Their Sister, Their Strength

By gracesilverleigh

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When thirteen-year-old Maddie's world is shattered by her mother's sudden death, she discovers the existence... More

Prologue: Lost
Chapter 1: Found
Chapter 2: Sorellina
Chapter 3: Strangers
Chapter 4 - Numb
Chapter 6 - Birthday (Pt. 2)
Chapter 7 - Rules

Chapter 5 - Birthday (Pt. 1)

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By gracesilverleigh

"It's a stupid idea."

"Don't be a killjoy, Xander. It's a tradition. Join in, or go back to sleep."

"A tradition happens every year, dumbass."

As the veil of sleep lifted, I gradually became aware of the murmur of hushed voices. The familiar tones of my twin brothers, Cole and Xander, reached my ears. Stirring from my slumber, I tried to piece together their conversation, like fragments of a puzzle.

"And it did, when she was a kid," Cole defended.

"When she was three, with Mum and Dad. She's thirteen now," Xander responded, his skepticism palpable.

"Don't tell me you're worried Mason's going to get angry?"

Curiosity awakened within me as I lay there, half-awake, attempting to unravel their cryptic discussion. The fog of drowsiness clung to my mind as I struggled to make sense of their words.

Xander let out a scoff, his disdain echoing in the tranquility of the room. "Whatever. Just keep her quiet so she doesn't wake up the house. I'll start the car."

Footsteps echoed, followed by the soft click of a door closing, drawing me further from my slumber. With the more volatile of my brothers out of sight, I felt a flicker of comfort, emboldening me to reveal myself. Slowly, I allowed my eyelids to flutter open, revealing the familiar surroundings of my bedroom, bathed in the ethereal glow of soft pre-dawn light. What time was it?

From the corner of my half-closed eyes, I watched as Cole approached my bed, his silhouette taking shape in the dim light. In one fluid motion, he leaned over me, clutching what appeared to be a large blanket.

"Cole?" I called out, my instinct tinged with a touch of panic, though deep down, I knew I could trust him. I couldn't fathom what he had in mind.

"Oh, you're awake," he said, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of his lips, his actions unhindered by my half-hearted attempts to stop him. Swiftly, he rolled me over and enveloped me in the warm, snug embrace of the blanket, transforming me into a lifesize, human burrito.

"Cole, what are you doing?" My words slurred with sleep, confusion intertwining with my dawning consciousness. My arms flailed weakly, ensnared within the folds of the blanket.

"Shh, back to sleep," he whispered, his voice a gentle murmur.

I continued my attempts to bat at his arms. "I can't go back to sleep! You're kidnapping me!" I half-teased, half-protested, my mind still on edge from a similar, not-so-innocent, occurrence less than twenty-four hours ago.

He slapped his hand quickly over my mouth, a mischievous smile taking over his lips.

Cole swiftly placed a hand over my mouth, his grin widening. "Shh, stay quiet," he urged, hoisting me into his arms. "Besides, we're birthday kidnapping you, so it doesn't count," he explained with that warped sense of rationality I imagined only siblings possessed.

He descended the stairs, his steps nearly soundless, and as he did, my mind gradually caught up with the situation.

Confusion clouded my thoughts, and I couldn't help but inquire further, "Birthday kidnapping? Whose birthday is it?"

Cole paused on a step, tilting his head to the side. "I didn't think the concussion affected your memory that much," he teased, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

Caught off guard, I queried, "What?"

His smirk dropped as he realised my genuine confusion. "You really don't know?" he asked, his voice tinged with incredulity.

My mind raced, desperately searching for the missing piece of the puzzle. And then, like a sudden surge of electricity, it hit me. Birthday. Italy. It was the twenty-ninth in Sampieri. I had fled on the thirtieth. And I had just woken up. The thirty-first. It was my birthday.

"The penny drops," Cole chuckled softly, his amusement contagious. "Happy birthday, sis," he whispered, his voice brimming with warmth. "Now stay quiet."

Enveloped in the security of the blanket, I surrendered to being whisked away, as the world outside faded into a blur of darkness. Cole guided me with care, leading me to the waiting car. Through the windshield, I caught a glimpse of Xander in the driver's seat, his expression veiled by indifference, though the tension in his muscles betrayed his disapproval of this impromptu escapade.

