The West Side [Book 1]

By lovelylebo

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After being expelled from his previous school due to violence , Justin Hawk has to adapt to his new life whic... More

Author's Note
chapter 1 : Before the crashing
chapter 2 : Spring
chapter 3 : The west side
Chapter 4 : The westies
Chapter 5 : Mending relationships
Chapter 6 : Sinister
Chapter 7 : Bloodshot eyes
chapter 8 : Nine lives
Chapter 9 : Touch
Chapter 10 : Not ready
Chapter 12 : Truth
Chapter 13 : Heartbeat
Chapter 14 : Sleepover
Chapter 15 : Sunny days
Chapter 16 : Home
Chapter 17 : Heart
Chapter 18 : Ride
Chapter 19 : Say it
Chapter 20 : Wrath
Chapter 21 : Boyfriend
Chapter 22 : Cheating
Chaper 23 : Boys
Chapter 24 : Waves
Chapter 25 : Friends
Chapter 26 : Stepdad
Chapter 27 : Makeover
Chapter 28 : Rules
Chapter 29 : Confrontation
The End .

Chapter 11 : Angry birds

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By lovelylebo

                            I'm not gay !



The following day in the Hawk mansion , no one spoke to one another . It was as if something in the house had switched and it was suddenly cold again . Justin and his mother avoided each other like the plaque . He was bugged because that meant that the relationship they had built was tumbling down in a blink of an eye . His hands were already tied so he couldn't save every piece from falling down . It was depressive to think that they would go back to ignoring each other's existence again , he was already adhered to having his mother's attention by now .

The boy had a slight gut feeling as to why his mother was avoiding him but he couldn't be certain about it . It could be the fact that he didn't inform her about his whereabouts yesterday or maybe his mother was done pretending and was finally sick of him , again . It could be that his mother has found another hobby that she enjoyed rather than to entertain his nonsense . He was insufferable beyond endurance and maybe she was starting to see that .

Justin was currently in the kitchen , looking for something to eat in the fridge . He was in nothing but his black sweatpants , and his unruly hair in every direction . The bruises on his body were healing in an inconceivable way that is not explicable in human intellect . The red blotches from yesterday were now replaced by his fair skin , the scar on his hand had disappeared too .

Nothing was out of the ordinary .  His body was fine too , no pain on his lower back could be detected and he wondered why ? Yesterday he was convinced that he'd broken a muscle but now why was he feeling like a recharged battery ?
He was all but confused at the discovery . Could it be that I was imagining everything ?  It was the only valid answer for all his burning questions .

He closed the fridge after grabbing a water bottle . I just lost my appetite he thought sharply  . He was about to leave the kitchen when his mother suddenly appeared in front of him . She came out of nowhere and he screamed like a girl in her face .

He looked  ridiculous as he jumped away from the kitchen door to save himself from nothing . His mother was looking at him unamused , her hands folded on her bosom . She was looking as elegant as ever , with a knee long red dress that hugged her petite body , and stiletto heels on her feet  . She was wearing a diamond necklace as well , her black hair tied neatly on her head . She looked like a queen , beautiful and graceful .

" Why are you half naked in my kitchen ?" she said , making her way inside the room . Justin couldn't tell if she was in a good mood or not .

" Because it's hot ? " Justin answered timidly . He wasn't expecting his mother to talk to him again . It made him look down guiltily at the little faith he had on her . " I didn't think I'd catch you here , I thought you had gone to work already ."

" It doesn't matter , what's done is done ." she said , leaning over the counter to look at her son properly . He looked different from yesterday . No more bruises plastered his handsome face . " Can you tell me what actually happened yesterday ? "

Justin looked at his mother with wide eyes , how was he supposed to tell her what actually went down ? He couldn't risk her doing something stupid for him again . He was certain she'd hunt Andrew down and make his life a living hell , and he couldn't have that . She may be powerful but Andrew's power was out of this world . That bastard could kill her with a snap of his fingers .  Of course he wouldn't tell her that the guy was a bloody vampire who was out for his blood , his mother would go mad . Who knows what she'd do if she finds out . He wonders if she'd even believe him if he did tell her .

" I'm waiting ..." she said softly . 

" Uh... I can't remember everything . It was dark out and I didn't see the person's face , but he took my wallet ..." he said a shaky voice . He was obviously lying and his mother was looking at him with squinted eyes , detecting his unusual behavior . " I know it's vague information but I was scared shitless , I didn't take notice of everything !"

" Justin , how many times do I have to tell you to fix your language ? Words like that shouldn't be in your vocabulary young man . " the beautiful woman said . " No more using that kind of language in my presence okay ? "

" But I can't help it if they are already in my vocabulary . " he answered truthfully .

" That's no excuse ." his mother said sternly . She grabbed her phone , dialed a few things and turned back to her son . " Now I need you to describe the person who robbed you . Tell me how you even got to that side of town . I need details and be very clear with your descriptions . "


" Come on Justin , I don't have all day ... Just tell me what you remember ." she was growing impatient with him now .

