
By mastikhor551

400 63 0

Krysten, a trained assassin is searched by Aaron, the badass cop who desires to kill her. One night, they met... More

Author's Note
1. Aaron, The Bastard
2. The Mission
3. They Met
4. The One Night Stand
6. The Hatred
7. Resistance
8. One True Love
9. It's Complicated
10. Fire
11. Feelings
12. Killing Kills
13. Love or Betrayal?
14. The Revelation
15. Compulsion
16. The truth
17. Evil Motives
18. Killer
19. He Killed Her?
20. The End

5. Vow To Kill

16 2 0
By mastikhor551

As Krysten was immersed in her thoughts, her phone rang. She immediately looked at the phone. It was a call from Kevin. She picked up the call, "hello."

"Kris, where the fuck are you?" Kevin snapped as soon as she picked up the call. "Kev, calm down. Tell me what happened?" She replied.

"Yeah yeah, I will tell you but first tell me where the hell are you, Krysten?" He asked in a loud tone. "I am in my second apartment," she replied as she looked around for her clothes. "Second apartment?" Kevin was shocked, "what? Why?"

"I just had a one night stand," she bit her tongue as she replied. "A one night stand? With whom?" He seemed furious. "I will answer to all your questions Kev, but first tell me, why have you called?" She rolled her eyes as she picked up her lingerie.

"Boss is searching for you Kris," Kevin informed. "Oh, okay, I will be there in a few minutes," she replied. "Okay," he spoke and hung up the call.

As she kept her phone aside, she stood up and walked towards the mirror just to look at her naked bare body. She couldn't find out why, but she was smiling as she saw herself. The feeling she had with Aaron last night was something she had never felt before. It was so different that it made her blush. She touched her skin just to feel the traces of Aaron that's when she remembered one thing.

'Aaron is his next victim, the one she would have to assassinate next.'

"Oh fuck!" She snapped the moment she realised it, "I was daydreaming about Aaron and last night when he is my target. What the fuck am I doing?" She scolded herself.

She immediately wore her clothes, did her makeup and then walked out of the apartment.

On the other hand, Aaron was sitting idly on his table as he thought about last night with Krysten. He was just concerned about one thing. "Why couldn't I feed on her, I could feel her warm blood gushing through her veins then why wasn't I lured by it," he kept on thinking about it.

As he thought, the flashes of Krysten, fighting with the guys, then smiling and then kissing him from out of nowhere, their hot sex last night, all of it appeared in front of him. He found himself smiling as he thought about it all, but he was somewhat confused as well.

His trail of thoughts was interrupted when Felix slammed a huge file in front of him. He was shocked after seeing the file and then he looked at him. "What's this?" He asked. "The list of suspects for the case," Felix replied.

"Oh," he spoke and then started to have a look at the file. Felix noticed Aaron and he somehow understood that he isn't his usual self at the moment. He tapped on his shoulders, "Hey Aaron."

Aaron was startled for a second and then he immediately looked at Felix. "What?" He asked. "What happened to you? I am not seeing you as your usual self," Felix asked him, with concern in his voice. "It's nothing," he tried to shrug it off but was stopped by glares by Felix.

Aaron rolled his eyes, "fine, yesterday I met a girl and we had some great sex," he replied. "Okay?" Felix gave a confusing glare to him.

"But then, I felt something different. I felt attracted to her in a way, that I have never been attracted to before. I didn't felt the desire to quench my thirst or lust. The sex we had, it's something I have never had in the past three centuries of my existence. In fact, I didn't even felt to feed on her, fuck, I tried but I couldn't feed on her man. What the shit is that?" Aaron spoke out everything he had in his head.

Felix listened to him carefully and then he looked at the frustrating face of Aaron. "Maybe she is the one," he spoke. "What?" Aaron was shocked as he heard his reply. He glared at him. "What rubbish are you saying F?" He snapped.

"Dude, the things you told me, the way you felt attracted to her, the way you have had the greatest sex of your life with her, the way she made you feel awesome which made you admit that you have never felt like this before in the last three centuries of your existence. And most importantly, you couldn't feed on her even you tried, all of this is signalling you, that she is your one true love," Felix spoke.

As Aaron heard that, he couldn't think of anything else than Krysten. It is said that a Vampire meets its one true love just once in its life. And there are several indications that explain that a certain being is his or her one true love. A vampire would be attracted like a magnet to his or her true love, he or she will have the most amazing sex in his life with him or her. Many desires will bottle up within him after he or she meets that being. And most importantly, a Vampire will not be able to feed on his or her true love because he will be the only one protecting her. And if that person dies, the vampire will have the most painful life after him or her. Even more gruesome than its own death. It is said that a Vampire is always incomplete without his or her one true love and it gets a hint of him or her the very first time he meets the person.

Felix noticed Aaron was indulged in his thoughts. He nodded his shoulders, "what are you thinking?" He asked.

