ONE PIECE : Lighthouse Empire...

By DCLGalloway

453 232 126

Hello, my friends, and welcome to my ONE PIECE fanfiction! The Lighthouse Empire Arc takes place after the F... More

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 11
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 11

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2

36 16 7
By DCLGalloway

The Lighthouse Adventure is Underway! Devil Fruits, Snow and Black Cats!

As the bright glow of the afternoon sun shines over Lighthouse Empire, Aiku leads the crew back down to the base of the giant lighthouse, eventually taking them through the lush garden areas surrounding the bottom layer. Coiling around the outer boarders of the lighthouse, were all of the main headquarters of commerce and entertainment for the city.

"I'm sure Bara already told you some things about our city..." Aiku continues, mid conversation. "But at this point we're just about 80 thousand people strong! The largest floating city in the entire world. As far as we know."

"I wouldn't bet against it!" Nami concurs.

Robin comes beside her. "But still, it's such a large number. Even more than some islands. Where did all these people come from?"

Aiku smiles. "Well, most of them come from the island me and Sky grew up on. It was a prosperous town at one point, but when we started construction on this place, we collectively decided to move here, taking our lives out on the sea!" 

"How interesting!" 

"And the rest, well, they're mostly travelers or wanderers. Former pirates, explorers, or just people who wanted to come and live in a cool city. We accept everyone as long as you want to contribute!"  

Franky steps forward. "But I have to ask--something's been bugging me ever since we arrived. How in the world could you even build a place like this? I'm a shipwright myself, and let me tell you, I could never imagine a place like this."

Nami turns to him. "But didn't you tell me Iceberg had plans to turn Water 7 into a floating city?"

"Yeah sure, but that's nothing like this. He was talking about making an already existing island float. This is a brand new type of construction in almost every possible way."  

Aiku giggles. "That's what all the newcomers say. And they're all equally shocked when I tell them how we did it." Aiku stops and turns toward the captivated group. "It was me!" She declares, hands on her hips. 

Franky's mouth drops open. "What?! No way. It took me years to build my sea train, and I had a whole crew!"

"How in the world could you pull something like that off?" Usopp wonders.

Aiku grins. "Well I had a full crew too, and lots of time to do it, but..." She raises an arm in the air, placing her palm up. The crew is amazed as they watch a small lighthouse spring from her hand like a blooming flower. "I had a little help."

The crew all exclaim sharply in their own unique ways.

Luffy jumps in front of her and studies the figure. "Whoa--cool! Did you just make that lighthouse?!"

"Yep! I ate the alch-alch fruit! That's the alchemy fruit. I can create things out of raw material." Aiku holds her little lighthouse closer to the crew, who are gathered around her hand. 

Sanji's eyebrows wiggle with fascination. "That has got to be one of the weirdest powers I've ever seen. I mean that in a good way, of course!"

Aiku laughs. "Thanks, I've really come to like it too!"

Robin steps forward. "But Aiku, you didn't have any raw material to create with just now, did you? How did you make it?"

"Sure I did! My tattoo ink!" Aiku runs her fingers along the palms of her hands, which are laced with intricate geometric patterns. "A while ago I figured out that if I have something permanent already etched into my skin, I create with that."

Nami touches one of her tattoos gently. "So it's a special ink I take it?"

"That's right. The ink itself is normal, but it's mixed with metal fibers which bind with my skin. Now I can create at will."

Usopp looks around the city in confusion. "But wait a minute--so this entire city came out of your hands?"

"No way!" Chopper yelps.

Aiku laughs. "Not exactly. The largest parts were recreated from other things. Like old ship hulls or discarded iron material." 

Zoro crosses his arms and glares at her. "That is a seriously powerful devil fruit."

Brook agrees. "I'll say. The possibilities are endless." 

Aiku shrugs. "Well I guess that's true, but I'm also really young. So I'm still learning. I haven't harnessed the full abilities, and I'm sure I won't for some time."

Usopp grins pridefully. "Still though, you should be proud of the work you've already done!"

Luffy nods. "Yeah! You guys are really awesome."

Aiku gets heart eyes again. "You really think so!?"

"Yep!" Luffy barks.

