To Your Hearts Content (Yande...

By Unidentified562

46.2K 904 556

You were bullied in school and were framed for many things that you did not do. The teachers didn't believe y... More

It's All In Your Head
It's Not Enough
Pure Lineage
A Direct Approach
Mama Fox
The Meeting
New Routines
Good Morning
Picnic Under The Cherry Blossoms
House Warming
Harsh Punishments
New Addition
The Shrine

Forever Home

2.3K 50 19
By Unidentified562

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so tired from playing with Shiro and Senko was giving me a massage right now. Sora said she had to get something ready for me. I still thought about her saying we were going to be here forever and at first, I was scared on the first night here, even if the bed felt... soooo comfortable. During breakfast this morning, it was like eating outside without having to worry about a few things like bugs, and leafs falling onto the food and drinks, but it was even better than eating inside now. After eating, Shiro and Senko took me to the bathhouse for us to soak after they cleaned me, but Sora and Koenji were still not here with us. 

(Y/N)-I haven't seen Sora all day... Where is she?

Shiro-Lady Sora is busy with boring work stuff. We get to focus on fun games and treats!

Senko-He can't leave the shrine, so if you want the new human treats then you'll have to go by yourself.

Shiro-But I don't wanna go by myself! I won't know which one is better!

Senko just held me tighter to tell Shiro, 'no'. After our bath and soaking for a while we got out to go play and saw Koenji waiting right by my new bed here.

Koenji-Hey, we need to start preparing (Y/N), so I ask that he enters the circle and gets in bed. When you're in, you can not get out until Lady Sora takes it down. It'll keep him from running off and hurting himself.

Senko-May we ask what she has planned?

Koenji-No, but I can say that it's painless.

I felt nervous and Senko didn't push me onto the bed inside the circle but did her best to keep me calm. I cried a little from being scared and Senko pulled me into her and brushed my legs with her tail.

Senko-No, no, no. Don't be scared. It's going to be ok. ~

I didn't really believe her and for a moment I tried to leave the bed, but I got covered in fire and fell down. I saw I was on top of the bed again and this time Shiro hopped on and pinned me down a little.

Shiro-Hey, don't be scared. Would it help if I let you pet my head again? ~

She leaned her head into me while she pushed my legs with her tail like Senko. I tried to calm down, but...

(Y/N)-I-Is there going to be needles?

Koenji-No, no, no. You just have to lay back, and drink something. Lady Sora will do the rest.

I curled up a bit more while Senko and Shiro snuggled me even more while we waited for Sora to get here. After a bit, black fire burst in front of the bed and Lady Sora walked up with a cup, and a bucket with some kind of cream in it.

Sora-Awwwww, is someone nervous? ~

Senko-Lady Sora, maybe I can do it for him. He knew me the longest.

Sora-You don't have the knowledge or skill for this. It'll even be challenging for me with the help of these charms. Now, if you two would kindly move, so I may get started.

Senko and Shiro went to the edges of the bed while Sora came to me and gave me a cup of golden juice or something. It was even glowing a little.

Sora-Alright Sweetheart, it might be a little bitter, but I need you to drink it all, ok? ~

She helped tip the drink into my mouth a little and it tasted a little sour like lemon and I didn't like it, but Sora didn't let me stop until it was all gone. She got me some water after to wash it down while she pets my head.

Sora-Good boy. You're gonna feel a little dizzy for a while, but that's ok. Just relax. ~

I did feel dizzy after a few minutes, so she made me lay back down on my pillow and took my clothes off to put the cream on me, almost like she was writing symbols on my arms, legs, chest, tummy, head, and back until I was completely covered in symbols. The longer this went on, the more dizzy I felt until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore to watch the world spin.

Sora-Almost there. You are doing so well. ~ *echo*

(Sora's POV)

I had to constantly pour my magic into each symbol while I quickly add more until I put the last one to completely cover his body. With it being complete, they started glowing and this was his body stopping the aging process entirely and he will be like this forever. His mind can change to a better state of mind, not that outside of a child mentality... My baby forever. Senko and Shiro looked so happy while the spell still ran its course, so I brought the barrier down and took them off with me.

Sora-This will take a few hours. He'll be exhausted after and will need rest. Leave him be for now. As for you Koenji... You will be doing training with the 3 of us today.

All three of them looked at each other and blushed while Koenji blushed the hardest. 

(Timeskip 8 Hours)

We let Koenji rest on the ground, mainly from her magic taking its toll on her body before she learned things for mating season. Not that she touched us, yet. We just went back to see (Y/N) just waking up and trying to get dressed, but he was still so dizzy and worn out from the spell then Senko gave him a little help.

Senko-Awwww, my poor Sweetheart. Come on, you can't walk, yet. ~

She used her magic to help lift up since she was right about him not being ready to walk. He may be immortal now, but the last thing I want is for him to get hurt. We took him to my private island they snuck onto that one time with Nakano to let him rest in a tropical paradise for a while. I'm sure he's a little tired of the shrine for now and Koenji needs time to herself. I kissed his head as Senko held him in the shade and he fell back asleep all on his own. Simply an adorable sight to behold. My student cuddling a child she set out to save and has done so successfully now. 

Sora's mind-Every ounce of darkness was either gone or so weak it no longer affected him. 

Given it can still grow back really fast like when he got scared of the spell of immortality I put on him, but it can go away just as fast, showing that he trusts us. I just don't think he's ready to know what I did to him.

Sora's mind-We'll tell him when he starts to get suspicious about not growing up, so we got a while. 

Shiro looked at me and nodded before whispering it to Senko.

(No POV)

The four spent the whole day resting in a relaxing forest for (Y/N) to recover from losing his mortality and being stuck as their child forever. It took hours for him to finally be able to walk again, and longer to be back at 100% control of his body. Little did he know that he would spend eternity with them as their baby and has yet to learn what secrets they hid from him about his parents. His father is doomed to wander in a field of mist until he finds enlightenment and his mother is now forced to give (Y/N) and others comfort at the cost of her suffering by being his new favorite pillow. (Y/N) thought from how much better he was doing, this all might be over soon, but he just did not know that...

Senko/Shiro/Sora's minds-This will 'never' end. We will pamper you to your heart's content... Forever. ~


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