Beating the odds - Catglass

بواسطة 97crazyfangirl

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What happens when Kitty goes back to KISS for her second semester after everything that has happened to her? ... المزيد

Before you read
Chapter 2x01: Going back to the source of the mess
Chapter 2x02: If things were different
Chapter 2x03: Closer and further
Chapter 2x04: Coming clear or run away
Chapter 2x05: Misunderstandings
Chapter 2x06: Magnets
Chapter 2x08: Facing the truth
Chapter 2x09: Daydream
Chapter 2x10: Closure

Chapter 2x07: Clear as water

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بواسطة 97crazyfangirl

(Kitty is sitting on the grass over a blanket. She is laughing at something she has said herself.)

KITTY: So basically that's what happens when you fall for a person that already has a girlfriend and is really in love with her.

(Q is sitting by her side. He's looking at Kitty with an eyebrow raised.)

Q: Actually, you don't know if she is so in love with her.

KITTY: (Rolls her eyes) Please, Q. We both know that's the biggest lie you have ever told anyone. She's really in love with Juliana. I have seen her when she talks about her and when she's beside her. Haven't you seen them kiss like the world is about to end and that's the only time they have left? She spent all last semester thinking about the moment she was going to reunite with her. I was present every time she spoke to her over the phone. Trust me, she's madly in love with Juliana.

(Dae is sitting in front of her. He's analyzing Kitty's words.)

DAE: That doesn't mean her feelings for her can't change. It's a normal human being's behavior. You loved me until you fell really hard for Yuri.

KITTY: (Thinks about it for a second) Well maybe that can happen, but I'm not going to make assumptions and then get my heart broken into a million pieces. I wouldn't recover from it.

(Minho is sitting by Kitty's left side. He nods to Kitty's words.)

MINHO: I agree. If I have learned something from my crush for Kitty it is that you can't make assumptions about someone's feelings and then pretend like everything is going to happen the way you want. So I stand with Kitty on this one. Maybe Yuri's feelings can change and maybe she can like Kitty as more than a friend, because it's really easy to fall for Kitty, but she needs to protect herself in case it never happens.

KITTY: (Smiling) Thank you, Minho. I'm glad someone thinks the same way that I do.

MINHO: Don't thank me. It's just that I see myself in you.

(Kitty makes a sad face and takes Minho's hand in hers.)

KITTY: I'm really sorry I don't feel the same way about you, Minho. But I'm glad we can be friends.

MINHO: I acted like a total idiot towards you, so it's the least I can do for you. (Thinks about it for a second while Kitty breaks the hand holding) Maybe I can do something else for you.

(Kitty gives him a questioning look, as well as the other two boys.)

MINHO: Didn't you fall for Yuri at one of my parties?

KITTY: (Still confused) Yes, I did. But why is that relevant right now?

MINHO: Because I could organize a party again and, perhaps, it could make Yuri fall in love with you. If it had any effect on you, why not on her too?

DAE: Do you really think that, after the punishment we had last semester, organizing a party is the best of ideas?

MINHO: Come on, don't be a killjoy. If we organize ourselves well, it may be that this time we won't get caught. Also, I haven't thrown a party this semester yet and I should. Even if it doesn't help Kitty.

(Kitty widens her eyes, offended, and turns to look at Minho.)

KITTY: Hey! (Hits him on the arm) Weren't you saying you wanted to help me?

MINHO: (Smiling) And I do. But I like throwing parties as well. (Turns to look at his friends) Guys, what do you think? Wouldn't it be a great idea?

Q: (Shrugs) I'm not sure right now it's the best time. Maybe you should ask Principal Lim to let you organize the end of the year party. You could use your planning skills to do something for the school.

MINHO: (Thinks about it for a few seconds) That's actually not a bad idea at all. Good thinking, Q. (Raises his arm and they high five)

Q: I know that I have great ideas, but I like to be recognized for them from time to time.

(No one says a word for the next few seconds, until Kitty, Dae and Minho start laughing at Q. Q ends up just joining them. While laughing, Kitty falls and ends up in Minho's lap. She stays like that for a few seconds, until she calms herself a little. Kitty sits once more and, when she does, she finds Yuri standing a few meters behind Q. She doesn't have a happy face on, but rather a poker face that Kitty doesn't know how to describe. When Kitty looks at her, Yuri turns and keeps walking towards the school building.)

KITTY (Off): Oh, no. Where is she going?

