Secret Second Marriage

By Taexzoe

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Jeon Jungkook the one and only son of the Jeon family gets forced married to a spoiled rich bratty girl and a... More

Chapter 1 - His Life The Intro
Chapter 2 - Trip to Japan
Chapter 3 - A Sweet Bond
Chapter 4 - He Loves Her
Chapter 5 - Why Jungkook?
Chapter 6 - You Are Mine
Chapter 7 - His Friends Visit
Chapter 8 - Shifting Back To Korea
Chapter 9 - He proposed Her
Chapter 10 - New House
Chapter 11 - The Royal Engagement
Chapter 12 - Meeting His Mom
Chapter 13 - Meeting Her Parents
Chapter 14 - Messed Up
Chapter 15 - Marriage
Chapter 16 - Will He Come Back?
Chapter 17 - His Wife?
Chapter 18 - I Love You
Chapter 19 - He Is Back!
Chapter 20 - Leaving Them Forever
Chapter 21 - Back To Japan
Chapter 22 - Baby Is Here
Chapter 24 - Caught

Chapter 23 - Guilt And Regret

615 39 3
By Taexzoe

Title - Secret Second Marriage
Written by Taexzoe

Hey loves,
I was supposed to post thi on my birthday (27th March) but I couldn't as I got busy so I thought to post today and make your day. As you guys always make my day.

Author Pov
Jungkook's Mom and Dad still didn't have any guilt or regret. The fact their son left them because of their bad behaviour towards his wife they still didn't change

It was their loss though, as they have now missed out on meeting their grandbaby and probably would not get another chance ever again. They were still stuck with their thoughts that they were right and they would still continue with their mentality of that even now. And they were definitely wrong and they still failed to understand that.

Jungkook's Mom - You should talk to yo your son!
She said to her husband while sipping on her tea.

Jungkook's Dad - Yeah you are right!
He said and took out his phone to talk his son.

On Call
Jungkook's Dad - Yo it's your dad, are you home right now?
He waited a bit for his son to respond as his wife looked over at him now and was wondering what was up. She looked at him and then listened as well, trying to hear what his son was responding with.

Jungkook - Didn't I tell you not to call me ever again?
He said in a cold tone.

Jungkook's Dad - Yeah yeah whatever now here is the deal..if you can't listen to me then I am firing you from the company!
He yelled.

That definitely set him off as he didn't respond kindly to his father yelling at him and he shouted.

Jungkook - Fire me, I really don't care.
He said, It was clear he was not going to let his father talk as rudely as he did to him. As well as the fact that he was being treated like a child instead of a CEO, which was completely inappropriate to act to him like this. His whole tone was harsh and he sounded very mad now.

Jungkook's Dad - Oh really you got some nerves to talk back huh!!!
He was getting furious.

Jungkook was not going to let his father yell at him like this. He had reached a point where he felt like he needed to shout or be loud now in order to stand up for himself properly.

Jungkook - Yeah do I have some damn nerves to talk back, can't you see that already?
He shouted back, and the people in the back room could also hear the shouting as it was so loud too.

Jungkook's Dad - You are crossing the line Jeon Jungkook.
He said and grind his teeth.

Jungkook - Oh yeah you are mad that I crossed the line right now after you crossed literally ten of them already?? Who do you think you are!?? You didn't even raise me properly so you don't get to act like you did anything for me!

Jungkook - Yeah yeah now you want to use the 'I raised you' card huh!?? Guess what, I literally learnt nothing new from you. I learnt more from my wife and my in-laws than you ever did! All you did was  put me on a leash and you kept watching over everything I do!

Jungkook - You forced me to marry a woman first then when I married the love of my life leaving her you insult her I HATE YOU BOTH YOU BOTH RUNIED MY LIFE MY CHILDHOOD EVERYTHING!!
He yelled on top of his lungs.

Jungkook's Dad - But son-
Was harshly cut off mid sentence.

Jungkook - No dad, don't call me son! You don't even have the right to call me that anymore!

