Beating the odds - Catglass

By 97crazyfangirl

16.1K 556 367

What happens when Kitty goes back to KISS for her second semester after everything that has happened to her? ... More

Before you read
Chapter 2x01: Going back to the source of the mess
Chapter 2x02: If things were different
Chapter 2x03: Closer and further
Chapter 2x04: Coming clear or run away
Chapter 2x05: Misunderstandings
Chapter 2x06: Magnets
Chapter 2x07: Clear as water
Chapter 2x09: Daydream
Chapter 2x10: Closure

Chapter 2x08: Facing the truth

1.3K 65 30
By 97crazyfangirl

(Kitty feels the morning sunlight through her eyelids. She begins to come to her senses, but she has a hard time opening her eyes. The pain in her head begins to bother her. She puts a hand to her forehead and squeezes her eyelids shut. At that moment, flashes from the night before begin to come to her mind. She remembers that she decided to drink alcohol. Not a very smart choice because she got out of control. She remembers that she and Yuri laughed. And talked. A lot. The moment an image of Yuri reaches her mind, her eyes snap open.)

KITTY: (Sitting on bed) Yuri.

(Kitty looks around. She finds herself in a room she's seen only once before. It's Yuri's bedroom. She remembers they changed clothes there the night before. There's no one there. Kitty frowns.)

KITTY: Where can Yuri be?

(Kitty looks at her right and she finds a mirror. She looks at herself for a moment and finds her hair completely disheveled and the top of her pajama shirt half unbuttoned. Kitty blushes.)

KITTY: Why am I looking like this?

(Kitty opens her eyes, wide, thinking about what could have happened the prior night.)

KITTY: Crap. What happened last night?

(At that moment, the bedroom door opens. Yuri enters the room with a tray. In it, Kitty distinguishes a cup from which smoke is still coming out and a plate with food. Yuri approaches her with a calm step. When their eyes meet, Kitty gives off a small smile, despite the pressure she still feels in her head.)

KITTY: Good morning, Yuri.

(Yuri comes closer to the bed and sets the tray in front of Kitty. Kitty notices that there is coffee in the cup and eggs and some bacon on the plate. She also notices that there is a white pill next to the plate. Yuri sits on the edge of the bed, opposite to Kitty.)

YURI: Good morning, Kitty. How are you feeling?

KITTY: Not too great, actually. I feel like my head wants to explote. How much alcohol did I drink last night?

YURI: (Shrugs) I'm not really sure. I lost count somewhere between the third and fourth glass. I wasn't paying attention to how much you were drinking or how much I was drinking.

KITTY: Oh my god. (Puts her hands on her face) I'm so embarrassed. I'm so sorry you saw me like that. Again.

YURI: Don't be. (Kitty puts her hands away from her face) This is not the first time I've seen you like this, so it's not something I was not ready for.

(Kitty laughs and Yuri tries to follow her. However, she's a bit nervous. Kitty doesn't notice but Yuri is thinking a lot of things at the same time. She doesn't know how to continue the conversation. So she ends up talking about inconsequential things.)

YURI: So, did you sleep well?

KITTY: Couldn't tell. Your bed is really comfortable, I must admit. But, according to the headache that I have right now, I would say that I didn't sleep too well.

YURI: That's why I brought that pill. I hope that it helps. You fell asleep really fast. One moment you were talking like a normal waisted person. And the next second you were snoring like a bear. It was really hard for me to bring you here from the living room.

(Kitty opens her eyes, wide, not believing what she's saying.)

KITTY: What are you talking about?! I don't snore!

YURI: (Shrugging and trying to hide a smile) Maybe nobody has told you this before, but you do. (Puts a hand on Kitty's shoulder) I'm sorry that I was the one who had to tell you this.

(Kitty punches Yuri's arm, causing Yuri to pull her arm away.)

KITTY: (Ashamed) Stop it!

(Yuri can't take it anymore and starts laughing. That makes Kitty understand what is happening and she starts laughing as well. For a few seconds, the nervousness that Yuri felt completely vanishes and there is only happiness between them. Kitty doesn't feel so much the headache and Yuri feels calmed and relaxed, as if she doesn't have a chaos of feelings inside her. Yuri ends up looking at Kitty's lips and that's when she comes back to reality. She can't take her eyes away from them. And that's the only way she realizes Kitty has stopped laughing and is talking to her.)

