the golden fish and the red e...

By Harumoon2011

5.5K 192 38

this au is if xie lian is a mermaid and hua cheng is a pirate. this is basically the little mermaid but isn'... More

~{1 the days going swimmingly}~~
~{2 (☞゚ヮ゚)☞friendship☜(゚ヮ゚☜)}~
~{3 ╰(*°▽°*)╯just for the week(totally)╰(*°▽°*)╯}
~{4 ^_^ walk to the city ^_^}~
~{5 (☞゚ヮ゚)☞encountering old friends(¬_¬ )}~
~{7 :-) a saving dash :-)}~
~{8 an awkward trip}~
~{9 yummy yumy}~
~{10 mermaid treasure}~
~{11 idk what to name this one~}~
~|[ 12: no worries gege he'll "survive"]|~
~{ O^O sorry!!!}~
[13] (apologies for the long wait)
[14 crying with your besties ;D]
[16 ooooooooh drama]
[17] decisions
~~{beach episode part 1}~~
[walk on the beach (beach ep 2)]

~{6(¬_¬ )yall are great friends(¬_¬ )}~

364 11 1
By Harumoon2011

(if the writing in the first 1-2 paragraphs are sh!tty im sorry it all got deleted to i rushed to rewrite)


sirens: stronger mermaids not exactly the they sing to kill you kind ( there still are that kind) but they are just physically stronger and have more spiritual energy they are basically just royalty.


xie lian heard the voice and recognized it as feng xins voice but chose to ignore it since it was probably just a coincidence "damn whoever that was sure a hell is loud and annoying as all f##k" hua cheng said annoyed at the voice "well its probably that they lost someone important in the crowd"xie lian said in defense of the person who yelled in the crowd "or maybe they were just very drunk" hua cheng said xie lian laughed a bit at the statement " hmm? whats so funny" hua cheng asked "its just i've never seen a drunk person before but i always assumed and were told they were much more whats the word"xie lian said "chaotic, nuisances, barbaric the list goes on i assume" xie lian laughed a little louder at hua chengs answers when suddenly a hand grabbed him and yanked him in an attempt to get him away from hua cheng but hua chengs grip was strong.

it was strong until someone else came out of nowhere and punched hua cheng in the face causing hua cheng to let go the crowd was surrounding them expecting a figh until the 2nd person who had appeared grabbed xie lians other arm and started to run away fast from hua cheng. as the two ran to fast for xie lian so he was constantly tripping, bumping into people and stumbling. finally xie lian tried to get rid of the two peoples grasp but they were going to fast so xie lian was not only unable to do it but even if he did he'd be launched to the ground. suddenly the two people threw xie lian into an alleyway.

"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU F##KING HERE? AND WHY ARE YOU WITH HUA CHENG OF ALL PEOPLE!?" xie lians suspicions had been cleared at that moment it really was feng xin and mu qing was behind him with a slight look of worry but when he saw xie lian was looking at him his face turned serious "huh? what i mean well i could ask you two the sam-" xie lian got cut off by mu qing " i know what your going to ask and all i have to say to answer it is we have a reason to be here you don't.- and of all people you could have chosen to come here you chose hua cheng?!" mu qing asked xie lian frustrated " im confused are you talking about san lang? becau-" xie lian got cut off again by both of them "WHAT did you just call him?!" the two asked in unison "i was gonna ask him that" feng xin said "well i was too dumb a$$" mu qing countered.

"he just asked me to call him that is there an issue?" xie lian said as feng xin stared blankly at him in silence till mu qing broke the silence by saying "well that doesn't matter what matters is the reason why your here and how your human. after xianles...... um... fall you should've lost the ability to turn human so what did you do?" " san lang did it" xie lian said in confusion and discomfort at the mention of xianles fall "HUA CHENG?! the man who's killed several of our kind?!" mu qing yelled ".... san lang wouldn't do that" xie lian said standing up "wait he did it for free?!" feng xin asked "well he didn't really ask for something at least yet"feng xin a mu qing looked at each other then said " your coming with us" mu qing stated "huh? what about san lang i can't just leave him alone after everything he did for me?" xie lian said with a worried tone feng xin then threw a bright golden string/rope at xie lians hands and they got tied up xie lian attempted to break the binds but they were too strong and xie lian didn't have any spiritual energy at the moment either "we weren't asking for your opinion on the matter your highness" mu qing said as he grabbed hold of xie lians wrists

xie lian wouldn't budge though he stood still as best he could "i don't understand why you guys are so mad at the fact im with san lang!" "did you not hear us? he slaughtered 33 of the heavenly officials!!?!?" feng xin said frustrated " maybe he had a reason!" "the reason was he was bored there does that clear things up?!" feng xin said in a sort of mocking tone as if speaking with a child " did hua cheng brainwash you or something? did he cast some evil ghost curse on you when you transformed human for you to become this oblivious?" mu qing said "lets go theres a place over around the corner we can stay at" feng xin said pointing at a direction. they walked in the direction as xie lian constantly kicked at the back of mu qings legs "could you stop that your highness"mu qing asked trying to sound polite but still managing to come of as rude " no not until you let me go"as xie lian kicked harder "could you stop acting like a child?!" mu qing said "oh im sorry who here got kidnaped?" xie lian countered "well who here was walking around with a serial killer and still defends the killer despite all the evidence?" feng xin said " what evidence? i don't see any pictures? or documents? or witness statements so truly you just telling me to believe your word alone for such a huge accusation" xie lian countered again

"well you trusted hua cheng easily? what if he sold you or something- what if he was going to sell you?!" mu qing said 'what do you mean sell me?" xie lian asked "i mean just that you do know that mermaids get sold off all the time right? the only problem that occurs is when one is a siren yes their the most valuable but if you fail at capturing them they'll kill you unless their in a human form." mu qing said as xie lian looked at him slightly uncomfortable at this discovery but he kept telling himself that san lang wouldn't do that he wouldn't sell him "what does that siren thing have to do with anything again?-"xie lian stupidly asked as feng xin and mu qing both looked at him is disbelief " he's joking right? your joking right?" feng xin said "we can't tell him now lets just get to thehotel and then we'll lecture him"mu qing said refusing to even look at xie lian anymore.

they finally arrived at the hotel and got a room and they entered the room and sat xie lian down on one of the two beds i the room and both of them said in unison "YOUR A SIREN DUMB A$$ !!!" . xie lians memory was terrible so he had forgotten this fact "we're going to go finish the business we came to do" mu qing said "wait here when we get back we'll bring you back home immidietly" feng xin said "we just need to finish this bye" mu qing said leaving the room with feng xin. the moment the door had shut xie lian started to scramble to try and break the bindings realizing he had little to no spiritual energy he gave up trying and sat for a bit then saw the window and went to try and open it but it was hard to do so he just sat and looked outside the window hoping that it would magically open. he started to zone out until he heard a tap on the windon. IT WAS SAN LANG!

| a day had past by this point|

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