Cole settled beside me, securing my seatbelt, considering my limbs were rendered immobile by the blanket.

The engine roared to life, its growl punctuating the silence of the early morning.

"So... does someone want to fill me in on what's going on?" I finally broke the silence, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"You didn't tell her?" Xander interjected, his hand resting on the passenger seat head-rest as he reversed the car out of the gravel driveway.

"Well then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

"You kidnapped me," I pointed out matter-of-factly.

"Smooth move, genius," Xander remarked, while the car approached a large, imposing black gate. He positioned the vehicle at the entrance, peering into a camera. Within seconds, the gate swung open.

"Whoa," I exclaimed involuntarily, meeting Xander's gaze through the rearview mirror, his raised eyebrow questioning my exclamation. "I didn't realize you guys lived in a spy movie!"

Cole's arm enveloped my shoulders, pulling me closer to his side. "You're a cutie," he teased, his voice brimming with affection.

In a matter of moments, we escaped the clutches of the imposing security fortress and found ourselves on a tranquil country lane. A sleek black car awaited just beyond the gate, and Xander pulled up beside it. The driver's window rolled down, revealing a man dressed in a dark suit, mirroring Xander's actions.

"Can I assume this is all cleared with the boss?" the man inquired, his voice laden with a hint of authority.

"Yup, cleared with Mason," Cole replied, flashing the man a grin from the backseat.

The man's gaze shifted, landing on me. Recognition danced in his eyes as he spoke, a knowing smile gracing his lips. "Ah, I see. Welcome home, Maddie."

A blush crept up my cheeks, and my words stumbled out, my voice betraying my nervousness. "Oh, um, thank you. Uh, do I know you? I mean, have we met before? I'm sorry, I don't remember your name."

Why was it that I always stumbled awkwardly through conversations?

"Jackson," he answered. "I used to babysit a brown-haired, brown-eyed toddler named Maddie about ten years ago," he revealed, casting me a playful smile.

"Oh, well, um, it's nice to see you again, Jackson," I managed to reply.

Coherent sentences were a struggle for me even in normal circumstances, let alone in the early hours of the morning when talking to a friendly stranger who apparently used to babysit a younger version of myself that I couldn't remember. Just breathe, Maddie.

His smile broadened. "Likewise," he said, lowering his gaze slightly to my attire. "Sweet pajamas, by the way."

Fortunately, Xander pulled away, and we left before I could embarrass myself any further.

My cheeks flushed as I glanced down at my outfit. I buried my face in Cole's shirt. "Why am I so awkward? And I'm wearing pajamas, and I probably have bed head. Argh."

Silent laughter reverberated from Cole's chest beneath me, and though I attempted to push him away in protest, he held my head gently, trapping me in his embrace. So, I settled for giving him an exaggerated glare.

"Don't you dare laugh at me."

"You're not awkward, Maddie. You're absolutely adorable," Cole reassured me, his words like a soothing balm to my self-consciousness.

"But...I'm wearing hedgehog pajamas," I groaned, letting my head fall back against the seat dramatically.

A warm chuckle escaped Cole's lips, his laughter a soothing melody in the confined space. "Who do you think purchased those pajamas for you?"

And then it hit me, realization dawning upon me like a sun breaking through a cloudy sky. "Wait, that was Jackson? The Jackson that bought me all that stuff? I didn't even get a chance to say thank you!"

"I'm sure seeing you was all the thanks he needed," Cole replied, his voice gentle.

I sighed. "So, what was Jackson doing outside, anyway? And, um, what time is it? And speaking of which, where are we even going? You never answered any of my questions!"

"Are you finished now?" Cole asked, his amusement palpable in his tone.

"Mhm," I muttered.

"A) He's our night security. B) It's four in the morning. C) It's a surprise."

"Oh, right. Are you famous or something?" I blurted out, the question slipping past my lips before I could give it a second thought.

It was the only logical explanation I could fathom for having round-the-clock security stationed outside our fortress-like castle. All they needed now was a moat teeming with dragons and mythical creatures to complete the picture.

Cole erupted into laughter, his joy infectious, spreading to Xander, who I caught subtly suppressing a twitch of the lips in the rearview mirror.

"Not quite, Baby," Cole finally managed to say, his laughter gradually subsiding.