KITTY: (Shouting and standing up) Yuri! (Waves at her)

(Yuri stops walking and turns to look at Kitty. She waves at her and walks towards the group.)

YURI: (When she's in between Dae and Q) Hi guys. How are you doing today? (Giving them a half smile)

KITTY: (Confused with Yuri's somewhat lost stare and unreadable face) Yuri, are you okay?

YURI (Giving her a fake smile) Yes. Perfectly so. Why are you asking?

KITTY (Off): She's lying, but I'm not going to pressure her.

KITTY: (With a clueless smile) Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you're alright.

YURI: (Smiling, sweetly) Thank you for checking on me. But I'm fine. It's just...

(Kitty can notice her nervousness. However, no one has time to say anything when a voice comes from the road.)

JULIANA: (Exclaiming) Yuri.

(The five of them turn to see Juliana, who stands there waiting for Yuri to go to her. However, Yuri turns her head and sighs. Kitty, who hasn't looked away from her, moves closer to speak in her ear in a lower voice.)

KITYY: Are you okay? (Sees Yuri shaking her head) Do you want to talk to her? (Same reaction) Do you want to get away from here? (Yuri nods) Alright. (Pulls away) Guys. (The three boys turn to see her) Let's get Yuri out of here.

Q: Okay. (Points at the girls) You two walk in front of us. (Points at the boys) You two are with me. We will make sure Juliana can't get close to Yuri. Understood?

(Everyone nods. They stand up and Dae picks up the blanket. Then, they start walking towards the classes building as Q said. They leave Juliana behind, who tries to walk faster so she can get to them. But, seeing they're not going to stop, she stops herself. Sighs and walks in the other direction.)

(Time jump. Classes have ended that day. Yuri is leaving her class with Maddison. They are talking happily.)

MADDISON: So, I went there and this guy was really trying to take me back to his place in a really disgusting way and I was like "hell no". So I just threw my glass all over him. He freaked out and asked the security people to throw us out of the club. But we left ourselves. (Sighs) God, Korean guys are the worst. Should I start thinking about dating Korean girls? (Laughs out loud and Yuri with her).

YURI: Well, it's not such a crazy thing. (Remembers something) In fact, maybe I know someone...


(Once again, Yuri's conversation with someone is cut short by Juliana. Yuri tries to walk away, but Juliana is next to her, so she grabs her by her arm. Yuri moves it to get out of her grip.)

YURI: (Furious) Don't grab me like that. Ever.

JULIANA: (With a soft look) I'm sorry. But, I needed to make sure you weren't going anywhere. Please, can we talk?

(Yuri looks at her for a second. She's still mad at her, but they need to clear things out. So she sighs and turns her head to look at Maddison.)

YURI: I'll talk to you later.

(Maddison looks at Juliana for a second before her gaze goes back to Yuri.)

MADDISON: (Worried) Are you sure?

YURI: (Nods for a second) I am.

MADDISON: (Nods) Alright. (Comes closer and hugs Yuri. Then, speaks with a low voice to her ear) Have my number and your location activated in case anything happens and I have to come running for you.

YURI: Thank you so much, Maddison.

(Yuri and Maddison break the hug. Maddison looks at Juliana one more time, warning her without words that she will be watching her. Then, she starts walking through the corridor. Yuri looks at Juliana with a neutral face.)

YURI: Let's get outside to talk.

(Julinaa nods and follows Yuri. Juliana walks next to Yuri, but is one step behind. She would like to hold her girlfriend's right hand, and even she makes the attempt to do so, but she knows that it is not the best time. In the meantime, Yuri is just thinking of resolving the situation as soon as possible. She loves Juliana, but she won't tolerate her behavior. Finally, they reach a bench far enough away that no one can hear them, but visible enough that she can't make a scene. Yuri sits on the bench and Juliana imitates her. Yuri remains silent, waiting for Juliana to speak, because she's the one who asked her to talk. Juliana tries to take one of Yuri's hands, which she has placed on her lap, but Yuri pulls them away from her. Juliana sighs. She knows that she is not starting off on the right foot.)