" Are you recording me?" the heir asked his mother , his face in disbelief . " What is this ? An interrogation room ? "

" Yes I'm recording you , I need solid information from you . No person in the world will threaten my son's life and get away with it , not while I'm still alive . They should know that I don't mess around when it comes to my family . So are you ready to talk ?" she asked while placing her phone gently on the counter . " If you don't want that person to be punished for their actions then it's fine with me . I'm not the one that's gonna have nightmares at the end of the day , it's you . The ball is in your court ."

" I'd rather you not get involved mom . I'll be fine , whoever the person was wouldn't bother me again ." He lied a white lie , he knew very well that Andrew would be after him , especially now that he had something against the vampire . " Thank you for your concern though ."

" That boy that you claim saved you , is he really your friend ? " She asked her son , eyeing his every move . From the way his eyes bulged from their sockets , to the sweat on the corner of his eye . She also could see how his face tinted a bit at the mention of the asian boy .

" Yeah , we're friends . " He answered with curtness which gained his mother's suspicion . Hmm ?

" That's all he is , your friend ?" she inquired further , her blue eyes studying Justin's reaction .

" Oh for Pete's sake mom , I'm not gay !! " he shouted .

There was a tense moment in the kitchen before Justin stole a quick glance at his mother . Her face was passive as she looked at him intensely , as if trying to reach into his soul . He gulped down his frustrations and looked back at the interesting floor . Me and my big mouth , now she suspects something .

" I didn't say you were ... " she finally said , her eyes still on her son . " Perhaps there's something you're not telling me ? Should I be concerned ?"

" No , I'm definitely not hiding anything . " he answered flatly .

" I don't believe you , I know there's something you're not telling me . Whatever it is , I want to know . I'm your mother Justin , you shouldn't hide anything from me . " She made her way by his side and interlocked their fingers . " I know I haven't been the best mom to you , I know I haven't been around much and it's hard to trust me just yet . I know all that okay . But I want you to know that I am trying to be the best I could be to you . I'm working on it  . I love you Justin . "

Justin had to blink away the tears from his eyes to see his mother's sad expression . She had finally said it , the three words he'd been dying to hear from her . His ears must have been deceiving him .

" Did you just ... I think I was only 6 when you stopped saying that to me . All these years I was convinced that you never loved me , that you hated me just like everybody else did . " He sobbed , his fingers tightening around her slender ones .

" I'm sorry for everything , I hope this time I can make it up to you for everything I've missed out ... " She said as her aquatic eyes birthed tears . She let go of her son's hand to give him a heartwarming hug . Justin hugged her back immediately , burying his face on the crook of her neck . Inhaling his mother's sweet scent , he sighed loudly .

It was the first time that Justin saw her cry , the sight was heartbreaking . His mother was a strong woman , seeing her cry broke him . It wasn't his intention to make her cry , he hated it when people cried because of him . So he held his mother tightly , afraid of letting go . They were the same height so it was easier for him to hold her .

He rubbed a soothing hand on her back when he heard her sobs getting heavier . He let his own tears flow , making pools of sorrow on his mom's back .

" I love you too mom . " he whispered .


" Do you realise the damage you caused ? What were you fucking thinking !? " Tip yelled from the top of his lungs , pointing his index finger to the indifferent vampire .

They were in an abandoned house , in a deserted area where no life could be detected . Andrew and his minions were sitting on a worn out couch while Elle was standing by a cracked window . Her expression was forlorn as she looked into the distance . Anyone could tell that she was not happy with how things came out to be . That was not the way she had planned on telling Justin the truth about who she really was . She was hoping to take back time and do things differently .

After Justin ran away yesterday , Elle decided to sent Tip a message , telling him everything that happened and how Justin was almost bit by Andrew . She texted him because she didn't trust her voice . Tip had answered immediately by calling her back , she had answered the call with shaky hands .

Tip only received the message after Justin left his place with his mom . So he couldn't do anything because Justin was already gone . He would have explained everything to the boy .

He had read the message over again to make sure he was reading it correctly . His first thought was  Holy cow , were screwed ! He wasn't expecting Andrew would stoop this low . He wondered what triggered his actions . After contemplating it , he decided to call a meeting with Andrew and his minions because it seemed like the right thing to do  .

Which resulted in them sitting stiffly in the abandoned house . The house was big and old , dust particles in whirlpools  . The floor was made of wood , which creaked to life with every step . But Tip wasn't worried about the house , he was worried about their current situation .

" He wasn't thinking ... He never thinks , all he does is talk shit and now we're here because of him . " Elle's voice interrupted the silence , she was still looking in the far distance . A pained look had graced her beautiful features , making it hard for a person to think straight .

" I'm glad one of us is able to talk shit ... " Andrew sassed . He was sitting comfortably on the couch like he owned the place . His whole body was relaxed , his legs spread in a dominant manner . He was oozing confidence  when he spoke .