"Oh," I mumbled, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief. Going from my tiny world of mum and me to a celebrity family would have been a colossal leap.

They were probably just wealthy, ordinary people caught up in some expensive business that required protection. Yes, that's what I decided to believe.

For the rest of the journey, I fell silent, stealing occasional glances at Xander, who remained quiet. We drove along winding roads, each bend revealing a new stretch of the unknown. Dense rows of trees and woodlands stood guard on either side, creating a maze-like path that I imagined would be impossible to navigate without precise coordinates.

Eventually, the road dwindled, morphing into a rugged dirt track that eventually came to a halt. As the car halted, my gaze swept over the landscape before us, swallowed by the surrounding woodlands and forests.

Cole helped me out of the car, his hand warm and steady, and I followed him in silence, feeling like an eager puppy as he retrieved a large hamper from the trunk. Xander led the way to our destination, a secluded cabin nestled among the trees.

"Wow," I whispered, awestruck by the beauty surrounding us.

"Welcome to our little piece of paradise," Cole said with a smile, his voice filled with pride.

The cabin stood tall, exuding rustic charm against the backdrop of the tranquil lake that glimmered like liquid silver under the early morning light. A weathered pier extended into the shimmering water.

Cole glanced at the sky. "Just in time," he remarked, spreading a blanket on the pier to create our impromptu pre-breakfast picnic spot. I settled next to him, gazing at the sky as the sun slowly emerged above the horizon.

Carefully, Cole unwrapped a delightful assortment of bite-sized pastries and berries, arranging them like a feast on the blanket. He poured me a glass of something fizzy, his eyes twinkling.

"Birthday bubbles for the birthday girl?" he said.

"Really?" I exclaimed, surprised and delighted.

"Well, sans alcohol for now," Cole chuckled, revealing a pink bottle of non-alcoholic bubbles.

As I marveled at the spread, I noticed Xander still standing, his arms crossed. Concern tugged at my heart. Was he okay?

"Dude, stop being a miserable bastard," Cole playfully scolded, tossing a beer his way.

Xander caught it effortlessly, grumbling as he joined us on the pier, his feet dangling over the edge.

"A toast," Cole declared, raising his beer can. "To our teenage sis."

I glanced at Xander, and Cole cleared his throat, prompting him to raise his can reluctantly and crack it open, taking a sip.

"Let's hope you're not as much trouble as this asshole," Cole added, nodding toward Xander, who rolled his eyes. However, the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his feigned indifference, although I wasn't sure if that was because it was reflecting the sparkle of the lake.

Maybe I should call him twinkle-toes?

A laugh escaped me at the thought, provoking looks from both twins. When Cole questioned me, I simply shrugged my shoulders. Some things were best kept to myself.

We sat in comfortable silence, savoring the delectable pastries, including mini cinnamon rolls that filled the air with a mouthwatering aroma. The tranquility enveloped us, and I felt grateful to be part of this moment - as cheesy as it sounded - it was sweet to just celebrate with us three siblings, as I imagined us sharing moments like these a decade ago.

Cole nudged me gently, drawing my attention to the sky. I looked up, and as the sun gradually ascended, nature came alive around us. The sky transformed into a celestial canvas ablaze with vibrant colors. The gentle lapping of water against the pier mingled with the rustle of leaves, and a chorus of birds serenaded the dawn. It felt as if the world held its breath, joining us in the secret we had discovered.

Time stood still as we sat there, mesmerized by the kaleidoscope of hues painting the sky. Shades of rose, apricot, and gold reflected off the serene surface of the lake. A shiver ran down my spine, and it had nothing to do with the crisp morning air.

It felt like a gift from the sky itself, a moment of pure magic.

In that instant, an overwhelming sense of gratitude washed over me. I looked at Cole, his matching grin radiating complete, unadulterated joy.

As the sun claimed its place in the sky, casting a warm glow upon us, I scooted closer to the edge of the pier, my legs dangling above the water. I looked over at Xander's, whose bare feet were skimming the surface. I hated being short. Wanting to feel that, I scooted further forward. But before I nearly toppled over the edge, Xander's arm extended across my chest, halting me.

I glanced at the arm, then at him, as his forest green eyes held an intensity I hadn't seen before.

"Don't feel like jumping in after you," he remarked nonchalantly.

