Hiraeth (Luigi x Reader)

Par stweey

9.9K 363 388

❝ 𝙒𝙃𝙀𝙉 𝙒𝙄𝙇𝙇 π™ˆπ™” 𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙀 π˜½π™€π™‚π™„π™‰ ❞ desperate to know more about the outside world, bowser's daugh... Plus



602 20 30
Par stweey


˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗


꒰ a/n ꒱
i figured i should directly address this because i haven't already, but Captain is nonverbal! that's why he can only communicate by writing stuff down or by making noises. when im writing his interactions, i imagine him "talking" like an animal crossing character! hehehe

ALSO i want to say thank you for 100+ views!!!!
im so happy that you're enjoying the story so far! i promise the luigi + reader interactions will start happening soon, i just gotta build up to it cause this is a slow burn, you know? once again, thank you for all the love and support you've shown this book, happy reading!

- stweey ♡


[name] let out a small groan as she struggled to sit up, feeling disoriented from the crash. The bright red hot air balloon had been punctured and deflated, its fabric draping over the side of the colossal mushroom they landed on. Her head throbbed mercilessly, and her vision was hazy, but she managed to make out the silhouette of her cloaked companion a few feet away. Acting swiftly, Captain hurried to [name]'s side, tapping her shoulder frantically while emitting a series of panicked noises.

"Captain...please...I'm alright," she spoke softly, attempting to calm him down. "I just took a hard hit during the landing. I probably shouldn't have been leaning over the rail while we fell." She chuckled weakly, acknowledging her mistake. Captain helped the Princess to stand on her feet, and she took a moment to survey their surroundings. She stood in awe, barely able to catch her breath, murmuring, "Captain...where are we?" Retrieving his notebook, Captain quickly scribbled down their location before presenting it to [name]: "Mushroom Kingdom."

In the distance, a massive, perfectly rounded hill dominated the horizon. Surrounding the mountain, mushroom-shaped buildings and colorful pipes dotted the landscape, their unique architecture complimenting the land's natural beauty. Atop the hill stood an imposing, white castle, its grandeur commanding respect and admiration.

Her heart raced with excitement, the astonishing sight unveiling a truth that had been kept from her until now, "I had no idea that there were other kingdoms," [name] whispered, their voice filled with genuine astonishment. The revelation stirred a mix of emotions within her, a blend of curiosity, intrigue, and a deep longing to explore these uncharted lands.

However, her moment of fascination was interrupted as a sharp surge of pain, her temples throbbing with increased intensity. Gritting her teeth, she instinctively clutched the side of her head, letting out a small grunt. "I think I hit my head pretty hard." She winced, her face contorted in pain. "Do you think I could get some medical assistance in the Mushroom Kingdom?" Captain hummed thoughtfully, extending his hand to her, offering his support.

The pair ventured deep into the dense forest, their footsteps muffled by a carpet of soft moss. As they made their way through the towering trees, [name]'s mind buzzed with curiosity, wondering about the fantastical creatures that inhabited this realm, and whether there were any humans among them. However, a vivid memory resurfaced from the depths of her consciousness, a conversation with her father long ago, warning her about the deep-rooted prejudice humans held against the residents of the Dark Lands.

Glancing down at Captain, [Name]'s expression grew stern, "We must conceal our true identities," [name] whispered firmly. "No one can know that we are from the Dark Lands." Swiftly, she pulled up the hood of her weathered brown cloak, shrouding the upper half of her face in shadows. The gesture provided a semblance of anonymity, and added an air of mystery to her presence.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Captain abruptly halted and emitted a series of chirps, indicating his agreement. He motioned towards himself, indicating the need for a disguise. [name] pondered the options, her mind racing through various possibilities. Then, in a spark of brilliance, an idea struck her. "Captain!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "Give me your marker!"

Captain nodded in agreement, fishing a thick black marker from his pocket and handing it over to [name]. Squatting down to meet Captain at eye level, [name] issued a gentle command, "Hold still. I don't want the ink to smudge."

