a while has it not?" You clutched the time-turner in your fist, slowly hiding it from the boy. "Yes, it has been a while, Draco." He smiled at you, placed his hands in his pockets and walked nearer.

"Getting your uniforms I presume?" You nodded, whilst he relaxed at the chair beside you. "Well, there's nothing else to do in a robe shop." He chuckled lightly at your retort, you did the same but with a hint of awkwardness.

If you were going, to be honest, you are not fully fond of the Malfoys. Sure, they treat you with kindness, but the way they treat others just because of someone's life status? Is a no for you. Back to the time when you were explaining to Harry about some of the pure-bloods behavings towards others might be somewhat not kind... well the Malfoys were one of those.

Despite having this kind of attitude, you were somewhat hoping that they would have some compassion for others when the time comes. You were just simply waiting for that time to come. If you need to use the time-turner you will.

"So, what have you been doing all summer?" He breaks the silence between the two of you. "Well, I finally got the permission to visit the muggle world and-"

"The muggle world? You were to visit the muggle world?" He asked with a brow raised as you nod your head. He sighs at this it was not a good one. "May I ask what is wrong with what I've said or done?"

"Why would you want to visit them? They're just some old fools who are nothing but underneath us. My father would always say that if muggles are not to be allowed in Hogwarts, then our world would have been better."

You got frantic at this. But you kept your emotions to yourself, not wanting to be a lunatic in front of him. Then again, it was not that shocking for him to say something like this. Nonetheless, you are not going to let this pass.

"I believe that everyone should have the right to have an opportunity. I apologize for this but I do not agree with Mr Malfoy." The part where you apologize is a lie, you just don't want this boy to outburst all of a sudden and you don't have the energy to squabble with someone unreasonable.

"Why? It is simple to understand that they do not belong with our kind."

"Draco, I'm not sorry for this but I don't want to argue with your discriminative arse."

He was taken back at this. No one has ever said something like this in front of him. He wants to say something more but the eye that you're giving him gives him the signal that if he uttered another word, you will not hesitate for a second to hex him. "Whatever you say will not change my mind."

"I simply stated what I believe in. Changing your mind should be of your own will." As he was about to assert again, madam Malkin called your name in a high pitched voice. "You are ready to be fitted, dearie." The second she has called your name, you immediately stand up, not wanting to have another argument with the prideful, paradoxical boy.

"In a heated argument dear?" The both of you strolled along a hall wherein the end there is a circular curtain slid open and a mirror in it where you can see yours and Madam Malkin's reflection. "Oh no, he was the one arguing on his own."

"Well don't think about it too much. The Malfoys are always like that, having to only acknowledge what they believe in." She started to get your measurements while you simply stared at your reflection.

After having your measurements taken, you were accompanied outside of the room and there he is still, have not moved from the seat he was sitting on earlier. His icy grey eyes move from the suit that is in front of him to yours. 5 seconds felt like years if you say so yourself, your feet hauled you in front of the counter, not glancing back at the set of eyes that follows your form.

You just stood there, not wanting to have any interactions with him, for the reason that you will start quarrelling again. You heard him let out a rather rough sigh. An ice-cold silence filled the room, only the muffled working clatter of Madam Malkin is audible, that is before he decides to break it.

"You're infuriated at me yet you still wore the bracelet I gave you." Your eyes quickly darted at your wrist. There rests the custom made thin gold bracelet that has a double ring in the middle that collide with each other and cursive writing of your name that is embedded underneath the bracelet.

"Just because we don't agree with each other does not mean I have to break my promise." You did not turn for a second to see if he's smiling, because you know that he is. In a year that you and Draco had been friends, you know that simple things like these make him smile, his nasty attitude subsiding for a moment.

Draco, on the other hand, reminisced about the promise. It was your tenth birthday and the Malfoys were invited. In the middle part of the party, you and he were in the corner of the great hall, talking about useless things like; If there's an exception to every rule, doesn't the exception to that rule mean there are no exceptions?