Aiku blushes and begins nervously swaying. "Aw, thank you captain! That really means so much to me! But I'm not a fan girl or anything, so don't worry. I swear...I'm not...well maybe a little." 

"Hey--can you make me a balloon animal too?!" 

"She's not a circus clown, Luffy!" The crew yells in unison.

As Aiku leads them through the city center again, Zoro comes beside Nami. "Now do you see why I was defensive? I knew something felt weird to me." He speaks softly. 

"What are you talking about?" She wonders.

"That devil fruit power is incredible. It's amazing she hasn't been captured yet."

"Why would she get captured?"

"If the World Government knows, they have got to be after this girl--no doubt about."

"Oh come on, that's just an assumption. We don't know why, how, or even if they know. You're being paranoid." 

Zoro sighs and turns away. "Alright. You heard it here first."

When the crew arrive at their first destination, which is one of a series of stone archways revolving around the base of the lighthouse, Aiku stands in front of them to present it. "Welcome to our first stop! This is the main kitchen, where we prepare and craft all the delicious food!"

Sanji beams and pumps a fist. "Alright! Save the best for first!"

Aiku leads them inside a roomy kitchen area, with expansive ranges and many cooks. They are pleased to discover a lively atmosphere filled with boisterous chefs. Some hammer slices of meat, some fry fish in huge licks of flame, others throw dough high in the air and spin it on their fingers. It seems chefs of all shapes, colors, sizes and species are gathered, and all working together to craft spectacular dishes.

Sanji's eyes dart from station to station, absorbing the familiar atmosphere. "Wow, this is one lively kitchen! Look at them go!"

"And it smells so delicious!" Chopper shouts. He, Usopp, Luffy and Brook loom over them with sparkling eyes and watering mouths.

Aiku smiles. "And you haven't even tasted everything yet! Not even close!'

"I want one of everything!" Luffy proclaims. 

Aiku laughs. "I'm sure you can fulfil that wish!"

Sanji comes beside Aiku. "So who's the head chef? I'd love to chat with them."

"Actually, we don't have a head chef here." Sanji is stunned by this. "All of our chefs work together to create the food. See, they're from all over the Grand Line. Most came here to begin a new life after their restaurants closed, or their former crews were lost. And then of course there's all the new chefs training under them. We find that sharing cultures creates the best food."

Sanji is confused at first, but then smiles as he takes a closer look at the warm comradery. "I see...Well it certainly is a strange concept for me, but I can see how that would be beneficial."

Luffy pops up from inside one of the ovens with a mouthful of food, to a chef's surprise. "And you can taste it too!"

Sanji kicks him away. "Stop eating the food!" 

Aiku laughs. "Don't worry, you can have as much as you want soon! Maybe even a special plate from me!"

Sanji turns to her with interest. "Oh? Are you a cook as well?"

Aiku scratches her chin. "I wouldn't say cook. Not just yet. But recently I've been learning. I think the art of cooking is so wonderful!"

Sanji smiles. "So true. I'm glad to see you're taking an interest in it. I hope you continue your journey." Aiku blushes. 

They exit the kitchen area and move on to the next location on the route, a huge open air stage area surrounded by all kinds of musical instruments. Many musicians play energetic tunes, carried through the breezy sea air. In the back section, they can see repair shops and construction areas where the artists build and customize their equipment. "Here we have the entertainment mecca!" Aiku states, gesturing with her hands.

Brook flies forward. "Yo HOO! This is my kind of area!"

Usopp examines a few instruments in front of him. "Wow, look at all of these! I've never even seen instruments like this before."

"Yes, they are all unique!" Aiku declares. She picks up a guitar that appears to be blended with a small piano and a violin. "Like this here--it's a combination of 3 different instruments. All the musicians like to experiment with that kind of stuff. Always thinking of new ideas."

"I think this is the most beautiful place I've ever seen..." Brook slumps at first, but then suddenly springs to life and leaps into the air. "So beautiful in fact, I feel a song coming on!" 

As Brook grabs a guitar and begins to strum a few cheerful notes, many of the other artists gather around, thrilled to witness a surprise show from the Soul King. They cheer for him with loving eyes. Brook performs a quick but energetic number for his fans, singing passionately about the wonders of this magical city of light, and the wonderful artists who make it so. The crew dances with them. 

