Ninjago: The Path Of Destiny


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After the defeat of lady bone demon, young jing(or bei he) sets off on an adventure of her own in the city of... Еще



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The ninja watches in horror as wu held down a terrified pythor before turning to his students.

"You must do everything in your power to stop the great devourer. Go, ninja, go!".

Nya immediately takes off with Lloyd, who screams for his uncle, who nodded.


The great devourer emerges out of the ground and into the air, roaring as the ninja backed away to avoid sight. The giant snake sees pythor and wu and immideatly lungs at them, diving down and swallows them whole.

That did it. Bai he brimstone just lost her innocence".

"SENSEI!!!". She tried to run foward but Cole and zane held her back.

"No, bai he, he's gone! Sensei's . . . Gone".

"Sensei . . ."

"No . . ."

The ninja barely got anytime to morn their late sensei when the devourer notices their presence, much to their surprise.

Jay chuckled nervously. "Oh, maybe if we stand perfectly still . . ."


The ninja definitely didn't waist anytime to take the purple ninja's advise as they made a break for it, running back to the direction of the Destiny's bounty with the giant snake right behind them. And thanks to her little legs and pacing heart, jing was way behind the ninja.

She ran as fast as she could but she was still behind. Suddenly she could hear nothing but the sound of her racing heart and the ninja's voices tuning out. Thinking it was some kind of symptom before someone was about to die, she shut her eyes closed and braced herself for the worst. But it never came. Instead, her eyes snapped opened to reveal glowing purple orbs before her legs picked up the pace and she ran past Jay, making him spin and fall down.

The lightning ninja hears the terrifying roar of the devourer and turns around to see it gaining on him. Screaming, he instantly got to his feet to catch up with his brothers, yelling. "Wait! Wait for me!".

Inside the Destiny's bounty, lloyd stood on two stacked buckets as he watches through the window in worry as the ninja and bai he run towards the ship.

"Fire up the engines!". Nya ordered, running from the computer to the steering wheel before frowning seeing Lloyd at the same spot he was rather than doing what he was just told to do. "I said fire up the engines!".

Finally hearing her raised voice, the green ninja got off the buckets and gose towards the computer to do as he told.

"There's no wind. And we only have reserved fuel". He informed her on the technical difficulties.

"Use it!".

The ninja and jing finally entered the Destiny's bounty just in time as it takes off a few meters off the ground. "Made it!".

Jay was the last to enter before seeing the giant snake approaching them through the computer. "Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear".

"Working on it!". Nya exclaimed, as everyone helped out anyway that they can. "Blasters on full!".

"Yes ma'am!". Jing pushed the red button that brought out the ship's rockets and it takes off at full speed.

"Whoo-hoo! Take that, you stupid snake". Kai said, jumping off the stacked buckets he was on before the the great devourer's roar sounding a lot closer that expected.

The walker boy of the group gulped. " Uh, I think it hears you".

Suddenly, the giant snake appeared in front of the ship with it's mouth wide opened to swallow them. Until nya quickly steered the ship to the side.

"Nya, we gotta go faster. That thing is gaining on us". Kai said, back on top of the buckets as he looked out the window at the great devourer on their tail.

"We're going as fast as we can". The samurai yelled. "I'll try to make it to shattered canyon". She gestured to said place way ahead of them, to which zane looked at her.

"Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent".

"Never tell me the odds!".

"It's coming in for another attack. Port side". Cole informed, to which the Smith girl turns the ship just in time before the devourer could attack them.

"We're losing speed. We'll drop to the ground pretty soon". The ninja, nya and lloyd then began panicking, doing everything they can to go faster.

Glancing between them all, jing's eyes glowed purple again and before she knew it, her legs as suddenly lead her out of the bridge, which nya was the first to noticed.


Bai he ignored the samurai's call and got the the deck, standing before the sails. Her hands began moving around in wavey motion as they glowed. Meanwhile, the others were watching both with confusion and surprise at what she was doing.

Bai he glares at the great devourer with a tiger roar sounding in the background before a strom of purple wind flew out of her hands and towards the sails, giving the Destiny's bounty an extreme boost as it speeds up, almost making the surprised gang fall down.

