Futile Existence - Shenron...

By GodQueenVeronika

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Part 2 of Alternative Universe 7. This story has no quotation marks for speech, part 3 chapter 27 and actuall... More

Fear Life Itself
Fear Rising
Distant Memories and History
Brazen Darkness
Little Extra Piece
Shenron's Continued Unrest
From Beyond the Stars
Freeing Shenron
Marianvalatus Mother Creator
The Futility Of Life
The Battle That Decides Their Fates
The Coming Dark

City of the Gods

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By GodQueenVeronika

I wrote this whilst standing and sitting briefly lol. To say my feet hurt would be an understatement but I NEEDED! to write this out today whilst it was still fresh in my mind. Including the tone of it, if I had waited no doubt it would be written differently.

Also reintroduced the tree of life, no idea if that's going to go anywhere, but I can't just forget it. Might be a side thing only. We'll see.


As they continued down the streets of the vast city Zamasu was completely entranced in everything he saw. Shenron envied him.

Kraall peeked over toward Shenron often and sighed whilst listening to his heart.

We are nearly there! once inside again behave yourselves, this isn't a mortal palace.

Kraall knew he had to spout this nonsense to anyone from the mortal realms, but he hated every second of it. Obviously they were going to behave themselves they were not mortals.

One more right turn and the palace was dead ahead.

Omg it's beautiful! even more so than the city itself!

Well of course it's his home after all.

A large purple stoned castle stood atop everything. It had prismatic colours flying in all directions and dragons dancing with the colours flying about. It had greenery interwoven in between it just as the city and a giant tree in the middle of it. Waterfalls could be seen falling from the higher tiers into seemingly nowhere. A giant halo was situated above the tallest floating tier and shone brightly against the sky.

We must fly to get there, let us go.

Inside the walls were mostly colourful with gold lacing. The floors white and mirror like showing off the beautiful colours of the walls.

Extra high ceilings and chandeliers strewn about as usual.

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen said Zamasu, I would of never have even though of anything like this with my ... he shut his mouth, but Kraall knew what he wanted to say

Even in here there was various vegetation rooms and waterfalls and dragons of all kinds sitting, eating, drinking or just having fun, plenty of baby dragons could be seen being as kids are "nuisances"

He just allows them to live here? or are they simply visiting? currently these are all visitors with their kids, but there are a few who live here, but they are very noticeable, like Garm over there he pointed to the dragon wearing a prismatic robe.

The ones who wear robes or any clothing are ones that live here and must be dressed appropriately, those who are visiting may visit with clothing but it mustn't be extravagant so that you can tell living from visiting.

The food and drink is all wished into existence everyday, so it is freely given here, so many bring their kids.

There are some bore baths below us as you can see here, the floor was see through for a moment. You can sit in there as long as you wish and there are various temperatures.

You can swim in the waterfall areas too, but only with a higher up pass that costs some gold plates.

As you can see today there is no one with such a pass.

There are "mortal" game rooms for those interested in such things. Which actually are very very popular on the weekends.

Outside of the city there is nothing but space. In this space there are 5 planets which belong to the King and than a few smaller ones around that belong to the mortal races the King is teaching to be better ... something he learned from you Zamasu ...

Zamasu went wide eyed, the King is trying to see if mortals can change? yep! oh boy good luck with that, that's what I can agree on too Zamasu.

The 5 planets house 1 of each of us and Godly beings that keep the mortal realms in check.

I guess now they are out of a job as the mortal realms no longer exist. Thank you for that Shenron ...

Hey I didn't do it! it was Gia!

Well you certainly didn't help ...

Shenron glared at Kraall and moved away

The King is currently still out, so enjoy the food and drinks and baths if you have time and I will summon you to the next floor when he is back and ready to see you. You will have 5 mins to finish what you are doing and than I will transport you.

Zamasu flew towards the food and drinks table, looking over everything and than he took a plate and started to fill it up.

Onlookers found his appetite quite impressive, he must have had like 20 plates full of all sorts of stuff and he tried to be mannered about it, but was finding it hard with the intense flavours.

Once he was done he tried the tea that was offered by a server and it was the most delicious and pure tea he had ever had, which was saying a lot.

The dragon also offered him a blue and purple shimmering mixture, which he took with glee and damn near chugged it down, 30 or so flavours swirled around his tongue, he nearly went comatose from it all.

Coming down from his high he asked how to get to the baths and than headed there down the nearby stairwell.

The place had a bit of a natural smell not repulsive but certainly a little off putting, but he figured why miss out on something that looked so perfect just because of smell?

He looked around and saw a change area, he could be naked if he wanted he noted, but the poster also said that the changing area contained pants and bra's. So he wore some pants.

He came out of the change room and looked on the walls to see the temperatures of each pool, it was pretty busy in some pools so he looked at other less busy ones.