— Jungkook ended the call

Jungkook immediately ended the call as he was not in a mood to talk to his father any longer. He was so exhausted and angry now that he barely had any energy to continue talking to them. He took a deep breath as he put his phone back on the table, still holding it in his hand tightly as he clenched his hand around it. He was not satisfied with this situation one bit, but he was also not willing to argue with them anymore now as he was too tired.

He was just sitting on the couch staring at the floor when he heard the door open and close he looked up and saw Yn with their son in her arms. She smiled and sat beside him.

He had his glance over at her for a moment before he looked back down. He did feel a little overwhelmed at the situation right now as he was just so exhausted but he was also happy to see her and she looked gorgeous. It was a mix of many emotions going up against each other right now as he couldn't focus on one specific emotion as of yet.

Yn - What happened koo you look stressed?
She asked, keeping her hand on top of his.

Jungkook - Oh just some issues with my parents.
He said with his voice still tense from the anger he felt at his parents. He was really annoyed with them right now, and his tone had a mix of all kinds of emotions at this moment. But as soon as she put her hand on his, he felt himself start to calm down as a tiny bit of ease came over him. He was still breathing heavily as he was still tense but the little hand on him was giving him some level of comfort right now.

Yn - Oh them again?
She sighed heavily.

Jungkook - Yeah them again.
Jungkook didn't really like how his parents were now being at all and it was taking a toll on his mentally. At the same time though he felt happy that she was right here with him, making him feel comfortable as he kept feeling her hand on his. The anger was still there a little bit but he was doing his best to avoid shouting again. He was trying to calm himself down as much as he could right now after that.

Yn - You should lay down for sometime let's go to our room Hm?
She said and patted his hair.

Jungkook - Yeah you're right, I am a little bit tired, we should go back in there so I can lay down for a bit.
He had calmed down enough now to be able to listen to her and go back to their room with her. He stood up and took her hand as he waited for her to do the same and they started to move towards their room together.

Jungkook - You should sleep now, we should all get a good rest after today.
He said softly as he put the baby boy in the little crib beside him and then laid down close to her, pulling her in for a hug as he tried to make himself and her comfortable enough to sleep.

Jungkook - I really don't know my love, but we're free now, and we are each other's family now and that's all that matters. They don't deserve us, and we don't need to prove anything to them.
He said as he kept her in his arms close, holding her body as gently as possible. He was going to protect his new family with his soul from anything that was bad in this world and that includes his annoying parents who tried to destroy his happiness. He would never let anything come between him and his family.

Yn - I am so proud of you, you are always so positive.
She said and creased his hair softly.

He smiled as he heard her say that, and he really adored that she always praised him in her own ways. He felt his heart get warm when he heard her say this in such an appreciative manner like she always did. His heart was already full but it still got more fuller each time someone close to him said something like this.

Jungkook - Thank you my love, it's just how I am and I am who I am because of you. Without you being my strength I would have never been the same. I love you.
He said and placed some pecks on her face.

— Next Day
📍Jeon's Corporation
Jungkook was checking some files when someone bragged in the office it was his parents. He sighed and placed his pen on the table.

Jungkook's Mom - You should come to our office today Jungkook, we want to talk with you about something serious.

Jungkook's Dad - We heard what happened yesterday and you are a very ungrateful son Jungkook, how could you do this to us, to us, Jeon Jungkook.

They didn't even say hello as they both started to shout and yell at him as soon as he stepped inside. They were both in front of his office as he stepped out and they were both glaring at him. Jungkook was definitely not in the mood for this today.

Jungkook - You know what? I am firing both of you. I am removing your names from this company and all the Jeon Companies around the world.
He said as he got up and walked near them.

Jungkook - Opps I already did remove you.
He said with a scoff and handed both of them their resignation letters.

Jungkook's Mom - WHAT!? You can't do this, we own this company Jungkook, you can't just remove us!
She yelled getting furious.

Jungkook's Dad - I can't believe that our son would do this to us, to your own parents. But I am not surprised, considering who his wife is. She is making you do this! You have become such a disgrace.

Both of his parents had a shocked look as they stared at their letter. Jungkook didn't care.