Getting up and skating his head, lloyd looked back at the younger girl in awe before crying her name. "Jing!".

The call of her name snapped the purple ninja back to reality as her eyes turned back to normal before widening in shock once she saw what she was doing before turning around to meet his surprised gaze. "Lloyd!".

"What-how are you doing that?".

"I have no idea!".

"Watch out!".

Turning around, jing found the great devourer coming at them to which they all screamed. Nai he quickly manipulates her purple wind to lift the whole ship up above the great devourer's reach.

"Well whatever it is you are doing, keep doing it!". Jay said to bai he before a beep was heard.

Lloyd goes back to the computer to check it out. "We're going faster but it's not fast enough!". He informed as Zane looked back at their youngest member.

"Bai he, by any chance can you speed up your power?'.

"I can try!". She groaned, putting her all into her new found power. "But I might need some help!".

"Quick, everyone, we need to lose some weight". Nya exclaimed to help the the little girl out.

"Port side!". Lloyd added.

The great snake comes up and bite a piece of the bounty off, making the ship stumble and jing almost lose her concentration. The ninja quickly got to work and began throwing a bunch of things over board including the fridge, but no matter what, the devourer ended up eating them. The ninja then noticed something different about it as it eats.

"Man, he sure is hungry". Jay commented as jing noticed it go through some kind of metamorphosis before gasping.

"It's getting bigger!". She cried before looking back at the ninja. "Quick! Stop feeding it, you're only making it worst!".

But it was a little too late when Kai throws in sensei wu's tea pot down into the snake's mouth, but luckily nothing happened.

Nya phews in relife as they arrived at their destination. "We made it to scattered canyon. Hold on!".

Bai he added more wind to the sails as nya steers the ship through the canyon in hopes of losing the snake and luckily it worked eventually as they kept a look out. Cole then let's out a sigh of relief.

"Ah, we lost him".

He just had to jinx it.

The devourer pops up out of nowhere in front of them and bits off an engine, shaking the ship as jing finally lost her balance, at the same time losing her focus while the alarms went off, signalling danger.

"Abandon ship!". Nya suddenly yelled, making bai he gasp.

"What? No!". She couldn't leave yet, all of her research were still in her room. Not only that but this was their home. Her home.

The bounty then hits the ground as everyone falls down. Jay went crashing out the window and landed in the deck as the others came out as well.

"Goodbye, old friend".


"Come on!". Cole threw his sister over his shoulder and summons his ride with his golden weapons as the others do the same while nya grabbed Lloyd with her mech before everyone flys out of the bounty.

Jing looks out the window of her brother's vehicle and watches in horror as the Destiny's bounty crashes to the ground and everyone saddens at the sight.

Suddenly the great devourer arrives, causing everyone to go hiding inside a cave. They all watched as the great devourer grabs the ship in it's mouth, tossed it up into the air before eating it into pieces.


it was gone. Their home was gone. The giant snake roars and goes back into the ground.

"Uhh, it's gone". Cole said, as Kai and zane sat on the ground panting while everyone removes their hoods.

"Oh, that was too intense. All that action makes you so thirsty".

"There's no time to rest". Zane exclaimed, getting up. "We need to warn people before it becomes bigger".

"Bigger? Bigger?!". Jay repeated, entering sarcastic/annoying mode. "That thing in one big bite crushed our entire ship! We need to save as many as we can. Uh, uh, we'll find some kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh, the serpentine tombs. Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight for months, but they're perfect".

"And what? Just give up". Cole exclaimed, entering a glaring contest with the blue ninja.

"You know as well as I do, we have no chance at stopping that thing!".

"Maybe we can't". The two teenagers shut up their mouths as everyone turned to bai he. The brimstone girl was still facing what was let of their ship with a shadowed face. She wiped whatever stupid tears that were forming in her eyes and put on a determined expression, looking back at the others with pouting cheeks. "But that doesn't mean we can't at least try. Sure we lost the monastery, we lost the bounty, and we might have lost sensei wu, but his teachings still live on even when he's gone. At first i thought that being a ninja just means playing dress up, when really it's about destiny. I mean just look at us, we're just a bunch of kids. But life has thought me to always expect the unexpected".