Then after laughing at these useless things, he brought out a small black box that is tied with an elegant green ribbon. A letter on top of it that says; "To Y/N Dumbledore" He handed it to you but not before saying happy birthday. You quickly said thank you and went to open it. There, you saw the beautiful bracelet that you instantly placed on your wrist.

"It looks good on you. Mother helped me pick it since I don't know what girls usually want on their birthday..."

"Thank you, Malfoy. I love it."

"Call me Draco instead."

"Well, Draco. You can call me Y/N."

A pause interferes with the both of you, not making any noise except for the chatter of everyone else in the hall. Then the both of you went on an outburst of laughter, that is so loud nearly everyone in the hall turned their attention to the both of you.

The laughter vanished seconds later leaving the both of you smiling at each other. "Hey Y/N... don't tell anyone about what I'm going to say next." You answered with a hum but after, you nodded.

"Can you be and promise to be f-friends with me?..." Silence floods among the two of you. Draco stands there, fidgeting with the tip of his fingers, yearning for an answer that will not break his hopes of being friends with you. His icy grey orbs separate from yours, looking around the room except you. Knowing deep down that if he even glances at you for a mere one second he will lose his sanity.

Narcissa, Draco's mother, darted her eyes in your direction. She saw a stiff, quiet you and Draco who looks like he saw death walking down the room to him. She grew confused and concerned for the two of you. However, she knows that whatever it is, she will be there to listen to their side of the story.

"You don't have to answer. I'll go now." Just as Draco was about to turn his back on you, you grabbed his wrist. He looks at your hand then back at you, puzzlement growing more and more visible on his face. "I would be more delighted to be your friend Draco."

The moment that those words left your mouth, Draco all of a sudden felt optimistic. Contentment took over his expressions. It felt like the world was only revolving around the words he, you, and friends. For once he has nothing to say, for it did make his mind bewildered of what to say. He does not want to make it seem like he was head over heels for the fact that he has a friend, and he certainly did not want you to think he is not glad at all.

"Y/N dear, would you be so kind to meet my friend here?" McGonagall called out. You nodded your head in her direction before fully giving your attention back to Draco. "Well, I have to go. I'll meet you later... my friend." You smiled one last time before turning your heels in your aunt's direction.

Draco gives off a light chuckle as he goes back to where his parents are conversing with other wizards and witches. Narcissa noticed Draco by her side, smiling over the moon. "You look happy, my son. Is it because of a certain person?" Even though she knows who that certain person is.

"I've recently made a friend. Although that is nothing to be happy about." Draco turned away from his mother, knowing that his father could hear what he was saying and began to play the safe game. As he finished his sentence, Lucius turned to his wife and son with a stoic expression plastered on his face.

"I will be discussing business with Snape privately. I'll be back for a moment." He then turned to Snape, nodding at him at the most seldom and mysteriously possible. Draco nodded at his father. His spirited smile turned into a gloomy one. He does not want to think about what his father will possibly talk about with Snape. On top of it all, Snape is your uncle. So for his father to say things like, "Get your niece away from my son." Or "How come Y/N can manipulate Draco from being friends with her? Surely you have something to do with this." Is not far from impossible.

Draco might be thinking of one of the most ridiculous scenarios in his head when it could be something about the ministry or pure-bloods. But then again, they can do so. For having to know his father all of his life, he will surely say something, to keep his friends away from him as to what he says all the time; "They're a distraction." For Draco could only hope that it was not like that.

Draco shakes his head at the memory and smiles at you. It faded when he was about to say something to her then all of a sudden, Madam Malkin walked out to the room with a box in her hands. "Here it is dear. I hope you like it and do wish to see you next year." She then turns to Draco who was sitting on the high chair. "Once I'm done we can have you fitted also." She nodded at the shop owner who then looked back at you. She then went behind the counter as you took out some galleons to pay for the robes. "Thank you, Madam Malkin. I'll see you next year, no?" She only nodded with a smile as a reply and you walked away.