He found a perfect one, listed as 30 degrees C and he got in, there was 2 dragons across from him a husband and wife couple from the looks of it and a female dragon to his right.

Once he got in, he physically felt himself relax, like all his worries just melted away. Was this bath perhaps magically enhanced?

Suddenly he heard a voice.

Your a Kai right?

Yes I am ...

Wow that's so cool, we live a pretty enclosed life here, we don't really get many otherworldly visitors, I know of Kai's and other species due to our TV channels, something that the King gave us when he saw it on Earth he called it.

We have over 2000 channels, it's very interesting, but also very tiring you know, we're not used to it, it's actually still kinda new, last Summer type of deal.

Ah I see said Zamasu, but at least you get to learn and see things not typical to you.

Yes that's what I love about it.

I will leave you to your relaxation? ah my names Zamasu, Zamasu I am Aureen nice to meet you too Aureen.

When she relaxed with a pleased hum, so did he, but without the hum.

Shenron visited the liveable quarters allowed in only because he was to see the King.

It's very beautiful and lively, maybe a temporary home for us Zamasu. But I cannot be happy within myself, I miss Ein and my Cosmos.

Why did everything have to go to shit, why did he have to win? why couldn't I just beat him and save my cosmos? it's all so incredibly unfair.

He sat there with his hands on his face pondering everything up until now. He wanted to enjoy this place, like no doubt Zamasu was, but he couldn't, Zamasu was just his friend and helper he could never understand the loss of a cosmos when he didn't build it.

Well neither had Shenron truly built it, but he nurtured and rebuilt it and bonded with it.

Shenron eventually fell asleep in one of the beds suited to his body type and he had nightmare after nightmare.

4 hours later.

Why is Shenron not here yet?

I've summoned him, but he needs to be awake to accept it. He's probably fallen asleep the poor soul. I'll go find it, you wait here.

Zamasu had the time of his entire existence and realised it was one place he was truly happy within, but he did miss the mortal realms, regardless of how depressing they were.

He also spent a few hours with Aureen in the games room and the inner city markets and she showed him some of the TV she mentioned earlier.

He had bought some new clothes and a scarf, some boots and a bag and other little bits and bobs and also some tea bags cause this place had truly Godly tea.

Aureen didn't have much gold plates, but he had mentioned that he was here to see the King and the merchants just sold him stuff for free or greatly reduced prices.

Aureen had to admit that she too had a ton of fun with the Kai.

Back in the castle Kraall sought to find Shenron and he didn't have to look very far, entering the living quarters he found him curled into a bed fit for his body type, but his body was being wracked by nightmares no doubt.

Kraall couldn't wait for him to awaken as the King was now ready to see them, so he jolted him awake with his powers, Shenron glared but than realised where he was and got teleported away with Kraall.

Shenron! hi Zamasu he said unenthusiastically, Shenron are you okay? no of course I'm not, I've lost everything, you may not understand that but I feel it unlike anyone else. Now leave me be Zamasu. Zamasu's eyes were wide he was about to speak but thought better of it and simply left Shenron alone.

Here we are guys the inner sanctum! through that door is the King! if you need me just holler my holier than thou name and I will come running! no but seriously you'll be fine, I'll come get you once the King is done with you both.

With that he left, trotting happily away and than disappearing into nothing. No doubt he teleported.

Enter, came a booming voice behind the door.

They both entered to the most lavishly boring room of them all ... whilst the rest of was beautiful this was standard.

I prefer it this way Zamasu, I'm not one for fancy, I like to keep it fancy for the guests and those that live here, but me I am not fancy at all.

He suddenly took off his robe and crown, these are not me, but Kraall suggested I wear them for when "you walk in"

Now that you have, they can go over here and away from me ...

Now I'm not trying to be mean here or anything of the sort, but would you mind waiting in this room here Zamasu? I need to privately speak to Shenron alone.

No sure totally understand, see you soon.

Okay now that he's in there and cannot hear us. SHENRON!

WHAT! yelled Shenron back

Present and accounted for I hope, your in your head and I need you here!

Sorry it's just with everything ...

I do not quite understand loss Shenron as none of what I created has ever been lost to me, but I can in theory understand it through your feelings.

Your loss was great, I'm sorry for what happened, if it's any consolation I pity your losses, okay I'm sorry I don't know how to do this ... how ridiculous a Dragon King not having any idea on how to console his creations ... pity

What? said Shenron, you created me?

Yes, your life certainly turned to crap many times and I was so disappointed when you joined Giavaladus on his crusade of mortal suffering, but than you redeemed yourself with Rage and so I sent you to fix the path of the Kai.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to rid you of Rage, but I locked him within you for awhile, better than nothing.