Bai he glared down at her hands before clutching them as she continued.

"We may not know what we're doing, but we know what we're supposed to do. And that's to fight. No matter what challenges life throws at us, we should always fight for honour and what is right. Sensei may not be here anymore, but we live to fight for another day".

The others were in awe at her little presentation before Kai spoke up.

"You're right, jing". He stood next to her and looked at everyone. "Sensei once told me it's not the size of the ninja in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training, all of those battles we've had with skeletons and serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't just give up now. A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always pick himself up when he is down which is exactly what sensei wu would want us to do right now".

"Ninja never quit. That's our new motto". Bai he and Kai shared grinning looks before looking back at the others.

"But how do we destroy a snake of that magnitude?". Zane asked, remembering their current situation, to which Jay agreed.

"Yeah, it's not like we have an extra sacred flute lying around to charm it. Or wait, haha, how about one of our awesome dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us high and dry. Or, hey, what about our golden weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size. Heh, oh, we are so hooped".

Bai he sighed, rolling her eyes. Which a killjoy.

"Ah, jay's right. We would need a weapon so big". The earth ninja frowned, agreeing with the blabber mouth for once, much to jing's surprise.

She had a thoughtful look before noticing Kai with one too. He then let's out a small gasp after like five seconds and grinned before looking at the purple ninja. She blinked before her brown eyes lit up in realization of what he was thinking before they looked at the others again.

"Or an idea that's even bigger! Ha! Jay, you're a genius! You thinking what I'm thinking?".

"Oh oh, I know I am!'. Jing said excitedly, rubbing her hands together.

Jay was already laying on the floor and shakes his head. "Of course she would and I don't. But go ahead".

"There's no time. I'll fill you guys in on the way". Kai said, already taking a head start out of the cave, the others following right behind him. He then looks down at jing running beside him. "Bai he, are your drawing skills still intact?".

She nodded her head. "Oh, defiantly".

"Where are we going?". Jay asked the red leader, who just smirked.

"We're going to destroy that snake once and for all".


Using their vehicles from their golden weapons, the ninja arrived at jay's parents junkyard. They turned their vehicles back into weapons and gathered around.

"Good idea, guys. If the devourer likes to consume, this place is a full-on buffet". Cole exclaimed after Kai and bai he had explained the plan as Jay goes over to his parent's trailer and knocks on the door but got no reply, making him sigh.

"Looks like my parents are gone".

"Good, better for us". Kai said before looking down at bai he. "Jow are the plans coming along, jing?".

"I just finished". She said, spreading out a blueprint on the hood of a old car as everyone gathered around to see it. They were in awe at the design of the vehicle drawn on it.

"It's so awesome".

"I didn't know you could draw". Lloyd said to Bai who turns to him, smiling.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, garmadon".

"Zane, you still have a recording of the sacred flute in your memory bank?". Kai asked the ice ninja.

"It might've been destroyed earlier, but I have it's exact tone recorded and ready for playback due to bai he's constant loud playing". He presses a button on his arm and it plays the sacred flute recording.

Bai he frown a bit and placed her arms on her hips. "First of all; I do not play loudly. And secondly; using all the spare parts we find, we can create this baby in a jiffy with one great be tornado of creation!". She grinned, her arms spread out to gesture the size of what she just said.

"Yes, but it's also gonna be dangerous and we can't have anyone around". The fire ninja stated.

Just then they heard whistling and everyone turn to see the mailman coming through the entrance on his bike.

Bai he heard her brother scoffs. "Ugh. What's he doing here?".

The ninja and bai he approached the mailman who got startled before he calmed down once he realized who they were and got off his bike.

"You ninja are always sneaking around, giving people heart attacks. You're too quiet".

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. But you need to get out of here, now". Kai said, as the mailman searches through his bag.

"Uh, well, now, I too have a job to do, and that's delivering the mail, which I plan to do". He pulls out a letter for the walker parents and hands it to their frowning son.

