The players will pay

By countess_heartless

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"I know what I'm going to do" I said as soon as we arrived into her room. She shut the door and looked at me... More

Chapt 1.They are gonna pay
Chapt 2.Try me
Chapt 3 let the games begin
Chapt 4: Not YOUR babe, creep!
Chapt. 5 First part of the plan
Chapt. 6 curoisity killed the cat right?
Chapt 7: flashback?
Chapt.8 freakish obstacles
Chapt. 9 Abigail harper? how low can u go?
Chapt 10 FAIL.
Chapt. 12 Pibli-what?
Chapt. 13 morning-afters
Chapt. 14 sex on top of a car
Chapt 15 fashion nightmare?
Chapt 16 DAD!? wha-?! EXPLAIN!
Chapt 17 YOLO
Chapt. 18 Pleasant picnic
Chapt 19. mixed emotions?
Chapter 21 Another one gone
Chapter 22. Death.
Chapt 24
Chapter 25: a turn of events
Author's last note.

Chapt. 23

324 11 3
By countess_heartless

I lay motionless on the cold tiled floor...staring at the wall, thinking about all the tragedies that occurred in my life. First, my parents than my sister, then the inevitable heartbreak and finally this-my uncle. It was just too much and so unfair. Why did I get all the bad luck?

I held a half-opened envelope in my lap. It was a modelling request from Vogue, they wanted me on the cover of their next magazine. The richest eligible hottie, Cassandra Lively, owner of Lively ltd. What bullfuck...people must think my life is so glamorous right? Got the looks, the money, the brains and especially the body. Oh, I'm blessed!

if only they knew...

Carlos was dead...gone. That fact still hadn't settled in my brain. It felt just like yesterday that I had officially accepted him as my dad...I was content for once in my life. But, no. That wasn't allowed to happen.

As I stared into nothingness, something bothered me. A constant pounding, along with someone who was calling me by name. It grew louder and louder when I snapped and discovered the source of the annoying noise.

The door. Somebody was calling me...ordering me to open up. HA HA.

It silenced down.

Then ,again, I heard a knock. Like always when people demanded to be let in, I chose to ignore it.

My uncle's death had a harder impact on me than I had anticipated. For 2 days since his funeral, I had locked the door to my room and sat down, wallowing in my unfortunate sorrow.

The knock came again, "Cassandra". A voice pleaded to me from the other end of the door. "Just open up "

It was Woods. That dude just didn't give up. He had been knocking on my door and calling my name since god knows how long. "I'm not leaving till you open the door, you know that right?" He said in his stubborn voice.

I didn't reply. Then I heard a thump and a noise indicating that he had sat down on the other end, with his back against the door. The same position as I was sitting in from my side.

We sat in silence for 5 full minutes when I finally spoke. "Forget it, Woods."

"No can do."

"You know that I push people away...that's just how I am. You should go. Move on with your life."

I heard Woods bang a fist to the door from the other end, "Oh hell no" he said angrily, "There will be no pushing me away, Cassie. If you push me, I'll grab you and pin you to the wall. You need someone to be there for you...and here I am. I'm not leaving till you open this dorr."

His words impacted me immensely. Something squeezed my heart. It caused me to stand up and prop open the door. Woods sensing the movement stood up and looked at me...with such warmth and comfort in his eyes. A single tear rolled down my cheek. HE was there and as much as I lied to myself, I needed him.

SO I hugged him and started sobbing into his shirt. Letting all the pain Carlos' death had inflicted be heard. I felt it. And I was glad I did because the relief that I felt after my tears dried up was the best feeling I had had in months. It was alarming how good it felt standing back into that cozy embrace of his.

His lean muscular arms were wrapped around me protectively and my head rested on his warm chest, with that soft beating of his heart. The rhythm made me calm. Nothing could harm me in the world as long as I stayed here.

"Thank you" I whispered.

Woods smiled and rubbed my shoulder soothingly. "Anything for you Cassie."


Days flew by and I realized that I had started to spend more and more time with Woods. Cameron never showed up. For the starting few days, I called him numerous times, calls which he never returned. But the more I hung out with Woods, the less I thought about Cameron. And soon I completely forgot about him. And surprisingly, I had recovered and moved on from my uncle's death remarkably. All thanks to Woods.

I hadn't talked to Cameron in 10 days now. I and Woods were in line to see the music completion of our school. I usually avoided these events but since my best friend was participating...I had to come!