But before you reach out for the door, you hear Draco's voice calling for your name. "Y/N, Wait!" You turned your head to him, waiting for him to continue. "I'll see you at Hogwarts?..." A pause came from the two of you and as you shook your head out of your thoughts of why was he suddenly fidgeting like a nervous wrecked boy, you bounced your head and went to your next destination, not wanting to stay for Harry and Hagrid as they are taking a bit long to arrive.

As you leave the shop, you think about how adorable Draco is, trying to spit out the word 'sorry'. You know he does want to admit guilt for being somewhat rude earlier but he's just not familiar with it. It is rude of him, yes, and it is not right for him to say not sorry, but seeing him try is almost enough.

It's a good thing that you did not stay any longer because if you did and he and Harry went to meet for the first time and Draco starts to talk about something that you would despise to hear well... let's just say that you can and will have to break your promise with him.

After having to journey from one shop to another - Flourish and Blotts, Potage's Cauldron Shop, Slug and Jigger's Apothecary, and finally, Ollivander's. You stood in front of the narrow and shabby shop that has peeling gold letters over the shop that read; Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.

The bell rang as you went into the shop. There, you see a counter with no one behind it and thousands of slim boxes that are on the shelf where you believe that it's where the wands lie around. There are also a lot of papers behind those wands that you thought of like the records of who bought wands from before you.

You idly waited for someone to attend to you on acquiring a wand. As you went around the mid-lighted room, you felt something glide on your bare neck. You turned around but no one was there. You were about to walk on the other side of the room, you heard a paper crumple. It was surely odd because it was not there earlier. You bent down to get the paper and uncrumpled it. You were hesitant at first as to whether you may be peeking at something private and not to be seen by others. However, curiosity gets the best of you and proceeds to unwrinkle the paper.

On the slim paper that seems to be torn apart from its original form, there was black inked writing that seems to be smudged by having water to drain it. It was so wrecked that the words are almost unreadable. Although, it is pretty clear to you what is written;

A love so good, that take heed

To danger, that it might proceed

For he has lived for dark and power

And she has borne another flower

She who had loved another

For safety, she has to go undercover

As you read the words before you, a loud sliding wood you hear and it becomes louder as it nears you. You turned your back faster than the wind itself and saw an old man standing on a ladder, with his two hands on each side of the wood, staring at you vividly with his wide pale eyes that were broadened from their original size.

"Mrs Dumbledore, what a pleasure to have you here in my shop at last." He gave you a toothy grin and went down on the ladder carefully so as not to fall. He gave you the last smile and went ahead to the back of the shop where shelves are stacked upon each other, filled with long boxes. "It seems like it was only yesterday when I first gave your father and mother their wands - Ahh! Here we are."

He pulled out a rather strange looking box. It is different as the others are rather full of dust atop of the surface and it has the colour black or brown. Yet this one was an elegant box that has a snow cream colour and has patterns of sophisticated flowers that are engraved on the top part of the box.

"Ahh, you must be wondering why this is different from the others. Well, this is no ordinary wand you see. Its core has not one nor two but three cores-"

"Three? Wait- is that possible? I have read about wands in some books I have found in the library. Something about a wand having a Dual-Core? Are they not supposed to be the most unusual of the lot?"

"Of course, it is true that a Twin-Wand-Core is unusual and very rare. Although, having a wand with three cores is the rarest of them all. Quite in fact, in the history of makers of wands, it is claimed that only one wizard and three witches are chosen by this exact wand - one of them being your mother."

You were astonished by this. Surely you have heard something coming from his mouth that is hard to believe but why do you feel like having to trust and believe what he said? You have a part of you that wants to acknowledge this but the other part of you says no.

"M-My mother?" Your grandfather had not said anything about your mum having to obtain one of the rarest wands in chronology. "Yes, your mother. It is a powerful wand surely, having three cores at once and having the Cedar as its wood. Indeed it is, but do not abuse the power it may hold for it is substantial. It may be one of the most powerful wands in history but it does not come close to the elder wand. The greatest of them all."

You scrunched up your forehead as to wanting to understand more. "Can you please explain the three cores and this... Cedarwood that you talk of?" He only gave you a somewhat exciting look as if he was eager and waiting for you to ask more.