"Look, dude, my parents aren't even here. You really should be on your way".

"Them, too?". That question earned a raised brow from the purple ninja. "Uh, let me guess, are they are the take back Ninjago rally too?".

"Uh, take back Ninjago rally?".

"What the heck is that supposed to be?". Jing asked, her brow still raised.

"What, you guys haven't heard? Everyone's getting together for a rally in the city. You know, to raise awareness about all the serpentine problem that have been surfacing lately".

"Whoa, would you look at that. You guys are inspirational". Lloyd commented from his place on the hood of the car.

Bai he quietly giggled. He looked like a adorable child posing for a photo shoot.

"Wait a minute, you know what? You guys are right. Wherever you guys are, trouble is always around the corner". As the mailman spoke, the others noticed the devourer approaching from behind the citizen and got into battle stances, ignoring his gibberish. "I think I'll be no part of it".

He then hears loud hissing from behind, making him turn around and his eyes widened while he stood there in fear when he sees the great devourer looming over him.

"Aah! S-s-snake!". Immideatly after he yelled that, he jumped into a trash can for cover.

The giant snake looks around the place until the ninja got it's attention.

"Hey! It's now or never, guys!".

"Alright, ninja! Our biggest tornado of creation yet!". Jing exclaimed, glaring up at the snake.

"Are we seriously gonna let her do this?". Cole questioned seeing as his little sister was with them instead of hiding with nya and lloyd.

"YES!!!". The other three ninja replied in unsion, considering they could use all the help they could get.

"Ninja, go!".






The five ninja each did spinjitzu in their respective colours before combing them together, taking the junk around them. Seconds later they got out of the tornado to reveal a new vehicle with all their respective elements. The ultra sonic Raider. Or USR for short.

Cole was at the front, followed by Jay, then Kai, and Zane, and lastly bai he inside the cockpit in the back. She then aims the vehicle's blasters at the giant snake.

"Alright, Zane! Now!".

The ice ninja presses a button that fires the sacred flute recording but the devourer dodges it.

"Jing, what was that? This isn't target practice. You're supposed to aim at him, not give him a hair cut".

Bai he, clearly offended by her brother's words, replied. "I'll have you know that my targeting in flawless! And we just creates this heap of junk, what do you think was gonna happen?!".

"Well, I hope one of us creates a reverse feature because . . . Reverse!". Kai yelled, seeing as the snake opens it's mouth.

"How this for reverse?". Jay steps on a petal that makes the USR reverse and hit a mountain of tires.

"Uh, maybe hitting the gase would be better". Jing sassed, as cloe pulls the lever and drives foward just in time to avoid the giant snake.

They contined to avoid more of it's attacks as they drive around while jing aims the launchers at the beast before Zane hits the button but it dodged the music again.

Bai he scoffed. "Ugh! You guys, I need help holding that thing in place".

They drove the vehicle outside of the junkyard.

"How's this?". Jay fires a grappling hook at the devourer. "Got him!".

The fire ninja fires an other grappling hook at it and drives back into the junkyard, pulling and slamming the giant snake to the ground.

"Quickly, jing, before it gets away!'. Zane exclaimed, as said girl stuck her tongue out and focused on targeting the snake.

"This is for my sensei, ya scumbag!".

The sacred flute tune was once again fired at the snake, this time hitting it on the head as it lets out a unforgiving cry in pain before collapsing to the ground.

"It's working!". Cole cried in delight as Kai gasp.

"It's got a weak spot?". Bai he heard him say before looking ahead to find a small glowing green spot at the base of it's head.

"What?". The other ninja questioned.

"Kai's right! It has a weak spot on it's forehea-". Jing was cut off by the great devourer's tail popping up from behind them before striking her cockpit.

"BAI HE!!!". Everyone cried in shock and worry as they watch the cockpit spark and dark smoke fly out after the devourer took it's opportunity to slider away.

The ninja immediately got out of their ride as Lloyd and nya came out of their hiding place and ran over.

"Where's jing?". The green ninja asked in worry, hoping the worst didn't happen to her.


