The Princess Crowned In Flowe...

By rae__of__moonlight

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Lothel Thranduíliel is the Crown Princess of Mirkwood, daughter of the fearsome King Thranduíl, older sister... More

Chapter I: A Meeting in the Forest
Chapter II: Preparation
Chapter III: Mereth-en-Gilith
Chapter V: Interrogation
Chapter VI: She Doesn't Understand
Chapter VII: A New Position and A Best Friend

Chapter IV: Mereth-en-Gilith (Cont.) + A Fight at the River.

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By rae__of__moonlight

"It is lovely to see you again, mellon nin a herdir nin,"[(my friend and my master)] Lothel said as the pair danced. Glorfindel became a father figure to her when the princess spent her years in Imladris healing. He oversaw all teachings of sword and blade combat in the Valley, which included the Mirkwood elleth, Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen, to name a few. She had spent many afternoons being beaten half to death by the expert swordsman and calling it 'training.' Despite Lothel being very well trained in numerous forms of fighting-including swordsmanship, she seldom beat the Golden Warrior. He did have quite a few more years of experience to his name.

He smiled at her, caringness shining deep in his blue eyes, "Yes, 'tis a fond reunion. You haven't been to Imladris in almost a century. And I have missed having a warrior who can even stand a chance against my sword. The twins are getting there slowly, but both have yet to best me."

"Speaking of the twins, fond reunion or not, you are not to speak of the conversation you overheard to anyone in Imladris. If you do, I will see to it you revisit the Halls of Mandos."

Glorfindel laughed, "I see you haven't changed in the slightest in the past century. You still maintain your fire. Will it please you to know that I have heard, even participated, in similar conversations with Lord Elrond and his sons?" His face was etched with amusement.

The blonde elleth let a genuine smile break out for a second, "That does make it slightly better. How did the twins take it?"

"As well as you did. Elladan blatantly refused to entertain the notion of courting you, and his brother relentlessly teased him about it for months and months."

"I am glad he and I are on the same page about this. But, you said you participated in these 'conversations', and I am curious to know what you said."

A mischievous smile, similar to that of the twins when one got an idea, appeared on his face. "I am not telling you that." He went serious. "But, I take it that you haven't found anybody yet?"

Lothel felt a twinge of sadness and hurt sting her heart. She was over 4000 years of age, yet she had never found the one that her soul was to be entwined with. It was considered rare for elves to go past three millennia and not be married or courting, yet here she was. There was no shortage of ellyn throwing themselves before her feet, on some occasions, quite literally, but none had her interest. Many sons of Lords, high-ranking families, and guards were introduced to her as suitors that craved power, money, or the title 'Prince Consort'. But not all were arrogant and horrible. Some were interesting, she would give them that much, but none she could imagine spending her life with. The king had been pressuring her increasingly to find a mate but had never crossed the line to arrange a marriage. Elven bonds were considered sacred, and when an elf marries one that it is not meant to be with, it never turns out well.

"No." The single word communicated to Glorfindel more than what was spoken.

"Gar estel," [(Have hope)] He gently rubbed her shoulder.

Lothel's eyes met his. "Anna le, mellon" [(Thank you, friend)]

She let her worries subside and let the night take her.


She woke up still in her dress and spread haphazardly on her bed. Her maid was at her elbow, holding a cup of tea. Last night's revelry lasted till the dawn had shone her rays on Arda.

"You have my thanks, Glassnith." She took the steaming beverage and sipped the green tea with peppermint and honey. The princess changed out of her dress and into comfortable trousers and a tunic she stole from her brother. She knew it to be a day when she seldom left her room and pushed her royal duties aside.

The brunette looked at the princess, "You look happy, heryn nin."