Jungkook - I am the current CEO and owner of these companies and I can do anything I want with them. I can hire and fire anyone I want.
He said and chuckled.

They both got the point and they were both filled with anger as they had no say in this decision and they saw how strong Jungkook was becoming so quickly. Jungkook's dad even was so mad that he slammed his fist on the table as he knew he had lost the argument and could not do anything about it now, or maybe he could. Who really knew what he would try to do in order to get the company back in this time. Jungkook didn't really care though as he just walked away from them with his back still facing them.

Jungkook - Anything else?
He asked with a smirk.

Jungkook's Dad - I am going to make your life a living hell Jeon Jungkook, I promise you.

Jungkook's Mom - You won't live this happily for so long, trust me.
They both yelled at him as they looked at him with the biggest glare ever. They both made this threat and Jungkook didn't even bother to look back at them, he just kept walking away from them and he didn't bother to say a word back to them. He was now just focused on work and he was going to try to ignore these threats.

Jungkook - You are soon gonna get broke. You can't do anything without money Eomma-nim and Appa-nim.
He said and chuckled.

Jungkook's Dad - We don't need money we have more than enough for the rest of our lives. You will be the one who ends up going broke Jungkook, for sure.

Jungkook looked back slightly at this comment before starting to walk away again since he didn't want to waste more time with his parents anymore. He laughed a little knowing that his dad was just trying every last bit to try and make him feel bad and he wouldn't fall for this. Jungkook was not going anywhere, neither was he going to go broke.

Jungkook's Mom - I will not let this happen Jungkook, you will marry the woman we pick out for you and get her pregnant just like we made you do back then.

Jungkook laughed when he heard her say this as he could not care less on how she felt about this whole situation of who he was with. He walked right out of the room and just went back to work now, completely ignoring their threats.

Jungkook's Dad — This is not over!

Jungkook's Mom - This is just the beginning!

Jungkook heard both of them yelling at him as he just sat back down on his chair and started to focus on work again immediately.

Jungkook - We will see about that, I am not doing anything that I don't want to do. I was forced into marrying someone I didn't even know or love and I won't ever let that happen again. I am with the woman of my dreams, I love her and I will never let her go no matter what you both say. No matter how much you harass me I will never choose anything over her.
He said making them even more mad.

Unfortunately today Yn thought to visit Jungkook's office too. As Yn entered the cabin for the first time after the birth of their son. She saw Jungkook's parents yelling at him.

Jungkook - You know I won't do this, you guys cannot keep telling me what to do! I'm an adult, and I make my own decisions and I chose this, not you guys.
Jungkook was keeping his calm a little bit right now and he was not trying to start a fight right now in front of his wife.

Yn - koo what is going on ?
She asked, as she stood beside him.

Jungkook's mom rolled her eyes seeing her presence there.

Jungkook's Mom - Oh look who is here.
She said and scoffed.

Jungkook - Just a small argument over here, nothing important.
Jungkook said as he was trying to keep it all as simple as possible since his wife was there but it was definitely not easy.

Jungkook's Mom - Of course, she is here! She has taken away our son from us and has turned him into like this.

Jungkook's Dad - This woman is poisoning our son's mind and she is the reason why he doesn't listen to us anymore!

Jungkook's Mom - Jungkook your drama won't go long as we know your wife k!lled your first wife. South Korea's police is collecting evidence she will be in soon.
She said and fake laughed making Yn and Jungkook shocked but they didn't show their reaction.

Jungkook - I have a lot of money I can save my wife.
He said and laughed.

Jungkook's Mom couldn't believe what she just heard her son say right now, he was so bold and brave with everything that was happening right now. She was really shocked by his response that she almost couldn't say anything in response to him saying that.

Jungkook's Dad - You will do anything and pay anything for her won't you Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook - You're damn right I will! She is my wife and no matter what I will protect her from you two. I will do anything for her.
He said wrapping his arm around her.

Jungkook's Dad - Are you going to pay your way in this? Is that the plan Jungkook?