I swallowed, appreciating his concern nonetheless, and managed a soft "thanks."

We continued to enjoy the peaceful silence for a while longer until I offered Xander a peace offering in the form of the final cinnamon roll.

"Want one?" I asked, hoping to bridge the gap between us.

He regarded it curiously, then looked at me, puzzled.

"It's just a cinnamon roll," I giggled, placing it on the pier between us. He seemed torn, as if having a decision as tough as choosing between Tangled and Frozen.

I returned my gaze to the serene lake, but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Xander reaching for the pastry.

"Thanks," he murmured, his voice barely audible.

I tried my best to supress my smile, but I couldn't surpress the giddy feeling that swept through me.

We stayed in that tranquil silence for another twenty minutes or so. I finished my third glass of bubbles, relishing the fizzy delight, even dipping a strawberry into it—a combination I wouldn't soon forget. Even though I was assured the drink carried no alcohol, I wandered for a moment if this is what being drunk felt like... drunk on happiness.

As the chill of the early morning air crept in, Cole decided it was time to head back before Harley woke up. Apparently, Harley believed that five thirty runs were the key to a happy, successful life. Gag.

"Speaking of which," Xander interjected.

We turned our attention to him as he held up his phone, his body had stiffened and he looked less than comfortable. Just looking at him sent tendrils of dread crawling up my spine. He held out his phone, offering it to Cole.

"Want to explain to Blake why he came back from the gym to find his little sister kidnapped?"

Cole paused from where he had just finished packing away our picnic basket, and looked down at Xander's phone as if it was the devil itself.

"It's four am. Why was he at the gym anyway?" Cole questioned.

Xander shrugged. "You know the gym helps him—" he glanced at me, "clear his mind."

Why did I feel like there was some unspoken meaning behind his words?

"Great, we've awakened the beast," Cole muttered, although I could feel the palpable tension radiating from him.

I didn't blame either of them. Out of all of the brothers to awake, Elijah or Harley probably would have been the safest. Then it was probably a close tie between Blake or Mason. I felt safer around Mason... but Blake, I had no idea how he was going to react. My first instict was to question why he even cared, but I barely had time to question myself further when I heard a fierce voice through the phone. I just about contained a wince.

"You take it," Cole muttered. "He already wants to kill me for the Harley thing."

I heard an angry voice through the phone, and Xander rolled his eyes in response. "You owe me," he told Cole, holding the device back to his ear.

"Yes," he answered. "No. Yes. Yes. You want proof of life?" He held the phone to my mouth, silently mouthing, "Speak."

"Er, hi, Blake, I'm alive," I squeaked into the phone.

Xander smiled, took the phone back, and said, "Happy? Great. We'll be home in 15. You can give Cole a free hit then. Bye, Blake." He ended the call before Blake could reply.

A silence settled among us. "Is he really mad?" I ventured carefully.

Xander opened his mouth to speak, but Cole interjected. "No, of course he's not. Besides, you had a fun little pre-birthday didn't you?"

"Yeah, it was the best. Thanks," I replied sincerely.

We started our journey back to the car, and as I looked up at Cole, gratitude overflowed within me. "Thanks for bringing me. No one has ever done something like this for me before, except for Mum."

"Baby, that breaks my heart," Cole confessed.

I shrugged, trying to downplay the significance. "What about your friends back home?" Xander chimed in, walking slightly ahead of us.

"I mean, yeah, apart from all my friends," I agreed quietly.

I was a terrible liar. The truth was, back home, I didn't have many friends. It wasn't that I was bullied; I simply didn't have that one ride-or-die best friend. Well, Mum was that person for me. Sometimes I wished for someone closer to my age, but as I grew older, I realized I didn't necessarily need anyone else.

Xander seemed skeptical, but he didn't press the matter, thank god, and continued walking.

"Well, anytime you want a spontaneous getaway or just some time to yourself, I'll bring you out here," Cole offered warmly.

"We can come here anytime?" I asked, astounded.

"Sure, we own it," Cole replied, causing my mouth to drop open in awe.

When we arrived back at the car, I hopped into the back seat again with Cole. I gazed out of the trees skimming passed the window like a movie screen, noticing how Xander was pressing the pedal a little harder. As time sped past silently, and I noticed we were getting closer, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of apprehension about returning. Eventually, I couldn't hold my tongue.