I also sent the Kai to Cosmos 16 specifically so you'd be reborn out of their hatred for mortals. It's all very complex, but your destiny and his being tied are because of me.

You really are the cosmos protection duo, at least until Giavaladus ruined everything. All 60,000 mortal realms wiped out, all the mortals and Gods in those worlds turned into zombie vampires and exploding after a couple of days urgh.

I can fix it all but it'll take me some time, so you'll stay here until I do, Zamasu seems to have met a friend so he'll be okay, you on the other hand ... are a wreck Shenron, how can I help you?

Bring back Ein.

Yeah I'm going to be honest here Shenron, Ein and Gia were never meant to exist, the thought of Darkness and Light dragons irks me a lot.

Unfortunately at the time of their birth I was not yet fully sentient and by the time I was I had more important things to do than keep an eye on 2 dragons of destruction.

Plus they weren't really destructing and I saw that they were been kept in check by other dragons and Gods so I was okay with that. The birth of Rage was annoying, but I took care of that with you.

Ein becoming a Dragon of Creation and casting off her body was the best thing she ever did and she should of stayed in that realm.

Also I actually can't bring her back, she was erased by the darkness power, that's beyond even my powers.

You lie! Shenron was pinned to the floor after his outburst, I may be very polite and calm and maybe even childlike but you will treat me with the respect I deserve in my own house Shenron!

It is impossible for me to bring her back, deal with it!

Shenron not willing to back down despite the obvious power difference, charged the dragon King and got knocked out cold.

Bloody hell! you are so annoying! I can't believe I had to knock you out, this is insane.

I think the only way for you to move on from this is to remove your memory of her, ah you did this to your Kai too. Probably the best idea though.

Let's see here, remove this memory too, this one and this, you don't need this and removed all these evil memories too.

There we go, new and improved wishing dragon!

Zamasu you may re enter.

Zamasu walked in and met with the dragons face.

So I fixed Shenron, made him forget a lot of unnecessary things ... I had him delivered to his bed that he made his own earlier. Now as for you.

Zamasu swallowed nervously.

Your actions speak louder than words ever could, whilst I can kind of understand your folly for the mortals having first hand experience with them now, what you did to 4 of my multiverses was unspeakable.

However I put you in the path of Shenron who I created from my own flesh might I add, you 2 are the cosmos protecting duo indeed and I don't plan on making you pay for your transgressions. I think that would be counterproductive if I'm being honest. As long as you continue to live a good life and not destroy things or have any 2nd chance Zero Mortal Plans, I'll let you live peacefully.

Zamasu was gobsmacked, ttthhank you Omni-King! I will totally not be a 2nd coming.

So I should hope.

By the way are you happy like that or did you want me to split you?

You can do that?

Of course, easiest thing in the world.

I feel better this way in all honesty, my memories are not killing me like this, so I think I'll stay like this thanks though.

Understood. Enjoy your time here Zamasu, should you have need of me, just call my name.

What is your name?


I will do thank you.

Now go and enjoy the night markets with Aureen, she awaits you in the main hall.

He teleported him out the door when he was stumped that he knew about him and her.

Shenron the problems you've made for me are great, but I will fix this and I do realise it's mostly Giavaladus fault, but you are at fault too.

How can I amend this worrying conclusion ... I may need to train you to make you stronger, if you cannot defeat simple enemies how are you to protect the cosmos and other verses from evil?

Also the Tree of Life is a worrying problem of it's own, this tree isn't even meant to exist, how did it come into being? I must figure these things out and soon, before they becomes bigger issues.

Shenron never slept as well as he had that night.

Zamasu was out having fun with Aureen.

The King was stuck on his throne fixing the problems and bringing back all 60,000 universes. He would get no time to himself tonight. Which would leave him bitter and angry tomorrow.

Well I stuck to it all night and fixed 2000 multiverses, this is going to take forever at this rate. I suppose for the foreseeable future you 2 are stuck here.

He got up from his throne, stretched and went to sleep right there. But before sleep took him, he thought back to the tree and knew it wasn't a good thing that appeared, that Zemasu guy what was his deal? nothing makes sense with these 2 beings, who were they really?

He would use his dreams to hopefully get an answer.

Ein? you were the tree and you birthed a being similar to Zamasu, but how did you even know about him and why help? what were you looking to gain?

Oh my Ein isn't dead, she's the tree, she rebirths every couple of hundred years, she'll be back soon. I can't revive the rest of the worlds right now, it's too dangerous ... I don't know what she wants or why. I suppose I'll have to tell Zamasu what's up, maybe we can both figure this out together.

As the King dreamt on the whole town got to their festivities and most had all nighters. By tomorrow most dragons and Gods would be out cold for the day and back to themselves by the next. Zamasu and Aureen among them.

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