"The Journey Starts" Male Rea...

Per Eryn0945

9.5K 160 104

(Y/N) Travels through the Kalos region and later meets Ash (first story so your allowed to judge) Més

Beginning Of An Adventure
Lumiose City Pursuit
A Battle Of Aerial Mobility
A Blustery Santalune City Gym Battle
Battling On Thin Ice
Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race
Harem Options - Choose
Grooming Furfrou
Y/n Vs Grant
Y/n Team (for the moment)
Clemots got a secret
(past battle) Y/n vs Viola
The Sassy Camerupt

A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship

512 12 0
Per Eryn0945

(Skipping Serena's beginning as always.......sorry... :P)

(Narrator POV)
Y/n, Clemot and Bonnie have joined Ash as he begins his journey to compete in the Kalos league now our heroes are happily on their way to Santalune gym

(Y/n POV)
I was watching Bonnie clean Pikachu

Y/n: Pretty good with that aren't you

Bonnie: Yes! *She'd just finished* There all done your nice and clean

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Ash: That's awesome thank you

Y/n: .....

Bonnie: You don't have to thank me I love doing this kind of stuff cause I love pokémon......huh hey ash does Pikachu like having it's tail petted like that?

Ash: Yeah a whole lot

Bonnie: What a cutie pie that's just what I'm gonna do

Clemot: Looks like fun let me try..

Bonnie: You wanna try it to Y/n?

Y/n: *snaps out of his thoughts* Huh? What'd you say?

Bonnie: Never mind hey ash can you let Fletchling out I wanna take care of it oh and Y/n Please let Furfrou out

Ash: Ok Fletchling come on out

Y/n: *let's Furfrou out*

Furfrou: Furfrou!

Fletchling: Fletchling!

Bonnie: Hey Fletchling let me clean your wings, Furfrou I'll brush you

Furfrou: Furfrou..

Fletchling: Fletchling

Ash: Your good at that too Fletchling loves having it's wings cleaned

Y/n: I'm just surprised Furfrou didn't run off

Clemot: Taking care of Pokemon makes you really happy doesn't it

Bonnie: Yup

Bonnie was giving pokemon food to Fletchling, Furfrou and Pikachu then dedenne ran up and took one


Y/n: is that the same dedenne from before

Shadow: Kie Kie

Bonnie: Yeah the one who ran away

Ash: It must've been following us this whole time

Pikachu: Pika Pika

Bonnie: C'mon Clemot catch it please

Clemot: Alright..

Y/n: It's running away again..

Bonnie: Come back!

Ash: Fletchling follow it!

Bonnie: Dedenne Wait!

Y/n: It's pretty fast..

Ash: Did you lose it Fletchling?

Fletchling: Fletch Fletchling

Bonnie: Dedenne where are you come out come out wherever you are *she'd trip and fall backwards*

Y/n: oh I guess dedenne must've digged a hole

Ash and Clemot: Bonnie!

Bonnie: Huh?

Dedenne: Dene!

Bonnie: There you are! Uh hey!

Clemot: Bunnelby get dedenne out of that hole

Ash: You too Pikachu

Y/n: Ok Shadow you help too

Shadow: Froak...kie.. *jumps off Y/n shoulder and into a hole*

Ash: Over here?

Pikachu: Pika!

Clemot: No over there

Clemot: Aha..

Clemot got shocked by Pikachu

Y/n: *facepalms*

Ash: Woah that dedenne sure is quick

Bonnie: oh! I want it now!

Pikachu jumped into a hole and ran through it and eventually finding dedenne

Pikachu: Pika Pika

Dedenne: De ne ne

Pikachu: Pika!

Adventure and a half for Dedenne and Pikachu and now Their tumbling down a hole

(Pikachu POV)
Pikachu: Pika? Pikachu..Pika Pika

Dedenne: Dedenne

Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu!

(Team Rocket POV)
Jessie: There's Pikachu!

James: True with a bonus pokemon too

Meowth: What is it?

