
By mastikhor551

458 63 0

Krysten, a trained assassin is searched by Aaron, the badass cop who desires to kill her. One night, they met... More

Author's Note
1. Aaron, The Bastard
2. The Mission
4. The One Night Stand
5. Vow To Kill
6. The Hatred
7. Resistance
8. One True Love
9. It's Complicated
10. Fire
11. Feelings
12. Killing Kills
13. Love or Betrayal?
14. The Revelation
15. Compulsion
16. The truth
17. Evil Motives
18. Killer
19. He Killed Her?
20. The End

3. They Met

15 2 0
By mastikhor551

"Sam, fuck off. I do not care whatever you saw now," Krysten spoke on the phone as she was walking down by the cold empty streets of Fairbanks.

"Listen to me, please, I am sorry for whatever I did and I promise you I won't repeat that ever again. Just please, understand. My mind just got diverted at that moment and thought you might reciprocate the same. I am sorry," Sam pleaded for her forgiveness.

"Dude? Your mind just got diverted? Forcing yourself on someone, without even thinking of the other person's consent is a crime and you do not get forgiveness for committing a crime. You get punishment," Krysten snapped.

"Okay then, punish me. But don't sever all our ties. We know each other for the past ten years, Kris. I just can't lose you in a feud like this," Sam's voice broke.

"Fine, no sex for you till two months. That's your punishment," Krysten gave up her anger as she thought about the only friend she has from her past.

"Two months?" Sam was shocked.

"Fine, three," she spat.

"No, no, two months is okay," he replied in hesitation.

"Cool," Krysten rolled her eyes.

That's when we felt that someone was following her on the deserted road. She immediately sensed danger.

"Listen, I will talk to you later. It looks like someone has invited his death," she spoke on the phone and hung up the call.

Krysten kept the phone in her pocket and increased her walking speed. She felt anxious because no matter how much strong you are, being on a deserted road will always make you anxious.

She just kept on walking by when out of nowhere, two guys came in front of her and blocked her way. Krysten gasped. "What the hell," she spoke as she turned around to go in the other direction. But then, her path was blocked by the other two boys. All her paths of escape were blocked by these bastards.

As she got a sense of what was going to happen, she smirked in her breath and then looked towards the boys faking fear in her eyes.

"Are you lost baby girl?" One of the boys asked to tease her. "Let me go," she faked a struggle and the boys shortened the circle to go closer to her. She gasped as she felt like letting out a cry. "Please, let me go," she cried again.

"Woah! Chill down hot head. Why would we let a sexy girl as you go? That too in these cold chilly winters," one of the guys mocked. "We need some warmth baby," the other chuckled.

If it were any other girl than Krysten, she would have cried a lot and tried to get out of there as soon as possible. The girl would have been scared for her life. And here, Krysten stood numb, acting like she is trying to figure out what she will do next or how will she react.

"Leave," she shouted and in response, all the other boys came closest to her and started to touch and grope her. And now, this started to anger her. "You guys are going to regret this," she spat. "Oh we would love to regret it after having you," one of the guys chuckled.

"Derek, do one thing, take out your phone and record a video. We would love to upload a video of this hot mess on the websites," the man laughed as he forcefully held her wrists. "Sure, mate!" Derek replied as he took out his phone and started recording.

"You guys have led your hands on one feisty bitch," Krysten thought as she was letting them do whatever they were doing. As Derek recorded the scene, one of the boys held her wrists tightly and the other started groping her breasts. She hissed in pain as his grip was way too much tight. And on the other hand, the fourth boy with a wicked smile slowly started to unbutton her pants. "What the fuck," she spat as she faked a struggle.

The guy laughed evilly as he directly put his hands on her clits, trying to stimulate them and get inside her. And that's when she stopped all her fake struggles and stood there calmly. The boys noticed this. "Maybe she will enjoy this," one of the boys winked.

"Yup, I will for sure enjoy kicking your ass now," she chuckled and in no time, she hit the chest of the man who held her wrists with her elbows. The hit was so impactful that the man immediately left her and groaned in pain.

With her sudden action, the boys were shocked about what happened suddenly. But before they could react, she held the wrists of the guy who was fondling her breasts and then punched him through her head which made the guy fall. Now she held the hand of the guy who was touching her clit, took it out from her pants, twisted it hard and then gave a hard kick on his balls.

"That's what you get," she smirked as she turned towards Derek, the boy who was recording. The guy felt angry after seeing his friends in this grave condition, he blew a punch directly on her face, which Krysten easily dodged. He got shocked by her immediate reflex.

"Who are you?" Derek asked. "Just a girl who knows martial arts," she replied as she punched him hard in his abdomen making him throw out blood.

All the four guys groaned in pain due to her hits. "The thought of raping a girl, so thrilling na?" She spoke as she bent towards them. "But the punishment is thrilling as well," she grinned.

