Secret Second Marriage

By Taexzoe

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Jeon Jungkook the one and only son of the Jeon family gets forced married to a spoiled rich bratty girl and a... More

Chapter 1 - His Life The Intro
Chapter 2 - Trip to Japan
Chapter 3 - A Sweet Bond
Chapter 4 - He Loves Her
Chapter 5 - Why Jungkook?
Chapter 6 - You Are Mine
Chapter 7 - His Friends Visit
Chapter 8 - Shifting Back To Korea
Chapter 9 - He proposed Her
Chapter 10 - New House
Chapter 11 - The Royal Engagement
Chapter 12 - Meeting His Mom
Chapter 13 - Meeting Her Parents
Chapter 14 - Messed Up
Chapter 15 - Marriage
Chapter 16 - Will He Come Back?
Chapter 17 - His Wife?
Chapter 18 - I Love You
Chapter 19 - He Is Back!
Chapter 20 - Leaving Them Forever
Chapter 21 - Back To Japan
Chapter 23 - Guilt And Regret
Chapter 24 - Caught

Chapter 22 - Baby Is Here

692 45 4
By Taexzoe

Title - Secret Second Marriage
Written by Taexzoe

Author Pov
The days and months went by and they were now living peacefully together, there were no fights or arguments as everything was good between them. Their love had never been stronger and all of it started with YN killing moon. They were like a match made in heaven as they both were equally twisted and insane human beings who would do whatever it took to protect each other.

Yn - Jungkook! Dear dinner is ready please come downstairs!
Yn yelled from downstairs, placing everything on the dining table.

Jungkook - Okay, I'm coming dear.
He said as he left his room and walked down to join her downstairs. As he went down the stairs, he already had a big smile on his face as he saw the table fully set. He couldn't wait to eat this meal as he sat down at his place while smiling at her.

He walked behind her and back hugged her, he slowly slips his hand inside her T-shirt and creases her 7 months baby bump.

The sensation of feeling her soft baby bump with his hands made him feel a little emotional inside as his eyes started to glaze over. He hugged her as tightly as he could, taking pride in the fact that she was carrying his baby inside of her. It filled him with so much happiness that he could not describe in words.

Yn - Kook sit down.
She said.

Jungkook - Sure, sure.
He replied as he released his grip on her and walked to his seat at the table.

He let go of her as he took his spot at the table. He still had his arm on her though as he leaned his palm on her slightly rounded stomach as he smiled at her. Yn did not need to tell him twice as he was already sat down and waiting for her to take her seat as well.

Yn - Eat, Jungkook.
I said and with the support of table I got up and started serving him.

The act made his heart melt inside as he saw her take care of him so much. He couldn't help but get even happier inside seeing how loving and caring she was towards him.

Jungkook - Thank you, my love.
He said before starting to eat the delicious food she had prepared for him. He was enjoying the meal to the fullest as he was hungry and the food tasted amazing to him.

Where as Yn sat there staring at Jungkook eat so cutely. His side profile looking very handsome.

He didn't notice her stare as he was currently focused on eating his food but she couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked in that moment. He looked so perfect as he ate, she felt like he was the most beautiful human on earth at this moment as she continued to stare at him. He was not only handsome from the side but also from the front as he continued to eat his food, she was enjoying the view of him immensely.

He suddenly stopped eating and his eyes slowly drifted to her, realising that he felt her eyes on his face. His eyes locked on to hers for a moment and he could see that she was staring at him. He then smirked a little as he asked her a question.

Jungkook - Were you staring at me?
He asked as he kept his gaze locked onto hers and did not break it. The smile kept plastered on his face as he waited for her answer.

Yn - Is there any problem in me staring at my husband?
She asked smiling.

Jungkook - No. Not at all.
He replied as he looked back into her eyes and smiled at her sweetly. She was so cute in this moment as he continued to gaze at her for a few moments before continuing to eat his food. He wanted to continue eating as he was pretty hungry but he couldn't help himself but stare at her right back.

Jungkook - Baby aren't you gonna eat?
He asked looking at her empty plate.

