That famous knock

By gaia_girl6

308 24 16

Just the life of an ordinary woman but one day, there is a knock at her door. It's a story about a dream I ha... More

The knock
A friendship blooms
Pictures to each other
Date and unwanted media
Breakfast and dresses
Night club and a fight
Staying the night
I'll fix this
Fan Meet
Texts back and forth ❤️‍🔥
Practice ❤️‍🔥
Lost control 🔥🌶️
Are you single?
Dinner and a show
Pitch it!!!
The Sisters of Saturn
You're dating Robbie Kay?
Triple Date
Triple Date (part 2) ❤️‍🔥
Bare me a child 🔥🌶️
Wedding day
Pictures and honeymoon 🔥🌶️

Happy news

7 0 6
By gaia_girl6

*Robbie's P.O.V*

I was coming home from doing a scene from a new movie I was doing, I walked through the door with a smile on my face.
"Hannah, honey, I'm home!"
"Don't come in here." I rush over to the bathroom but the door is locked.
"Hannah, can you let me in please?" Then I heard her throw up.
"Can you bring me a glass of water or soda please?" I rushed to the kitchen, grabbed a Sprite from the fridge and knocked on the bathroom.
"I have your soda." I heard her flush the loo and unlock the door. She opened the door and I handed her the drink. Taking a few drinks, she finally looks up at me and takes me to the kitchen where she opens the oven. I look in and give her a confused look.
"What's this?"
"What's in there Robbie my love?"
"A bun?"
"Ok and where is the bun located?"
"In the ov- wait, Hannah, are you pregnant?" She smiles brightly and nods. I pick her up and spins her around.
"I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!!!" She giggles then looks down at me offended.
"Excuse me good sir, you already are."
"Ok that's fair. But I finally made a child."
"There you go." And she kisses me softly on the lips.
"I love you too." I kissed her back. All of a sudden, I heard another door open. We look over and see little miss Alena walks out of her room with a big smile on her face.
"Dada!" I picked her up and walked her over to where Hannah was.
"You are going to be a big sister!" She clapped her hands and smiles brightly. I laughed at how cute she was being, my little princess is going to have a sibling. She then reached for Hannah and I gave her to her mother. Alena started squishing her face and Hannah went:
"Oh hi!" Alena would let go and Hannah would say:
"I love you." This went on for a few minutes when suddenly we heard a little voice say
"I love you." We both looked at Alena with shock on our faces. I looked at her with a proud look as Hannah started to cry.
"Alena, my little princess, I love you."
"I love you!" She smiles and I started to cry too.

~9 months later, Still Robbie's P.O.V~

We were laying in bed when I started to feel something wet. I shook Hannah awake, she gasped and started to breathe heavily.
"Robbie, my water broke!" I quickly put on my shoes and picked her up bridal style.
"I can walk."
"I know." I put her in the car and I quickly but quietly grabbed Alena, hoping she stays asleep.
"I'm gonna drop Alena off at Megan and Parker ok?" She nodded while breathing.
I parked in their driveway, grabbed Alena, and knocked on their door. Parker opened the door with a shocked look on his face.
"Robbie it's 2:00 in the-"
"Hannah's in labor, I need someone to watch out little princess." Suddenly, Megan and her daughter, Lily, came into view and without hesitation, Megan grabbed Alena.
"Thanks Meggie."
"Go help your wife." We rush to the hospital and I bring her in.
"Excuse me? My wife's water broke, she's giving birth." The nurse bring her over and let come with.

~3 hours and 30 minutes later ~

"Push Hannah." I wet her head, smiles. She gives one last push the we heard crying. They cleans the baby off and hand him to me. I tears up seeing one green eye and one blue eyes, my sweet baby boy.
"Hannah, he's amazing. You're amazing." I give her a small kiss and lay our son into her chest. She smiles at him and nuzzles into her chest.
"What do you want to name him?" I look at her.
"Silas. Silas Dalinar Kay." She said looking at our new baby.
"That's a great name." I kiss her forehead then kiss Silas' forehead.
"Welcome to the family my little prince."
"I can't wait for Alena to meet her new baby brother." Hannah says, yawning. The nurses take the baby and told Hannah to get some rest. I slept on the couch while we were at the hospital.

~the next day~

Hannah was awake before I was, she was breastfeeding Silas, an amazing thing to watch. After a few hours, Megan, Parker, and Alena walk in. I walk over to pick up Alena.
"Look princess, it's your little baby brother." Alena leans her head and kisses the top of his as everyone swoons at the sight.
"Meggie, do you want to hold him?" Hannah asks
"Of course I do. Give me that baby!" She holds Silas and gasps.
"He has one eye from each parent. Hi Silas, what a handsome man." I laugh and Parker leans over Megan's shoulder.
"I'm uncle Parker, you are so handsome."  I look at Hannah and kiss her softly.
"We made a handsome baby boy." She smiles and Silas starts fussing, I think he is still hungry. They hand him over to Hannah and she starts breastfeeding without a care in the world. Parker clearly feels uncomfortable and excuses himself.
I'm going to go get some coffee does anyone want anything? And shakes their head and he walks out. I look at Hannah as she holds this baby and Alena watches. Alena is so curious about Silas but keeps giving him kisses on the head. So cute, my perfect family. I can't wait for my parents to meet him. They love Hannah they will love him too, I just know it.

[A/N: sorry it took me so long guys, life happened and I got sidetracked with a lot of things. I will do my best to keep updating]

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