As Krysten spoke that, one of the guys somehow regained his strength and blew a punch towards her which she dodged and started to fight the guys.

On the street next to this which was empty as well, Aaron was feeding on Hayley while having sex after pinning her to the walls. That's when he could hear something unusual due to his vampire super hearing strength. He heard the voice of Krysten and four other boys.

"Fuck," he immediately left Hayley. "Listen you, you will dress up and then wait for me in the car. No matter what, you won't say a word to anybody else than me," he compelled the girl and then vanished from the spot in a jiffy.

As he reached the street, from where the sounds were coming, he saw a girl fighting with four boys who were trying to force themselves on her, but she was kicking their asses.

He immediately rushed there. "Hey, what's happening?" He asked seeing the condition of the boys.

As Krysten saw Aaron, she immediately left the guys and stood. "Sir, finally you are here," she panted. "What are you doing young lady?" Aaron asked.

"Sir, I was returning from work. That's when these boys tried to reach onto me and," she spoke anxiously and tried to fake a cry. "Oh My God! Ma'am, are you okay?" Aaron immediately reached out to her as he tried to console her.

"Yeah, I kinda am, and kinda not," she replied as she saw those boys lying on the floor. "Wait a minute," Aaron spoke as he took out his phone. "Hello, Felix. I need a backup here, immediately. I am texting you the address," he spoke as he made a call.

He noticed Krysten, she was panting and sweating after she fought with these guys. Her complexion, sharp body features, those blue eyes, messy hairs and a cool yet formal dress, it somehow seemed to attract him. He felt something different as he looked at her. He felt infatuated.

Within five minutes, two police cars arrived at the spot and a few policemen got out of the car. They immediately attended Aaron. "Take these four bastards, charges are an attempt to rape," he ordered them and the other policemen followed.

They arrested the four guys and drove away from there, leaving Aaron and Krysten alone there.

"So you are a cop?" Krysten asked as she turned towards Aaron. "Yeah, and you seem to be a feisty girl," he replied as he looked at her. "Well, being an orphan and knowing what the world has to offer, the first thing I did was to learn some forms of martial arts to protect myself," she replied with a smile. "And that's a great decision," he replied.

Both of them smiled and silently looked at the street. "Should I drop you home?" Aaron finally asked, breaking the silence. "Umm, it's right around the next block. Car isn't needed," she replied. "So should I walk you there?" He politely asked.

Krysten looked at him. His dark black eyes and a smile on his face captivated her. "Sure," she replied with a smile. "Cool then, let's go," Aaron replied and both of them started strolling on the empty streets.

"So, you are a cop?" Krysten asked looking at him. "Well, I am the deputy of police," he replied. "Woah, that's cool," she replied. "Yeah, I hate crimes and criminals," he sighed. "Who would like them?" Sue chuckled.

"Well, the ones who commit these crimes would surely love them," Aaron replied fixing his gaze on her. "Yeah, yeah," she replied with a smile.

"So where do you work?" He asked. "At the publishing house, near the quarter," she replied. "Cool," he replied as he looked in the other direction.

They both couldn't say anything more. They just stole glances at each other, noticing their bodily features and controlling their feelings. Both of them felt a strong attraction towards each other and all it felt like all their body cells were telling them to leave everything and just jump on each other. Their Desires bottled up in them as they saw each other and they were trying their best to resist it all.

After walking for a while, Krysten stopped near a building. "So this is my apartment," she spoke. "Should I walk you to your flat?" Aaron replied without even thinking for a second. She was at first surprised by his sudden question, but she somehow got a hint of whatever he wanted to convey.

"Sure," she replied with a small smile on her face. Aaron felt happy as she agreed, he thought that maybe she felt the same way he was feeling right now and they both walked inside the building.

Both of them didn't share any words, as they climbed the stairs. They felt the head arousing between them and were fighting against a strong urge to kiss each other. Their bottling up desires were slowly blurring their capability to think clearly, as they tried their best to resist it.

As they reached the fifth floor, Krysten spoke, "so this is my flat." Aaron looked at the apartment number and then he looked at her. "Cool then, I should take your leave," he replied. "Yup," she nodded.

They both were finally congratulating their ability to resist their desires as Aaron turned around to walk towards the stairs.

As he was about to leave, "officer," her voice echoed making him turn immediately. "Yes?" He asked, hoping for something. "May I know your name?" She looked at him.

"Oh, yeah, it's Aaron. Aaron Webley," he sighed as he spoke, expecting a reply. "Krysten," she replied with a mild smile. He smiled and nodded.

"Good night then," he spoke. "Good night," she replied. Aaron then turned around and without even waiting a second he started to climb down the stairs. She kept on looking at him until he got away from her sight.

She then immediately opened the door and got inside the house. "Shit," she spat as she closed the door.

"Shit," he spat as he reached outside the building.

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