KITTY: Seriously, did I do something yesterday that I should be ashamed of?

(Yuri thinks about it for a few seconds. She internally debates between telling her the truth or trying to make her remember it herself. Finally, so that things are not so embarrassing that early in the morning, she decides to go with the second option.)

YURI: What is the last thing you remember?

(Kitty opens her eyes a bit.)

KITTY (Off): Oh my god. What did I do?

KITTY: Does that mean that I did something wrong?

YURI: (Shakes her head, thinking quickly for a way out) I'm just asking because I'm not going to summarize everything that happened last night if you remember a part of it.

KITTY: (Nods) Makes sense. (Thinks about it for a second) We started drinking alcohol. We talked about you mom and I think we started talking about Juliana as well. (Tries to think harder) But I'm not sure if we ended the conversation or what. (Focuses on Yuri) So, did something happen after that?

(Kitty looks at her with intensity and doubtfully, and Yuri's heart begins to pound against her chest. Yuri knows that she should tell her and have the conversation as soon as possible. However, she is not ready for it. The chaos of feelings she has inside of her still doesn't make total sense and she knows she must clear herself up before she can talk properly to Kitty. So, even though Yuri knows she shouldn't keep it from Kitty, she ends up smiling at her and quickly changing the subject.)

YURI: Nothing else. You fell asleep when we were talking and the conversation was cut short. But I was drinking as well, so I am not the best and most reliable source of information. (Stands up from bed) Alright, I leave you having breakfast while I take a shower. (Comes closer to Kitty and pretends to smell her) You should also take a bath as well. You stink a bit and I don't want your horrible smell to stay in my bed. I let you sleep here last night by yourself, but I need to use it tonight.

(Kitty opens her mouth and eyes wide with perplexity. Yuri starts laughing and Kitty decides to tease her.)

KITTY: Well, now you'll see if my smell stays on you for a long time.

(Kitty gets up from bed and Yuri, knowing what she's going to do, starts to walk backwards.)

YURI: Stop!

(Kitty ignores her and starts to run after her, with her arms open.)

KITTY: (Yelling) I just want to give you a hug!

(Some time later, Yuri and Kitty are inside the Han's family car, outside of the school campus. The car stops and Kitty unbuckles. She turns to look at Yuri.)

KITTY: (Smiling) Thank you very much for bringing me here.

YURI: (Smiling back) Don't give them. Thank you so much for coming to my house yesterday and keeping me company.

KITTY: It's the least I can do as a friend. Support her friend when she is going through good times, but also in bad times.

KITTY (Off): Why did I use the word friend so many times?

YURI: I have to admit that I could be way worse right now. I guess I saw it coming that this would end up happening and I'm feeling better already.

KITTY: If it happened, it's because it had to happen and because better things are to come. (Takes Yuri's hands and shakes it) I'll be here for whatever happens next.

(Yuri and Kitty do not let go of their hands for a few seconds. Although the other does not know it, they both have heartbeats at a thousand per hour. Although they do not say it with words, they know that they are in a magical moment. But the big problem they have is that they don't know what the other is feeling and they don't want to break the fragile balance between them. So no one dares to say anything, until the driver's phone starts ringing. Mr. Kim starts talking on the phone in Korean and Kitty takes advantage of the situation to say goodbye.)

KITTY: So, I'll get going. I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend. But call me if you need anything.

YURI: (Nods) I will. Bye, Kitty.

KITTY: (Smiling) Goodbye, Yuri.

(Kitty opens the car door and gets out of the vehicle. She turns to smile once more at Yuri and closes the door. Kitty watches as the car leaves, but remains still for a few seconds.)

KITTY (Off): (Shakes her head) You're imagining things. It's not that at all.

(Then, Kitty turns and starts walking towards the dorms building.)

(A few days later, Kitty, Yuri, Minho, Q and Dae are sitting in the canteen, having something to drink. They are listening to something Minho is saying.)

MINHO: And then Maddison says to me: "Do you want to try us again?" And I tell her: "But you told me a few months ago that you didn't want anything serious." Well, it turns out that she wouldn't care for us to be a couple right now. But I'm not really convinced if we should try it, really.

DAE: (Shrugging) Well, if you don't try, it can't turn out good or bad. But do you feel something for her?

(Kitty can't stop herself from looking at Yuri.)