"So, um, do you think Blake would have told, er, Mason?" I inquired, my voice tinged with worry.

"Blake's not usually a snitch," Cole assured me with a half-hearted smile.

"Except when it comes to Maddie, apparently," Xander said slowly, as he pulled up by the familiar black gate.

In front of the black gate, Jackson, the security guard, stood. His arms crossed with a posture that exuded authority. His sleek car was parked off to the side, and he did not look happy.

Xander rolled down his window. "How angry is he?" He asked.

"Blake, or Mason?" Jackson replied with a raised eyebrow.

Cole threw his head back against the seat.

"Well, that answers my question," I murmured, feeling a mix of guilt and nervousness.

"Let's start with Mason," Xander said.

"You and I both know he doesn't get angry," Jackson said. "But he's about as disappointed as you'd expect after finding his sister missing hours after getting her back." Jackson looked over at Cole. "Having second thoughts yet?"

"Absolutely not,"he said, sending me a little smile. "But I hadn't quite anticipated Blake would be up at four am."

Jackson huffed a laugh and pressed a button on his phone, causing the gate to open. "I'll see you all later," he said, his gaze softening as he looked at me. "Happy birthday, Maddie."

"I'll see you both later," he said, then his eyes softened as he looked down at me ."Happy birthday, Maddie."

Xander rolled up the window, and we entered the courtyard. Now that the world had awakened from its slumber and the sun bathed everything in warm light, I finally had a chance to fully appreciate the grandeur of the house. I peered out of the window, my initial impression of it resembling a castle becoming a tangible reality. It truly was a magnificent castle.

"Wow," I breathed, awe-struck by the sight.

"Something wrong?" Cole asked, noticing my reaction.

"This is the first time I've seen the castle from the outside," I admitted, stumbling over my words. "I mean, the house."

Cole chuckled, realizing what I meant. "What about when you first arrived?"

"Oh, um..." How could I explain to him that, well, his older brothers had-

"They sedated her in Italy," Xander spoke up, answering for me.

Cole's eyes widened slightly. "Damn, you should've said something," he said, his voice filled with regret. "I never would have..." He trailed off, his voice fading.

"Kidnapped me?" I finished his sentence, a smile playing on my lips.

A blush crept up on his cheeks. "Birthday kidnapped you, yeah."

"That's all part of the tradition, right?" I said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

"You heard that?" Cole said, his face reddening.

I grinned.

Xander cleared his throat, drawing my attention momentarily. When I looked back at him, I noticed his gaze fixed on something. I followed his line of sight, and couldn't help but gulp at the sight in front of me.

A very stern-looking Mason stood on the steps of the house with a furious Blake just beside him.

The next few minutes blurred together as Cole guided me up the stairs, and I watched Xander's defenses rise.

We reached the top of the stairs, only to be stopped by Mason, whose imposing figure loomed over us, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. His usually composed demeanour had given way to a fiery intensity, and his piercing brown eyes bore into ours.

"Why don't you save the scolding till after her birthday, yeah?" Xander's words slipped out, his voice laced with defiance as he attempted to pass by the front door.

Blake, quick to respond, stepped in Xander's path, effectively blocking his way. His expression mirrored Mason's, though his struggle to rein in his temper was evident. Taking a step forward, he practically filled the doorway, radiating a simmering anger.

"Do you really think you're in a position to make demands?" Blake spat, his voice dripping with frustration.

Cole, in contrast, remained calm and resolute as he spoke up. "Don't blow this out of proportion. We just wanted to give her something special," he said, his voice steady.

Blake scoffed, a laugh tinged with bitterness escaping his lips. He took another step closer, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Special? Breaking her out of the house in the middle of the night without any warning or permission? That's your idea of special?"

Feeling the tension escalating, I instinctively shuffled closer to Cole, finding solace in his protective stance when he threw an arm around my shoulders. Despite his smaller frame compared to the other three, he emanated a quiet strength that I admired, shielding me from the growing confrontation.

"Now you're scaring her," Xander said with an air of indifference.

"Since when did you start caring?" Blake shot back, his frustration evident.

A whimper escaped my lips, drawing the attention of all three of them. Their eyes flicked to me and my growing distress, and for a moment, the weight of their disappointment pressed down on me, threatening to crush the newfound happiness we had shared earlier.