"I am." Lothel smiled at the fun from the night. Taking the advice given to her, she allowed herself to be free from worries, even if it was only for a few hours. That night, she ate a few too many pastries, laughed a little too loud, and danced a bit too much. But, the elleth was happy. The night had been in the company of her brother and mentor, whom she was close with. The King had retired midway through the night, but not after he had many glasses of wine. By many, it is meant upwards of 40 goblets. The princess, on the other hand, had only ten glasses of wine. To get her drunk was a feat only Elladan, Elrohir, and Glorfindel had accomplished on a single occasion. Lothel suspected her brother's alcohol tolerance was much lower than hers or their King's. While it took over 60 glasses for her to start to be tipsy, Legolas began walking a line at 30. At the Feast, he had consumed 34, which resulted in the Golden Warrior escorting the prince to his chambers about 2 hours before dawn. She suspected his drunkenness had something to do with a certain red-headed captain. Glorfindel had come back and stayed by Lothel's side until she had decided to her bed. He had appointed himself as her guard whenever he and she attended a party together since an unfortunate incident when she was new to Imladris. He had about as much Dorwinion as the princess, but she had seen her mentor when he let loose. A smile crept up Lothel's face as she thought about the numerous festivals she attended in Rivendell with her adoptive family there.

"Is there anything else you need?" Glassnith questioned, pulling the blonde out of her lovely memories.

She nodded, "Will you bring me breakfast to my room? I doubt I will be leaving today."

Her maid nodded knowingly at her mistress, then left the room with a smile. She knew the princess was planning not to leave her reading room unless something dire happened.

Lothel took her cup of tea to her armchair that overlooked the forest. She took a deep breath and relaxed in the latest book she was reading. But suddenly, the voice of Legolas interrupted her peace,

"The Dwarves are escaping down the river!"

"If this is just a fake ploy to get me out of my room, it will not work."

She was suddenly pulled into his mind to see what her brother had said was happening. "You're right, I'm bluffing," His voice dripping in sarcasm. That got her attention. The heir to the crown quickly grabbed her weapons before running out the door. "The Dwarves and I are half a kilometer from the river, heading due west."

"On my way." Lothel hurried to her window and launched herself off the balcony. The river was right near her room, and the stables even closer. While running, the princess noticed her feet were bare and lacked shoes. She grabbed her stead and hurriedly pushed her toward her brother. Her horse was barebacked and unbridled, but that was not a problem for the expert rider. The sound of an elf horn filled the air with its musical voice, but it was also a signal for the guards of the river to shut the gate. When the river erupted into view, the princess pushed herself up to crouch on the galloping creature and readied her bow. She saw the Dwarves in barrels, blocked from traveling further down the river, and the river guards ready to fight. The next sight is what set every alert off in Lothel.

An arrow struck a warden in his shoulder, causing him to fall as an orc took his place. The vile creature roared, only to be silenced by the princess' arrow.

"Watch out! There are orcs!" Cried a dwarf.

More orcs leaped from the river dam and heartlessly stabbed the elves in the back. Shooting well-aimed shots did little good against a seemingly infinite supply of hobgoblins coming forth. All around Lothel, her brothers and sisters-in-arms fell, never to rise again. She spotted multiple orcs jumping into the river to attack the Dwarves.

An orc yelled in the harsh tongue of Mordor, "Go! Go! Slay them all!" The princess understood the language, thanks to her teachings by Lady Galadriel.

"Maeth! Maeth, daug o i Ara!" [(Fight! Fight, soldiers of the King!)] She called to her brethren. Then, she jumped off her horse and switched out her bow for her two long swords as she took down the orcs starting to surround her at a faster rate than archery was made for.

A dwarf shouted, "Get under the bridge!" Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something stab an orc with a glowing Elvish blade, yet the creature was not an Elf. The princess killed numerous orcs as the seconds wore on. She twirled and slashed, cutting down the attackers with thousands of years of experience and practice. An orc advanced from her left and swung its hefty club. Lothel parried the weapon with both her swords, pushed the orc, then went for a kill. As soon as she decapitated him, four more began attacking the princess. So focused on her task of fighting, she neglected to see a brunette dwarf climb up the steps to attempt and release the gate. He managed to kill multiple enemies, but collapsed when struck with an arrow, What she did see, was Tauriel shoot an orc who was preparing to end the life of the dwarf. Her friend became a whirling blur of red hair and silver blades as she killed additional hobgoblins.

The same orc as before called to his army, "Kill her! Kill the She-Elf."

Legolas erupted from the bushes and pulled and released his bow with record speed. He was always better than her at bowmanship, but this was not the time for a sibling competition.

A sudden movement in the river caught her eye, and she looked just in time to see the dwarves escaping. It seemed the orc saw as well, because a call in Black Speech rang out, "The Dwarves are escaping! After them!"