JULIANA: I'm sorry, Yuri. I'm sorry I acted like a little child. It was really immature on my part and I apologize for what I did. It's just that I still can't believe how lucky I am to be with you. You're the most beautiful woman in this entire world and I'm the luckiest person to be by your side. We spent months apart from each other because of our parents. And now that we finally have the opportunity to be happy together and without hiding, I'm afraid of screwing things up. And I see enemies everywhere. I see the good relationship you have with Kitty and I see things where there aren't. I have treated Kitty horribly because I have a feeling that she has feelings for you. And I regret doing it. (Tries to take Yuri's hands and this time lets her. Takes it as a good sign.) I'm really sorry, Yuri. I'm going to try to treat Kitty better and get to know her better. It is possible that, in this way, I can understand the close relationship you two have. And I promise not to behave like a stupid, spoiled child who gets angry when things aren't perfect for her. I promise to be the girlfriend you deserve, Yuri. If you give me another chance, I'll be the best for you.

(Yuri thinks about Juliana's words for a second. She came into this conversation thinking she could save her relationship with Juliana. But, somewhere in the middle, her face has shifted, alongside her brain. She doesn't know everything about herself at that moment. But, what she knows is that the words that should have made her come back to Juliana, had caused the opposite effect. Yuri sighs, her heart breaking into a million pieces. She knows what she needs to do, but doesn't want to. Because that would mean throwing everything she had worked for under the toilet. However, she knows that she can't go against her heart. She had learned it a long time ago and had to stay true to herself. So, the only thing she could do, was speak her truth and do the least possible damage. Yuri turned to look at Juliana and took her hands into her own.)

YURI: I love you, Juliana. I really do. I have loved you since I saw you walking into our History class in our sophomore year. You looked so confused after flying all night long to get to school an hour before classes. I thought you were really cute and, even though I wouldn't give the spot next to me to someone I didn't know, I did. Because I felt something different for you. And then, we started getting to know each other and I fell in love with you. It was really hard for me to tell you, because I was scared to be gay, but I did. And I don't regret any minute of our relationship. Not when we were next to each other or when you were thousands of kilometers away. I loved you every single second of our relationship. (Juliana's face shifts when she hears the past tense) But we both know something is not working with us. I don't feel like the same way I did a year ago. I don't feel the explosion of love and passion that I did a few months ago. I really care about you, and I will always will, but I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore. I don't know why or what made my feelings change, but they have. And I can't go against what I feel. (They are both crying) Maybe all this fighting has affected us somehow, but I don't know either. I just know that we are hurting each other. You hurt me by questioning my feelings for you and I hurt you with my friendships. The point is that we can't be together if we can't make each other happy. That is the point of being in a relationship with someone. (Swallows) So I think it's best if we break up and stop hurting each other.

(They keep quiet for a few minutes. No one dares to break the fragile silence they are in. But, in the end Juliana is the one to stand up first, breaking their hand contact. She speaks without looking at Yuri, so she doesn't see her face covered in tears. Her eyes are showing a broken heart through them.)

JULIANA: I'm really sorry I hurt you, Yuri. It was never my intention. And I hope that, one day, you find the person that makes you really happy. Because you deserve all the happiness in the world. And I'll always carry with me the fact that I wasn't able to be the one for you.

(In the end, Juliana looks at Yuri for a second and walks away. Yuri is crying, but not as devastated as she thought, because she did what she had to do. But can't stay there any longer. So, she grabs her phone and calls someone.)

(Some time later, Kitty is watching Q play a tennis match alongside Minho and Dae. He ends up winning and the three friends start screaming. When he finishes greeting the referee and his opponent, he goes to his friends.)

MINHO: Congratulations, bro. You were amazing. That kid didn't stand a chance.

KITTY: I don't know anything about tennis, but you played great. I guess.

(They laugh at her. At that moment, Dae's phone starts ringing. He takes it out of his phone.)

DAE: (Pointing at the phone) 아빠 (appa) calling.

(DAE walks a few steps away and starts talking with his father in Korean.)

Q: So, after I get showered, do you want to do something?

KITTY: (Smells him) After you get showered, we can go wherever you want.

MINHO: (Covering his nose with his fingers) I agree. You are disgusting right now.

Q: (Raises an eyebrow and smiles mischievously) Really? Do you think I'm disgusting? (Opens his arms) Hold me then. (Approaches the two, who make disgusted faces)

KITTY: Q, please. Don't.

(Kitty and Minho are about to run away so Q doesn't catch them, when Dae comes back.)

DAE: Kitty, it's for you. (Extends his arm to give her the phone)

KITTY: (Confused) Really? Why? (Takes the phone and brings it to her ear) 김 선생님, 안녕하세요 (Kim seonsengnim, annyeonghaseyo).