She drew an extravagant handlebar mustache on Captain's mask with utmost care. Satisfied with her artistic flair, she rose to her full height and returned the marker to Captain, a proud smile illuminating her face. "Behold!" [name] exclaimed, her voice filled with triumph. "Now, nobody will suspect that you are a Shy Guy."

After what felt like an eternity, they finally emerged from the dense forest, their weary bodies greeted by the sight of the majestic Mushroom Kingdom. [name]'s excitement resurged within her, her eyes widening as she took in the scenery up close. "It looks even more amazing up close," she remarked with a touch of awe. A small brick sign stood proudly at the entrance, bearing the inscription: "Now Entering: Toad Town."

As they stepped into the town, a bustling hub of activity unfolded before their eyes. The air was abuzz with the lively chatter of the mushroom people, their animated movements painting a vivid portrait of a thriving community. [name]'s grip on Captain's hand tightened instinctively as a wave of nervousness washed over her. Most of the townspeople cast fleeting glances in her direction before returning to their own affairs. Still, there were a few who continued to stare, their prolonged gazes stirring an uncomfortable feeling within her.

Before she could muster a witty retort about the impoliteness of staring, another searing pang coursed through her temples, causing her to stumble slightly. The intensity of the pain immediately put Captain on high alert, voicing his concern through a series of chirps. Sensing his unease, [name] mustered a reassuring smile, her voice laced with a hint of strain. "I'm okay, just feeling a little...dizzy," she assured him, though her faltering steps betrayed her worsening condition. In an effort to shield herself from the glaring sunlight, she pulled her hood further over her face. The newfound sensitivity to light solidified that her head injury was more severe than she initially thought.

"Woah! Are you alright?" A shrill, cheery voice rang through the air, catching the pair off guard. Before them stood one of the mushroom people, who seemed to be a rather lively character. His mushroom-cap head was adorned with large red dots, and wore an unbuttoned blue vest, carrying a comically large backpack in comparison to his small frame. [name]'s lack of response caused him to speak up again, stepping closer with concern etched on his face.

"I've never seen a Toad as tall as you before! Where did you come from? And why are you covering your face with that hood?" His eagerness overflowed as he bombarded [name] with questions. She tried to respond but could only manage a pained grunt, her head throbbing with each attempt. Captain decided to intervene, taking matters into his own hands. Swiftly, he jotted something down in his notebook before handing it to the mushroom person before them.

"Needs Help!" The mushroom person nodded in understanding, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern. "Oh! You must be injured, you poor thing," he cooed sympathetically, gesturing for them to follow him. "I'll take you to the Princess, she'll know what to do! Follow me!"

The two of them were led through the bustling streets of Toad Town, drawing even more attention as they passed by. Whispers and murmurs trailed in their wake. "Make way! This giant Toad is in need of medical assistance!" their mushroom guide exclaimed, almost colliding with another civilian. He chuckled apologetically, his enthusiasm unfazed. "Whoops, sorry about that! This is an emergency! Excuse us!"

They approached a vibrant array of intricate pipes that they had observed from atop the forest earlier. The pipes, painted in an assortment of eye-catching colors, seemed to pulsate with energy. "Alright, this part is always a little tricky, so make sure you stay close to me!" their chipper guide advised, exuding an air of confidence. Without hesitation, he leaped through a vivid purple pipe, his nimble movements reflecting years of practice. The mere thought of traveling through a series of warp pipes made [name] feel queasy, her stomach churning with unease. However, a gentle squeeze from Captain's hand reassured her, granting the strength to soldier on.

[name] felt her stomach churn as they flew through the cramped and disorienting pipes. Each twist and turn intensified her queasiness, leaving her wondering how much more she could handle. Suddenly, the final green pipe they ventured through expelled them with a forceful surge, hurtling them into the air. Captain effortlessly executed one of his trademark landing rolls upon reaching the ground. Meanwhile, [name] relied on sheer luck, her cloak billowing behind her as she managed to catch a gust of wind; preventing another crash landing. She touched down with an unsteady stumble, her heart pounding in her chest.