"Of course, but before I do so, I would like you to open the box and give the wand a swish." There are still questions lingering in your head but you did what you were told. You give it a swish and a white light emits from the tip of the wand where you almost have to cover your eyes of how bright it is.

"Ahh, of course, it is delighted to be back with its master."


"As I was saying earlier, you are foreordained to be its possessor. Your mother has ordered it to be. Although I do not know how she did that, as I always say; wands choose the wizard. Nonetheless, your mother is one of the most intelligent witches in her days- "Ah yes," said the man. You turned around and saw the two boys who you were waiting for earlier. "Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you soon. Harry Potter."

You gave them a grin and waved your hand as you turned your attention back to the man. "Well, I guess I am done here - Mr how much is it for the wand?" He turned to you and smiled. "That will be 7 Galleons, Mrs Dumbledore." You reached out for your bag and gave him the amount of what you needed. You then looked back at Harry and Hagrid - "I'll see the two of you outside." But before you do so you get an earful from Hagrid.

"Blimey Y/N! We've been looking all over fer yeh! Yer uncle Snape will give me a lot o' blabber if I ever lost yeh!" You tried to get out from his grip - getting all dizzy from the shake he has been giving you, whilst the two boys on the back just watch the two of you go on. "Uncle enough! My surroundings are already shifting into something-'' Then only Hagrid finally stops while you hold on to the counter for support.

"Well, I'm sorry bout' that' - but please min' me next time about yer whereabouts! Yeh know how protective they are when it comes to yeh!"

"Okay! I'm sorry, uncle - it won't happen again I promise. If you'd like, I'll be staying here and will be waiting for you." You surely embedded the words 'Always wait for them even if it takes them ages to come back.' In your mind since that shake and dizziness will forever be stuck in your mind. "Nah, jus' wait fer us in Florean Fortescue's. Buy some ice creams if ye'd like." You nodded and continued ahead to the said shop and blatantly waited for them.

You are walking down back to the Leaky Cauldron, assuming that you are leading Harry back to his home where his horrible pretend-family are. You and he are making up a good little conversation, as he asks more about the wizarding world and you comply after.

"Wait- you said that both of your parents are witches and wizards?" You nodded, trying to be responsive. "But you said that you're a half-blood? And you also said that pure-bloods have both of their parents being pure-blood?"

"Oh, I'm sorry if I left out some things. Well, it's not particularly just your parents but your family tree. My grandfather is a half-blood and that makes my dad and me half-blood." You perked up your attention to Harry's expression that he seems to think about it more. "So marrying your father who is pure-blood doesn't make you one?" Your head shook no - "If there's an individual in your family line that is not pure-blood, then that makes you not a pure-blood. Nevertheless, you should not think about blood status so much. It does not define who you are as my grandfather would always say."

Walking down the road - it was a very quiet walk. No one had said anything for the past minutes yet it was a calming silence that the three of you liked. You gazed at the blazing midday sun that shone relentlessly - the afternoon sun that bathed your surroundings with its warm rays.

Everyone's stares are constantly in your direction as you have these funny-shaped packages, with two owls in their every cage - gawking at each other as they go. The snowy owl that was given to Harry by Hagrid. Whilst the other owl that is an Eastern Screech-Owl that has black and white feathers were yours, also given by Hagrid as an advanced birthday present.

You decided on naming him Miles as its Latin meaning is a 'soldier' - when the first time you glanced at him, you hastily knew that he's dignified and bold. An owl that you will adore. An owl that will be there if you need a companion. And an owl who will defend you if needed. Although there is Catalina and Dawn already, there's nothing wrong with having more right?

You felt a tap on your shoulder so you looked back and saw Hagrid. "Got time fer a bite to eat before Harry's train leaves," he said. Hagrid bought the two of you a hamburger each - you insisted on him buying one for himself yet he keeps on rambling about how he's not hungry. The three of you sat around on plastic chairs and went completely silent. That is until you noticed how disturbed Harry looks.

