Hale Sister

By derekhalekolmlover

72.5K 2.1K 215

Season 1-6 Scott McCall x OC ©️ derekhalekolmlover More

Hale Sister
Book covers
Act I
1) The Hales
2) the dead body
3) assumptions
4) magic bullet
5) Visit from Kate
6) calling the Alpha
7) night school
8) lunatic
9) Wolf's bane
10) kidnapped
11) Kate knows
12) code breaker
Act II
1) new boyfriend
2) complicated feelings
3) ice pick
4) first date
5) confusing feelings
6) honesty
7) Restraint
8) Raving
9) party guessed
10) the puppeteer
11) kidnapped
12) Master Plan
1) tattoo
2) chaos rising
3) trapping them
4) Visit from the alphas
5) frayed
6) Motel California
7) currents
8) visionary
9) the darach
10) the overlooked
11) saving baby Hale
12) lunar eclipse
13) kidnapped.... Again
14) Galvanize
15) illuminated
17) power surge
18) the memory
19) the Shugendo scroll
20) the message
21) de-void
22) I love you, goodbye
23) Divine move
Act IV
1) the dark moon
2) Kate
3) tryouts
4) the benefactor
5) I.E.D
6) Buddhists
7) secrets revealed
8) forgiving
9) Perishable
10) monstrous
11) crashed date
12) Smoke and mirrors
Act V A
1) creatures of the night
2) Senior Year
3) Mercury
4) Condition Terminal
5) dread doctors
6) Required Reading
7) Strange frequencies
8) Ouroboros
9) lies of omission
10) morning after
11) hospitals
12) surprise visit
Act V B
13) Codominance
14) theories
15) Eichen House
16) saving Lydia
17) A credible threat
18) surprise phone call
19) The beast of Beacon Hills
20) Apotheosis
Act VI A
1) Memory lost
2) superposition
3) sundowning
4) Relics
5) Radio Silence
6) the plan
7) heartless
8) Blitzkrieg
9) memory found
10) Riders on the storm
Act VI B
11) Said the spider to the fly
12) fear
13) hunters
14) Face to faceless
15) Pressure test
16) plans
17) getting an army
18) healing
19) broken glass
20) wolves of war
The End

16) the oni

636 11 4
By derekhalekolmlover

"His eyes were glowing" Scott said. "There was something almost ritualistic about it" Argent said.

"Like it was looking right into his soul" Argent said. "That's the same thing it did to me" Isaac said. "That's what it did to everyone" Allison said. "Not everyone they only came after the werewolves" Scott said.

"And Lydia" Allison said. "Anyone supernatural" Hazel said. "Who was the guy they went after in Japan" Issac asked.

"A Kumicho a yakuza boss it was my first gun deal I was only 18 and it was supposed to be a simple exchange except Gerard left out the minor detail of the buyers being yakuza" Argent said.

"He wanted to see if I could adapt in the moment testing my ability to improvise" Argent said.

"Or your ability to survive" Allison said. "The moment the sun went down it was like they just materialized out of the shadows they had swords not curved like katanas but straight black steel" like ninjatos" Argent said.

"What do they want" Hazel asked. "To get to the Kumicho" Argent said.

"They cut down every living thing in their way" Argent said. "Did they mark him like they did us" Issac asked. "Not exactly" Argent said.


"What was he" Scott asked. "I don't know" Argent said. "But there might be someone who does" Argent said.

"There were a few others who survived that night one of them was a man named Katashi, they called him silver finger because of an unusual prosthetic, and it looked like he was getting ready to take them all on himself I've known for a while Katashi was in the country, I spent yesterday tracking him down" Argent said.

"Didn't look like he wanted to be found" Issac said. "Not particularly no" Argent said. 

"You think he knows what they are" Scott asked. "Or what they want" Hazel added. "Maybe" Argent said. 

What if he doesn't want to talk" Allison asked. "What if he doesn't even remember you" Issac asked. "He'll remember this" Argent said showing them a broken mask.

"I know I didn't kill it I'm not sure you can, but I slowed it down long enough for us to get out of there" Argent said.

"What was behind the mask" Scott asked looking at the mask. "Darkness absolute darkness" Argent said.


"So, then she starts talking about phosphors and the key having chemicals on it right" Stiles said after Hazel and Scott met up with him.

"And so that made me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in" Stiles said but stopped after seeing the chalkboard empty.

"It's gone" Stiles said. "Okay it doesn't matter though it doesn't matter I still got the key" Stiles said looking for the keys seeing he no longer had the key.

"I had it, I had it here, I had it this morning, I swear to you I had it this morning" Stiles said.

"The key you were talking about last night" Scott asked. "Yeah, I showed to you two right didn't I show it you guys" Stiles asked.

"You might have shown Scott but not me" Hazel said. "No, you just told me about it I never actually saw it" Scott added.