" The fuck are you even saying ?! " Tip bellowed . He was pissed off at the vampire but unfortunately couldn't do anything about it . All he could do was throw insults .

" See , all that's coming out of his fanged mouth is bullshit , he doesn't care ." Elle injected , now making her way to the others in the room . She stood next to her friend while the others looked up to them .

" I'm starting to think you have a crush on the human Electra . " Andrew said with a smirk . He was looking at Elle hungrily , eyeing her exposed legs shamelessly .

Elle decided to give him something to look at by sitting on a wooden chair seductively and spreading her legs in the process . This earned a whistle from the vampire as he licked his lips . She was wearing a short tennis skirt and a blue crop top . The boys must have seen more than her legs .

Tip who was unaffected by his friend's seductive nature , rolled his eyes . Elle didn't need to look to know that Beau was now scowling , she could see from the corner of her eye . She didn't want to entertain the bloodsucking bastard , but felt the need to . She couldn't let Beau believe that she was crushing on Justin . That would ruin her chances .

" It's Elle for you. "  She said rather calmly and briefly looked for a reaction on Beau's face . But the boy was looking at her closed legs , he seemed to be in deep thought ." And no , I don't have a crush on him , he's my friend ."

" Wow  but you're doing so much for someone you just met ..." Andrew said with a hint of a smile . " You saved his pathetic life and you welcomed him to your little friendship but now he hates your guts . "

" That's fucking besides the point ! I just want to know how we'll get out of this mess ... " Tip said . " You know , if I knew that your minions would be less of help , I wouldn't have called them or do they need your permission before opening their mouths?"

" Got nothin to say . "  Toni answered on his behalf , shrugging his shoulder boredly .

" Got nothin to say ." Beau imitated his friend .

That was the last straw for Tip , he pinched the bridge of his nose distressfully . These were adults acting like 5 year olds . He was sitting with a bunch of immatures . His only attempts at having a civil conversation became futile .

" You know what , this is hopeless ! " he said after a while .

" Don't fret about it , the boy's your friend . Why don't you just talk to him to an understanding of things ? " Beau suggested at seeing the worried face of the Asian boy .

" Or we could just eliminate him and refrain from the hassle of explaining things . " Andrew said , looking at his friend with deadly eyes that spoke volumes .

" We're not killing him !" Elle and Tip said simultaneously .

" Why not , it'll be better when he's dead anyway ." Toni said nonchalantly , he didn't care about if he sounded cruel . Besides , the boy wasn't his friend .

" We're not killing him and that's final ..." Tip said , walking to where the others sat to stand in front of the vampire . He leaned down closer to Andrew's face and smirked before say ;

" You seem threatened by him . "

Andrew's smile vanished from his pale face , replaced by a scowl . Tip was looking at him knowingly and that made him uneasy . He was about to say something but Elle beat him to it .

" Of course he is , he hates it when you get close to other people . He thinks he owns everything , including you Tip " she said .

" This bastard doesn't own me . I'd be damned . " Tip said in disgust .

" Okay I think we should leave ." Beau said through the tense atmosphere . He was still  looking at Elle's legs thoughtfully as if they would magically open up again .

The fuck ? Elle was thinking , her emotions getting the best of her . She looked around the others but they were all engrossed in the argument , yelling over one another . She smirked a little as she began spreading her legs slowly , her attention on the boy's dark eyes . She could see how his Adam's Apple bobbed the wider her legs spread .

Beau fidgeted as she spread her legs more wider , showing off her lacey red underwear . His face became hot , his body tingling at the sight . He could feel himself getting tighter in his pants which was something he never experienced . Elle was looking at him suggestively , her lips trapped between her teeth . It felt like it was just the two of them and his eyes were on her genital area .

He could do nothing but look as she slowly rolled her hips on the chair , grinding with precision . He swallowed hard when he saw the look she was giving him . Unknowingly to him , his pants had gotten wet but his attention was on the girl who was doing things to him .

As he was still enjoying the show , Elle suddenly cleared her throat and closed her legs swiftly . Tip had caught her seducing the boy and she knew she was not going to hear the end of it . He was gonna tease her about it  . She almost groaned when he smiled smirked at her .  So much for having my back !

" Alright ... we're leaving ." Andrew announced , walking out the door with his friends following behind .

Beau glanced at Elle one last time before walking out of the door without saying anything else  ...

" That was interesting ... " Tip observed .

" No shit , he's finally noticing me !" Elle quelled dramatically .

" Because you fucking seduced him ! " the boy  said , smacking his friend on the head .

" Ouch , that hurt you fucking sadist ! "

" You deserve it . " Tip said with a roll of his eyes . " Who the fuck opens their legs in a room filled with hormonal teenage boys , you were dry humping the poor chair ! "

" Hey don't judge me , I wasn't thinking straight . He kept staring at my legs and I wanted to show him what he's missing out on !" she said defensively . " I didn't see him complaining ... I bet he got hard for me "

" You're sick .."

Its's progress , Elle thought laughed wholeheartedly .


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