The rebel pile that covered where the purple ninja once was suddenly started moving before bai he emerged out of her cockpit.

"Right here!".

Her purple gi was a little ripped but it was noting a little sewing couldn't fix. She had a scratch on her cheek(The same cheek she recently just removed her bandage after the event of the lady bone demon), and her hair was a messy,out of it's twin braids. But despite all that, she still had a smile on her face.

"Boy, that was a close one, huh?".

The ninja sighed in relife to see that she was okay, until Lloyd suddenly had a scolding look.

"Don't do that! You had me worried sick!".

She couldn't help but giggle speechishly. "I wouldn't want to worry you, garmadon". Her little moment didn't last long when Cole glared and spoke up.

"You're on probation from fighting with us for a month!".

"Wait, what?".

"Perfect. Now that was a total failure". Jay exclaimed, as jing got out of the cockpit with the help of lloyd.

"It wasn't a total waste. It turns out there's a weak spot on it's forehead". She said, pointing to her forehead.

But like always Jay just has to overreact. "Oh, great, let me make note of that. Giant snake has wee, itty-bitty weak spot that'll be TOTALLY IMPLAUSIBLE TO GET AT BECAUSE THE THING IS TOO RIDICULOUSLY HUGE TO DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT!!!!!!!".

"Are you done?". Nya asked, she and jing looking at him unamusingly.

Jay finally takes a deep breath and replies. "Yes".

"And he wonders why he has issues". Lloyd whispered to bai he, who nodded in agreement.

"Because things just got worse. Look". The samurai pointed to the devourer slithering away towards Ninjago city.

"It's heading toward Ninjago city". Zane said, recordnising the root the snake was taking as the walker teen gasp.

"That's where my parents are!".

"And dad!". Jing added, sharing a worried look with her big brother.

"So is everybody else".

"If it consumes the biggest city in all of Ninjago, there will be no stopping it". Kai stated, watching in worry the devourer taking off in the distance.

Jing glared in determination. "We can't let that happened!". She packs her hair into a ponytail and wipes her cheek before putting her hood back on. "Look alive, ninja. Another tornado of creation".


After fixing up the USR with another tornado of creation, the ninja arrived in Ninjago just in time to see the citizens running away.

"Look!". Jing pointed to the great devourer looking down at jay's parents as their ride wasn't working, to which said boy gasp.

"Mom! Dad!". They immediately opened up the vehicle before Jay goes to his parent's resuce. "Leave my parents alone!". He glared at the snake as he spins his knunchucks. "Lightning!".

He shot his elemental power at the snake, making it scream in pain and slider away to terrify more people that were screaming and running away. Kai quickly appears in front of it with his golden weapon.

"Fire!". He shoots said elemental power at the snake and it backs away, streaking in more pain.

Cole was up next as she spots a news reporter and his camera man hiding behind their news van before running towards them. "Mind if I borrow this?". He carries their news van and throws it at the devourer's head, making it cry in more pain than the last.

"Go, ninja, go!". The reporter cheered as the others walked over.

The snake glared at them before lunging it tail for them, making them yell, except for Zane.

"Ice!". The nindroid uses his golden weapon to freeze it's tail. It was a good resort, but seconds later it broke free and slams the news van.

"Uh, I think we only made it mad". Jay chuckled nervously as the snake roars at them.

"Wind!". Bai he fires her purple emental powers at the devourer, sending it crashing into a building, surprising the others.

"She is defiantly the boss". Kai said, knowing for sure that he was a little scard of heir youngest member, along the the others.


Suddenly, the devourer's tail popped out of no where and hits the ninja, sending them falling hard on the ground. They groaned, getting up and shaking their heads before they quickly jumped away just in time before the snake from swallowing them when it brought it's mouth down.

Just then, nya and lloyd finally arrived inside the samurai suit and grabbed a lamppost before flying into the snake's mouth and holds it's mouth with the public property.

"Samurai to the recuse. Again". Jay exclaimed, spinning his weapon.

"It's breath smells worse than Cole's chilli"
Lloyd yelled from inside the mech, offending the black ninja while jing chuckled.

"I can tell from here!".