Jungkook - If it's what it takes to keep my wife out of jail then yeah, I will pay.

Jungkook's Dad - Why are you putting this woman above us??? She is not at all more important than us, how can you not realize that???

Jungkook - She is to me and I will do anything for her, she is more important than you both will ever be for me.

Yn - Jungkook enough please.
She said and tried calming him down by rubbing his arm with her hand.

Jungkook realised now that his wife was there and she wanted him to end this. He took a deep breath and he turned to look at her as she was rubbing his arm to calm him down.

Jungkook - Yeah you're right... I think I should stop talking to them now and they can leave.
Jungkook was taking her side in this situation and he was looking to her for some comfort.

Yn - Please Mr.Jeon and Mrs.Jeon leave us alone.
She said almost begging them.

Jungkook's Dad - There is no reason for us to leave, this is our son Jungkook, he doesn't have the right to tell us that we can go or not.

Jungkook's Mom - Besides we aren't leaving until he learns right from the wrong.

Jungkook - Please, get the hell out of my office!
Jungkook said in a stern tone and he was serious in how he said this because he didn't want to keep on fighting with both of them especially knowing that his wife was watching this whole situation unfolding.

Jungkook's Dad — Jungkook you cannot speak to us with that tone again, we are still your parents. You have not been acting like our son lately and we will not let this slide.

Jungkook's Mom - If it was for us you would still be married to Moon but that b*tch got in the way and started to manipulate you into thinking the wrong things. This needs to stop!

Yn was shocked, she could not believe what she was hearing right now. She never imagined Jungkook's parents having such thoughts about her at all.

Jungkook - Guards please take them out.

Jungkook's Dad — Guards? We will not go out of here. We own your damn corporation!

Jungkook - Don't even try to do anything stupid please.

Jungkook's Parents - Jungkook you are not kicking us out of our own damn company, this company will never get rid of us.
They seemed completely confident and full of pride of how they owned the company still even after what Jungkook said they would have to leave. That kind of confidence made it even worse for Jungkook to deal with them.

Jungkook - If you do not leave, I will just remove you from the company, I don't care how much you guys own it, I own most of your shares so I am your boss now! Just face the damn reality already.

Jungkook was so serious at this point as he was really fed up with both of them, he was done playing nice after they insulted his wife like that. He didn't care anymore and he just wanted them to accept the truth now.

Guards entered the office and grabbed his parents dragging them out Jungkook let the guards carry out his parents and as soon as they were gone he looked at Yn and walked towards her as he put his arm around her and he pulled her close.

Jungkook - Are you alright? I am sorry you had to hear all of that, my parents are crazy, please know that I love you.
He said in a soft yet gentle tone.

Yn - No I am good, I understand your parents won't leave us. I love you too.
She said with a heavy sigh hugging him back.

Jungkook - I don't get how they can be like this, I just want us to be happy and now they are throwing this at us. I didn't realize that they had such a negative opinion about you and they aren't even hiding it anymore.

He continued to hold her close and he looked down at her, he was now realizing how much pain he has put her under just to be with her. He was so sorry that she had to go through this just for his happiness.

Yn - Jungkook it's fine, as long as I have you I have no problem in facing them.
She said.

Jungkook - You are so brave, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and thank you for always being there for me.

He kissed her on her cheek and he just kept holding her close to him as he wanted to be alone with her for the rest of the day. Jungkook didn't want to deal with his parents at all today as he was already so mad at them and so he was going to enjoy this day with his wife only.

Jungkook - I love you, thank you for being my wife and letting me be myself with you.
He said, as Yn smiled she was really happy having him as her husband was the best.

Yn - I love you too, now let's go home your son is waiting for you.
She said and chuckled.

Jungkook - Yeah you're right, our baby boy is waiting for us, okay come on, let's go home where we actually will get the love we need from our son.
He said with a smile as he took her hands and he started to walk out of the building with her. They both left the building together and they would now go home in order to play with their little baby boy.

Thank you so much for reading 💐
Taexzoe <3 !

- Please comment and Vote that gives me motivation to post sooner !

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