Yn - I guess I got a little into staring at you that I forgot to eat my food.
She replied as she started to eat her food now. After all, her appetite was back and she couldn't possibly let the delicious food go to waste.

The fact that he cared so much about her made her feel happy even in such a simple task, she really felt loved. She gave him another smile as she sat back down and allowed him to serve her as she let him take care of her. He was truly the perfect husband and even though they both had a twisted and dark secret hidden in their closet, they made the perfect couple who would go to any length to protect each other.

Jungkook - Let me feed you

The fact that he was so intent on feeding her made her feel so happy. She was already used to him being this caring towards her but she loved every aspect of it. She just sat there as she looked up at him waiting for him to start feeding her.

— 1 Month 15 Days later
Yn had now started to look more pregnant and the baby was clearly showing inside of her stomach. She was very uncomfortable but she still looked stunning despite everything. She still had a glow on her face even though she was so uncomfortable as she had experienced so many things in the past few months. The pregnancy had been a bit tough on her for a while but now she was doing much better and was able to handle it to the fullest. She was back to being herself completely.

Yn was laying on her bed scrolling through her phone. She was really bored as Jungkook was in office.

Suddenly she got a call from her best friends Jisoo and Wonwoo.

They wanted to do her pregnancy photo shoot.

30 Minutes Later

Jisoo and Wonwoo reached her house. As soon as Yn heard a knock at the door and she knew it had to be them. She quickly stood up from her bed as she straightened her dress up a little and went to open the door to let them in. She looked at them with a big smile on her face as she couldn't wait to start the photo shoot but she wasn't sure how comfortable it would be right now as she was pretty far into her pregnancy.

They both hugged her.

Jisoo - Aigoo our pretty best friend, you are looking so pretty.
She said and broke the hug.

Yn smiled brightly as she felt their hug wrapping around her before breaking it. She didn't feel too comfortable hugging people right now as her stomach was starting to get way too big and the baby was pushing against everything in there and made it uncomfortable but she forced the thought out of her mind for now to enjoy the moment. She looked at Jisoo and then her eyes went to Wonwoo, she gave him a quick smile as she greeted him and broke the hug with him.

Wonwoo - Okay girls let's go. I have hired a photographer for 5 hours so we gotta be quick!
He said and walked out towards the car.

Yn nodded as she also left the house with them as they made their way to the car. She had no idea where they were going but she trusted them both and especially Wonwoo. She was sure that the photo shoot would be done well as he was always so organised and kept a track of everything so she was sure he had planned this out thoroughly too.

— At the shoot
Once they all arrived at the shoot they started with their set up and once everything was done with, they were now going to start the photos. Everything was ready for them and all that was left was for Yn to look her best for the shoot. She felt nervous as she didn't know how her pregnancy body would look in the pictures but she also felt a little excited to see the final results. She started preparing herself mentally and emotionally, getting ready to shoot.

Wonwoo and Jisoo noticed Yn being nervous they sat beside her and comforted her.

Jisoo - Relax beautiful, you are looking gorgeous don't doubt yourself.
She said and patted her head.

Wonwoo - Yes Yn-ah bestie finally you are pregnant come on let's do a bomb photo shoot.
He said excitedly.

Jisoo - Yes me and Wonwoo got a lot of dresses for you too!
She said.

Yn felt herself getting more and more relaxed as she felt more motivated now that she knew that they had prepared so much for this shoot. She was confident that the photos would come out perfect because of how much they had planned the whole thing. She felt grateful that she had them both in her life and she let it show by smiling wide at both of them.

Wonwoo - Okay now let's do your photo shoot come on!
He said and gave her his hand for support in standing up.

Yn took his hand for support and followed his direction, she was a little nervous at first due to the weight of her stomach but she felt more stable as she held onto his hand so she managed to get up with ease. She wasn't really used to taking photos at her size but she was confident that they would all turn out perfect since she had Wonwoo and Jisoo there to guide her and make sure she was doing everything right.

The photos were almost done but there was a picture missing a picture with the father of the baby.

He yelled looking at Jisoo. Jisoo who was busy looking at Yn who was having a photo shoot flinched and nodded.