KIM: (Struggling with English) Ms. Kitty. Parking. Yuri want to see you.

(Kitty freaks out. Yuri wouldn't have sent for her chofer if it wasn't something important and serious. So her face changes to a serious and worried one.)

KITTY: Okay. Parking. I'm coming. 감사합니다 (gamsahabnida.)

(Kitty hangs up and hands Dae the phone back. He looks at her with a worried face.)

DAE: Kitty, what happened?

KITTY: I don't know, but something is wrong with Yuri. I have to go see her. Do you mind if we do this some other time?

(Q, seeing Kitty's worried and panicked face, is the first one to shake his head.)

Q: Don't worry. We have plenty of time to hang out together. Go. Make sure Yuri is okay.

MINHO: If you need us, call.

(Kitty looks at them with appreciation in her eyes and turns to go as quickly as possible to the parking lot.)

(Some time later, Kitty arrives at the building where the Han family's large apartment is. She has never been there, but hopes Mr. Kim's directions were helpful so she wouldn't get lost. After trying to explain herself to the doorman in her poor Korean, Kitty takes the elevator to go up to the top floor, there's only one door there, so if she's not mistaken, that must be the Han family's penthouse. However, she doesn't even have time to think about an apology to give in case she's wrong, when Yuri opens the door. Kitty's heart breaks into a thousand pieces when she sees Yuri's tearful face. Before Yuri can say anything, Kitty hugs her tightly around her shoulders. Neither of them know exactly who did it, but, between the two of them, they close the apartment door. For the next couple of minutes, Kitty doesn't let her go and Yuri's arms don't leave Kitty's lower back. Kitty understands that Yuri needs that and she's going to be there until the brunette is the one to push her away. Eventually, Yuri pulls away from Kitty's neck, where she has continued to cry, but does not remove her arms from Kitty's back. Kitty also slightly separates her body from Yuri's, but her hands go from her neck to her cheeks. Yuri closes her eyes, feeling Kitty's caress on her face. Kitty brushes away some of the tears that are still on Yuri's face. Finally, Yuri is the first one to break the silence.)

YURI: (Softly) Thanks for coming so quickly. I think you were with Q at his match today. I'm sorry...

KITTY: Don't apologize. If it is urgent, never hesitate to call me. The boys have understood it without problems. So don't worry.

(Yuri smiles shyly and nods. Then, for a few seconds, they stare into each other's eyes. Kitty is afraid of saying the wrong words while Yuri is so comfortable that she doesn't want to break that moment. However, Kitty needs to know what is going on, so she's the one who breaks the silence.)

KITTY: (Worried) Tell me. What happened? Why are you like this?

YURI: (Sighs before speaking) Juliana and I broke up. (Rethinks her words) Well, it was my decision to break up with her.

KITTY (Off): (Opens her eyes, wide.) I wasn't expecting that, at all.

KITTY: What? Really? Why?

(Yuri shrugs, then takes Kitty's hand to guide her to the couch so they can sit and talk, comfortably.)

YURI: A lot has happened between us since she came back. And not everything has been good. At first, especially during the break, it was really amazing. But, after that, we have had many arguments that have not done us any good. (Stops her explanation for a second. Stares at Kitty. Doesn't know what she should tell her about these arguments. In the end, decides to keep it to herself.) We were hurting each other and I can't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't trust me and who is hurting me. And damaging the memories we made together and made us really happy. So it was best to break things up. (Looks at Kitty straight into her eyes) Plus, I was falling out of love with her. I really don't know since when, but I don't feel the same as a while ago and it wouldn't be fair to her if I continued in the relationship without loving her. (Sighs) So I think it was the best I could do for the two of us.

KITTY: I can relate to that. It was what happened between me and Dae. It was not fair to be with him if I didn't love him anymore.

YURI: (Opens her eyes, surprised) That's what happened between you two? I didn't know that. (Rests herself on the back of the sofa.)

KITTY: Well, it happens. (Kitty notices something on the small table on the other side of the sofa) Yuri, is that alcohol?

YURI: (Turns for a second to look at the glass half filled with a dark liquid with an ice) It is. I'm so used to seeing my dad drinking this when he's stressed about something, so I thought it could help me.

KITTY: And, is it helping?

YURI: (Shrung) A little I guess. Would you mind if I drink?