"Are you alright Harry?" You anxiously waited for his answer and watched him take a bite out of his hamburger. "Everyone thinks I'm special," he said at last. "All those people in the Leaky Cauldron, Professor Quirrell, Mr Ollivander... but I don't know anything about magic at all. How can they expect great things? I'm famous and I can't even remember what I'm famous for. I don't know what happened when Vol-, sorry -- I mean, the night my parents died."

Your lips turned into a frown while having to hear the last sentence. If you were being truthful; you kind of felt the same as him. Both of your parents died the same night and for the same reason - Voldemort. Regardless, you are not going to grieve this time. Harry needs all the support he can get as he is new to what world he will be in.

Hagrid leaned across the table. Behind the wild beard and eyebrows, he wore a very kind smile. "Don' you worry, Harry. You'll learn fast enough. Everyone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts, you'll be just fine. Just be yerself. I know it's hard. Yeh've been singled out, an' that's always hard. But yeh'll have a great time at Hogwarts -- I did -- still do, 'smatter of fact."

Hagrid glanced at you and smiled as if he was asking if he had done great at comforting him - you nodded at him and gave him a small smile. He had always been great at it; whenever someone needed him, he would be right there, reassuring you about the pleasant things that could happen. "He's right, Harry. No one's got to get it on their first try. That's why you're going to Hogwarts! To learn all of it!" You beamed him a smile, throwing up your hands in the air.

After replenishing your stomachs up, you and Hagrid helped Harry to get on a train back to the Dursleys. You have asked your uncle a thousand times if he could stay at Hogwarts for the rest of the months until the school year starts - and he had said no a thousand times. He then pulled out an envelope and handed it to Harry. "Yer ticket fer Hogwarts, First o' September -- King's Cross -- it's all on yer ticket. Any problems with the Dursleys, send me a letter with yer owl, she'll know where to find me... See yeh soon, Harry."

"We'll see you soon Harry. Like what uncle says, send a letter to us if those muggles are troubling you. However, it is best if you send them directly to me. I know a few spells that could make them fly out to -'' Hagrid covered up your mouth to cut you off. "That's enough fer today. Hexing no muggles alrigh'?" Harry nodded, trying to not laugh at you for trying to get out of his grip and mumbling words under Hagrid's large hand.

The second that Harry stepped inside the train - Hagrid lets you go, assuming that you had enough of giving Harry ideas to hex his uncle and aunt. "Harry! Try using the tickling hex! But it is better if you use the stinging jinx! All you have to do is point your wand and say- hmmp!" Everyone was now looking at you as if you were a mad person that got out of Azkaban. Hagrid covers your mouth again and tries to scare off the looking muggles.

"Y/N! Stop tha'! Don' give Harry ideas to fly himself to the head o' ministry!"

You finally went back to Hogwarts with Hagrid after the train that Harry was on left. You were immediately greeted by your uncle Flitwick right at the entrance - welcoming you with an enormous smile on his face. "How was the stay with the muggles?" He stretches his arms and engulfs you in a hug. "It was fascinating. Some always say that all muggles are awful, well they're mostly not wrong but some of them are generous and friendly."

"Well, you can't change some people's idea about them. What is important is that you see it for yourself. Now, would the two of you like to accompany me for some tea and biscuits?" You instantly nodded as you missed your uncle's herbal tea. "Sorry professor. Migh' have ter skip, Dumbledore wants ter see me." With that, Hagrid left so you and Flitwick went to the great hall where there is a piping hot kettle of tea waiting to be served.

Morning - where the just-risen sun shone brightly in the sky - the cloudless arctic sky yet subtle and elegant - the birds singing in harmony. It is indeed a lovely morning. Your bed coverings and blanket falls messily on the side of your bed, your hair locks that tangle as you toss and turn, your arms spreading wide as you snooze off calmingly.

*Knock Knock* *Creak*

"Dear, could you be awoken? It is me, Professor Trelawney."

Your slumber comes to a halt as you feel someone's palms stroking your forehead. As you squint your eyes - fluttering them open a second later. "Good Morning aunt Sybill-" you yawned, sprawling your arms further before twisting to her again. "Good morning too dear. Do you know what day it is today?" Whimpers of yours were heard throughout the room - going in again under the covers as you were still dozing off.