Yn felt everyone's eyes on her when she heard them yell his name. She looked up at Wonwoo and noticed where his focus was, he wanted her to call Jungkook, she wondered why for a moment before she realised that he wanted to have his photo taken with her. She didn't blame him for that because it would only make the photoshoot 10x better, it would be the icing on the cake. She took out her phone and called him.

Yn handed the phone to Jisoo and gave her another warm smile. She was feeling extremely confident right now and she knew that the pictures left would turn out even better than the ones that were already done. She had high hopes for them and she just felt that nothing could possibly go wrong right now, everything felt so right for the moment. She looked at Jisoo as she waited for her to talk to Jungkook.

On call —
Jisoo - Hello Jungkook!

Jungkook - Hi, what is it?
He had picked up her phone call but he sounded pretty tired on the phone. He was probably still busy in his office so she was not surprised that he sounded tired but he still came off as his normal, cold persona. She couldn't help but wonder if he was always this cold when she isn't around or if he was only like this with her. She would just assume it was because he was busy which was why he sounded the way he did.

Jisoo - Jungkook it's me Jisoo Yn's best friend.

Jungkook - Yes?
He said in a cold monotone tone, he was getting irritated on the phone call right now. He didn't like when people bothered him after work as he was still a little tired and he wanted nothing but his bed. But still, he kept his tone neutral as he didn't want her to notice that he was irritated right now. He waited for her to say more as he was curious as to why she was calling him.

Jisoo - Oh actually can you come at xxx place right now?

Jungkook - What's the reason?
He asked calmly, although his tone was cold, it was evident that he was interested in the fact that she was calling him to go out somewhere. He wanted to know why he was being called out so suddenly when he just finished work and was tired so he was also on edge as he waited for her to answer. She said she had something important to tell him so that was why he was so wary.

Jisoo - For Yn can you come quick!

Jungkook - Oh okay.
His tone now seemed much softer than before, his voice had a different tone to it than before. The normal coldness was replaced with something much warmer just from him knowing it was for her. He immediately got up out of his chair and got his coat on before leaving his office. He was curious about what she had to say and he was ready to come just for her.

— Call Ended

He hung up the phone and made his way to the place that was specified by Jisoo, he was curious to know what exactly she wanted. He was already so tired from work so he wanted to get over with it quickly but his curiosity got the better of him and he was now walking to the place in hopes of figuring out why she called him. He had no idea what it was about but he had a feeling it was nothing bad, at least he hoped it didn't turn out to be anything bad.

Jisoo - He is coming!
She announced to Wonwoo and Yn.

Yn now couldn't help but feel excited and anxious at the same time. She was nervous because she didn't know what would happen once the father of her child entered the room and joined the photoshoot. She hoped that it would all go well and everything would be perfect otherwise she would be so disappointed.

Yn felt her heart skip a beat the moment he entered the room. She couldn't help it but she just couldn't keep her eyes off him. He was so handsome and perfect and the fact that he was now around her made her stomach do funny things. She could feel her heartbeat start speeding up as she felt her face heating up. It was always going to be this way when she was around him, her heart would always flutter no matter how many times she'd seen him.

Jungkook's eye wander around and finally landed on her. Seeing her in a white dress looking like an angle made him smile he walked towards her and hugged her.

Yn felt herself melt into his hug as she was pulled close to him and she hugged him back. It felt nice being in his embrace as she felt comfortable and warm knowing that he was around her. She couldn't help but think about how handsome he looked right now in that outfit. It caught her attention immediately. But despite that, she had to quickly pull her mind from the way he looked and focus on the reason why he was here.

Jungkook - Yes love you called me here.
He said in a sweet tone. As Jisoo and Wonwoo fake coughed.

Yn felt her cheeks heat up now when she saw the fake coughs that Jisoo and Wonwoo made in the background as they waited for them to have their photo shoot. She knew that they were waiting for him to join her in the room so the photos could be taken but her cheeks still felt hot now. She couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

Yn - I called you so we can have more photographs done.
She said trying to act casual as though she wasn't nervous but her tone kept betraying her. She was too flustered to act normal.