MINHO: I still don't know. Maybe. I think I did because I was ready to date her before.

(This time, it's Yuri the one who looks at Kitty. When their eyes find each other, both blush and look away.)

DAE: There you go. Talk to her. And, maybe, it works out.

(At that moment, Juliana appears in the canteen and Q sees her.)

Q: Someone is here.

(Q points withe his head towards the door and they all turn to look at her. Some people more discreetly than others. When Yuri realizes who it is, the two girls exchange a few glances, but Juliana continues on her way without approaching. Yuri turns to the others and sighs. They turn towards her.)

DAE: So, you two didn't end up on good terms.

YURI: I broke her heart. She wanted to fix things, but I didn't want to continue our relationship. So it's understandable that she's mad and hurt. I don't blame her. But it wasn't fair to be with someone you didn't want to be with.

Q: You did what you had to do. Nobody is going to judge you here.

KITTY: Of course not.

(Kitty and Yuri exchange glances and smile at each other. Only Dae's voice brings them back to reality.)

DAE: Well, I have to go to the office.

(Kitty looks at the time on her wristwatch.)

KITTY: And I have to go to my tutoring session for Professor Lee's class. (Takes her backpack and gets up from the chair) See you later?

(Minho, Q and Yuri nod and wave goodbye to them. When the three of them are alone, Q looks at Yuri, who is pensive. At that moment, he decides that he has to know what's wrong with her.)

Q: Minho, shouldn't you go talk to Maddison? (Pinches his leg under the table.)

MINHO: (Takes a few seconds, but ends up understanding him) I think so. It is a good moment to do so. (Gets up from his chair) See you later. (Leaves the canteen)

(Q looks at Yuri, smiling. Yuri is confused.)

Q: Yuri, do you have something to do right now?

YURI: (Shaking her head) Not really. Why?

Q: Would you like to go out for a walk?

(Yuri nods and Q gets up from the chair. He puts his arm in the shape of a handle and waits for Yuri to intertwine her arm with his. Once Yuri does, despite being somewhat confused, they both leave the canteen. The two remain silent until they step outside the building.)

Q: So, would you mind if I asked you how you are doing after your breakup?

YURI: No problem. (Sighs) Let's see, I have to admit that I'm too fine. I should be devastated to have broken up a relationship I held dear and that has been through too much. First, we hid it. Then, we were thousands of kilometers apart. And, when it came time to be together in front of the whole world, it didn't work out. I'm sad it didn't work out. But I think I saw it coming.

Q: Why did you see it coming?

YURI: (Shrugs) I'm not quite sure. But our last weeks together were weird. I should have been really invested in our relationship, but I didn't give it my all. I had my head somewhere else.

Q: (Curious) You felt out of love?

YURI: I guess you could say that. We started having arguments and I didn't like how she viewed things. It started a path that ended up in me feeling less and less love towards her. And, eventually, I guess I fell out of love. So, the best way to go forward, was to break up things with her.

Q: And I think you did what you had to do. And now you can move on to something else.

(Q doesn't say anything else, knowing that he shouldn't press the situation any further. If Yuri wants to tell him something, she will do it herself. Yuri is thoughtful. She has a lot of thoughts running through her mind and knows that she should say them out loud. That can help her understand herself. Yuri looks at Q. He might be someone who can help her.)

YURI: Q, can I tell you something?

(Q smiles and gives himself an internal round of applause. He was right.)

Q: Of course. What is it?

YURI: (Sighs) Well, I suppose that you know that the day I ended things with Juliana, I sent Dae's father to bring Kitty home. (Q nods) Well, that night, I was drinking rum when Kitty arrived. When she saw me, she decided that she wanted to drink as well. I didn't say no to that and we started drinking. We were talking about many things, including Juliana. And, I don't really know where it came from, but I ended up asking her who she liked. She had told me that she had discovered that she liked girls when she started liking Maddison. So I asked about her and also about Minho, who had been trying to win her over. However, she told me that she didn't like either of them and that she had lied to me about her crush on Maddison. The truth was that she really liked me.

(Yuri looks at Q, who just nods, waiting for her to continue. Yuri realizes something.)

YURI: You knew she liked me right?

Q: I'm not going to deny that. You can continue.

YURI: (Shrugs) I know, dumb question. (Sighs) Anyway, the thing is that we couldn't end the conversation, because Kitty fell asleep right after she said that. She was really drunk. The next morning, Kitty couldn't remember what she said to me, and I didn't say anything to her either.