"It's my birthday..." you muttered, unwilling to break your sleepy slumber. Then the realisation hits you, your eyes instantly wide open as you see an aunt Sybill that has the warmth of a smile etched on her face. "It is my dear, now, would you get on your feet to have breakfast?" You nodded and sat upon your bed.

You giddily went straight to your wardrobe - getting your casual clothes, such as; A black tank top that will be underneath your barn red and white jumper paired with black trousers and flats that compliments the overall look.

After picking your clothing, you went to the bathroom to change. While you were there, you decided to ask Trelawney some questions as she barely went down from her room as it would break her inner eye. Everyone seems to be weirded out by her - you do agree that she is kind of odd but she is a sweet caring aunt through the years you have had moments with her. "Aunt Sybill, there must be something important for you to tell me. I mean- you went into my room by yourself."

"Is there a time that I skipped your birthdays my dear?" You thought back to all of your birthdays and, indeed, she is always there for you. After having to change into your clothes - you went along with Trelawney back to her classroom where there are eggs, toast, bacon, and a complimentary hot tea that is ready to be eaten.

"Oh, merlin! Thank you, Aunt Sybill!" Like a happy kid you are, you went to the seat that is upfront where the foods are placed. "You should be thanking Professor Sprout, she was the one who made your breakfast. She also added different kinds of herbs and spices I believe."

You smiled at her before devouring every bit of your food that tastes angelic from every bite and swallow. The savoury crispy bacon that was browned just at the right time - the eggs that were slightly spicy that you guessed from the herbs that you don't know of - the toast that was buttered to perfection with a golden brown crisp when you bite into it - and of course, the chamomile tea that has a honey-like sweetness at first sip and a gentle note of apple at the end.

"Slow down dear, there are more of those if you want. Now, one of the reasons I called you here is that I want to talk to you about a serious matter." You were paying attention very closely but not ceasing from consuming your glorious meal. "You know how much I care about you right? And not just only me but the entirety of Hogwarts." You nodded, slowing down from chomping your food.

She started to fidget in her seat as if she was discomforted with what she was about to say. As if it was not to be spoken about.

"Dreadful things are about to happen at the moment you step further away from childhood. Answers will be given to questions, yes, but the end will be nearer. I am asking you to be reluctant at any decisions you will make, for it will be the reason for your fate. You will make comrades, however, those of who you call friends might not be who you believe they are. When the third year arrives it will be the time when it will all occur. I am in no power to stop it all from which I am here, begging you, for your safety. I am not to tell your grandfather or anyone but you for certain reasons that I am not allowed to speak of. This warning from me should not be given off as a travesty for it will be despair in your reality."

Your head is spinning in turmoil. You do not know if you are to believe something that she has to say. She had once predicted a boy's death yet it never came. However, you never reckoned the day that she would predict yours. Let alone your danger in life. She never - even once - had said anything that your life will be in threat until this day.

Not preferring to be rude to her who only cares for your safety - and also wanting to know even more - you asked the question; "Danger? What kind of danger, Aunt Sybill?" As if on cue, she started to twitch vigorously, causing her to drop her cuppa - her eyes rolling in the back of her head. A yelp escapes your lips the moment she passes out and falls on the floor. Your first reaction was to go straight down to her and see what's happening to her. As you inspect her and try to wake her up, you begin to cry out for help. Screaming everyone's name - not caring of how your voice is cracking. All you care about is your aunt's state.

The sooner you realize no one was hearing your screams of help - you carefully lay her on the ground - having concern for her - you ran down the classroom and went directly to the hospital wing; anticipating that you ran over to someone. As you were running hastily - as if you are not in bad luck for having your aunt pass out on the very day of your birth is not enough, Peeves came out of nowhere as he always does and started to say something in a sing-song tune. "Mrs Dumbledore being all panicky! Her life will be in danger-y!" Anger fills your insides as you were panicking at the moment. "Peeves if you don't shut your bloody trap I will make sure the Bloody Baron and I will dance around your shivering body that is having the worst torture in its life while you're screaming in anguish and I mean it." Scared Peeves, flew out of the way with widened eyes and pale face.