Jungkook - Ohhh I see you wanna have a pregnancy photo shoot.
He said and looked around.

Yn - Yeah, it will make the photos look better so why not.

Jungkook - You are saying the photos would look better with me in it?
He asked looking at her.

Yn - I mean we are a family so better with you.
She was mumbling a lot of stuff some were not even understandable.

Yn felt her cheeks get even more red as she felt more embarrassed now that he had asked her such a blunt question like that. She couldn't help but stutter and mumble a bit when she replied to him.

Yn - well yeah, you know like every pregnancy shoot looks better when the father is in it too because it's more of a family affair.
She was trying to justify her decision to asking him to come here as she was getting more and more embarrassed by the moment now.

Yn - Wonwoo give him some outfits!

Yn - Jungkook please go and change into these.

Jungkook - Are these my outfits?
He asked her as he looked at the outfit she had decided on. The outfit she had decided on was nice as it would match perfect with the outfit she was wearing currently. She gave Wonwoo a quick nod signaling that she had liked this outfit.

Jungkook - She liked them ?
He asked Wonwoo as the girls were busy fixing Yn's hairs.

Wonwoo nodded his head as he confirmed that she had liked this outfit out of the choices provided. He smiled as he looked at the girls trying to fix her hair as he now stepped to the side.

— After Photo Shoot

The shoot took around an hour to complete and everything turned out absolutely perfect. The final result was a masterpiece which she knew was not possible if Jungkook wasn't involved. She couldn't help but be completely overjoyed with the results and she couldn't hold back her happiness as it was plastered on her face.


Jisoo - Just Jungkook's presence makes Yn so happy.
She said looking at Yn and Jungkook who were looking at their photographs.

Yn was still looking at their photographs, she just couldn't stop admiring how perfect they were. She kept smiling and couldn't stop her heart from the beating fast. She looked at Jungkook who was looking at them with her, she knew him noticing the way she looked at them but she couldn't help it. She was in love after both the photos and him and she couldn't deny just how happy she was right now. She was extremely happy as she still kept her eyes on him.

Wonwoo - Agree, look at Jungkook he is also so in love with her.
He said and wrapped his arm around Jisoo.

Yn saw the way Wonwoo wrapped his arm around Jisoo as it was a cute sight to see as they both smiled softly. But she kept her eyes on just Jungkook, she didn't take her eyes off from him which might have come off as clingy but she truly couldn't help herself. She felt her cheeks blush but she made sure to not let that show on her face in front of everyone.

Jungkook - Let's go home now shall we?
He said and wrapped his arms around Yn.

Yn was a little surprised as his arms suddenly wrapped around her but her reaction didn't show. She just smiled at him lovingly as she nodded her head. She loved being held by him so this was completely fine with her, she was even glad that he was holding her right now. It was comforting and she felt even more content now that she had his presence next to her and she felt safe and warm when he was around. She took his hand once he let her go and held it close to her as they walked out.

Yn - Hm let's go.
She said and snuggled in him.

Jisoo - Guys come on let's go and have a dinner together what say wo?
She said looking at Wonwoo.

Wonwoo - Yes yea let's have a dinner at my grandparents restaurant.
He said getting up from his seat.

Yn - Ah guys Jungkook looks very tired now I don't think so he will be able to come-
She said while looking at Jungkook who was looking at her with a smile.

Yn felt herself smile back at him as he watched her with a small smile. She knew that he was extremely tired so he definitely needed to have some rest but he still agreed to come and join them. She knew she should have told him not to come especially since she saw the look on his face but she also wanted him to come, so she couldn't bring herself to say no or stop him from joining them. Instead she just smiled back at him and took his hand again.

Yn - Jungkook do you wanna join them?
She asked as Jisoo and Wonwoo were looking at them with eyes full of hope that they would join them.

He didn't answer for a while, he was looking at his hand as he gripped hers before he finally managed to look up at her. The tired look on his face still had not changed, it was evident that he was extremely tired and he needed rest but he also didn't want to let her down. He sighed softly as he replied to her.