Q: Can I ask why?

YURI: (Sighs for a couple of seconds) Because I'm a mess. For some time, I have not only been falling out of love with Juliana. But, at the same time, I'm feeling closer to Kitty. I feel that there is something that attracts my attention about her more than if she were a simple friend. It is hard for me to differentiate my feelings of friendship from my feelings of love for her, when for so many months I have only seen her as my friend. And I though she was totally straight. And that's why my mind is messed up. I don't want to lose her friendship and I don't want to take the wrong step. Now that I know that she likes me, I don't want to say something that I might regret and hurt her. I can't hurt anyone else.

Q: I see. (Stops himself and turns to Yuri) Look, I know what Kitty's feeling and it's real. So now you need to figure yourself out and realize if you want to be more than her friend or not. It's all up to you. Don't make a move if you're not sure. But, believe me when I say that I see something special between you two. There's a real strong bond there. As Dae said before, you won't know which type it is if you don't try. I will only tell you that you need to be clear with Kitty. Tell her exactly what you're feeling. And see what you two can do about it. But, don't give her false hope.

YURI: I won't. I promise. (Sighs and starts walking once more) It makes me very angry.

Q: (Confused) What makes you angry?

YURI: It makes me very angry that Juliana was right. (Q nods, understanding) Ever since Kitty returned to Korea, Juliana has been jealous of her. She has doubted both Kitty's feelings towards me and my feelings towards her. Despite the fact that, at no time, she has known or I have told her that Kitty also likes girls. I insisted that she was very straight, but I was wrong. (Starts laughing) Apparently, I'm an awful lesbian because my gaydar doesn't work.

Q: (Laughs as well) Kitty didn't know she liked girls either until she started liking you. So you're not that bad of a lesbian.

(They laugh for a few seconds.)

YURI: So, I need to talk to her.

Q: (Nods) I think you do.

YURI: (Sighs) Okay. I will. Tonight. Thank you for listening to me, Q.

Q: Don't thank me. I pushed you a little bit to talk. I knew something was going on and I couldn't stop myself from being nosy. I just needed to know.

YURI: (Laughs at him) It helped me, so I'm not mad at you. (Remembers something) If you want, I can help you with the new kid in return.

Q: (Raises an eyebrow) What do you know about him? And how do you know that there's something going on?

YURI: (Shrugs) Because I know his parents and I know a few things that can help you get passed them.

Q: (Curious) I'm all ears.

(They start walking once again with their arms interlocked.)

(Some time later, Kitty is coming back from her tutoring. When she gets to her room, she stops herself. By her door, there is Yuri. Yuri is muttering something that Kitty can't make out. Kitty looks at her and smiles.)

KITTY (Off): She's too cute to be true.

(Yuri looks up and her gaze finds Kitty's. Yuri smiles at her.)

YURI: (Softly) Hi.

KITTY: (Smiling) Hi.

YURI: (Nervous) How did the tutoring go?

KITTY: Let's say that my tutor is not as good as you, but it went well.

(Yuri blushes and Kitty smiles even wider.)

KITTY (Off): Come on. Don't be this cute!

YURI: So, you may be wondering what I'm doing here.

KITTY: (Jokingly) Not at all. Didn't think about it for a second.

YURI: (Pretending to laugh) Really funny, Kitty. (Kitty shrugs) I wanted to talk to you. Can we go for a walk?

KITTY: We can talk in my room if you want to. Nobody is going to interrupt us.

YURI: (Frowning) What about Juliana?

KITTY: She left me a note this morning. She has moved to another dorm with a friend. So the room is all mine.

YURI: (Nods) Okay. Then your room will be fine.

(Kitty nods and goes to the door to open it. She lets Yuri come in first. They take their shoes off and they walk in. Yuri sits on the couch. Kitty leaves her bag pack on the armchair and sits next to Yuri. Kitty keeps some distance between the two.)

YURI: So, I came because I needed to talk to you about something important. But I'd like you to listen to me before saying something. I have a lot of thoughts going on in my head and, if I'm interrupted, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get them all out. Will you be able to do so?

KITTY: (Nods and raises a hand) I, Kitty Song Covey, promise to keep quiet while you talk and not interrupt your speech. But I can't promise not to make any face reactions while you talk. Am I allowed to listen to you like that?

