Chapter IV: Mereth-en-Gilith (Cont.) + A Fight at the River.

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"It is lovely to see you again, mellon nin a herdir nin,"[(my friend and my master)] Lothel said as the pair danced. Glorfindel became a father figure to her when the princess spent her years in Imladris healing. He oversaw all teachings of sword and blade combat in the Valley, which included the Mirkwood elleth, Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen, to name a few. She had spent many afternoons being beaten half to death by the expert swordsman and calling it 'training.' Despite Lothel being very well trained in numerous forms of fighting-including swordsmanship, she seldom beat the Golden Warrior. He did have quite a few more years of experience to his name.

He smiled at her, caringness shining deep in his blue eyes, "Yes, 'tis a fond reunion. You haven't been to Imladris in almost a century. And I have missed having a warrior who can even stand a chance against my sword. The twins are getting there slowly, but both have yet to best me."

"Speaking of the twins, fond reunion or not, you are not to speak of the conversation you overheard to anyone in Imladris. If you do, I will see to it you revisit the Halls of Mandos."

Glorfindel laughed, "I see you haven't changed in the slightest in the past century. You still maintain your fire. Will it please you to know that I have heard, even participated, in similar conversations with Lord Elrond and his sons?" His face was etched with amusement.

The blonde elleth let a genuine smile break out for a second, "That does make it slightly better. How did the twins take it?"

"As well as you did. Elladan blatantly refused to entertain the notion of courting you, and his brother relentlessly teased him about it for months and months."

"I am glad he and I are on the same page about this. But, you said you participated in these 'conversations', and I am curious to know what you said."

A mischievous smile, similar to that of the twins when one got an idea, appeared on his face. "I am not telling you that." He went serious. "But, I take it that you haven't found anybody yet?"

Lothel felt a twinge of sadness and hurt sting her heart. She was over 4000 years of age, yet she had never found the one that her soul was to be entwined with. It was considered rare for elves to go past three millennia and not be married or courting, yet here she was. There was no shortage of ellyn throwing themselves before her feet, on some occasions, quite literally, but none had her interest. Many sons of Lords, high-ranking families, and guards were introduced to her as suitors that craved power, money, or the title 'Prince Consort'. But not all were arrogant and horrible. Some were interesting, she would give them that much, but none she could imagine spending her life with. The king had been pressuring her increasingly to find a mate but had never crossed the line to arrange a marriage. Elven bonds were considered sacred, and when an elf marries one that it is not meant to be with, it never turns out well.

"No." The single word communicated to Glorfindel more than what was spoken.

"Gar estel," [(Have hope)] He gently rubbed her shoulder.

Lothel's eyes met his. "Anna le, mellon" [(Thank you, friend)]

She let her worries subside and let the night take her.


She woke up still in her dress and spread haphazardly on her bed. Her maid was at her elbow, holding a cup of tea. Last night's revelry lasted till the dawn had shone her rays on Arda.

"You have my thanks, Glassnith." She took the steaming beverage and sipped the green tea with peppermint and honey. The princess changed out of her dress and into comfortable trousers and a tunic she stole from her brother. She knew it to be a day when she seldom left her room and pushed her royal duties aside.

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