Jungkook - Yeah I'll join that would be nice.

Yn - Koo aren't you tired?
She asked looking at his tired and drained out face.

Jungkook - I'm a little tired but I'll be fine, I'll join you guys.
He just sighed as he responded to her as she looked at how tired he looked.

Yn - Okay as you say.
She said and smiled hugging him.

He smiled back at her and kept holding her closer to himself as he felt his own body relax now. He didn't realise just how tired he was until he was standing there. But now that she was holding onto him, he felt himself relax and felt his eyes getting slowly heavy. He just wanted to be surrounded by her more and more, he was so happy right now and he felt content. He just wanted to stay like this for a while longer.

Yn - Okay guys let's go.
She said to Jisoo and Wonwoo.

At Restaurant
After going through traffic they all finally got to Wonwoo's grandparents restaurant.

Once they were all sitting together waiting for their food, they had started a small conversation about various topics to keep themselves busy until the food arrived. But Jungkook was getting more and more tired with each passing minute as he struggled to stay awake. He was trying to fight his tiredness but it was just too much for him and his fighting was failing as his eyes kept trying to close.

Yn giggled at his reaction.

Yn - Wonwoo can you drop us at home?
She asked.

Wonwoo nodded his head in reply as Jisoo agreed with her as well. They also noticed just how tired he was and knew he wouldn't make it back home by his own without falling asleep. It was probably the best decision as they all knew he was exhausted and even though he said he was okay, it was obvious that he wasn't and so they agreed with her.

— At Jeon's Mansion
Yn - Thank you guys for today I enjoyed it.
She said as Wonwoo helped her laying Jungkook on the bed.

Jisoo - Ohhhh come on please.

Wonwoo - Yeah Yn we are best friends after all!

Yn was grateful that Jisoo and Wonwoo were there to help her with Jungkook as she felt like it would have been difficult to get him to the bedroom all on her own. Jungkook had his eyes closed as he was lying on the bed but he looked quite a bit exhausted. He started to move around on the bed as he tried to fall asleep after such a long day.

Wonwoo - Okay now we will get going take care of yourself bye.
He said and went with Jisoo.

Yn just smiled and waved bye to her friends as she was alone now with JK. She moved herself so she was sitting on the bed next to him. She put her hand on his forehead to check his temperature it was normal so she just sat next to him as she kept looking at him and watched him.

Next Day
Yn woke up first the next day as she was lying next to Jungkook. She was still a little flustered from the events of yesterday so she was just slowly trying to get herself together and move out of bed. She tried to be silent as she didn't want to wake him up but she failed at that as she moved around a bit on the bed and he slowly started to wake up.

Yn - Oh I am sorry I woke you up!
She said.

He opened his eyes slowly and they looked at each other for a little while. And he rubbed his eyes a bit as he responded to her.

Jungkook - It's fine I was going to wake up soon anyway.
He said with a sleepy and tired tone as he got up from the bed and stretched his body. He looked towards her as he got up from the bed and she couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked like even with that drowsy and sleepy look on him. He moved towards the toilet and started getting ready for the day.

He stretched his arms and took Yn in his embrace hugging her big baby bump.

Jungkook - This feels so good Hm. My family.
He said and pecked the top of her head.

Yn felt herself blush as she got caught in his hug and she could feel her cheeks heat up. She felt his hands wrap around her big baby bump and she couldn't help but smile as he did it. She felt safe in his embrace and she liked being so close to him like this as she felt his hands on her big belly. And she was just as thrilled to be his family as he was. She giggled softly and spoke to him.

YN - Aww aren't you getting too excited for this?
He smiled back at her as she giggled. He kept his hands firmly placed on her big belly and he just felt so content like that. He felt happy that she was feeling good with this too as he looked down at her belly and back up at her again.

Jungkook - Yes I am. It is my first child after all and I'm really looking forward to this now. I'm just too excited about the small little moment like this.

Yn - By the way yesterday was your photo shoot with your wife and your unborn baby how did you feel about that? I know you did a lot of photo shoots in your life but this is special so how did you feel about that?
She asked creasing his hand.