(Yuri can't contain herself and starts laughing. Kitty smiles at her.)

KITTY (Off): I love seeing her happy. She's the most beautiful when she's happy.

(After some seconds of non stop laughing, Yuri relaxes and comes back to her normal self.)

YURI: Okay. Conditions agreed. (Sighs and becomes more serious) So, I have to apologize because I lied to you. (Kitty frowns) I told you that you fell asleep at my place while we were talking about Juliana. That's not a lie, but the truth is that you said something really important while taking about her. (Kitty's still frowning, but nods) You said that you had lied to me about your crush on Maddison. That you didn't like her. But that you liked me.

KITTY (Off): (Opens her eyes wide) Oh, crap.

YURI: That's the only thing you said, because you fell asleep right after that. (Kitty puts a hand on her face, embarrassed) I didn't tell you anything the day after because I needed to think about what it meant to me. I needed some time to process not only that piece of knowledge, but how I felt about it. And, after taking to Q, I have some thoughts.

KITTY (Off): I'm going to have a heart attack. I can't breathe properly.

YURI: We have been friends for some time now. (Smiles, remembering) We didn't start with the right foot, but we started to grow closer and have a really beautiful bond. I value your friendship a lot, so that's why I couldn't make a false step and screw things up.

KITTY (Off): I'm glad we agree.

YURI: But, if I'm completely honest, I must admit that I've been falling out of love with Juliana. And, in the meantime, our bond has grown stronger. And I really like it. I'm really comfortable when I'm with you and you're the one that I want to spend time with. You're an amazing person and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that I care about you. I want to keep you in my life for as long as I can.

KITTY (Off): Same here, Yuri. But I'm starting to get nervous.

YURI: I think that, in all this process, my feelings for you have shifted. They are not platonic anymore. And I hate to admit that Juliana was right, but I can't deny that I have feelings for you.

KITTY (Off): Oh my god. Is this really happening?

YURI: I'm still trying to figure out what they really mean. And here comes the problem. (Sighs) I think that they are romantic feelings, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. And I don't want to make a step towards a relationship with you if they don't mean that. Because I can't hurt you, Kitty. I really care about you and I can't promise you that they are romantic when...

(Yuri can't stop taking. Because, while she was saying the last words, Kitty had come closer and had put her lips on hers. Kitty has her right hand on Yuri's cheek. Kitty already had her eyes closed and, a few seconds later, Yuri does too. They don't move for a few seconds, until Kitty takes a step back and opens her eyes.

KITTY (Off): Oh, wow. It really happened.

(Yuri takes a few seconds to open her eyes. When she does, she blushes looking at Kitty.)

YURI: (Complaining) You promised you were going to let me talk until the end.

KITTY: (Shrugs, blushing) I'm sorry. I couldn't contain myself. But, can I ask you something?

YURI: (Nods) What is it?

KITTY: Did you feel the butterflies in your stomach when we kissed?

YURI: (Blushes even harder) I did. Why?

KITTY: Because I did too. (Sighs) Listen to me. Q told me that I shouldn't start a relationship with someone if a person is not 100% sure about their feelings. But, if you felt the same way that I did when we kissed, I think it's a really good sign. (Takes her hands into her own hands) I know what I'm getting into and I want to try. Even if you're...

(This time, it's Yuri the one who stops Kitty from speaking with a kiss. This one lasts a bit longer than the one before. When Yuri separates herself from Kitty, Kitty is left confused.)

KITTY: Why did you...?

YURI: I did it to see if my heart pounded like it was going to leave my chest. And it did. I think I need to keep kissing you to really convince myself that I like you.

(Kitty smiles, wide.)

KITTY: (Jokingly) Do you think that it will help you?

YURI: (Laughing) I think it will.

KITTY: (Smiling, happily) I won't be opposed to that, then.

(Once more, their lips meet halfway, and fireworks make their bodies burn with happiness.)

Hello everyone!

Finally they kissed! I must admit that this is my favorite chapter. I was really happy while writing it. I have been dying to write this chapter since the beginning of the story and it felt so great when I typed the last words. I'm really proud of it. 

I really hope you liked it. If you did, don't forget to comment and vote for this chapters. We only have two chapters left too end the story. (Or season?) I'll be back on Sunday!


Crzay Fangirl

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