After Brook's performance, Aiku again leads them onto the next location. But on the way, Luffy gazes up into the air and sees a strange sight: around 10 pirate flags waving in the breeze, high in the air near the top of the lighthouse. "Hey--what's that up there?" The group stops and looks up with him. "Are those all pirate flags?"

Nami squints to see. "Hey, you're right, they are pirate flags."

Usopp steps forward. "What's the matter, you couldn't settle on a design?" 

"No, those are all flags from other crews!" Aiku reveals. 

"Other crews? I don't understand." Nami replies. 

"Well, it's just like Sky was saying, here in this city we respect other crews that share our values. We fly our flag as well as theirs." 

The group looks to the sky as she explains. They can see the individual designs on smaller flags all flying together, underneath the larger flag of the Lighthouse Empire, which is a skull with two crossed lighthouses through the eye holes. 

Sanji puffs on his cigarette. "You guys have a real community thing going on here. I like it."

Robin agrees. "It really is quite refreshing to see."

Aiku ushers them forward again. "Come on, we have a few more stops!"

The next area she takes them to is a giant, sprawling library. Decorated with the same Victorian-style ornamentation found throughout the city, and held together with wide stone columns and spiral staircases leading high into the air, and down below to a basement filled with rolled parchments. The entire room is filled with researchers quietly studying books, or having peaceful discussions around ancient maps.  

Robin immediately recognizes the area and comes to the front of the group. "At last! The research center!"

Aiku nods proudly. "That's right! Here you can find almost anything you need to fulfil your journey through history. Just like our kitchen and all it's chefs, this library also features books, maps and ancient parchments from all corners of the sea. Probably some you've never even seen!"

Robin smiles brightly. "Truly wonderful!"

Nami steps forward. "Gosh, every place in this city is so gorgeous! Did you have a hand in the designs too?"

"We all did! We work together as a community with most things. Even the main lighthouse was painted by almost every person in the city!"

"That's amazing!" She looks up at the colorful paint.  

"I could get lost in here for hours..." Robin admits. 

Aiku smiles. "I'm sure this will help your research. Whenever you come here, find Maychen. He's the curator. And he knows everything about every single piece of paper in here."

"Thanks, I'll be sure to do that!" 

Aiku makes her way toward the entrance and waves the crew along. "Come on, we have one more stop today!"

After another round of walking, the crew soon find themselves in front of a large marble staircase, leading onto one of the arms of the city. As they rise over the crest of the stairs, a new sight greets them. A long, thin stretch of village, bustling with activity, disappearing into the distance where a radiant white lighthouse sits at the end. Performers dance in the streets, artists paint on the balconies, people gather around alluring food stands, while others drift in and out of shops.

The crew smile and laugh in unison, taking in the glorious sight of a vibrant, happy town.

Usopp strides forward. "Wow, look at this place!"

"And this is just one arm of the city!" Franky reminds him. 

Nami turns to Aiku. "Are all the villages like this?"

Aiku nods. "Yes! Sky likes to make sure everyone who has a talent or a specific profession can have their own shop, stage or business."

"That's very generous of you." Sanji comments. 

"How else can you find the best of something if you restrict people?"

"That's true."

"Plus, the more business, the better off everyone is. Just makes things more prosperous." 

As Luffy, Usopp and Chopper begin to gather around the first few food stands, Nami notices something odd in the air. Snowflakes are falling. In fact, she sees that some of the plant life, light poles and wall edges are covered in frost, and snow is falling from directly above the village. 

Nami catches a few flakes in her hand. "Hey--it's snowing!"

The rest of the crew gaze into the air and notice the same thing.

"You're right!" Usopp agrees. 

Sanji flicks a flake from his brows. "But there's no clouds. Where is it coming from?" 

Aiku grins and points into the air. "I was just coming to that!"

"Hey, Aiku!" Another voice rings out from just beyond the village entrance. As the group turns to see, they notice another young women about Bara's age, gracefully walking forward to greet them. She has shoulder length dark hair, bright blue eyes, and is dressed in a casual white kimono with purple flowers designs. "I was hoping I'd see you today!" She says in a calm, sweet tone.