Yes! Frazzle was an amazing singer and we had grown back to being the best of friends. The player thing was dropped, my exams had gone splendidly, and graduation was tomorrow. Woods was not my boyfriend, we held no romantic relationship. Just really good friends. And he had been marvelously supportive throughout my dealing with Carlos' death.

We got in and sat down on our seats which were in the first row. Frazzle squealed and ran up to us. She looked beautiful in her performance dress. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!"

I smiled and hugged her. "You are going to do great"

"Are you sure the redhead can sing?" Woods asked me, snickering.

Frazzle rolled her eyes.

I glared at him, "You haven' heard Frazzle sing, smartass. She is going to rock it."

Woods smirked, "Sure Sure...but just I case..." he held up tiny cotton balls, "So I don't grow deaf"

I hit him on the shoulder.

"Wow, the lack of confidence you shower me with is flattering. So much for a pep talk" she deadpanned.

"Glad to" Woods said.

Stupid bastard!

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight-"the host started to say

"Oh my god! Its starting! Wish me luck" she said, barely able to contain her excitement. I hugged her again and she walked back to the participant seats.

When frazzle went I glared at Woods.

HE grinned boyishly, with those cute dimples. "I'm just trying to be extra sure."


Woods yelped and stayed astonishingly silent for the next minutes, while we listened to the host babble on.

"You on your periods?"he asked like the brilliant ass he is.

I gasped, "How dare you?!?!"

Woods bit his lip

"Yes" I added, pouting.

HE pinched my cheeks as I swatted his hands away.

"Now let the show begin!"

The lights dimmed and the first participant walked on stage.

After about 6 or 7 people it was finally Frazzle's turn. She took her guitar and nervously walked to the middle of the stage. Our gazes met and I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Hey guys" she said into the mike, nervousness evident in her voice.

"I am going to sing 'love me harder' by Ariana Grande. "

She cleared her throat and began to sing, her voice ringing out throughout the auditorium.

I knew Woods was not going to need those cotton balls in his ears at all. She sang beautifully and I could see the crowd loved it too.

Everybody cheered, whooping and hollering as she ended the song. Now doubt the loudest applause of the evening. Frazzle flushed and thanked them, walking swiftly of the stage.


The winner of the competition was no doubt Frazzle. The rest of the evening was a very happy one.

Me, Woods and Frazzle walked towards my car. Woods was hanging his head in defeat for the obvious failure of his previous remark,My head was held up in pride with the thought at what my best friend had accomplished and Frazzle, clutching the trophy in her hand with great triumph, thanked the people with a bright smile we passed, who kept congratulating her.

We were going to celebrate in my favorite restaurant.

We arrived in about 10 minutes and caught a table. I ordered a drink for all of us and of

So we were laughing and talking when Woods suddenly said to me, "Hey Cassie?"

I stopped and stared at the serious look that crossed his face.

He took deep breath and glanced at Frazzle, who gestured him to go on. I looked between them, my eyebrow raised.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

That question caught me completely off guard. Our relationship till now was purely friendship...except for the occasional flirting. But I knew this times Woods was genuine and he was going to be there. Not once did Cameron cross my mind, not once did the offer of rejecting Woods did either.

I beamed and gave him a wide smile, "Yes"

He whooped in joy and hugged me. I laughed as he picked me up and twirled me around. Finally our lips met, and I melted into him. No one could deny the sexual tension which had seemingly grown since the past few days. And it was good to finally let it out.

We pulled away to catch our breath and he pecked me last time. Not once did the smile which was plastered on my face, leave that night. Everything was...perfect.


Though I did think about Cameron. I thought about him all night. I knew he was ignoring me and stuff but...he had the right to know. And I was going to tell him. Oh yeah...I was going to TELL him...a lot.


The next day, after graduation, I went to his house. "Cassandra?" he said in shock as he saw me at the door.

I glared at him, "Why are you ignoring me?"


"Shut up. SHUT UP!"


"I SAID SHUT UP!" I screamed in his face, "I said yes to be Woods' girlfriend. But something in my heart does not want it to end like this. I want you to make an effort and FIGHT FOR ME DAMNIT! I really don't know what exactly happened...but I know that I love you...very much. And I want you. Want you to fight for me. Promise me!"



. "I promise" he whispered.

I shot him one last death glare and stormed off.


The next chapter is that last!!
I know!!!
I like this story but it isn't up to the mark.

So m ending it

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