"I will be okay, I promise. You have a birthday celebration to attend." Your face grew a frown on its face as you heard those words as if she is implying that a silly party is more valuable than her health. "The party can wait, your condition is more important right now aunt Sybill." Just on cue - Madam Pomfrey went walking near the two of you, smiling at you.

"Professor Trelawney is right dearie, you have a birthday to celebrate, and worry not, she is to be discharged in an hour," before you can even say that you will wait for an hour more - she beats you to it. "You have to be with Professor McGonagall Y/N. You have a lot to do before the guests come! Go on now!"

You hesitated to leave the seat that you are on - you finally stood up and bid them goodbyes. You were sauntering down the halls back to your room since you were informed by one of the ghosts in the halls that McGonagall is idly waiting there. As you reached the entrance of your room, you opened it quietly - hoping that you would not get scolded for being late. Again.

Unfortunately, fate is not on your side. As you opened the door you heard a yelling McGonagall. "Where have you been? You are ten minutes late for your last minute dance practice!"

"But Aunt Minnie, I have to go and take aunt Sybill to the hospital wing-"

"All of a sudden your time turner is non-existent? Your grandfather had to go and have a long talk with the Ministry just to authorize him to provide it to you. And you are to use it at times when it is boring? But not at times like this?"

Her low but stern tone makes your spine shiver as if this never happened before. You want to respond and tell her that you had forgotten about the time-turner since it is not as important as Trelawney's health. However, you decided to stay silent as it is for the best. "You have guests that are coming, and people who want to dance with you. So we had to-"

"McGonagall that is enough." The two of you turned your heads to where the familiar dull voice came from. Snape was there - standing stiffly at the entrance of your room where he watches you getting scolded from earlier for such nonsense reasons - well that is how he would like to word it. "If I may ask, what are you doing here Snape?"

"Her clothes came back from the tailor. I ought to give it to her." Now that he mentions it - he is carrying in his left hand a dress that is inside of some type of covering and two boxes that are in the shade of black in his left. "Oh is it? Well, may we see it?" McGonagall stood up from the edge of your bed and went to forcefully take the apparel from Snape and gave him a shot of glare.

The moment she freed the zipper of the covering of the dress, a dissatisfaction carved onto the look of her face. "This is not the dress. It is in a different colour! I requested for it to be a burgundy coloured fabric and buttons that are gold!" You walked towards your bed and saw a peek of a that has five black buttons that go down to the right side of the fabric - a mid-length collar and also mid-length sleeves.

"Is it? There must have been a... mix up with the order." You saw a sly smirk form onto your uncle's face - revealing that it is his idea to change the orders. "You did it did you not? How preposterous."

"Let it be Aunt Minnie. Besides, it is the colour that is only changed. Your details and structures for the dress are still done. So it's a win-win situation for the both of you." Her face softens as she hears this then sighed. "Oh alright. However, we must go to practice now." You groaned softly - obviously not wanting to go since it is hell for you.

Snape took notice and stepped in front of McGonagall. "Would you mind taking a step back? We are already late-" He cuts her off with a still dull look on his face. "She already knows how to dance. You have been teaching her for almost one and a half years-"

"Correction, one and a quarter years."

"As I was saying. She already knows how to dance. She had not been making missteps for the past few months has she? It is a sign that she is already wonderful at it. Additionally, it is her birthday. At the start of the year, she had been more dedicated to labouring herself off as she will be starting attending school soon. Let her enjoy her day."

McGonagall was stunned. She had never heard such words come out from Snape's mouth, for instance, enjoy. Also, it is one of those days where he cared for someone. Then again he is only like that to you. He will be strict with you but never overwork you. He always cares for your health not just physically but also mentally.

