Chapter 12 : Truth

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                       The truth shall set you free



Ring ring ring ...

Justin woke up the Monday morning feeling sick to the stomach . It was the same feeling he always had before going to his old school and he can't remember the last time he felt it . He hated to admit that it was messing with his mind . You have to face your fears , his mother would tell him and he wanted laugh at the irony . The idea of him facing his fears seemed far-fetched and ridiculous . Who the hell would want to face a whole damn vampire ?  He'd almost turned into a blood bag if it weren't for Elle saving him . No one would want to face death like that . Not even his mother would want to face it so why must he ?

" I feel so sick ." he whispered , turning on his bed so he was laying on his back . He was looking at the ceiling dazedly , his emotions whirling like a troubled storm . As his green eyes zeroed on his white ceiling , he body froze . He should have gotten up from his bed by now but his mind was preoccupied . He couldn't move a muscle .

There was a weird sensation in the pits of his stomach , like something was clawing at his insides .  His sickness was obviously caused by his fear of having to walk the hallways of the West , knowing that there are vampires amongst them . Well , at least one vampire . He couldn't say the same about Elle . She could be anything and everything . Whatever power she possessed made her ten times more scarier .

He could see the vivid image of her blue hair swaying as electricity emitted from her body . Her eyes were the reflection of lightning which scared him the most . He didn't recognise her at first but when she spoke , he knew right away . She was the only person he knew with that voice . The only person who dared to save him from death itself .

He didn't know how to feel about her though , sure he was mad that she hadn't been fully honest with him . But he knew that she had her reasons . If he was in her shoes , he'd done the same thing . They've only been friends for a few weeks so she wasn't obligated to share everything with him just yet . Their friendship wasn't that deep .

Not everyone believed in the existence of monstrous creatures or whatever the hell they were . He could understand her point of view but what about their friendship ? What did this mean for him , was he still gonna hang out with them ?

As he laid on his bed , he thought of all the possibilities of seeing his nemesis , Andrew . How will the vampire react to him ? Will his baneful fangs seek to pierce him again or will he pretend nothing happened that night . How will Justin react when he sees him ?  I'll probably cry , he thought gravely .

But Justin had the biggest question in his mind . Why does it seem like everything has gone back to normal ?  Nothing was different with him , he wasn't hallucinating like a normal person would at seeing something so horrendous . He wasn't having nightmares , he didn't have sleepless nights and he was himself again . What happened the other night should have made him restless but he was as good as new . Perhaps this was the sign that he was really crazy , that his mind was deceiving him by creating illusionary ideas .

Ring ring ring

He looked at his phone to see who was calling him and frowned at seeing Elle's name pop up on the screen . Why was she calling him ? He looked at the screen , contemplating on answering but decided to just ignore her . He wasn't in the mood to entertain her , not today .

He got up from his bed sluggishly , stretched his tense muscles and went to freshen up for school . He was reluctant at first , but chose to face whatever the world threw at him .

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