James: Oh it's a dedenne an electric type

Meowth: Never seen one before

Jessie: they're having a back and forth buzz fest

James: Since their both electric types I guess their in the process of communicating

Jessie: Ugh Meowth Translation

Meowth: No can do I don't speak electricity

Jessie: What luck the twerps nowhere to be seen

James: perfect his lose is our gain

(Ash POV)
Y/n: Dedenne is gone...

Ash: Maybe....Pikachu hasn't come back either

Clemot: Bunnelby would you mind going back down there and looking for Pikachu

Y/n: *returns Furfrou* Let's hope Pikachu and dedenne are alright

Ash: ...Pikachu...

(Pikachu POV)
Pikachu: Piika..Pi Pika Pika!

Dedenne: Denne..

Pikachu: Pika...Pika!

Pikachu used thunderbolt to knock down a Berry then gave it to Dedenne then there was a net

Pikachu: Pika? *Pikachu helped dedenne get away*

Pikachu: Pika..

Dedenne: Dene

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Jessie: Prepare for trouble my prized Pikachu

James: and Make it double with dedenne too

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation

James: To unite all people within our nation

Jessie: to denounce the evils of truth and love

James: to extend our reach to the stars above

Jessie: Jessie

James: and James

Jessie: team rocket blast off at the speed of light

James: surrender now or prepare for a fight

Meowth: Meowth That's right

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet

Jessie: now Pikachu be a polite pokemon and let us catch you

James: Dedenne please you too

Pikachu: Pika Pika Pikachu

Dedenne: ne!

Pikachu and dedenne started running away

Jessie: Stop

James: How rude

Meowth: take that

Jessie: stop

Meowth: and that and this

Jessie: Wobbuffet go!

Wobbuffet used mirror coat and set the attack right back

Pikachu: Pika? Piika!

Jessie: Don't you ever get tired take a break

James: For our sake

Meowth: chill

(Ash POV)
Clemot: how'd it go Bunnelby?

Y/n: well Pikachu's not with it so it probably went bad

Bunnelby jumped out of the hole and shook it's head

Bonnie: I guess you didn't find Pikachu did you

Clemot: I'm afraid Pikachu might've got lost wondering through all those tunnels

Bonnie: Clemot we just gotta find Pikachu

Y/n: We will

Ash: Fletchling look for Pikachu from the air

Fletchling: Fletch

Y/n: *thoughts* I hope team rocket doesn't find Pikachu while it wondering alone...

(Pikachu POV)
Dedenne: Ne me ne

Pikachu: Pi

Jessie: give it up

James: Hey!

Meowth: Stop!

Jessie threw something at them then dedenne fell but Pikachu caught it by the tail and kept it from falling

Jessie: gotcha! Almost! Once more!

Pikachu: Piika..

Dedenne: ne..

Pikachu: pika!

Dedenne: Ne ne

Jessie: Oh no if this keeps up they'll get away

James: We can't let that happen ok Inkay hey hey!

Inkay: ink Inkay

James: Ok Inkay tackle

Inkay used tackle on dedenne

Dedenne: dedenne...

Pikachu: Pikachu!!

James: Alright Inkay psybeam

The psybeam knocked Pikachu and dedenne off the cliff

Jessie: I give where's Pikachu

Meowth: huh? Down stream!

Pikachu: pi

Dedenne: be

Pikachu: pika pi

Jessie: they're getting away

James: but I have just the thing our rubber rocket raft

Jessie: that's some live saver

James: like me

Wobbuffet: wobbu Wobbuffet

James: keep your pover dry Pikachu you'll be ours in no time

Jessie: I can hardly breathe

James: so it's not a little bit small deal with it

Meowth: constraint on finding Pikachu

Jessie: look Pikachu alert

Wobbuffet: wobbu

Jessie: wait stop this bathtub

James And Meowth: -_-

Jessie: We've floated right past

Meowth: strong current ey captain

James: I eye Matie

Inkay started freaking out about what's up ahead

Huh? Ah

Pikachu: pi pi pi Pikachu..Pika? Pika Pika!