McGonagall will not show it but on the inside, she is smiling like an idiot. "I suppose, go along then and do whatever you like. However, I am to expect your presence at exactly 18:00. Do you understand?" You energetically nodded - too excited to even say goodbye, you went straight out of the room to only come back in again to ask a question. "I'm sorry Aunt Minnie, but what is 18:00 again?" She smiled at this little skit of yours and went ahead to say "Six o'clock in the evening dear."

You sat on the feathery grass that dances through the wind - the sky and clouds as lively as ever like the blazing shine of the daylight that strokes the back of your body that is the cause of your warmth. It had been a while since it was this radiant here in St. Jerome's graveyard.

There lie the tombstones of your beloved ancestry. Such as your great-grandmother Kendra Dumbledore, your grandaunt Ariana Dumbledore, your grandmother Catherine Dumbledore, your mother M/N Dumbledore, and your father F/N Dumbledore. It was rumoured that the graveyard is haunted but there is not enough evidence to support it. You can't denounce them, it is a graveyard after all.

You came to visit here every year on your birthday with your grandfather. However, he cannot go with you since he has some things to do before the party. Which led you to be alone. Well not really, Hagrid is outside the graveyard doing whatever he pleases.

"Hello, mum and dad! Hello to you too, Great-grandma Kendra, grandma Ariana and grandma Catherine. How are you? Well, I hope you are doing well. I am doing greatly here! Grandfather said he can't come since he has business to give attention to. I have been doing so well! I am going to attend Hogwarts and I mean the classes, not just hiding while listening to every lesson."

The day has to be happy and no sadness coming through. But why do you suddenly feel your heart sink? Like the weather abruptly turned from a sunny day to a drizzle? There are no reasons to be disappointed but why do you suddenly feel like it? Just a minute ago, you were heartily greeting your family and now you suddenly felt like going back to your room - locking yourself up - not wanting to talk to anyone. You decided to brush it off and urge a smile so that somehow, someway, they cannot see you displeased.

"Mum, dad. Your anniversary was yesterday, right? I'm sorry, it slipped my mind. However, this is a bouquet of Heliotrope that I bought from Floriblunders Florist. Grandfather told me that it is mum's favourite kind of flower. Because its meaning is eternal love right? I didn't know you were that cheesy mum. Well, there you go dad, I just saved you in case you forgot to buy mum one."

You laughed dryly as you placed the bouquet down beside your mum's ground. You still feel the same though. Your heart slumps deeper and deeper as you talk to them as if they are on each of your sides listening to your nonsense. Maybe it is because of that. Maybe it's because you are yearning for it to be true. But you know deep down that it is inconceivable.

You are not showing it to anyone but since the day that your grandfather told you everything... you felt a need for parents' love. You are not letting it out to anyone because you have a fear of being judged. Of having to hear that you are ungrateful and greedy. Attaining to everyone's unconditional love for you. Your grandfather, your aunts and uncles, people that look up to you, friends, everyone. Yet here you are, hoping that your parents are alive and cheering you on a happy birthday.

You are reminiscent of the days where you will be jealous of other kids having their parents by their side - buying school supplies, every time you go to Diagon Alley. On the day of Mother's Day, and Father's Day, you would always wonder what it would feel like to go to the kitchen, cook up some foods that are their favourites - wake them up from an amazing day - and surprise them with the food that you cooked, a letter that you wrote the day before, and greet them Happy Mother's/Father's day.

You also fantasise about the feeling of going to your parents' room in the middle of the night for no reason at all and just pushing yourself in between them while chuckling from nothing and sleeping blissfully - cosy warm from the cold night while getting snuggled by both of your parents.

There are more you wished for when your parents are alive right now. Eating mum's dishes, listening to dad's cracked up jokes, getting lectures from them here and there, going on a picnic together, getting taught how to ride a broom, watching dad shoo the kids who attempt to make a move to you, seeing mum slap your dad's shoulder because he had done stupid things with you. And many more.

You could do these with the family you have now, yes. However, it is still different coming from your parents. A tear rolls down your cheeks as you wish for the impossible to become possible. You felt like a train that goes under a dark tunnel and has never seen the sunlight since.

"If you were here... would it be more different than it is right now?"

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