He smiled as she asked him that because she knew that this shoot was going to be something special for him. Especially since it was their first family shoot as a family now with the both of them and their baby. He looked away as he was embarrassed to admit about it.

Jungkook - I was a bit nervous if I'm being honest. I did not want this to go wrong in any way as I wanted it to be a perfect moment for us. I was hoping it would be a great shoot for us and fortunately it was actually even better than I imagined.

Yn - um Hm our photographer will be here in 2-3days!
She said.

4 days later
Yn - Jungkook-ah is my nursing bag ready?
She yelled from the room while applying lotion on her arms.

He had heard her yell from the room and he immediately knew what she was talking about so he got up from the couch where he was sitting and went to her.

Jungkook - I have the nursing bag ready, it's near the door.
He spoke out loud as he walked to her room and came in after knocking. When he came in he saw just how she was applying lotion on her arms, looking extremely beautiful as she did so. He just smiled and looked at her for a moment.

Yn - Thank god I was so stressed about it.
She said and sighed.

Jungkook - Aigoo your husband is here to do all your work baby.
He said.

Yn - Good thing as in the next 8-10 days we will have to go!
She said as she turned around towards him.

He nodded his head understanding what she had said and he just walked forward a bit to where she was standing and had come near her. He felt a bit emotional and happy when she said that they would have to go to the hospital soon because they were reaching those days now. He moved both his hands to her bump and just held her there carefully.

Jungkook - I know, I'm excited and nervous for all of it. But I know that you're strong and so everything will go well.

Yn - You know I am so lucky to have Jisoo and Wonwoo with me. Shifting forever to Japan was a big step but with them it seems easier.

He just nodded his head as he responded.

Jungkook - Right, you're lucky to have them with you. They've stayed close to you so they could be a good support for you even in Japan but it is also good that you have them with you. It makes things much more comfortable even though the shift might seem a bit too big.

He kept his hands on her bump and smiled at her as they spoke. He was being very gentle with her now as he looked down at her baby bump which was really big at this time.

1 Week Later
Everything was going well Jungkook started his work from home as he was very protective towards Yn.

He was 24/7 with her he won't even let her drink water by her own.

Yn was sitting on the couch watching K-Drama where as Jungkook was sitting beside her and typing on his laptop.

Yn - I feel like peeing.
She said and was about to get up from her place.

Yn - Jungkook I think the water broke AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Jungkook was sitting next to her on the couch when he suddenly heard her scream out loud and his immediate reaction was to move forward and check on her. He looked at her and his eyes widened as he started to panic seeing the water had already broken. He immediately moved her into his arms and started to hold her close to him.

Jungkook - Stay calm, I'll drive us to the hospital now. Make sure to keep breathing carefully.
He spoke out loud to her as he was carrying her in his arms and walking straight out of the room and to the car.


He was driving quite fast in the car with her in his arms as he saw her in pain and he was panicking right now. He was trying his best to stay calm as he tried to not let it show as she was already screaming and crying. He was driving as quickly as he could and trying to be super careful not to fall or hit anything so he could get her to the hospital quickly as possible.


He kept driving while he held her in his arms as she was still screaming out loud. He could see how hard she was trying to control it and trying to stay calm as much as she could but she was in a lot of pain and that was causing her to yell out like this. He just tried to concentrate on the road and tried to stay calm as he hoped they reached the hospital soon. He could feel the pain in his ears even with her screaming that loud.


He kept driving as she kept screaming his name in between the screams of pain, which he could hear clearly. They were getting closer and closer now luckily as he could see the hospital coming up in the distance. He just kept driving as fast as he could while he held her up. The screams were hurting his ears too much now as he just kept trying to focus all of his attention on the road.


He rushed in holding her up in his arms as he saw the hospital was not very busy at the moment and that was good. He quickly went up to the counter and told the doctors who were standing there on duty that his wife was in active labour and that he needed them to take her to their room immediately. The doctors immediately started to hurry up and they took her to the room while he immediately followed them carrying her in his arms.