Fletchling: Fletchling Fletch fletch Fletchling

Pikachu: Pi Pika Pika Pikachu

(Ash POV)
Ash: Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika pi

Ash: I was so worried about you buddy

Pikachu: Pika Pika Pikachu

Y/n: Oh no!

Bonnie: Dedenne!

Bonnie: Dedenne.. Dedenne what are we gonna do I'm scared

Y/n: I wonder what happened to put it in this condition..

Ash: what about the pokémon center

Clemot: I think we should treat dedenne right here

Y/n: with what?

Clemot: we'll just give it some electricity

Y/n: With what? One of your inventions that'll most likely blow up?

Bonnie: Y/n now's not the time to be sassy and arrogant

Shadow: Kie Kie fro!

Y/n: Hey I'm not! Ugh fine Clemot do Your thing

Clemot: Remember the future is now thanks to science clemotic gear on I've got the perfect machine for a situation like this presenting my electricity generator

Bonnie: Another boring name

Y/n: And another machine that's definitely gonna blow up..

Clemot: Now observe if you put a plastic clipboard under your arm and rub it like this

Bonnie: Huh?

Clemot: The resulting friction causes The built up of electrons and create static electricity see this brilliant machine uses that exact same principle which allows it in  creating massive electric charge...and power on

Y/n: You sure this thing won't blow up and hurt dedenne

Clemot: uh...yeah..

Pikachu: Pika!

Clemot: You see the electricity

Ash: that's awesome science is so amazing

Y/n: Uh...yeah sure..

Bonnie: You sure this is gonna work?

Clemot: Sure I'm sure just watch

The machine started to charge Dedenne with electricity

Dedenne: Dedenne!

Y/n: It worked..

Ash: Great I think you can turn it off now

Clemot: One problem I can't

Y/n: Yeah...I'ma just uh *steps back*

Bonnie: Dedenne get away quick!

Ash: You've gotta stop that thing

Clemot: I wish I knew how

Everyone got hit with the explosion except Y/n

Y/n: Woohoo I didn't get into it!

Shadow: Kie Kie..

Y/n: Hey you guys alright?

Ash: Ugh

Clemot: oopsie guess it's back to the drawing board

Y/n: I knew it was gonna explode

Bonnie: Yeah look at my hair

Dedenne: Dedenne Denne Denne

Ash: Alright dedennes sure feeling Alot better

Y/n: Good

Clemot: That's what counts all's well that ends well

Bonnie: Dedenne I'm glad you're feeling all better now

Dedenne: Dedenne Denne Denne

Ash: I think it's saying thanks for the electricity

Y/n: Heh..

Clemot: C'mon you don't have to thank me

Bonnie: ..Huh..clemot Clemot catch it catch it!

Clemot: Hey that's right I totally forgot about doing that

Jessie: Hold it right there

Y/n: Oh great not her big mouth a-

Bonnie: Y/n!

Y/n: Sorry

Jessie: Now prepare for trouble the it means you

Meowth: yoohoo

James: meanwhile we'll just take Pikachu

Jessie: Giving it to the boss is the least we could do

James: By the way if you're thinking of running you've got another thing coming

Y/n: Shadow use water pulse

Shadow jumped up and used water and it hit Meowth dead in the face making it fall back

Meowth: Ouch..

James: Inkay Come on

Inkay: Inkay ink

Dedenne: Dedenne


Clemot: Dedenne you wanna battle don't you to get back at them for what they did

Dedenne: Dedenne

Clemot: Great! Dedenne tackle

James: Inkay use foul play

Dedenne: Ne..

James: Now Inkay psybeam go..

Inkay: Inkay

Y/n: uh oh

Bonnie: Look out!

Clemot: Dedenne tackle one more time you're doing great alright now use nuzzle

Bonnie: Wow that moves so cute I like dedenne even more

Clemot: And better yet nuzzles paralyzes the other pokemon

Bonnie: No way

Y/n: Yes Way

Ash: Yeah Dedenne way to go

James: Ah! Inkay!