The great devourer suddenly began shaking it's head around to get rid of the lamppost while the samurai mech held tightly unto it and was also having some technical difficulties.

"Get out of there, sis!". Kai yelled in worry for his only family member as his sister tries to do as she was told but couldn't.

"I can't!". She yelled back in panic. "We're stuck!".

"Lloyd! Nya!". Bai he cried in worry for the two of them before gasping when she saw something flying the devourer's way before hitting it's head.

Everyone watches in awe and surprise at a white four-headed dragon flying through the sky. The ultra Dragon.

"Rocky!". Cole's eyes lit up as he recognises one of his dragon heads as his own. "Our dragons are back".

"Yeah, but what happened to them?". Jing asked.

"It appears Dragons go through a metamorphosis when they reach adulthood".

"So you're saying that just like you guys, your dragons have also reached their true potential too?".


"Ha! They couldn't have come at a better time. Go get them, rocky! Go!".

"Dragon, go!".

Shard's head blasts the devourer with his ice breath.


Flame's head uses fire breath on it.


Wisp's head shocks it with lightning.


And lastly, rocky's head slams against the snake.


The snake hits it's head on a tall sky scraper and the impact releases the samurai mech at it began falling. But lucky the ultra Dragon swoops by and catches the samurai suit before bringing it down to the ninja.



Kai and bai he ran over to check up on the two inside the mech. Meanwhile, the devourer circles around a building and hisses at the ultra Dragon heading for it. The dragon flys around as it shot the snake with all four elements while the snake trys to take them on but was failing miserably. Shard then freezes the snake's head before rocky slams his head on it, breaking the ice.

Cole chuckled at the sight. "Can dragons get any cooler? Seriously".

"Totally". Jing agreed enthusiastically, watching as flame sends one last fire blast and the devourer behind to go down the building.

"Yes! It's running away!". Kai exclaimed, as the others cheered while the kids gave each other a high five.

As the ultra Dragon was about to make it's way back to it's masters, the devourer's tail suddenly shot out of the ground and strikes the four-headed dragon.

"NO!". The ninja cried, watching as the tail slams the ultra Dragon to the ground, giving them a rough landing.

"NO!". Cole yelled, as they ran to check up on the ultra Dragon.

"What now?". Nya questioned, possibly starting to lose a little hope.

Bai he approached rocky's head and gently patted his snount, looking concern. "Poor thing. Poor all of you".

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat before Lloyd turns head and gasp in shock to see who was standing their in front of them.

"You came back!".

The others turned to see who he was talking to before gasping in shock as well. Lord garmadon ignored their shock faces as he had a serious look on his. "Give me the weapons. I am the only one who can handle the power of all four weapons at once. It's the only thing that'll defeat the devourer".

Of course the ninja crew didn't believe him and got defensive. "Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power not to let him possess the weapons". Jay said.

"I've ran every other scenario through my servers. It appears to be the only way". Zane exclaimed, seeing as they might have no other choice but to compile.

"Give me the weapons".


"I don't know, I say we ask the green and purple ninja". Kai said, before they turned back to look at the kids, waiting for their answer.

Bai he and Lloyd shared a concern look, reading what each other's eyes were saying before coming to an agreement.

"I say we give him the weapons". The blond boy exclaimed, looking back at the ninja as jing nodded in agreement. "Agreed".

The ninja hesitated for a moment and watched the devourer terrify the people, making Kai sigh.

"Just do it!". He throws his sword to garmadon, who caught it. "When you have a chance to make the blow, it has a weak spot near his forehead".

The other ninja then handed their golden weapons to the dark Lord, who took them in each hand.

"Uh, I don't think this needs to be said, but we're gonna need these back". Jay said, being the last to hand over his golden weapon.

Garmadon chuckled, sending a bad feeling down bai he's spin. "I'll do my part. You just make sure he stays on one spot". With that said, lord garmadon began laughing maniacally as he ran away.

Bai he frowned and turned to Lloyd. "Do you trust him?".

The older boy sighed, meeting her gaze. "Honestly, no".

"Stay in one spot?". Jay questioned in panic. "Stay in one spot?! How are we supposed to do that?".