As Sanji catches sight of her slightly provocative outfit, with plenty of cleavage on display, he freezes with lustful eyes. Then his nose gushes a stream of blood with enough force to send him flying into a nearby fountain.   

The woman looks on in shock for a moment, observing his feet sticking into the air. " he okay?"

Nami steps forward and waves hand at him. "Don't mind him. Happens all the time."

"Perfectly normal behavior for our weakling." Zoro remarks.

Sanji pops out of the fountain angrily. "Just because you can't appreciate the ladies doesn't mean I'm weak!"

"You call flying head first into a fountain bleeding a display of strength?!"

Sanji jumps out of the fountain, slicks his hair back and lights another cigarette casually. "I call it chivalry." He blows out a stream of smoke and gently takes the girl's hand. "Nice to meet you, mademoiselle. I'm Sanji." He kisses her hand, his full charm on display. 

The girl looks to Aiku and giggles, accepting the affection. "And who is this wild group you're traveling with today?"

Aiku beams. "Can you believe it? These are the Straw Hat pirates!"

"Oh, of course! I had heard word of your arrival just moments ago. Welcome!"

"I was just finishing a tour of the city. Everyone, this is Lunya! She's the captain of this ship." Aiku gestures to her. 

Usopp looks around. "Oh right, I keep forgetting we're on a ship!"

Nami steps forward. "Nice to meet you, Lunya! Your city is so beautiful!"

Lunya smiles. "That warms my heart, thank you!"

Sanji melts. "Charming and beautiful!" 

"Will you can it!" Zoro protests. 

"This entire village belongs to her. Every captain's ship is also their town." Aiku explains.  

Lunya bows slightly. "I hope you enjoy it." 

Luffy slides past the crew with his cheeks stuffed with food. "Boy, I sure do! MMMMM."

"You haven't even looked at it yet!" Sanji yells to him.

Chopper looks into the air again and waves his hand through the falling snow. "Hey, but that still doesn't explain this snow!"

Nami does the same. "Yeah, this is strange. It's not even cloudy. Or cold."

"Some kind of weather anomaly, maybe?" Robin wonders. 

Lunya smiles and picks a single flake from the air. "That's how I like it here."

Nami looks to her. "Huh? You're making the snow?"

Usopp looks around again. "Oh I get it, there must be a snow machine somewhere around here."

Lunya chuckles. "Not quite." The single snowflake she holds between her fingers suddenly bursts into thousands of ice particles. They shoot into the air and rain down on the crew. "That's my special power!" She winks. The crew stands surprised once again. 

Brook jumps forward. "Another devil fruit user?!"

"Wow--how many do you guys have here?" Luffy asks, chewing on a large toothpick. 

"There's just one more you haven't met yet." Aiku states. 

"Will we get to?"

"Oh, sure! Sky is having a party tonight for all of you. Everyone will be there!"

Luffy jumps into the air and laughs. "Awesome!" Then he turns to Lunya. "So you must have eaten the snow-snow fruit, huh?"  

Lunya's eyes drop to the floor solemnly. "Not quite..." She says softly. "I had a friend. Well, she was my friend. At one point in my life." The group gathers around her, listening intently. "Or should I say, another life."

"I thought it was impossible to acquire such powers without the fruit itself." Zoro interjects.

Chopper steps forward. "Yeah, that's right. You shouldn't be able to have a power like that, right?"

"True. But there is one exception to that rule: my power is artificial." Lunya declares. 

Sanji is impressed. "You don't say? An artificial fruit?"

"You mean one created by the government?" Robin wonders. 

Lunya smiles sadly again. "Something like that...I promise there is a full story behind everything. But perhaps another time. For now, you should finish your tour, Aiku."

Aiku perks up. "Oh, that's right! Will we see you at the party tonight, Lunya?"

Lunya nods. "I'll be there."

Aiku grins brightly. "Good. Okay everyone, let's go! Time to show you my workshop!"

The rest of the crew runs after her, eager and excited. Robin waits behind for a moment and studies Lunya's melancholy posture, staring out over the horizon as if lost in deep thought, until one of the crew calls after Robin and she quickly follows. 