Dedenne: Dedenne

Pikachu: Pikachu

Y/n: Shadow use bubble

Ash: k  Pikachu you Use thunderbolt!

Clemot: And dedenne you use thundershock

The attacks mix then head straight towards Inkay who gets hit through the hot air balloon

We're blasting off again!!

Y/n: Sayonara!

Ash: Pikachu, Shadow, Dedenne awesome

Bonnie: Dedenne Your the best

Clemot: Thank you all

Dedenne: Ne ne ne ne

Pikachu: Pika pika!

Dedenne: Denne

Pikachu: Pika Pikachu

Ash: dedenne really wants to come with us

Bonnie: Really! Yippee!

Y/n: Great! Now clemots gotta make the catch

Bonnie: We'll have so much fun you'll see

Dedenne: Denne

Bonnie: Pretty please

Clemot: Hm? Yeah! Now it's time go pokeball!

Dedenne: Denne!

Clemot: I did it! Yes alright I caught Dedenne and I'll be keeping it for Bonnie

Bonnie: this is so cool thank you hey can you let Dedenne come out I wanna take care of it

Clemot: Sure I'll do it right now

Dedenne: Nene Nene!

Bonnie: Dedenne! Yay! Haha! Hi there I'm Bonnie that's my brother Clemot..that's Y/n And Shadow

Shadow: Froakie!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Bonnie: And that's Pikachu and Ash!

Ash: Nice to meet you

Dedenne: Denne Denne

Bonnie: Here let me get you cleaned up you got yourself all dirty from the battle

Dedenne: Nene!

Bonnie: Haha!

Dedenne: Nene!

Bonnie: Hey look dedenne likes when I pet it's tail too

Y/n: It's like Pikachu!

Clemot: Wow I never would've guessed

Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu Pikachu!

Bonnie: You both like the same thing you two are just like twins

Y/n: I mean they kinda are..

Clemot: They're both electric types remember..

Ash: Your gonna have fun with Dedenne aren't you Bonnie

Bonnie: Yeah dedenne is so cute nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle

Dedenne: Denne!

Clemot: nuzzles one of Dedennes moves  I guess you forgot

Bonnie: Yup and now I can feel what it's like to be paralyzed

Dedenne fell asleep

Bonnie: Huh? It fell asleep

Clemot: of course you see dedenne tend to fall asleep alot That's just one of the things they do to conserve their energy

Ash: Awesome an energy saver

Y/n: Like a battery..

Bonnie: Huh ok..you can take a nap in here..

Ash: So let's get going

Clemot: Right let's hit the road

Y/n: Yeah ok..

Bonnie: Yeah!


(Narrator POV)
And so after escaping Team Rockets evil clutches Pikachu and Dedenne are safe and Dedennes back to perfect health following clemots successful catch our heroes now have a new friend in Dedenne as the Kalos Region Journey continues

(Serena POV)
Serena: Oh this is terrible the suns setting and we're still in the middle of the woods

Fennekin: Fenne..

Serena: Wait does this mean we're sleeping out in the open tonight uh camping outs not my style..if we could find a Pokemon center no doubt we'd be able to stay there but I don't know where it is ah..I see somebody excuse me can you please tell us if there's a Pokemon center near by.....ah!

Fennekin: fen!

Fennekin scared the vespiquen with ember

Serena: Thanks Fennekin You saved me..

Fennekin: Fenne

Nurse Joy: Is everything Ok? I just heard somebody screaming

Serena: Nurse joy! I just got a little startled by a Pokemon

Nurse joy: Oh I understand but are the two of you alright

Serena: Yup hey can you tell me if there's a Pokemon center nearby

Nurse Joy: Yes it's just up ahead

Serena: Thank goodness, Fennekin we're gonna stay at a Pokemon center tonight I know let's have a race to see who gets there first

Fennekin: Fennekin!

Continua llegint

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