Bai he could see Kai smirking under his mask at that question. "Don't forget. We're ninja".

With that, the ninja ran off to do their job while the other three went back to checking up on the ultra dragon. Nya and Lloyd went on to focus on two dragon heads while jing went to share and gently patted his head.

"You poor thing. I wish there was something I could do to help you guys".

Suddenly her brown eyes flashed purple and her hand glowed purple as well, much to her surprise. Jing gasp and took her hand off the dragon. Curious, she stared at her hands in shock and looked to see if nya and lloyd were watching, thankfully they weren't. She then places her hand back on the dragon's head again and it glows. Before she knew it, the ultra Dragon was able to stand up, surprising the trio.

"Whoa! What happened?". Nya asked.

"Uh, looks like they're gonna go okay". Bai he giggled nervously.

To her relife, they then heard roaring and turn to see the devourer all tangled up around four sides of a building as it bites his tail.

Bai he gasp in delight. "They did it!".

Lloyd pouted at this. "Aw, I missed all the action".

The ultra Dragon then let out a roar.

"Quick, hop on!". Nya told the kids before they all hopped into the ultra Dragon and it takes them to the air just in time to catch the ninja falling as they all cheered before landing on a roof top and looked down at the tangled snake.

"We did it! Now, where's garmadon? He's not gonna hold on for much longer". Cole said, gesturing to the snake as they looked around for any sign of the dark Lord.

"Look!". Lloyd yelled, pointing his hand up, making everyone look up to see Lord garmadon on the roof top of skyscraper looking down at the devourer, the blue sky above turning dark in the process. "Dad!".

The dark Lord looked down at his son and bai he standing next to him before his face sifted back to the devourer, glaring deep into it's red eyes.

"You are the reason evil runs through my blood". A purple aura surrounds him before a huge Soundwave busted through out the city and his eyes glowed. "You bit me once. Now feel what it's like to be bitten back!".

With that, Lord garmadon jumped off the building as the others watched him in shock.

"Go get him, dad!".

"We're all counting on you!".

"Vengeance will be mine!". Were Lord garmadon's last words before hitting the weakspot on the devourer's head, making it let out it's final cry of pain before it exploded, splashing out it's venom all over the city.

"Take cover!". Cole yelled, as the ninja doing as they weere told as the slam spreads through out the city.

The sky finally clears up, to which jing smiled as they got up before looking down at the citizens that began cheering.

"He did it". Jay exclaimed.

"No, we did it!". Cole corrected, as they watched the cheering citizens below.

"Finally". Jing muttered to herself in relife that it was finally over.

The ultra Dragon roars in victory as the ninja gang laughed before getting on and it takes them to the ground. They got off the dragon and approached the cheering citizens as Ed and Edna walked up to their son with proud smiles on their faces and their arms wide opened.

"Ooh, our little ninja". The walker parents hugged their son, who blushed in embarrassment as he hugged them back, while trying his beststo ignore the girls giggling.

"I don't see my dad". Lloyd frown, looking around for the dark Lord but couldn't find any sign of him.

"He should be around here somewhere". Kai said, he and the others also looking around for any sign of Lord garmadon as Zane scans the area.

"Your analysis is in correct. He is-".

Jing interrupted him. "He's gone. And he took the golden weapons with him".

"How do you-".

"He's footprints are right over there". Bai he pointed to a trail of the dark Lord's footprints caused from the devourer's slam. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing your dad a lot sooner than we think". She said, looking at the slightly shorter boy, who sighed sadly.

"I know, but that's what I'm afraid of".

Jing grabbed his hand and gave it a gently squeeze in comfort, to which he looks at her giving him a reassuring smile. He gave a smile back in appreciation, for some reason liking the way how she smiled.

"Ah, sensei wu!". Cole suddenly cries, gaining the two kids attention before they looked ahead and gasp to find said sensei getting up from the ground and covered in slam as he dusted it off himself.

The gang gasp in delight before jumping off the highway they were on and ran towards their sensei while cheering.