Stupid elleth. You let them escape.

"Kíli!" The name pulled her from her mind. She also noticed the dwarf who flirted with Tauriel had jumped, arrow and all, back into a barrel, causing the shaft to snap.

The redhead also caught this event, and the glance she stole almost cost her life as an orc prepared a strike on the elleth. With a cry, she flung him into the river.

More antagonizers crawled up the hills that were on the edge of Mirkwood, while the ones who were previously fighting the elves turned to the escapees.

They were here for Thorin.

"Hanar, stay here, I am following the prisoners." The blonde elleth decapitated two orcs in a single sweep before rolling away from the third's axe. "All available troops, to me!"

She began her pursuit, bow in her left hand and a sword in her right hand, and continued her assault on the horrid creatures. Orcs were so focused on her only started paying attention to her when she stabbed them. The princess heard whispers of the Heir to Erebor had a bounty, so when the company was captured, she worried about repercussions. She drew her bow and aimed it at so many orcs she lost count. Lothel tried her best to recycle her arrows and pull them out of orcs as she passed but did not succeed every time. Quivers and their supplies didn't last forever. As she weaved through the trees and bodies of her slain enemies, she saw multiple dwarves had taken the harsh weapons of orcs and defended themselves from the onslaught of death coming at them. She had to admit, grudges aside, they held their ground and fought with exceptional coordination. In an impressive move, Thorin speared an orc while bobbing down a river. The elves that followed her kept few orcs from reaching the escapees' clutches. A line of orcs stood on a fallen tree that spanned the width of a river, but a dwarf used an orcish axe to chop the log so the assailants fell into the rushing water. In a strange display and like a choreographed dance, a single dwarf flew across the riverbanks and took down a multitude of orcs. By this point, she slowed her pace to where she was in line with the dwarves on land, but her brother blew past her. In an over-extravagant display, most likely to impress Tauriel, he leaped on the dwarves' heads and continued shooting. She was the one to teach him to do that 'fancy trick', and that one was one of the least impressive. Legolas did have talent, she would give him that. But, the elleth was a bit annoyed he was vying for her attention while in battle. His flips and aerobatics were for show and were not necessary for the task at hand. Her brother hopped across the heads of the barrel riders to the opposite river bank. Her breath caught when she saw an orc slink up behind Legolas, but it was cut down by an axe thrown by...Thorin?

A dwarf saved her brother's life. She caught the eye of the dwarf who threw it, bowed her head, and placed a hand over her heart in the Elven gesture of respect. Legolas seemed not to notice and kicked the orc he was fighting into the river below. The seemingly last of the group tried to sneak up behind the prince and let loose an arrow. That arrow was cut out of the air by Tauriel's shaft. She let out a cry as she pulled the orcs into a headlock with a dagger at its throat.

"Tauriel!" he said. "Dartho! Ú-no hono. Ho hebo cuin." [(Wait! This one, we keep alive)]

The shouts of orcs reached the three elves' ears. The princess, understanding the language of the orcs, wanted to follow, but they needed this captured orc for interrogation. A multitude of orcs followed the dwarves, but they were out of the border and had seemingly little intention to stay. Tauriel looked horrified, and for a suspected reason, but the blonde had nothing concrete.

Lothel approached the side of Legolas as the redhead pushed the prisoner forward in front of the pair.

"You fought well," She said and he still looked to the ones floating on the river and away from Mirkwood. He met her gaze after a minute and gave a small smile. "Your technique was nearly flawless, even with the acrobatics. But you were doing flips and twists solely for the approval of the elleth you fancy." His smile fell away as she shook her head. "When you pretend to be more experienced, you show your immaturity. You endangered the lives of other soldiers, and even yourself when you thought less of the battle and more of how you are being perceived."

"Who said that was the reason I was fighting like I did? Perhaps I was putting into play what you taught me. And I never was in real danger, I was constantly aware of my surroundings." He responded harshly.

The golden blonde's eyes were unwavering as she stared at her much-younger brother. "You forget I can see in your head. And you were so aware of your surroundings, a dwarf saved your life. Do not do what you just did ever again." With those words, the Princess Crowned with Flowers turned away.


Updates are sporadic right now, and I apologize for it. Soon, it will even out. 

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