Till We Meet (Complete)

By ElenaImaginator

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A struggling 21-year-old young woman who got in a car accident while coming from college back to her apartmen... More



63 9 39
By ElenaImaginator

Home sweet home.

I am home but not home alone.
I don't  mind if heldan wants to stay in my apartment and take care of me if that's what he wants.Before I can open my door I glimpse at him for the last time , he looks around the flat with his hands shoved into his pockets, his face did tell that he is not utilized to places like these, so how is he going to survive in here? The worst part than it all I'll  be living with him, that's tense than anything right now .

"What are you looking at." he says as he notice me staring at him  , my other hand is still holding tight to the crutch .
"Aren't you going to laugh at my place inside?"
"Pss that so silly of you to think, and if I do you won't even know."

"I can read people's mind." I say snarky and his jaw stiffens and take a glance at my profound look on him.
He sighs heavily "Come on stop this drama just open the door."

I unlock the door and we both stand right on the door as our eyes meet dust in front of us, when was the last time I cleaned my apartment? Wasn't it Saturday ? Of last month? These is literally embarrassing, I can't recall the cause of all this mess in my house, because I never done parties. . . Unless I had another sleepover with my friends last time in my house? Why can't I remember .I was going to clean it but life happened.

My ears grabs heldan's attention as he hold his laughter, this is not funny at all. He close his mouth with his hand.

"uhm okay, home sweet home."

He goes to the kitchen counter ,looking around my sink . I walk nominal  with my crutches as I sit on the sofa slowly while I balance with my two crutches.
"I thought you said you live alone baby girl, then what is these ?" he chuckles,  I roll my eyes.
"You judge me onetime again I will kill you ." I say with my hands claspered together. I don't think I'm going to tolerate him much longer , he needs to get out of my house .

He moves toward me and help me with my legs— he lays them on the sofa .

"Now you watch me clean your house baby girl, because wow it needs to be cleaned up ."he giggles this time, he stops when he notice the smirk on my face.
I am not rude in real life, but to heldan I am dangerous, I hate him I got no reason to share a laughter with him no matter how it's funny. It is going to be harsh as we start to live with each other.  I fake a grin to him .
"My house is yours ." I say , he stands up and brushes my curled black hair as it covers my face and I  groan .

The frostiness is very too much, even though I wear hoodies and——— sweatpants almost everyday of my life, still I can feel the dispassion in my body. I don't know about my legs if I say so I might be confused whether they hurt or are they chilly .

"Hey heldan,can you please bring me a blanket from my bedroom it's right on the left side of the bathroom ." I say while I direct him. He wipes his hands with a dish towel and go to the bedroom .
I'm sure that he is taking too long because of the walls of my room that is full of my pictures.
From age 5 till a grown up . 

Abruptly the noise  coming from the room grabs my attention, what did he break now?i hope not my beautiful pictures on the wall. it is obvious that he is now starting to break my property.

"Where is the blanket!?" I yell out  at him.
"I'm coming baby girl !" he comes and covers my body with the blanket .
"I'm sorry about that ." he apologize. I glance  at him , he  put  my white socks on nor that I did not ask for it .
"Can you stop calling me babe girl ."
He giggles "Why baby girl ?"
"It's actually annoying I'm 21 ."
"Okay baby 21 girl ."
"Argh! I'm serious ."almost a grin leaves my cheeks .
"What is it baby 21 girl ?"he laughs as I hit him with the pillow beside me .
He has an amazing laughter, I don't know if I'm obsesseing over him but he is perfect, the way his jaw mound when he laughes, a light that clears his brown skin leaves me awe .damn I have seeing many brown skin beautiful man but heldan hits hard .

" you bastard ."I tell him .


I love evenings, I love them because they are such a perfect time for couples to watch at the stars. . . .but I don't have a boyfriend so I rather watch the moon as it brings light during the night—but not tonight maybe sometimes it's not all about seeing the stars and the moon alone, eventually they not always there .  watching a movie and eating pop corns with heldan might be a night, I lie on his chest—— is so broad and so cozy .
Somehow I feel so awry of what is going on now. I know that he is helping me or I am just overthinking things.
I know there is no such thing as two humans living in the same house and not chill together or get along with each other is impossible. I wanted the opposite of it .I don't mind if we be like Tom and Jerry .

No no no! he already moved on with his life and he also has a girlfriend who is much beautiful than me. And he is just being a good friend helping me to recover and his way of saying sorry to me after what happened 3 years ago .

But I should not consider him as a friend, maybe as my roommate.

I  tilt my head to him and I catch his head lying over the divan he snores, that's gross , one of the pop corn stuck on his one eye.
I chuckle as I remove it away.

His mouth is a little bit  open and his pink lips are parted so cute, I peek at them again . I wish I can have them more packed to my lips.

I should not do this, I need to remember who is this guy, he is that same guy ——i should not fall into his trap.

It's a trap Hannah, it's a trap.

"Heldan wake up ." I wake him up .
"Mmhi oh I'm really. . .I'm just exhausted ."he mumbles .
"I know ." I laugh .
"Did something happen while I was still on the dream land ?"

yes ,that I was about to kiss you.

"Nah, but I enjoyed your snoring more ." he closes his eyes in chagrin.


"Oh gosh." he said and covers his face with his hand .

He is still shy around me and he still doesn't show it but I saw it along time.

I find him more attractive when he tries to cover his shyness —little stubborn and I like that more about him .

"Okay fun time is over baby 21 girl ." he pulls me up to his arms and put me to bed .
"Okay you can call me baby girl ."
"What changed your mind ."a moment of silent seals the entire room as we both make eye contact, stop it Hannah !oh god what am I doing?
I know I'm lost in those beautiful eyes of him, I should say something.

"You never called me by my real name ."
"Maybe it's because your name doesn't suit your personality, you are my baby girl ." he says and wraps  me with the blankets and kisses my forehead .
"Good night ."
"Good night ."
What had happen to him? The old heldan I knew never spoke to me this kind of way —yes he was romantic but not that romantic. . .i hope he still knows why he is helping me, I will take it as a revenge though it's  not , but i'd  rather think it's a punishment from his wrong deeds to me.


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