Aaron took a deep breath, "if it's true if she is the one, my so-called one true love, then I will be the one to kill her even before I fall in love with her," he confessed.

"What? Why?" Felix was shocked by his confession. "Because I am Aaron Webley, the bastard. And I don't want a fragile human fall in love with me, because if it happens, it will make me weak, and I do not want to be a weak vampire who acts according to the wishes of his lady love," he announced.

As Krysten reached the Boss's building, her first home, she was immediately summoned to the meeting room. Without wasting even a second she rushed towards the meeting room and witnessed Felix and Sam waiting for her.

"Fuck," she cursed herself and walked in. Both of them immediately rushed towards her. "Where were you the entire night, Krysten?" Sam asked.

"She was in her second apartment, having sex with some guy," Kevin rolled his eyes as he replied. "Having sex with some guy?" Sam was shocked as he heard that.

Krysten rolled her eyes, "what? Don't give me that look," she spoke as both of them glared at her. "It's not that I am bound to have sex with just you two, I can have sex with whoever I want to," she defended herself as the boys rolled their eyes.

"May I know with whom did you have sex?" Sam asked her. "Aaron Webley," she looked away as she replied. "What?" Both of them were shocked to the core. "You have had sex with Aaron Webley? Kris, how could you do that man? He is your next target, you have to kill him after a month," Sam yelled as he was completely frustrated at her.

Krysten rolled her eyes after which she glared at Sam. "what?" He asked as he noticed her glare. "Why are you behaving like a dumbass Sam, I have had sex with him, I didn't fell in love with him, moreover, what's the best way to know the strength of your enemy than having sex with him," she winked.

Sam looked away as Krysten replied that while Kevin burst into laughter. The others shot a glare at him. "what?" Kevin spoke as he saw both of them looking at him. "She didn't say anything wrong mate, she just had sex with him, she didn't fell in love with him and moreover, she is Krysten. She is incapable of love," Kevin clarified himself.

As the words, 'she is incapable of love' hit Krysten's ears, she felt a weird pain in her heart. Like something ached and then, all of a sudden Aaron's face flashed in front of her. But before she could react anything to it, the door creaked open.

The three of them turned towards the door as they heard footsteps approaching. It was none other than their boss and a man accompanied him.

"Daniel, these are my three best assassins," the boss introduced all of them to the man, Daniel. "It's Kevin," he spoke pointing towards a blonde guy and Kevin bowed down to greet both of them, "this is Sam," the boss pointed out towards a brown guy with blue eyes, "and this, this girl is the best Assassin and fighter I have ever seen in my life, Krysten," he spoke while introducing Krysten. Krysten gave a warm smile as she greeted Daniel.

"Hello Everyone, it's really great to meet you guys," Daniel spoke. His voice had such an aura that it could impress and manipulate anyone.

"So students, the three of you have mastered in all the fighting skills enough to even fight with the most powerful human in this world and I am proud of you for that. But since you guys are assassins, there are high chances that you will be noticed by the supernatural beings now and they will try to attack you," the boss spoke while the others listened carefully.

"The supernatural beings, such as witches, vampires, wolves, demons and all have much more strength than even the most powerful human. But, there are hunters, who are humans and are able to kill them, just because they are trained enough for that," Daniel completed Boss's sentence.

"Yes, so my friend Daniel here will be training you guys so that you will be able to fight a supernatural being," the boss announced.

"So are you a hunter?" Kevin curiously asked.

"No dear, I am a vampire," Daniel replied.

As soon as Daniel revealed his identity anger shot up in Krysten. She felt extremely angry at Daniel and moreover at her boss, who had brought a Vampire to their home. She started taking deep breaths due to anger and as Kevin and Sam noticed this, both were frightened thinking about what will happen next.

"Boss," Krysten scoffed. The boss and Daniel looked at Krysten and both of them noticed her anger. "Yes Krysten, speak?" The boss politely replied.

"How could you do this?" She angrily glared at her boss. "What did I do?" The boss confusingly asked.

"You had the audacity to bring a vampire in this building, in our home and in front of me when you know that the creatures I hate the most are vampires?" She yelled at the top of her voice.

Sam and Kevin got scared as they knew her anger, while the boss was a bit confused about how to react to it. While on the other hand, Daniel looked at an angry Krysten with a smile on his face.

Before the boss could speak anything else, Daniel spoke, "but I am here. What would you do?" He had an evil grin on his face. Krysten angrily looked at Daniel. She was more angered by his interruption.

"I will kill you," Krysten scoffed, glaring at the vampire. "Oh really? Let's see then, you are able to kill me or not," Daniel replied as he smirked. "For sure," Krysten replied and then walked towards the weapon stand.

Kevin, Sam and the boss were frightened thinking about what will happen next as they knew Krysten's anger is one of the most dangerous things in this world.

On the other hand, Daniel was impressed due to Krysten's anger and boldness. He kept on looking at him with a wicked smile on his face.

While Krysten picked up a sword from the stand and then walked towards Daniel.

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