KITTY: (Shaking her head) Not at all. But, can I take a sip?

KITTY (Off): I need to be supportive, right?

YURI: (Surprised) Are you sure?

KITTY: (Looks around) Your parents are not here, right?

YURI: (Nods) My mom's on a date with Daniel and my father is barely here anymore.

KITTY: Then, why not try? What is that? Rum?

YURI: (Takes the glass and offers it to Kitty) Are you sure you want to try it?

KITTY: Just for today. (Takes the glass and raises it) Let's drown our sorrows in alcohol. (Takes a sip and makes a weird face) I don't know if I like it or not.

(Yuri laughs at her and stands up.)

YURI: We'd better wash it down with some soda.

(Some time later, Kitty and Yuri are still in the apartment's dining room with pijamas on. It's obvious that alcohol is already affecting them. Especially to Kitty who isn't too used to drinking.)

KITTY: Well, her loss. I am not able to understand how she has been able to let you go. (Picks up the glass she has left on the coffee table and picks it up) To Juliana. Who didn't know how to take care of you.

YURI: (Laughs and follows her friend) Cheers.

(Yuri and Kitty clink glasses and drink from them. Yuri finishes first, and after she puts her glass down on the coffee table, she leans against the back of the sofa. She looks for a moment at Kitty, who has her attention on her own glass. Yuri looks at her from top to bottom and instinctively bites her lip. She doesn't know why she's doing it, but Yuri knows perfectly well that it doesn't feel bad. Kitty ends up snapping her out of her thoughts by speaking again.)

KITTY: You deserve someone better. I thought that person was Juliana and that's why I made the effort to get you two together, but I don't know if I was wrong.

YURI: You weren't wrong, Kitty. I really loved her very much at that time. But things change and feelings too.

(Yuri sees that one of Kitty's locks of hair is on her face. She puts it away behind her ear. When she has her hand on Kitty's back, Yuri can't help but caress her body, from her shoulder to her fingers. Her eyes follow the path of her hand.)

YURI: And you also deserve someone who loves you. I thought you made a very good couple with Dae. You might even make a good match with Minho. He has been very attentive to you the last few weeks. Do you like him? (Bites her lip. She didn't like asking that question.)

KITTY: (Shakes her head) No. I haven't told you this, but Minho told me he was in love with me on the plane home when I got kicked out of KISS. It was quite uncomfortable. And then I told him that I didn't feel the same way about him, but Minho was really convinced that it was possible to change my feelings. And that's why he has done all of this. But now we are fine. We are only friends.

YURI: (Curious) And do you still have feelings for Maddison? I've never seen her interested in women before, but maybe she's bi.

(Kitty finishes her drink and puts the glass back on the coffee table. She shakes her head before speaking.)

KITTY: I have to admit that I lied to you.

YURI: (Frowning) What?

KITTY: I told you that I had a crush on Maddison but that was a lie. I told you that because you couldn't find out the truth.

YURI: (Opens her eyes, wide. It looks like alcohol has left her system) Why couldn't I know the truth?

KITTY: (Laying her head and back on the sofa) Because if you know who I really like, you'll stop being my friend. And I can't lose you as a friend. You are very valuable to me.

YURI: (Nervous) And, may I know who that person is?

(Kitty shakes her head, but, then she nods.)

KITTY: (Yawning) The person I like is you, Yuri.

(Yuri's heart stops and her eyes are lost in the back of the room. At that moment, all the pieces in her brain begin to fit. Images of situations where Kitty gave her clues about her feelings flash through her head. Most of all, she pauses to analyze the day in the library. She should have known it. Everything was pointing in that direction, but she refused to see it. And now the truth is as clear as water. Her heart is pounding really fast. She doesn't know what to say. But she has to do something. So, she turns to look at Kitty, thinking that looking at her might tell her what to do. However, she finds Kitty with her mouth open and her eyes closed. She has fallen asleep.)

Hello everyone!

A lot of this happened in this chapter! Yuri has finally ended things with Juliana. And, in her drunken state of mind, Kitty has confessed her feelings to Yuri. What do you think Yuri is thinking about that? What will happen next chapter? All your guesses are valid.

I really hope you liked the chapter. There are only three chapters left. It's sad, but the story must in a high note, right?

If you liked the chapter, don't forget to vote for it, comment whatever you want and share this story with the world. Thank you so much and I'll be back soon.


Crazy Fangirl

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