 Aiku leads them below deck into a large underground passageway made of bright blue stone, where many more open chambers are located. Most appear to filled with random objects and parts of machines. Others hold storage boxes, chests, food items, and piles of books. "And this is my personal workshop!"

Luffy smiles and giggles. "Wow--it's like an underground lair!"

Chopper mimics him. "Just like a superhero's hideout!"

Sanji peers into a few rooms. "So what is it that you do down here?"

"A little bit of everything!" Aiku answers. "I have a small kitchen for cooking experiments, an entertainment room, a few valuable belongings over there, a music and art room, and..."

Franky looks around, the suddenly notices a large, gangly robotic figure slumped to one side at the back of one of the rooms. "Yow! What's this thing?!"  

Aiku runs over to him. "Oh! This is a robot I'm building! Just a side project. I want to use it for security. Or cargo hauling maybe. But I'm not very good at building this kind of stuff."

"That is SUPER!" Franky exclaims. 

Nami smiles at her. "Boy, you sure have your hands in everything, don't you?"

"I know, it's overwhelming!" Aiku admits.

"No, I like it! It's good to see so much creativity in one person. You should be proud."

Aiku's heart eyes return. "Really?! You're proud of me, Nami?! Oh that really means so much to me. But really, it's nothing special, I'm just me--well I suppose I'm a little odd, but hey, that's good right? I like it anyway..." She rambles bashfully.

 "She sure is excitable..." Nami murmurs to herself. 

"Why don't you just use your power to make whatever you want?" Usopp inquires. 

Aiku gestures dismissively. "Where's the fun in that?"

Franky examines the robot. "Hey, I should be able to help you with this thing."

Aiku gleams with excitement. "Really?! Oh that would be perfect, thank you!"

"We are one and the same after all. Just don't ask me to donate any parts! (laughs)"

Aiku shares his laugh. "Wouldn't dream of it!" Then she remembers something. "Oh, and wait until you see this! Over here." 

The crew follows her to the end of the passageway, where a much larger doorway lay open. Protruding from the frame is what appears to be tufts of black fluff. "Come and see!" Aiku orders happily.

"What's all that black fur sticking out of the door?" Nami wonders. The crew begin to make their way through the door.

"It's my giant black cat!" 

Usopp strides forward with a doubtful face. "Oh come now, there's no such thing as a giant--Oh my god it's a giant black cat!!" He screams.

The entire crew joins his shocked exclamation as they abruptly realize they are standing in front of a massive black cat that is now staring down at them with a wide, toothy grin. 

Zoro instinctively reaches for one of his swords. "What the hell is that thing?!"

Luffy bounces with joy. "Awesome!"

Chopper freezes in awe. "I-I-I-It really is a giant black cat!"

"I hope it's friendly." Robin adds with an odd smile. 

Aiku giggles. "Of course he is! His name is Muskers."

Luffy chuckles. "Muskers! I love it!"

Brook stands awkwardly with his soul lingering outside of his body. "Scared the soul right out of me!" He stuffs it back into his body. 

"That is one big cat!" Sanji remarks, his cigarette barley hanging on his lip.

Robin giggles. "He's cute, though." 

Aiku smiles. "Isn't he?!"

"Why would you make him so large?" Chopper asks. 

"Well, I--"

Suddenly Luffy leaps forward and lands on top of Muskers. "FLUFFY!" He shouts in ecstasy. 

Nami jolts forward, baring her teeth. "Don't jump on it!" The rest of the crew hesitate uneasily. 

Aiku laughs. "Don't worry about it. He loves a good belly scratch!"

The crew nervously watches as the cat rolls belly up, while Luffy wraps his rubber arms around the cat's fluff and begins to rub vigorously, laughing uncontrollably. When he hits a sweet spot on Musker's belly, the cat rabbit kicks him without warning, sending him flying into the stone wall. He collides with great force, sending a puff of smoke and rubble into the air. The crew runs forward.

"Luffy! Are you okay?!" Nami calls to him. 

When the smoke clears, Luffy can be seen plastered and flattened into the stone, giggling hardily. Nami releases a big puff and slaps her head. 

End of Act I

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