"Why don't we all calm down and take this inside?" Mason's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, his tone making it painfully clear that it was not a mere suggestion but an order as clear as daylight.

"Now I'm the bad guy," Blake muttered under his breath as we reluctantly made our way into the foyer.

My throat tightened and I swallowed hard.

Following Xander's lead, I headed towards the kitchen, eager to escape the mounting tension. But just as we were about to make it there, Mason's voice sliced through the air, stopping us in our tracks.

"A word, first," he said, his tone firm and commanding.

I watched as Xander took a deep breath, his façade of nonchalance wavering for a moment before he turned to face Mason. Blake, still trembling with anger, stood beside Mason, his frustration evident. However, it was Mason's icy demeanor that sent shivers down my spine. His anger, though restrained, held an intensity that was all the more formidable.

"It was an innocent birthday trip, Mason. You can't seriously be angry?" Xander retorted, trying to mask his fear with a hint of snark.

Blake trembled with barely contained rage, about to interject with a heated remark, but Mason swiftly raised his hand, effectively silencing him before he said something he'd likely regret.

Mason then shifted his attention to me, his expression softening ever so slightly. "Maddie, go upstairs to your room, please," he instructed, his tone surprisingly gentle. "This conversation doesn't concern you."

"But it wasn't their fault," I protested, feeling a surge of protectiveness toward my brothers.

"To your room, please," Mason reiterated, the command in his voice leaving no room for disobedience.

With a nod, I complied, torn between my desire to defend Xander and Cole and my curiosity about the impending conversation. Once out of sight, I positioned myself at the top of the staircase, straining to catch every word exchanged below, my heart beating against my chest.

I saw Mason's gaze shift between the twins, his voice cold and stern - far colder than he had ever spoken to me. "You two disregarded your safety and left in the middle of the night, completing neglecting any sense of responsibility. At nineteen-years-old, I expected better from the pair of you."

Ouch. His words made me shiver on the spot, when they weren't even directed at me.

"It wasn't Xander's fault," Cole explained, defending his twin. "Besides, it was just a harmless trip to the lake."

Blake saw that as a perfect time to jump in, and I barely contained a flinch as he snapped, "You two think you can just do whatever you want and drag Maddie along without considering the consequences? It's irresponsible and dangerous!" Every syllable was dripping with frustration.

"She had a good time, didn't she?" Xander finally spoke up, and though my vantage point was slightly obstructed, I caught his lips twitch into his usual smirk of indifference.

"That's not the point," Blake bit out.

Blake's simmering anger was slowly boiling, but Mason intervened, raising his hand to silence him.

"Blake, I appreciate your concern, but let me handle this," Mason said, his voice firm but calm. He then refocused his attention on Xander and Cole. "You two can't just go on spontaneous trips. Not without proper planning, precautions, and my knowledge. You know that."

Cole shifted uncomfortably under the fire of Blake's gaze and intensity of Mason's, a flicker of remorse crossing his face. Xander, on the other hand, pushed his shoulders back and I was practically begging him to not provoke either brother anymore.

"Oh, come on, you're overreacting," Xander scoffed, trying to brush off the tension with a casual laugh. But his body language betrayed him, revealing the underlying unease he felt.

"Maybe. But I'd rather overreact than carry the guilt if something were to happen to you."

Mason's words struck a chord deep within me, even from where I sat. I could only imagine the effect they had on Xander, standing just a few meters away. The air grew heavy with unspoken emotions, and a subtle tension settled over the room like an invisible fog.

"You both know we need to prioritize safety now more than ever," Mason continued, his voice filled with a thread of disappointment. "And if you want to be the type of role models that Maddie looks up to, you need to do better. Is that clear?"

Xander's shoulders slumped imperceptibly, and Cole's gaze fell to the floor, unable to meet Mason's piercing stare. The weight of Mason's disappointment hung in the air like an oppressive cloud, casting a shadow over the room.

Guilt washed over me, threatening to engulf my every thought, as I couldn't shake the feeling that their argument only came from trying to make my birthday as special as possible.

"Are you kidding me? That's it?" Blake's voice exploded in a mix of frustration and defiance, his words trailing off into a blur as my mind became lost in a whirlwind of introspection and self-blame.