Sensei wu looks at their direction and smiled. "I can't tell you how glad I am to see you!". He walked pass the students to pick up his tea pot and pours himself a cup. "The great devourer left a bad taste in my mouth". He drinks the tea and sighed in satisfaction. "Ah, much better. And still hot".

Everyone laughed at this.

"It's good to have you back, sensei. We missed you". Jing said, smiling up at her sensei as Lloyd nodded his head.

"Yeah! But my father left and he took the golden weapons".

"Ah, very true. The ability of the weapon is truly great, but the ability to better oneself makes you limitless".

"I couldn't have said it better myself". Jay grinned, glad to hear words of wisdom from the old man.

"Besides, we have what is most important. You two". Kai walked up inbetween the two kids and wrapped his arms around their shoulders.

"The pupils have become the masters". Sensei wu commented, proud of his four students.

Lloyd frowned. "Are we really gonna have to fight my father one day?".

"One day. But today we can feel good that Ninjago is saved, for tomorrow you will train for the day. Good will finally face evil and a final outcome will be decided for all of time".

Kai chuckled, looking down at the green and purple ninja. "But don't worry. We're gonna teach you everything we know".

"And make sure you two are prepared for that fight". Jay added.

"Because as we all know, good will always stand up to evil". Cole pinned in.

"And ninja will always stand up for what us right". Zane finished, as nya and wu shared approving looks and nodded their heads.

Lloyd sighed and turned to jing.

"Feeling nervous?". She asked, noticing his expression.

"Yeah. But we'll be there for each other all the way, right?". He asked hopefully, to which she smirked.

"Well, duh. You're not getting rid of me that easily, garmadon". She winked at him. Lloyd looked at her and his cheeks got warm before he smiled.

"Go, ninja, Go!".


In a flower field covered in orange and yellow flowers, the lady bone demon seats in a criss-cross position as she feels the cool wind blow through her long white hair.

"Mind if I seat here?".

The demon smirked. "Of course not, child".

Jing walked over and took a seat next to her

"So have you figured out what path destiny has for you?".

"Yes . . . Well, and no. Yes, because I know I'm the purple ninja with an important role to play in life. And no because I'm not sure if it's the destiny that I want".

"I see".

"Why do you do this. Hurt my dreams every now and then?". Jing asked, wanting to know the mystery why the demon was still in her dreams, to which LBD chuckled.

"Oh, sweet child. I was only doing what I must to prepare you for it. But if your wish is for me to stop meeting you during your slumber, then I will fufil it". Lady bone demon exclaimed, while getting up.

"So that's it then, you're finally leaving?".

"It  would appear so. But just remember this, child. You were once possessed by a demon. I may be leaving you, but it will forever be with you. And i can only hope for you that is does not lead you to pain. Sweet dreams, bai he".

Before the little girl could ask her what she was talking about, lady bone demon dissappered into blue flower petals blowing away in the wind, a bright light soon following.


Bai he gasp as she wakes up from her sleep. She gently sat up and took a moment to look at her surroundings. That was when she rembered she was in her old room. The ninja didn't have anywhere to go after the Destiny's bounty being destroyed, but luckily Lou happened to be in the neighbourhood and generously invited them all to stay in his house for as long as they needed to, in return for saving Ninjago.

Bai he got thirty and yawned before getting out of bed and out of her room to go to the bathroom. Once in there, she turned on the tap and watches the water drop into her cup she placed under it. Once it was a a 3/4 full, she turned off the tap and brought the glass to her mouth. Immediately, she stopped as her eyes found her reflection in the mirror.


She puts her cup down and took a closer look at herself in the mirror, seeing something white hidden behind her hair. Curious, she searched her hand through her hair and her eyes widened in disbelief.

"What . . ?".

She looked in shock and horror as she felt her heart race at what she was seeing in the mirror. Her hand holding out a white streak of hair. Oh no.


Yes!!! Finally done with season one, now to move on to season two. Sorry if you guys don't like this chapter 'Cause honestly I know I don't.

Anyway, here's an amazing pic of his he getting her lady bone demon white streak in her hair. Also, credit to the amazing talented owner

Uuntil next time. Peace ✌

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