"I was here a couple of hours ago and the message left to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right there on the board in my handwriting and I had the key to the chemistry closet" Stiles said.

"So, you unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hide in it from the cops" Scott asked. "And then you wrote him a message to kill Kira" Scott said.

"I know how it sounds but look at this, this is the news report that came out about Barrow when they caught him okay about the shrapnel bomb that he used see this see what he did he put nuts bolts and screws and then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a birthday present" Stiles said.

"What does that sound like to you" Stiles asked. "Coach" Scott said.

"The joke we played on coach" Scott said. "That was my idea you remember that was my idea that's no coincidence it can't be" Stiles said.

"I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tell you that you're wrong, but I don't think you're trying to kill people either" Scott said. "It was here, it was all here" Stiles said.

"Dude, are you feeling okay" Scott asked. "You're looking really tired" Scott said. "Yeah, I'm fine I just haven't been sleeping really" Stiles said.

"Why don't you go home take a sick day or something" Scott said. "We'll figure it out promise, but you need rest" Hazel said and Stiles patted Scott before looking back at the board.


Derek and Hazel went in Scott's house after following him all day and discovered the creatures were in there.

They roared before fighting them. Scott soon joined them helping to fight them.

"Mom the ash" Scott said referring to the mountain ash. One appeared behind Kira and Kira turned around just as Hazel stood in front of her roaring.

The twins shown up coming through the window roaring.

Hazel helped the twins lead the creatures out of the house along with Scott. "Mom now do it now" Scott said and Melissa came up throwing the ash once Derek got the last creature out of the house.


"All the baseboards are ash wood" Derek asked with Hazel beside him. "Uh yeah it was Deaton's idea" Scott said. "And where did you two come from" Scott asked.

"We been following you" Derek said.  "For how long" Scott asked. "All day" Derek said.

"Hazel" Scott said. "You think I was going to let you protect Kira on your own and have the fun to yourself" Hazel asked and Scott smiled at her causing Hazel to smile back.


Just as Hazel saw what Aiden did to Kira, she went to them being unnoticed and tossed him across the room.

"Hazel didn't see you there" Aiden said from the floor. "Clearly" Hazel said.

"You have your brother's manners " Ethan said. "And his temper too so, watch it" Hazel said. "You didn't have to do that I mean I appreciate it, but you didn't have to do that" Kira said.

"Of course, I did you're my friend" Hazel said and Kira smiled.

Aiden gotten up from the ground walking back to Ethan.  "So, what are you" Aiden asked.  "She's a kitsune idiot" Derek said coming in the room.

"Use your eyes you can see it all around her the younger ones give off an aura she just hasn't learned how to conceal it, yet she probably doesn't know what kind she is either" Derek said.

"I'm surprised, you, bozos didn't think of that" Hazel said.


"I wasn't going to hurt her" Aiden said. "Yeah, sure looked like it" Hazel said. "Not yet" Derek said.

"Why do you think we're here Derek for a study group we're here to protect Scott" Aiden said.

"We're trying to fight for him" Ethan said. "I'm sure you are I'm sure you'd kill for him" Derek said before facing the twins. "But are you willing to die for him" Derek asked.


The room started rumbling as everyone had heard. "What are they doing" Scott asked going to stand next to Hazel. "Testing for weaknesses" Ethan said.

The creatures kept trying to get through and they were almost through.

"Guys" Ethan said. "We have a problem" Ethan said. "Yeah, we can see that" Hazel said and Scott quickly called Allison.

"Allison please tell me that you have something they're here they're trying to get in and it looks like they're gonna be able to do it" Scott said.

"Okay, okay listen they're Japanese demons they're called the Oni they're looking for someone possessed someone with a dark spirit attached to them" Allison said over the phone.

"A nogitsune" Scott said. "How'd you know that Scott" Allison asked.

"Just, just tell me what else" Scott said. "Okay they won't hurt you they know you're supernatural once they do this check once they realize that you're not carrying with you this dark spirit then they won't hurt you I promise all they're looking for is the nogitsune" Allison said before the phone hung up.

"I'm, right aren't I" Kira asked as Scott faced her. "They're looking for me" Kira said.

"They're looking for a dark spirit and I know it's not you" Scott said. "We both do" Hazel said and Kira smiled at Hazel. "Scott we're going to have to do something" Derek said.

The Oni had broken the barrier and made their way through. "Don't do anything" Scott said.

"Is he serious" Aiden asked. "I said don't do anything" Scott said. Scott offered his hand to Kira which she took. "Trust me" Scott said to her. They walked to the Oni and the Oni grabbed them looking at them deeply.

Aiden went to go over, but Derek stopped him. The Oni dropped Scott and Kira before disappearing.

Derek made his way to Scott making sure he was alright with Hazel doing the same to Kira.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

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