Part of me longed to rush downstairs and shoulder the blame, but deep down, I knew it wouldn't change anything except adding an extra target for Blake's anger. Besides, it was clear that Mason's disappointment stemmed from a place of love, even though he masked it well behind that stern facade.

I'd rather overreact than carry the guilt if something were to happen to you.

Mason's words reverberated in my mind, each syllable etching itself in my mind. For the first time, I questioned if I belonged in that cherished circle of 'you'. A strange longing washed over me—a longing to be seen, protected, and cared for so fiercely. It was a bittersweet realization, one that reminded me of the ten lost years.


The sound of Elijah's gentle voice jolted me from my thoughts. I turned to find him stood a few feet behind me, in joggers and a white tee, with an expression filled with deep understanding. I swallowed, wondering how long he'd been stood there.

"Sorry. I... I was, I wanted to hear what they were saying," I stammered, feeling like a young child with my hand caught in the cookie jar.

Elijah sighed softly, his eyes brimming with empathy. With a tender gesture, he reached out his hand and pulled me to my feet with ease.

"Come on, let's get you back to your room," he said. His eyes twinkled as he looked down at me. "The birthday girl needs her beauty sleep, after all."

I couldn't suppress the way my lips smiled at his words.

Elijah's firm yet gentle touch guided me through the dimly lit hallway, his presence acting as an anchor amidst the sea of my thoughts. With each heavy step, the weight of the evening pressed upon my shoulders.

It wasn't even Mason's reaction that left me unsettled; if anything, his concern had brought a strange comfort. No, the heaviness in my heart came from something deeper - a longing for connection; an ache for ten lost years; and a strange yearning for Mason to care about me like the twins, enough to feel the sting of disappointment.

Elijah settled me into bed, his warm eyes meeting mine with a tender gaze as he pulled the covers up to my chin.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart," he whispered. "Did you have a fun adventure?"

"You're not upset with me?"

A gentle smile curved his lips. "I'm just glad you had a good time," he said, then added more pointedly, "But then by the time I found out, we already knew your whereabouts."

A faint "oh" escaped my lips.

"Mason didn't scare you, did he?" Elijah asked.

"I think he was just worried, more than anything," I admitted.

"You'd be right," he said. His eyes glinted with approval, but they were masked with something darker. "We only got you back yesterday, and when Blake woke Mason up to tell him you were missing... well, I'm sure you can imagine the sort of thoughts that were going through his head."

I swallowed the burden of guilt. I knew all too well what it was like to lose someone.

"Sorry for worrying you," I murmured, a tinge of remorse coloring my words.

Elijah's hand gently brushed my cheek. "Oh, Bambina, it's not your fault," he reassured me, his voice filled with tenderness. His lips curled into a smile. "We both know how persuasive Cole can be."

We exchanged a knowing smile at that. But before I could agree with him, we were interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps, Blake's raised voice echoing through the house, and the heavy slam of a door.

"Blake's kinda scary," I muttered.

Elijah chuckled softly, although understanding filled his features. "Blake has a unique way of showing he cares."

"Could have fooled me," I confessed under my breath.

"He wouldn't have checked on you at four in the morning if he didn't care."

That had me pausing for a moment as I considered his words. I was so distracted by Blake's anger, that I hadn't considered for a moment the fact that he must have checked in on me; that - and this was a stretch - he might have even been worried about me. Warmth filled my veins. Maybe he wasn't all that bad, but I'd never admit that to him.

A yawn escaped me and Elijah decided it was necessary for me to have a "birthday nap" before the second part of the day unfolded. Birthday nap, birthday kidnapping, birthday this, birthday that... what was with all my siblings making everything seem so reasonable by sticking birthday before it?

Before I knew it though, sleep had enveloped me into its folds, keeping me there until the next time I woke.


A/N: Happy birthday, Maddie! You're a teenager😝🥳

What's everyone's thoughts? How cute was the twins little excursion at the lake for her? Who else would like to live by a lake like that and sit and watch the sunrise? I would... every morning.

Brother rankings for this chapter? Xander? Blake? Mason?

I'm thinking of releasing part. 2 of 'birthday' later this week, but stay tuned for more info on this... Maddie's birthday just takes up too many words!

Any questions about the chapter?

Have a lovely week everyone🩷 as always, comments & votes much appreciated!

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