They took Yn inside the operation room where as Jungkook called Jisoo and Wonwoo.

He had called the both of them while he was in the room with her. He kept watching over her as she was about to enter into active labour and he was extremely worried about her right now.

The nurse came out and called Jungkook inside to support his wife. Jungkook nodded his head as he heard the call and he quickly walked into the room. He took his place next to her as he watched her going through the process of labour, he was worried and kept his hands on her hand the whole time as he stayed by her side.

And the baby finally came out as the doctors heard a "THUD" sound and saw Jungkook on the ground he fainted.

Yn quickly looked at him as he was on the ground now after he passed out and had a mini-panic before looking back at the doctors who were taking care of her and her baby. They were quick to work on the baby as they checked it up quickly and made sure all was well. She had heard the thud right before he passed out and she also started to giggle a bit as she found it funny that he fainted out of fear while she experienced actual pain of giving birth.

Yn - Please continue guys he will be up soon!
She said as the doctors nodded and the nurse took Jungkook out.

She couldn't help but feel a bit amused that he passed out out of fear while she herself went through the pain of actually giving birth. She understood his reaction but this was just so funny.

— After Labour
Yn was exhausted and tired after the whole labour process and she was now laying on the bed and just trying to recover. The doctors and nurses were still around her to make sure she was alright and they were taking care of the baby in the nursery. She was a little bit tired and weak after the whole experience and she was breathing a little heavily as she was taking deep breaths right now. She had gone through the whole process and now she would be a mother to her baby with Jungkook.

Doctor - We will call your husband now, is that okay?
She asked.

Yn - Oh yes, I hope he isn't unconscious for too long now. I would like to see him back here soon.
She smiled as she spoke out. She was still a little tired and weak after the long process she had just gone through. But she was glad that her and the baby were both fine and she wanted to see her husband back here with her as soon as possible now. She missed him already.

Jungkook peeked in with a small smile.

Jungkook - May I come in?
He asked in a small tone.

Yn heard him speak out in a small, kind, and soft voice and she looked up at him immediately as she saw him peeking his head through the gap of the door. She smiled a bit as she felt a warmth wash over her with such a kind voice from him. She nodded her head.

Yn - Yeah you may come in now, please do so.
She smiled once again and tried to stay awake but her eyes closed as she laid back down on the bed, feeling extremely heavy now. She looked over towards him expectantly.

Jungkook - Aww my princess you look so tired.
He said and sat on the bed beside her creasing her head.

Jungkook - You did so well my love I am so proud of you. Thank you so much for blessing us with a son. Thank you for being strong. Stronger than me.
He said and kissing her knuckles.

Yn was still tired and slightly weak but she was glad that she was able to hear him praise and compliment her like this now. She felt the pain and the exhaustion wash away every time he did something like this as she just felt a huge sense of comfort wash over her with his words and actions towards her. She smiled as he kissed her knuckles as he was always like this with her.

Yn - You don't know how much it means to hear this from you right now. Thank you, for being here with me and not leaving my side. It really means a lot.
She said making Jungkook emotional.

Jungkook - Anytime my darling, I would never leave you for even a second. You have been through a lot today.
He spoke calmly and softly with her as he gave her a gentle smile with it. He started to brush her hair with his fingers as he held her hand still and kissed it and the top of her palm. The exhaustion was starting to get to him now as he felt very tired too now.

On the other hand
In South Korea 🇰🇷
He yelled and ran towards Jin and his parents.

He said and did his little dance.

Jin laughed as he saw his younger brother dancing around as Jimin ran up to him while his parents laughed at the whole scene. Everyone then got on their phones quick and started to go on to Yn's social media and looked at her recent story.

Namjoon - Aww the baby looks like mini Jungkook.
He said while looking at their story and post.

They all agreed as they looked at the baby and saw how it looked just like a little Jungkook. It seemed like he was the baby's replica as his genes were so strong. They were all super happy for Yn and Jungkook as they saw how happy Yn looked while holding the baby.

Thank you so much for reading 💐
Taexzoe <3 !

- Please comment and Vote that gives me motivation to post sooner !

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