"About time! I've been waiting for you two!" exclaimed the familiar mushroom person, his voice filled with eagerness and relief. He gestured enthusiastically for them to follow him once again, leading the way through the grand entrance of the Princess's Castle.

As they approached the castle, [name] couldn't help but notice the stark contrast to the castle she had grown up in. Bowser's castle was constructed from dark-colored bricks and stones, featuring menacing spikes and a foreboding aura that repelled outsiders — and the interior was no exception. Dark intricate wall papers, polished ebony furniture, rich reds and purples emerging as the accent colors admits the sea of darkness, injecting a touch of regal opulence into the otherwise somber interior.

However, this castle seemed to embody all that was soft and lovely in the world. Dozens of beautiful pink flower bushes adorned the entrance, emanating a delightful fragrance. The roof consisted of vibrant pink tiles, with small pink flags fluttering at the tippy-tops, adding a touch of whimsy. At the heart of the castle was a magnificent stained-glass window depicting a blonde woman wearing a pink dress. "That must be the Princess," [name] thought to herself, her curiosity piqued. "Is she... a human?"

The small mushroom man opened the door to the castle, revealing it's grand interior. [name] couldn't help but be awestruck by the magnificent architecture that surrounded her. The floors were adorned with a mesmerizing pink and white checkered pattern, while the walls boasted a regal shade of soft blue, embellished with intricate gold trim. The attention to detail was nothing short of incredible.

Throughout the castle, a few guards stood at strategic points, their imposing figures accentuated by the presence of big metal helmets and long spears. Upon catching sight of [name] and Captain, some guards tightened their grip on their weapons, clearly suspicious of the newcomers. Sensing the tension, their friendly guide quickly raised his arms in a pacifying gesture. "Don't worry," he explained cheerfully, "these two are with me!" His reassurance seemed to pacify the guards, at least for now.

Their journey came to a pause when they reached a set of large, white double doors. The mushroom man turned back to them, a wide smile lighting up his face. "This is it!" he exclaimed, brimming with excitement. "I'm so excited I could scream!" He mumbled the last part not-so-quietly to himself as he swung open the doors, revealing the room that lay beyond.

Stepping into the room, [name]'s gaze was immediately recognized the stained-glass window she had seen outside. Its vibrant colors bathed the room in ethereal hues. Just beneath the window stood a raised platform, just large enough to accommodate an imposing throne, and imposing it was. The throne was crafted from a dark, exquisite wood, adorned with velvety pink cushions that exuded an air of regality. Seated upon the throne was the very woman depicted in the stained-glass mural — a striking blonde wearing an elegant pink ballgown.

"Oh, hello, Toad! And who do we have here?" The woman's voice rang out melodiously as she gracefully rose from her throne, making her way down the grand staircase to greet the trio. Toad rushed up to her, bubbling with excitement. "They're travelers, Princess! Well, at least I think they are," he exclaimed, his voice filled with anticipation and a hint of uncertainty. He then turned and pointed towards [name], who still concealed her face beneath the hood of her cloak. "And, and, and! That giant toad over there needs some serious medical attention, they appear to have some kind of head injury!"

The word "injury" alarmed the soft-spoken Princess, causing her to swiftly approach [name]. "Well, that certainly isn't good," she expressed with concern evident in her voice. "Don't worry, I can take you to our medic, Toadsworth, and have him examine your injuries. You're in good hands, dear traveler." Without any warning, the Princess gently pushed back the hood of [name]'s brown cloak, revealing her face. A sudden hush fell over the room, and [name] found herself completely frozen, overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events. With her hood no longer hindering her vision, she could clearly see that the Princess was indeed a human, just like herself.

Before [name] could utter a word, a piercing, shrill shriek resonated throughout the grand hall. Toad could no longer contain his excitement as he began to wiggle around in delight, his voice oozing with both astonishment and exhilaration. "OH MY STARS, IT'S A HUMAN!"


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